913 research outputs found

    Peranan Bahan Organik dalam Sistem Integrasi Sawit-Sapi

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    Abstrak. Sistem integrasi sawit-sapi merupakan salah satu program diversitas usaha tani. Dengan total luas lahan perkebunan kelapa sawit mencapai 10,46 juta ha, sistem integrasi sawit-sapi merupakan alternatif terbaik untuk mencapai target swasembaga pangan terutama daging sapi melalui optimalisasi penggunaan lahan dengan memanfaatkan limbah tanaman sawit dan industri sebagai sumber pakan ternak. Sumber pakan ternak untuk usaha penggemukan, pembibitan dan sapi potong dapat berasal dari cover crop bila tersedia, sekitar 30-65% dari pelepah sawit, 10-70% bungkil inti sawit, dan 20-35% bahan non sawit. Sementara itu limbah ternak sapi, biogas, limbah tanaman kelapa sawit (pelepah, daun sawit, dan sisa pohon) dan limbah industri kelapa sawit (tandan buah kosong, dried decanted sludge, palm oil mill effluent dan fly ash) dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai sumber bahan organik yang dapat meningkatkan kesuburan dan kualitas tanah. Bahan organik sangat diperlukan dalam memperbaiki sifat fisik, kimia, dan biologi tanah. Disamping itu sistem integrasi sawit-sapi merupakan teknologi adaptif dan mitigatif terhadap perubahan iklim dengan aplikasi sistem biogas maka diperoleh energi gas untuk keperluan rumah tangga dan industri sekaligus mampu menurunkan emisi gas methane. Paper ini merupakan review hasil-hasil penelitian integrasi tanaman-ternak berbasis kelapa sawit terutama informasi potensi sumber bahan organik yang bermanfaat untuk memperbaiki sifat fisik, kimia dan biologi tanah.Abstract. Integrated crop-livestock based oil palm is an example of diversity in agricultural system. With a total area of oil palm plantations reached 10.46 million ha, very potential to support integrated crop-livestock farming systems. The main target in developing this systems is to achieved food i.e beef self sufficiency through land optimalization and by using plant residue and oil palm industry waste for cattle feed. The cattle feed sources for beef meat production and breeding could be from cover crop if available, 30-65% fronds, 10-70% palm kernel cake and 20-35% non palm sources. In other side, various waste material such as manure, biogas sludge, plant residue (fronds, palm leaves and trunk) and industrial waste (empty fruit bunches, solid waste, dried decanted sludge, palm oil mill effluent and fly ash) are potential source of organic matter. Organic matter is important in improving soil fertility and quality. Besides, integrated crop-livestock based oil palm farming system is also found as an adaptive technology to cope climate change. Biogas installation as a component in this systems able to reduce methane emission. The energy produce through biogas installation in this system can be used for household and industry and able to reduce methane emissions. This paper reviews the results of research of integration crop-livestock based oil palm aims to provide information focused on potential sources of organic matter produced which useful to improve the biological, physical and chemical properties of soil.

    Dukungan Data Sumberdaya Lahan dalam Pengembangan Kawasan Sentra Produksi Pangan (Food Estate) di Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah

