27 research outputs found

    Perceptions of teachers and students participating in the stem Oman program in light of some variables

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    This study aimed to identify the perceptions of teachers and students about STEM OMAN program in light of some variables. The study used a descriptive research approach. The sample of the study consisted of (51) male and female teachers and (1012) students from grade 10 selected from those who participated in the program. They were selected using a convenience sampling method during the academic year 2019/2020. To achieve the aims of the study, two questionnaires were developed: one for teachers and the other for students. Also, individual interviews were conducted for a sample of teachers and a focus group interview for a sample of students. The validity of the questionnaires and the interviews were verified by a group of specialized judges. The reliability of the two questionnaires was examined through the internal consistency (Alpha Cronbach), which was found to be (0.86) for the teachers\u27 questionnaire as a whole and (0.77) for the students\u27 questionnaire as a whole. The results of the study showed that the teachers and the students had positive perceptions about the design of the STEM OMAN program as well as its implementation and impact. Also, the results revealed that the participants perceived moderate difficulties in the implementation of the program, most notably the weakness of the Internet in the school and the insufficient time allocated to implement the activities of the program. The results also indicated that there were no statistically significant differences in teachers\u27 perceptions about the program due to gender, years of teaching experience and years of supervision. However, there were statistically significant gender differences in students\u27 perceptions about the design and implementation of the program favoring females as well as in the difficulties in implementing the program favoring males. In light of the previous results, the study propose several recommendations such as allocating fixed lesson in the school timetable for the program and preparing an assessment form to follow the student\u27s progress in the program. The study suggests conducting a comparative study between students participating in the program and non-participants, in terms of possessing the skills of the twenty-first century, skills of science operations and students ’attitudes toward science

    Emotional Intelligence Among School Teachers in Oman

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    This paper sheds light into the role of emotional intelligence in school teaching. It reports the findings of a study that sought to investigate the emotional intelligence of 4,098 school teachers in the Sultanate of Oman in five dimensions using the Schutte Emotional Intelligence Scale (SEIS). The study also measured the relationship between teachers’ emotional intelligence and a number of demographic teacher and school variables. The results showed that teachers’ emotional intelligence was high in all five dimensions. There were variations in teachers’ emotional intelligence based on certain teacher and school variables. Key words: job satisfaction, Sultanate of Oman, teachers’ emotional intelligence. Cet article fait la lumière sur le rôle de l’intelligence émotionnelle dans l’enseignement. L’article fait rapport des résultats d’une étude ayant porté sur l’intelligence émotionnelle, selon cinq dimensions, de 4 098 enseignants dans le Sultanat d’Oman en employant l’échelle de Schutte sur l’intelligence émotionnelle. L’étude a également mesuré le rapport entre l’intelligence émotionnelle des enseignants et un certain nombre de variables démographiques liées aux enseignants et aux écoles. Les résultats indiquent que l’intelligence émotionnelle des enseignants étaient élevée pour toutes les dimensions. Des variations dans l’intelligence émotionnelle des enseignants se sont révélées selon les variables liées aux enseignants et aux écoles. Mots clés : satisfaction professionnelle; Sultanat d’Oman; intelligence émotionnelle chez les enseignants   Saleh Al-Busaidi1, Said Aldhafri12, Marwa Alrajhi1, Hussain Alkharusi1,, Bader Alkharusi3,, Abdullah Ambusaidi1, Khoula Alhosni

    Students\u27 perceptions about electronic assessment and their relationships to learning styles and academic self-efficacy

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    The present study aimed to identify students\u27 perceptions about electronic assessment and their relationships to learning styles and academic self-efficacy. The sample of the study consisted of 342 male and female students enrolled in the baccalaureate programs at Sultan Qaboos University for the second semester of the academic year 2019/2020. To achieve the goals of the study, three instruments were used after establishing their validity and reliability: Students\u27 Perceptions about Electronic Assessment Questionnaire, Academic Self-Efficacy Beliefs Scale, and Preferred Learning Styles Scale. The results of the study showed that students had a neutral perception about electronic assessment and medium level of academic self-efficacy. Also, the results showed that the most preferred learning styles for students were in order: the participatory, competitive, and independent; whereas the least preferred learning styles for students were in order: the cooperative, dependent, and avoidant. Further, the results showed a mediating effect of academic self-efficacy in the relationship between some of the students\u27 preferred learning styles and perceptions about electronic assessment, as well as a direct positive effect of the cooperative learning style on the perception of electronic assessment. The study came out with a set of recommendations and suggestions to enhance students\u27 perceptions of electronic assessment

    Cohen’s criteria for interpreting practical significance indicators: A critical study

