154 research outputs found

    Model selection and testing for an automated constraint modelling toolchain

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    Constraint Programming (CP) is a powerful technique for solving a variety of combinatorial problems. Automated modelling using a refinement based approach abstracts over modelling decisions in CP by allowing users to specify their problem in a high level specification language such as ESSENCE. This refinement process produces many models resulting from different choices that can be selected, each with their own strengths. A parameterised specification represents a problem class where the parameters of the class define the instance of the class we wish to solve. Since each model has different performance characteristics the model chosen is crucial to be able to solve the instance effectively. This thesis presents a method to generate instances automatically for the purpose of choosing a subset of the available models that have superior performance across the instance space. The second contribution of this thesis is a framework to automate the testing of a toolchain for automated modelling. This process includes a generator of test cases that covers all aspects of the ESSENCE specification language. This process utilises our first contribution namely instance generation to generate parameterised specifications. This framework can detect errors such as inconsistencies in the model produced during the refinement process. Once we have identified a specification that causes an error, this thesis presents our third contribution; a method for reducing the specification to a much simpler form, which still exhibits a similar error. Additionally this process can generate a set of complementary specifications including specifications that do not cause the error to help pinpoint the root cause

    Field Assessment of Non-nuclear Methods Used for Hot Mix Asphalt Density Measurement

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    Destructive nature along with the associated higher cost of the traditional core method used for hot mix asphalt density measurement has convinced researchers switching to some non-destructive technique for this purpose which is cost efficient as well. Earlier, nuclear density gauges were introduced for this purpose which was non-destructive as well. Since such devices were associated with the use of gamma rays, therefore, leading to safety and health issues. Last decade observed a revolution in asphalt density measurement technique with the evolution of non-nuclear density gauges. This research work is carried out with the objective to determine the efficiency and accuracy of a newly developed non-nuclear density gauge i.e. PQI-380 for field conditions as it needs its thorough evaluation prior to future uses in many of the developing countries including Pakistan. Density data obtained using standard core method and non-nuclear density gauge for 195 location confirms the satisfactory performance of the instrument. Results obtained show that the coefficient of correlation is near to 0.9. which refers to a strong correlation between the density data. Moreover, performance criteria e.g. root mean square error and mean absolute error between the density data set is also very low confirming the good measuring abilities of the device. Instrument performed well for repeatability analysis giving maximum coefficient of variance less than 5 percent

    Exosomes: Salivary Biomarkers?

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    Saliva is a bio-fluid considered similar to blood in that it contains various DNAs, RNAs and proteins. Therefore, it is a fluid with diagnostic potential. In recent time, exosomes are emerging as nano-vesicles which enhance intra-cellular communication. Exosomal content, which is dependent on the cell of origin, reflects physiological status of cells. Exosomes have potentials for use as biomarkers for variant diseases, based on their stability and availability in various body fluids. Current studies have proposed the role of exosomes as immuno-modulators in the etiology of auto-immune diseases and cancers. The present study focused on the role of exosomes as biomarkers and their therapeutic potentials in particular diseases related to the oral cavity. Keywords: Exosomes, Auto-immune, Biomarkers, Saliva, Diagnosi

    Uvođenje novog katetera u cistostomiji kliničkih slučajeva opstruktivne urolitijaze u goveda.