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    Abtsrak. Pengembangan kawasan sentra pangan (food estate) di Provinsi Kaimantan Tengah memerlukan dukungan analisis geospasial kesesuaian biofisik lahan dari enam Kementerian/Lembaga terkait yang dikoordinir oleh Kemenko Perekonomian, sehingga diperoleh area of interest (AOI) kawasan pengembangan. Kementerian Pertanian (cq BBSDLP) telah memberikan data sumberdaya lahan berupa peta tanah, peta sebaran lahan gambut, peta sebaran perkebunan kelapa sawit, peta kesesuaian lahan, dan peta ketersediaan lahan Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah. Hasil analisis geospasial menunjukkan bahwa AOI kawasan pengembangan food estate seluas 770.600 ha. BBSDLP melakukan analisis geospasial lanjutan antara peta AOI dengan peta lahan rawa dan peta lahan gambut, hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa dari 770.600 ha tersebut terdiri dari rawa lebak 473.501 ha dan rawa pasang surut 269.451 ha atau terdiri dari 419.682 ha tanah mineral dan 350.918 ha tanah gambut. Berdasarkan rencana induk dan Grand Design pengembangan kawasan food estate akan terdiri dari intensifikasi dan ekstensifikasi. Pada tahun 2020 telah dilakukan intensifikasi pada lahan sawah eksisting yaitu 10.000 ha di Kabupaten Pulang Pisau dan 20.000 ha di Kabupaten Kapuas, berupa percepatan pengolahan lahan dan tanam dengan alat mesin pertanian, bantuan benih, dan pupuk. Dukungan data spasial sumberdaya lahan dalam pengembangan food estate meliputi peta calon petani calon lokasi (CPCL), sebaran kedalaman pirit, dan rekomendasi pengelolaan lahan. Pemanfaatan data spasial tersebut diharapkan dapat dijadikan acuan dalam penenetuan rekomendasi pemupukan dan pengelolaan lahan sehingga lahan sawah tersebut dapat berproduksi secara optimal sesuai dengan tipologi lahannya Abstract. Food estate development at Central Kalimantan Province needs supporting geospatial analysis of the biophysical land suitability from six related Ministries/Agencies which is organized by the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs, in order to obtain the area of interest (AOI). The Ministry of Agriculture (cq BBSDLP) has provided land resource data for Central Kalimantan Province, i.e. soil maps, peat maps, oil palm plantation distribution maps, land suitability maps, and land availability maps. The analysis showed that the AOI for the food estate development area covers an area of 770,600 ha. BBSDLP conducted further geospatial analysis between the AOI map and the swamp land map and the peatland map. The result showed that this AOI is divided into 473,501 ha of swamp and 269,451 ha of tidal swamp, or consisting of 419,682 ha of mineral soil and 350,918 ha of peat soil. Based on the master plan and Grand Design, the development of the food estate area will be conducted by both intensification and extensification. In 2020, there has been intensification of the existing rice fields about 10,000 ha in Pulang Pisau Regency and 20,000 ha in Kapuas Regency, in the form of land processing and planting acceleration using agricultural machinery, and the assistance of seeds, and fertilizers. Supporting spatial data is consisted of maps of the farmers’ location, the distribution of pyrite depth, and the recommendations for land management. The spatial data is expected could be used as a reference in determining the appropriate fertilization recommendations and land management in accordance with the land typology. Therefore, the rice fields could produce optimally

    Detection of Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Rs2013162 of IRF6 Gene in Patient with Cleft Lip and Palate

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    Background: Cleft lip and palate are congenital disorders which induce affected individuals medically, socially and psychologically. The objective of this study was to investigate the association of Single Nucleotide Polymorphism(SNP); rs2013162 of IRF6 Gene in Patient with Cleft Lip and Palate. Materials and Methods: Fifty patients with non-syndromic CL/P were included in present study alongwith fifty individuals with no psychiatric history as controls. In all of the these individuals, search for Single nucleotide polymorphism was carried out by designing sequence specific primers. The sequence was amplified by using Real time PCR and products were investigated by visualizing high resolution melting curve upon HRM-PCR. Results: The logistic regression and Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium were applied to investigate the association of IRF6 SNP rs2013162 with disease. Results revealed no association of this polymorphism with non-syndromic CL/P. Conclusion: We found no association of IRF6 SNP rs2013162 in patients with non-syndromic CL/P. Further study is required with larger sample size to validate the findings of the present study in Pakistani population and along with this SNP other polymorphisms of the same gene should be analyzed to find out the association with the non-syndromic CL/P