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    The present study aimed at clarifying the various shortcomings of the Cohen’s criteria for the interpretation of the values of the practical significance indicators. The hypothetical data were used for two experimental and control groups and calculating the paired-samples t-test. To clarify the inadequacy of Cohen’s criteria in interpreting practical significance indicators, it was compared with another criterion which is Black’s Modified Gain Ratio. Through the compatibility of mathematical equations to calculate the practical significance and the values of the interpretations of the correlation coefficient, the present study suggested that a criterion for the practical significance should be as follows: small when the values of the index (d) are less than (0.631), medium when the values are between 0.631 and 1.50 and large when the values are equal to or greater than (1.51). The study showed the justifications that distinguish this criterion from the Cohen criterion

    Faculty members’ perceptions about the effectiveness of the procedures for applying the appraisal of academic staff at Sultan Qaboos University

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    The appraisal of academic staff at Sultan Qaboos University (SQU) has been in place for many years as a quality assurance measure. Its primary objective is to enhance staff performance by identifying commendable areas and those requiring improvement in daily activities. Over the years, this appraisal has contributed in faculty development and quality assurance as well as in the continuous improvement. This study explores the perceptions of faculty members at the College of Education concerning the procedures for applying the academic appraisal form at SQU. Utilizing a mixed-method approach (quantitative and qualitative), including questionnaire and semi-structured interview, the research examines the faculty members' views on the effectiveness of the appraisal procedures. The sample participating in this study was 54 faculty members. Out of the 54 participants, 48 completed the questionnaire, while 6 were chosen for in-depth semi-structured interviews. The sample included a wide range of participants to reflect the diversity within the academic staff. The findings may offer valuable insights into the current status of these perceptions and potentially assist policy makers at SQU in enhancing the existing procedures and system for applying the academic appraisal. Furthermore, the results may lead to a set of recommendations and directions for future research, helping to improve the robustness and applicability of the appraisal system within the university context

    Building the Sixth-Grade Students of Mnemonics in Science according to the Imagery Style

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    ملخص: هدفت الدراسة الحالية إلى الكشف عن تأثير أنماط التصور الذهني (التخطيطي/الصوري) لدى طالبات الصف السادس الأساسي في بنائهن معينات الذاكرة في مادة العلوم، وذلك بتطبيق منهج البحث النوعي؛ ولتحقيق هذا الهدف طُبقت المقابلات المعمقة شبه المقننة، كما طُبق مقياس التصور الذهني قبليًا لتصنيف الطالبات حسب نمط التصور الذهني. فاختيرت عينة مكونة من (12) طالبة بالطريقة القصدية في محافظة مسقط في العام الدراسي 2019/2020، وكانت هذه العينة ضمن ثلاث مجموعات دراسية وهي: مجموعة استخدام معينات الذاكرة والتي دُرست باستخدام إستراتيجيات لمعينات الذاكرة، ومجموعة بناء معينات الذاكرة وهي التي قامت فيها الطالبات ببناء معينات الذاكرة، والمجموعة الضابطة والتي دُرست بالطريقة السائدة. أجريت المقابلات بعد المعالجة، فأظهرت نتائج تحليل المقابلات تميز طالبات مجموعة استخدام معينات الذاكرة بتنوع إستراتيجيات معينات الذاكرة التي قامت ببنائها، وتميزت مجموعة بناء معينات الذاكرة بالسلاسة في بناء المعينات، واتباع منهجية معينة عند بناء معينات الذاكرة، كذلك ظهر اختلاف في بناء معينات الذاكرة بين الطالبات حسب نمط التصور الذهني؛ فتميزت الطالبات ذوات نمط التصور الذهني الصوري بتوظيف الصور والتفصيل في الاستجابات، في حين اختفت الرسومات لدى غالبية طالبات نمط التصور الذهني التخطيطي، وإن وجدت فتكون خالية من التفاصيل. أوصت الدراسة باعتماد إستراتيجيات معينات الذاكرة كإستراتيجيات تدريس مع تخصيص جزء من وقت الحصة الدراسية لإكساب الطلبة هذه الإستراتيجيات وتشجيعهم على بناء معينات خاصة بهم.Abstract: The study aimed to investigate the effect of the imagery style (schematic / pictorial) among the sixth grade students in their building mnemonics in science. A qualitative research method was used and semi-structured in-depth interviews were applied. The imagery style scale was also applied to classify the students according to the types of imagery styles. A sample of 12 students was selected purposefully in Muscat Governorate in the academic year 2019/2020. The sample of the study was within three study groups: the first group was the mnemonics usage group. The second group was the mnemonics-building group and the third group was the control group which was taught in the conventional teaching method. The interviews were conducted after the treatment with the study sample. The results of the interview analysis showed that the students of the mnemonics usage group were characterized by the variety of strategies for mnemonics that they built. In constructing, the mnemonics building group was characterized by smoothness in mnemonics and following a particular methodology when constructing mnemonics. There was also a difference in the building of mnemonics among the students according to the types of imagery style. The students with the pictorial imagery style were distinguished by the use of images and expanding the responses. While the drawings of the majority of the students of the schematic imagery style disappeared, and if they existed, then they are devoid of details. The study recommended the adoption of mnemonics as teaching strategies. As well as allocating part of the class time to provide students with these strategies and encourage them to build their own mnemonics

