18 research outputs found

    Penggunaan Ekstrak Rumput Laut Padina SP. untuk Peningkatan Daya Simpan Filet Nila Merah yang Disimpan pada Suhu Dingin

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan ekstrak Padina sp. terhadap daya simpan fi let nila merah selama penyimpanan pada suhu dingin. Filet nila merah direndam selama 30 menit dalam larutan ekstrak Padina sp. dengan konsentrasi: kontrol; 0,5%; 1%; 1,5%; dan 2%, kemudian disimpan pada chilling room selama 10 hari dengan selang waktu pengamatan setiap 2 hari. Parameter yang diamati meliputi: pH, Total Plate Count (TPC), Total Volatile Base-Nitrogen (TVB-N), dan organoleptik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan ekstrak Padina sp. yang berbeda memberikan pengaruh nyata (P<0,05) terhadap nilai pH, kandungan bakteri total, kandungan TVB-N, dan nilai organoleptik keseluruhan fi let nila merah selama 10 hari penyimpanan pada suhu dingin. Filet nila merah yang diberi ekstrak Padina sp. masih layak dikonsumsi sampai hari ke-8. Penggunaan ekstrak Padina sp. 1% merupakan perlakuan terbaik dalam mempertahankan kesegaran fi let nila merah yang disimpan pada suhu dingin

    Aktivitas Antioksidan dan Tingkat Penerimaan Konsumen pada Minuman Instan yang Diperkaya dengan Ekstrak Sargassum Polycystum

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    Minuman instan ekstrak Sargassum polycystum rasa jahe merupakan produk olahan rumput laut dalam bentuk serbuk yang sebelumnya telah mengalami proses pengeringan, ekstraksi, kokristalisasi dan pengayakan menjadi serbuk. Tujuan penelitian ini ialah menghasilkan formula minuman instan rumput laut yang mempunyai aktivitas antioksidan dan disukai konsumen. Formula yang digunakan pada penelitian ini terdiri dari ekstrak etanolik S. polycystum, gula dan jahe dengan komposisi kontrol (0:3:1), formula 1 (0,1:2,9:1), formula 2 (0,2:2,8:1), formula 3 (0,3:2,7:1), formula 4 (0,4:2,6:1), formula 5 (0,5:2,5:1), dan formula 6 (0,6:2,4:1). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa minuman instan mempunyai nilai aktivitas antioksidan 25,7-65,41%, total fenol 27,74-100,36 mg GAE/gram, total gula 76,13-87,18%, kadar air 0,44-1,99%, kadar abu 0,06-11,54% dan nilai hedonis warna 2,4-3,2 (tidak suka – suka); aroma 1,29-3,66 (sangat tidak suka – suka); dan rasa 1,32-3,59 (sangat tidak suka – suka)

    Isolasi Dan Pemanfaatan Bakteri Proteolitik Untuk Memperbaiki Kualitas Limbah Cair Pengolahan Bandeng Presto (Isolation and Utilization of Proteolytic Bacteria to Improve the Quality of Milkfish Presto Processing Wastewate)

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    In this research, isolation of proteolytic bacteria was performed to obtain isolates with high proteolytic activity based on their ability to degrade the protein. The best isolate was examined for their growth ability and proteolytic activity in different concentrations of NaCl and degree of acidity (pH). Furthermore, the isolate ability to improve wastewater quality was observed in milkfish presto processing wastewater. Thirty-six proteolytic bacteria were isolated from fish washing wastewater of Kranggan Market, Yogyakarta. Isolate D61 has the highest proteolytic activity with activity about 20,5 mm. Isolate D61 was able to grow at a concentration of 0-10% NaCl with the highest proteolytic activity at the concentration of 0-2% NaCl. Isolate D61 was also able to live at pH 5-10 with the highest proteolytic activity at pH 7-8 and pH 10. Based on morphology and biochemical characteristics, D61 has 93.93% similarity with Bacillus soli. However, isolate D61 was not able to improve the quality of milkfish presto processing wastewater

    Effect of Extraction Methods on Antifungal Activity of Sea Cucumber (Stichopus Japonicus)

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    The objective of this study was to investigate the antifungal activity of the soluble matter (SM) and crude saponins (CS) extracted from Stichopus japonicus using pressurized solvent extraction (PSE) with water or aqueous ethanol as a solvent, in comparison with traditional heat reflux extraction (HRE). The extraction yields were also determined for the SM and CS and compared for each extraction process and solvent. The antifungal activity of the SM and CS, extracted from the body wall of Stichopus japonicus using PSE or HRE with water or 70% aqueous ethanol, were investigated. Both SM and CS exhibited their highest antifungal activity when extracted by HRE with 70% ethanol and by HRE with water, respectively, while their highest yields were obtained when extracted by PSE with water. SM has more antifungal than potassium sorbate but weaker than propyl paraben, while CS has more antifungal than the two antifungal agents


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    This study aims to investigate the relationship between minimum wages and poverty rates. Minimum wage is a controversial policy topic that affects millions of workers around the world, and understanding its impact on poverty rates is crucial for policymakers and researchers. By conducting a comprehensive analysis of existing literature, statistical data, and using more complex regression models. The data was processed in Microsoft Excell, and then analysed using R statistical software. The findings of this study show that minimum wage policy is effective in negatively affecting the poverty rate in Indonesia.  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyelidiki hubungan antara upah minimum dan tingkat kemiskinan. Upah minimum adalah topik kebijakan kontroversial yang memengaruhi jutaan pekerja di seluruh dunia, dan memahami dampaknya terhadap tingkat kemiskinan sangat penting bagi pembuat kebijakan dan peneliti. Dengan melakukan analisis komprehensif terhadap literatur yang ada, data statistik, dan menggunakan model regresi yang lebih kompleks. Data diolah di dalam Microsoft Excell, kemudian dianalisi menggunakan perangkat lunak statistik R. Temuan dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bhawa kebijakan upah minimum efektif mempengaruhi tingkat kemiskinan secara negative di Indonesia

