28,131 research outputs found

    Event rates vs. cross sections at neutrino telescopes

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    One of the major goals of neutrino astronomy is to explore the otherwise unknown fluxes and interactions of ultrahigh energy neutrinos. The existing neutrino telescopes look at three types of events: particle showers, muons, and taus. In this paper we discuss the dependence of the event rates on the neutrino nucleon cross-sections as we scale the cross sections, with energy, in different scenarios beyond the standard model. Our focus will be on the IceCube detector.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figures; proceedings of the "TeV Particle Astrophysics II", Madison, Wisconsin; to be published in the Journal of Physics: Conference Serie

    Ethnic Group Migration Within Britain During 2000-01: A District Level Analysis

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    Using data from the 2001 Census Special Migration Statistics, this paper explores how migration volumes, propensities and patterns vary between ethnic groups at the local authority district level in Great Britain. Whilst ethnic minority populations show a marked urban-rural contrast, ethnic minority net migration across the country does not reflect the pattern of counterurbanisation shown by the white group. In those districts with non-white shares of population above the national norm, there is evidence of higher white internal net out-migration. However, when we decompose the net migration balances of London’s boroughs, different spatial processes occurring in inner and outer boroughs are revealed and ethnic minority groups are shown to be decentralising from centres of concentration

    Internal Migration of Ethnic Groups in England and Wales by Age and District Type

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    This paper examines how internal migration propensities vary by age and ethnic group using data from level 1 (district) scale in England and Wales extracted from the 2001 Census Special Migration Statistics and from tables specially commissioned from the Office of National Statistics. The paper identifies age-specific variation in migration propensities by ethnic group at national level before examining the spatial patterns of age-specific inter-district migration using the family and class groupings defined in a recent area classification, demonstrating how minority ethnic group propensities and patterns compare with those of white migrants

    Combed Cotton Yarn Exports of Pakistan to the US : A Dispute Settlement Case

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    After giving an overview of the state of migration policy in developing countries with special reference to Pakistan this paper essentially revisits the issue of policy and its effect on rural to urban migration under an extended family theoretical framework. This specific approach is motivated by empirical literature on migration in the context of developing countries which suggests the emergence of spatially separated but economically linked rural and urban households - expanded or extended families. The extended family in this paper consists of two households, the rural-origin and its urban-migrant offshoot. The migrant after leaving the countryside joins relatives in the city who through the assumption of income sharing within households sustain the migrant in case of unemployment. The economic tie linking the two households is remittances flowing from the migrants to the family members left behind. All decisions, migration and remittance, are based on altruism rather then self-interest. Thus in the model both migration and remittances are endogenously determined. This extended family framework is then employed to analyze the effect of the standard policy prescriptions, i.e., urban employment subsidy and a rural income subsidy on migration and urban employment. Also, the welfare effect of a subsidy transfer from urban to rural sector is analyzed. The results, especially in the case of the rural subsidy provision, are qualitatively different from those in the standard Harris-Todaro type literature on migration suggesting the sensitivity of predicted policy effects on the type of methodology employed.Migration, Harris-Todaro, extended family theoretica framework, household

    Crystal structure of the heterotrimeric integrin-binding region of laminin-111

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    Laminins are cell - adhesive glycoproteins that are essential for basement membrane assembly and function. Integrins are important laminin receptors, but their binding site on the heterotrimeric laminin s is poorly defined structurally. We report the crystal structure at 2.13 Å resolution of a minimal integrin - binding fragment of mouse laminin - 111, consisting of ~50 resid ues of α 1 β 1 γ 1 coiled coil and the first three lam inin G - like (LG) domains of the α 1 chain . The LG domains adopt a triangular arrangem ent, with the C - terminus of the coiled coil situated between LG1 and LG2. The critical integrin - binding glutamic acid residue in the γ 1 chain tail is surface - exposed and predicted to bind to the metal ion - dependent adhesion site in the integrin β 1 subunit. Additional contacts to the integrin are likely to be made by the LG1 and LG2 surfaces adjacent to the γ 1 chain tail, which are notably conserved and free of obstructing glycans

    Elliptic jets, part 2. Dynamics of coherent structures: Pairing

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    The dynamics of the jet column mode of vortex pairing in the near field of an elliptic jet was investigated. Hot-wire measurements and flow visualization were used to examine the details of the pairing mechanism of nonplanar vortical elliptic structures and its effect on such turbulence measures as coherent velocities, incoherent turbulence intensities, incoherent and coherent Reynolds, stresses, turbulence production, and mass entrainment. It was found that pairing of elliptic vortices in the jet column does not occur uniformly around the entire perimeter, unlike in a circular jet. Merger occurs only in the initial major-axis plane. In the initial minor-axis plane, the trailing vortex rushes through the leading vortex without pairing and then breaks down violently, producing considerably greater entrainment and mixing than in circular or plane jets