12 research outputs found


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    The Mayoon landslide in the Hunza District is a slowly developed, non-catastrophic landslide that has gained its importance in the last few years after its rapid activation and fast slip rate. The area is characterized by high earthquake hazards (zone 3 with a peak ground acceleration value of 2.4–3.2 m/s2) by the Building Code of Pakistan due to frequent earth quakes. The past high earthquake activity in the area has displaced the foliated rocks towards the south and is responsible for opening the bedrock joints. The head and body of the landslide are covered by unconsolidated material and have fractures of varying lengths and widths. The non-invasive geophysical techniques, including Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) and Electrical Resistivity Soundings (ERS), are deployed to evaluate the Mayoon landslide subsurface. The subsurface is interpreted into a two-layer model. Bright reflectors and highly variable resistivity characterize the top layer (Layer-1). This layer is associated with a loose, highly heterogeneous, fragmented material deposited under glacial settings over the existing bedrock. Hyperbolic reflections and intermediate resistivity characterize the bottom layer (Layer-2). This layer is associated with foliated metamorphic bedrock. The hyperbolic reflections show faults/fractures within the bedrock. The extension of these fractures/faults with depth is uncertain due to decay in the GPR signal with depth. The intermediate resistivity shows the bedrock is weathered and foliated. Reflections within Layer-1 have disrupted directly above the fractures/faults suggesting a possible movement. A bright reflection between the two layers highlights the presence of the debonded surface. Loose material within Layer-1 coupled with debonding possesses a significant hazard to generate a landslide under unfavourable conditions, such as an intense rainstorm or earthquake activity.Klizište Mayoon u distriktu Hunza pripada skupini sporo razvijajućih, nekatastrofičnih klizišta. Važnost mu je porasla u nekoliko zadnjih godina nakon što se klizanje znatno ubrzalo. Cijelo područje obilježeno je visokim potresnim rizikom (zona 3, s najvećim ubrzanjem tla 2,4 – 3,2 m/s2), a u skladu s pakistanskim propisima o gradnji. Snažni potresi u prošlosti pomaknuli su blokove metamorfnih stijena prema jugu i uzrokovali otvaranje brojnih pukotina u stijenama podine. Čelo i tijelo klizišta prekriveno je nekonsolidiranim materijalom te ima pukotine različitih širina i dužina. Prostor klizišta istražen je neinvazivnim geofizičkim tehnikama poput georadara i mjerenja električne otpornosti. Podzemlje je prikazano dvoslojnim modelom. Prvi sloj (1) predstavljen je snažnim reflektorom i vrlo promjenjivom otpornošću. Sastavljen je od rastresitih, vrlo heterogenih, fragmentiranih materijala taloženih tijekom glacijala preko stijenske podine. Ispod je drugi sloj (2) obilježen hiperboličkim refleksima te umjerenom otpornošću i pruža se unutar folijacijskih, metamorfnih stijena. Oblik refleksa upozorava na rasjede i pukotine podine, no oni se teško prate s povećanjem dubine. Otpornost također upućuje na trošenje i folijaciju. Refleksi u sloju 1 prekidaju se iznad rasjeda i pukotina upozoravajući na moguće gibanje. Snažni refleksi između dvaju slojeva naglašavaju postojanje granice između njih. Rastresiti materijal u sloju 1, zajedno s postojanjem takve granice, predstavlja znatan rizik nastanka klizišta, posebice u rizičnim uvjetima poput olujnoga pljuska ili potresa

    Assessment of Influence of Reinforcement Detailing on Blast Resistance of Reinforced Concrete Beam-column Connections

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    This study investigates the influence of blast loading on Reinforced Concrete (RC) beam-column connections, which are critical components for maintaining the structural integrity of buildings during extreme events like explosions. The impact of varying blast loads, detonation distance, and reinforcement detailing on the extent of damage in the RC frame and connections is analyzed using ABAQUS/CAE Finite Element Method (FEM) software. Joint rotation is used as a damage indicator to assess the damage level in the structure. The study evaluates the effect of reinforcement detailing on the blast damage resistance of the RC frame and connections and proposes recommendations for reducing damage in the connections through the effective placement of steel reinforcement. The effectiveness of different configurations of reinforcing steel bars is also analyzed, and the presence of shear and diagonal reinforcements is found to reduce joint damage by 3-4 times. This study highlights the significance of reinforcement detailing and recommends its careful consideration in the design of blast-resistant structures

    Energy and Exergy Based Thermal Analysis of a Solar Assisted Yogurt Processing Unit

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    Gefördert durch den Publikationsfonds der Universität Kasse

    Necrotizing Crescentic Glomerulonephritis Complicating Bivalvular Bacterial Endocarditis

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    In the setting of an increasing incidence of endocarditis in the United States, we report a patient with necrotizing crescentic glomerulonephritis (GN) associated with native valve bacterial endocarditis due to Streptococcus parasanguinis. He was started on appropriate antibiotic treatment and subsequent blood cultures showed no growth. However, due to continuing decline in kidney function, immunosuppressive therapy was started. Despite immunosuppressive therapy and antibiotics, renal function did not improve and chronic hemodialysis was required. Due to rarity of condition, there are no definite treatment guidelines available. Antibiotics, steroids, immunosuppressive agents can be of help in most cases. Further research in this regard may help with early diagnosis and better treatment modalities

    A comprehensive review on the prevalence, pathogenesis and detection of Yersinia enterocolitica

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    International audienceFood safety is imperative for a healthy life, but pathogens are still posing a significant life threat

    Advanced Exergy Analyses of a Solar Hybrid Food Dehydrator

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    In this study, for the first time an advanced exergy analysis was applied to a solar hybrid food dehydrator to find out the causes of the inefficacies and to assess the actual improvement potential. The dryer was integrated with an evacuated solar tube collector and gas burner as a heating sources. Drying experiments were performed using bell pepper at 55 °C under three heating options i.e., gas, solar and dual. The rates of exergy destructions were split into unavoidable (EdUN) and avoidable (EdAV) which further split into four parameters termed unavoidable endogenous (EdUN,EN), unavoidable exogenous (EdUN,EX), avoidable endogenous (EdAV,EX) and avoidable exogenous (EdAV,EN). Conventional exergy analysis revealed that drying chamber possess lower improvement potential rate (IP) than heating components while outcomes of advanced exergy analysis showed that both the design and system components interaction of heating unit imparted a major effect on its efficiency. Optimizing the operating conditions of the heating sources could reduce their higher amount of inefficiencies. The values of exergy efficiency for the overall system were calculated to be 86.66%, 84.18%, 83.74% (conventional) and 97.41%, 95.99%, 96.16% (advanced) under gas, dual and solar heating modes respectively