    Pengembangan Metode Ekstraksi Alginat dari Rumput Laut Sargassum SP. sebagai Bahan Pengental

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    Indonesia mempunyai banyak rumput laut yang berpotensi tinggi sebagai penghasil alginate, namun metode ekstraksinya belum sesuai yang diharapkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan metode ekstraksi natrium alginat dari rumput laut Sargassum melalui jalur kalsium alginat. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan berbagai variasi konsentrasi kalsium klorida yang digunakan pada pemisahan alginat dari filtrat hasil ekstraksinya. Konsentrasi kalsium klorida yang digunakan divariasi 0,5; 0,75 dan 1 M. Sebagai kontrol dilakukan ekstraksi alginat melalui jalur asam alginat yang dikembangkan di Balai Besar Riset Pengolahan Produk dan Bioteknologi Kelautan dan Perikanan, Jakarta. Parameter kualitas alginat yang diamati meliputi rendemen alginat, kenampakan produk, viskositas dan kekuatan gel yang dihasilkan. Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan bahwa rendemen alginat yang dihasilkan berturut-turut sebesar 32,67; 44,67 dan 53,33 % dan untuk kontrol 31,67 %. Secara kenampakan, konsentrasi kalsium klorida tidak terlalu mempengaruhi kenampakan produk alginat yang dihasilkan, tetapi lebih gelap jika dibandingkan dengan produk hasil ekstraksi melalui jalur asam alginat. Viskositas alginat yang dihasilkan berturut-turut 149, 131 dan 144 cP, sementara untuk kontrol 304 cP. Secara umum kekuatan gel alginat yang dihasilkan dari jalur kalsium alginat lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan yang diekstrak melalui jalur asam alginat

    Changes in microstructures of rambutan seed and the quality of its fat during drying

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    The application of pre-treatment on oilseeds prior to extraction process may exert undesirable impact towards the quality of oils as well as microstructures of seed. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the efects of three drying methods on the microstructures of rambutan seeds and its efects on physicochemical properties of rambutan seed fat (RSF). The fats that being pre-treated with three diferent drying methods showed shrinkage or alteration of porous structure in terms of size, shape, and diameter. The diferences between the RSF pre-treated with oven-, freeze-, and cabinet drying RSF were in fatty acids (oleic and arachidic acids), and free fatty acid (1.56–1.80 mg KOH/g fat). From the results obtained, the useful information regarding to the efects of pre-treatment on RSF, which is a potent ingredient to be used as a cocoa butter substitute in the formulation of chocolate in the confectionery industries. Moreover, the outcomes of this work able to provide information for better grasp about the correlation of drying methods and quality of RSFs, as well as its applications in other food industries

    Antioxidant, antidiabetic activities and consumer acceptance of Sargassum hystrix tea combined with cinnamon powder

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    Sargassum hystrix is a species of brown seaweed containing bioactive compounds and has the potential to be used as a functional drink. This study was aimed to determine the fucoidan content, antioxidant, antidiabetic activities, and consumer acceptance rate of combining cinnamon powder to manufacture S. hystrix seaweed tea. The process was carried out by washing, drying, cutting, blending, weighing, roasting, and packaging the seaweed. Furthermore, the seaweed was tested to determine the total phenolic content, antioxidant (scavenging of hydroxyl radical and superoxide anion), antidiabetic (inhibition of α-glucosidase and α-amylase) activities and sensory evaluation. The results showed that the addition of cinnamon powder affected the total phenol content, antioxidant and antidiabetic activities, and consumer acceptance of S. hystrix tea. Meanwhile, an increase in the amount (0 ~ 5%) of cinnamon powder reduced levels of antioxidants (46.90±0.92 to 39.53±0.11% for hydroxyl radical scavenging activity, and 82.00±1.19 to 73.56±1.23% for superoxide anion scavenging activity), with a rise in antidiabetic activity (22.27±1.74 to 83.98±2.37% for inhibition activity of α-glucosidase and 72.94±1.55 to 95.83±1.06% for inhibition activity of α-amylase). In addition, the use of 5% and 2% cinnamon powder has the ability to overcome the fishy smell and taste, respectively


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    Spirulina platensis is a blue-green algae which rich in protein, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. One way to protect from photooxidation by making microcapsules spirulina. The objectives this research is to determine the effect of packaging materials and storage temperature on the stability of products (dry and microcapsules) during storage. The research using factorial design (2 x 3 x 2) with variation types of processed spirulina (dried-K, microcapsules-M), packaging (plastic PE non-vacuum-PE, plastic PE vacuum-PEV and aluminum foil-AF) and storage temperature (cold room 50C and 280C). The parameters were observed including water activities, water content, fikosianin, beta carotene, antioxidant activity and yield. The result is that the differences type of processed spirulina, packaging materials and storage temperature affect the parameters of the observations, where the treatment of spirulina in the form of microcapsules which is packed with aluminum foil and stored at cold temperatures give a spirulina product stability is the best treatment