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    The present study was carried out to evaluate a simple innovative tube cystostomy technique for the management of bovine clinical cases of obstructive urolithiais. The materials of this study formed 20 clinical cases of obstructive urolithiasis, equally and randomly distributed in two groups. Diagnosis of the disease was made on the basis of a history of anuria, clinical signs, radiographic and ultrasonographic examinations. The confirmed cases of obstructive urolithiasis were managed by two surgical techniques, i.e., tube cystostomy with Foley’s catheter (group A) and tube cystostomy with simple polyvinyl chloride catheter tubing (group B). In all the animals litholytic agents, anti-infl ammatory drugs and antibiotics, along with urine acidifiers, were given. The surgical techniques were evaluated on the basis of clinical, haematobiochemical parameters, and postoperative surgical complications. Duration of surgery and overall success rate were also recorded in each group. Haematobiochemical alterations returned to normalcy more quickly in the animals of group A as compared to those of group B. The survival rate was similar in the animals of both the groups; however complications like catheter blockade were found more often in group A animals. Tube cystostomy with polyvinyl chloride tubing may be a feasible method for the management of obstructive urolithiasis in field conditions. It needs more refinement and further evaluation before its recommendation for in field use.Ovo istraživanje bilo je provedeno radi prosudbe vrijednosti novoga jednostavnoga postupka cistostomije pri obradi kliničkih slučajeva opstruktivne urolitijaze u goveda. Dvadeset goveda s klinički dokazanom opstruktivnom urolitijazom bilo je nasumce podijeljeno u dvije skupine po deset goveda. Dijagnoza je bila postavljena na osnovi podataka o anuriji, prisutnim kliničkim znakovima te na osnovi radiografske i ultrazvučne pretrage. Potvrđeni slučajevi opstruktivne urolitijaze bili su obrađeni dvama kirurškim postupcima: cistostomijom kod koje je bio rabljen Foleyev kateter (skupina A) i uporabom jednostavnoga polivinil-kloridnoga katetera (skupina B). Svima životinjama bile su primijenjene litolitičke tvari, protuupalni lijekovi, antibiotici i sredstva za zakiseljavanje mokraće. Kirurške tehnike bile su vrednovane na osnovi kliničkih, hematoloških i biokemijskih pokazatelja i postoperativnih kirurških komplikacija. Za svaku skupinu uzeto je u obzir trajanje operacije i njezina uspješnost. Promjene u hematološkim i biokemijskim pokazateljima brže su se vratile na normalne vrijednosti u životinja skupine A u odnosu na skupinu B. Stopa preživljavanja bila je slična u životinja obiju skupina. Međutim, komplikacije poput začepljenja katetera bile su češće u životinja skupine A. Cistostomija pri kojoj je rabljen polivinil-kloridni kateter lako je izvediva metoda za obradu opstruktivne urolitijaze u terenskim uvjetima. Ipak, prije preporuke za terensku uporabu nužno je njezino daljnje usavršavanje

    OPEN: Optimized Path Planning Algorithm with Energy Efficiency and Extending Network - Lifetime in WSN

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    In vitro shoot regeneration of fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.) using different cytokinins

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    Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.) is an important vegetable, spice and medicinal legume plantused as fresh and dried leaves and seeds in many parts of the world. Fenugreek seeds contain polysaccharide galactomannan and different saponins and have anti-microbial activity. The study presents an efficient shoot regeneration protocols from 8 - 10 days old in vitro grown cotyledon node explants cultured on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with 0.05 - 0.80 mg/l kinetin, 0.25 - 1.0 mg/l 6 benzyladenine (BA) with 0 and 0.20 mg/l α naphtalene acetic acid (NAA) and 0.05 - 0.80 mg/l thidiazuran (TDZ) with 0 and 0.10 mg/l indole 3 butyric acid (IBA). All culture mediums were solidified with 0.22% gelrite. Maximum shoot regeneration and number of shoots per explant were recorded on MS medium supplemented with TDZ with or without IBA. Maximum of 22.21 shoots per explant were recorded on MS medium containing 0.40 mg/l TDZ. Presence of auxins in the culture medium positively increased the mean shoot length. Regenerated shoots were transferred to rooting media containing 0.1 - 1.0 mg/l IBA or NAA.Key words: Fenugreek , cotyledon node, hypocotyl, shoot regeneration

    Comparison and Analysis of Network Construction Methods for Seismicity Based on Complex Networks

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    The approach of the complex network has well described seismic complex systems. In this paper, this is the first time three classical network construction methods for seismicity are compared. By using the same dataset from the Southern California Seismic Network, three networks are constructed. They all present the scale-free, small-world properties, a strength-degree correlation, and an assortative mixing feature. However, they show some differences in the hierarchical clustering feature. On observing the evolution results, three measures show a similar correlation with seismicity dynamics, but one measure shows a different result. These results show that different network construction methods will present some similarities and differences in network properties. This situation needs to be considered, especially when discussing a predictive indicator of seismicity

    Holistic User eXperience in Mobile Augmented Reality Using User eXperience Measurement Index

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    © 2019 IEEE. User eXperience (UX) evaluation in the field of Mobile Augmented Reality (MAR) is a challenging task, which requires the application of many heterogeneous methods, producing a variety of raw signals and subjective data. This multi-method approach is essential for capturing the holistic UX of any product, service or system. In order to convert this data into information and subsequently knowledge, a comprehensive and scalable system is required which can not only quantify the individual UX metrics but also produce a concise result, which is interpretable by anyone. We call this result, the User Experience Measurement Index, and in this paper we present the results of adopting the mixed method UX evaluation approach for evaluating a prototype MAR application using various methods and sensors, applied before, during, and after its usage. Additionally, we present the methodology and results for calculating the UXMI