    أثر حجم العينة على مؤشرات الدلالات الإحصائية والعملية في رسائل الماجستير بالجامعات العمانية = The effect of sample size on statistical and practical significance levels used in master’s theses in Education at Omani Universities

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    هدفت الدراسة إلى بحث أثر حجم العينة على كل من مستويات الدلالة الإحصائية ومؤشرات الدلالة العلمية في الاختبارات الإحصائية المستخدمة في رسائل الماجستير التربوية المنجزة بالجامعات العمانية. وتم استخدام المنهج الوصفي المسحي للإجابة على أسئلة الدراسة. وتكونت عينة الدراسة من (628) رسالة ماجستير بنسبة (33.14%) من مجتمع الدراسة والذي بلغ (1895) رسالة ماجستير. وصمَّم الباحث أداة تحليل المحتوى لجمع البيانات الخاصة بالاختبارات الإحصائية التي تضمنها البحث، وهي اختبارات ت واختبارات تحليل التباين، ومعاملات ارتباط بيرسون، ومعاملات الانحدار، وتم استخلاص قيم أحجام العينات وقيم الدلالات الإحصائية والعملية لهذه الاختبارات من رسائل الماجستير التي تضمنتها عينة الدراسة. وبعد تحليل هذه البيانات خلصت الدراسة إلى مجموعة من النتائج أهمها: وجود علاقة إيجابية دالة إحصائيًّا بين الدلالة الإحصائية وحجم العينة في جميع الاختبارات الإحصائية، وعلاقة سلبية دالة إحصائيًّا بين حجم العينة ومستويات الدلالة العملية، لجميع الاختبارات الإحصائية عدا اختبارات معامل ارتباط بيرسون. وأوصت الدراسة بتضمين مؤشرات الدلالة العملية في مقررات الإحصاء ومناهج البحث لطلبة الدراسات العليا في الجامعات العمانية. ********************************************************************************* This study examined the effects of sample size on both the levels of statistical and practical significance in the statistical tests used in master’s theses in education at four Omani universities that offer master’s programs. The descriptive survey design was used to answer the research questions. A random sample of 628 master’s theses was selected for the analysis, representing 33.14% of the total population of 1,895 theses produced by the four universities. The researcher developed a content analysis tool to collect and analyze the data on the statistical tests spanning the use of t-test, analysis of variance tests, Pearson correlation, and regression analysis. The results revealed the presence of a statistically significant positive relationship between sample size and the statistical significance found in all the statistical tests, which means the bigger the sample, the greater the likelihood of finding a statistical significance. However, an inverse association was found between sample size and the levels of practical significance for all statistical tests, except in studies where Pearson correlation was used. The study recommends that indicators of practical significance be included in statistical and research methods courses for postgraduate students in Omani universities

    2010 (nº 22). -1364-Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology

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    Revisión bibliográfica sobre metas de logro y estructura de metas del aula: implicaciones para futuras investigaciones Resumen Desde su origen a finales de 1970 y principios de 1980, la teoría del logro de la meta ha proporcionado importantes contribuciones a la investigación y la práctica en la educación y la psicología. La teoría ha sido considerada como un marco de influencia para la conceptualización de la motivación del estudiante. La motivación se refiere a la dinámica de la interacción de muchos factores en una determinada relación persona-medio ambiente que comporta una experiencia dirigida a una meta y el comportamiento. El impacto del entorno de aprendizaje en la motivación de los estudiantes, que se define como orientaciones de meta de logro, ha sido el foco de muchos estudios. Este documento incluye una revisión de la bibliografía presentando las investigaciones relacionadas con la teoría de logro de los objetivos, la estabilidad de las metas de logro, la estructura objetivo salón de clases, y múltiples objetivos, junto con implicaciones para futuras investigaciones. Los resultados de los estudios examinados en el trabajo apuntan a la importancia de considerar tanto las percepciones de uno mismo y el grupo de las metas de logro en el ámbito académico. Esta línea de investigación se proporcionan a los educadores y psicólogos con formas útiles y significativas de mejorar el aprendizaje y la motivación. Palabras clave: las metas de logro, la motivación, el aprendizaje, la estructura objetivo aula, Since its origin in the late 1970s and early 1980s, achievement goal theory has provided significant contributions to the research and practice in education and psychology. The theory has been considered to be an influential framework for conceptualizing student motivation. The term motivation refers to the interaction dynamics of many factors in a given person-environment relationship involving goal-directed experience and behavior. The impact of learning environment on student motivation, defined as achievement goal orientations, has been the focus of many studies. This paper includes a review of literature discussing research related to achievement goal theory, stability of achievement goals, classroom goal structure, and multiple goals along with implications for future research. The findings of studies reviewed in the paper point to the importance of considering both self and group perceptions of achievement goals in academic settings. This line of inquiry will provide educators and psychologists with helpful and meaningful ways of enhancing student learning and motivation