    Teknologi Pemupukan Mendukung Jarwo Super

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    Abstrak. Terobosan program Jarwo Super yang merupakan integrasi berbagai Teknologi Badan Litbang Pertanian diharapkan dapat meningkatkan produktivitas komoditas padi. Adapun komponen teknologi Jarwo Super terdiri dari budidaya jajar legowo, pemanfaatan alat mesin pertanian, benih unggul, pemupukan dengan dosis optimal menggunakan PUTS, pemanfaatan dekomposer M-Dec dalam pengelolaan limbah jerami, pemanfaatan pupuk hayati dalam seed treatment (Agrimeth) dan biopestisida untuk pengendalian organisme pengganggu tanaman. Teknologi pemupukan baik anorganik, organik serta hayati memberikan kontribusi signifikan dalam paket teknologi Jarwo Super. Pemupukan secara umum memberikan kontribusi minimal 20% dalam sistem produksi pertanian. Dengan demikian, rekomendasi pemupukan yang sesuai dengan status hara tanah, optimal untuk varietas hasil tinggi dengan target hasil optimal sangat dibutuhkan. Penggunaan bahan organik seperti jerami padi yang berlimpah di lahan sawah perlu digalakkan kembali mengingat kompos jerami mengandung berbagai unsur hara terutama K dan Si serta memiliki fungsi meningkatkan kondisi fisik dan biologi tanah. Untuk mempercepat proses pembusukan jerami maka diperlukan dekomposer yang dapat memperpendek proses dekomposisi. Berbagai mikroba unggul dalam tanah dapat berfungsi dalam proses dekomposisi bahan organik, menghancurkan komponen toksik, transformasi inorganik, fiksasi N, Rhizobacteria, dan proteksi tanaman. Isolasi mikroba unggul dengan fungsi diatas menjadi cikal bakal formulasi pupuk hayati. Pupuk hayati dapat digunakan sebagai seed treatment, diberikan ke tanah dan tanaman sesuai dengan fungsinya. Berbagai jenis pupuk (anorganik, organik, hayati) yang diproduksi perlu diatur agar tidak merugikan konsumen yang sebagian besar adalah petani.Abstract. Breakthrough program called Jarwo Super is an integration of various technologies of IAARD is expected to increase rice productivity. The program includes in Jarwo Super are Jajar Legowo (skip row), mechanization, high yield variety, balance fertilization with optimal dose (using paddy soil test kits PUTS), rice straw management (using decomposer M-Dec), the use of biofertilizers (Agrimeth) and biopesticides. Proper fertilizer management of inorganic, organic and biofertilizer will contributed significantly in the Jarwo Super Technology. In general, fertilizer contribute at least 20% in agricultural production systems. Thus, the fertilizer recommendation must consider soil nutrient status and high nutrient uptake by new variety. The use of organic materials such as rice straw which is abundant in rice fields should be encouraged recall straw compost contains variety of nutrients, especially K and Si as well as having the function of improving the physical and biological soil. Decomposer is required to speed up the decomposition process. Various microbes in the soil play important function in the soil such as decomposition of organic matter, destroying the toxic components, inorganic transformation, N fixation, Rhizobacteria, and plant protection. Isolation of microbes which having improtant function as mention above became the key in formulation of biofertilizer. Biofertilizer can be used as a seed treatment, soil and plants according to their function. Various types of fertilizers (inorganic, organic, biofertilizer) that is produced and commercially used should be regulated to protect farmer as the most user


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    Silika adalah unsur yang menguntungkan bagi tanaman padi, yang dapat mencegah penyakit blast, meningkatkan kekuatan batang, dan mengurangi abiotik stress. Silika (Si) dalam larutan tanah dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor, seperti pH, temperatur, bahan organik dan potensial redoks (Eh). Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui faktor pengontrol kelarutan Si dalam larutan tanah. Penelitian ini menggunakan silika gel dan tanah Ultisols yang berasal dari Jepang. Pada Penelitian ini diamati pengaruh Ca (kalsium), Mg (magnesium) dan unsur lainnya terhadap kelarutan Si dilakukan di dalam laboratorium. Sepuluh gram sampel tanah dalam tabung plastik ditambah silika gel, Ca dan Mg, selanjutnya ditambah air hingga tergenang dan diinkubasi pada suhu 300C selama 29 hari. Kalsium dan Mg diaplikasikan pada tanah dengan konsentrasi 5, 10, 15 mg Ca L-1 (T2, T3, T4) dan 5, 10, 15 mg Mg L-1 (perlakuan T5, T6, T7). Sebagai kontrol adalah T0 (tanah) dan T1 (tanah + silika gel). Selama inkubasi, konsentrasi Si, Ca, Mg, Fe, dan Mn dalam air permukaan diukur menggunakan ICP spektroskopi pada hari ke 8, 15, dan 29. Hasil analisis tanah awal dikategorikan sedikit asam (pH 5,7) dan konsentrasi Si adalah 267,1 mg SiO2 kg-1. Konsentrasi tersebut termasuk dibawah batas kritis Si tersedia (300 mg SiO2 kg-1). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa total konsentrasi Ca dan Mg dalam larutan tanah lebih tinggi untuk perlakuan T4 dan T7 dibandingkan perlakuan lainnya. Pada 8 hari pertama inkubasi, pelepasan Si ke dalam larutan tanah lebih tinggi untuk T1 dan T2 dibandingkan dengan perlakuan lain. Kelarutan Si berkorelasi positif dengan Mn, Eh dan berkorelasi negatif dengan pH. Hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa faktor tersebut adalah yang mengontrol pelepasan Si dalam larutan tanah. Pada penelitian ini tidak ditemukan korelasi antara Si dan konsentrasi Ca atau Mg dalam larutan tanah.Silica is a beneficial element for rice plants which can protect from blast disease, increase stem strength, and alleviate abiotic stress. Silicon in soil solution is affected by several factors such as pH, temperature, organic matter, and redox potential (Eh). This study aims to investigate the controlling factor of Si solubility in soil solution. In the present study, Japanese silica gel (JSG) and Ultisols were collected from Japan. In laboratory experiment, the effects of Ca (calcium), Mg (magnesium) and others on solubility of Si (silica) were investigated. Under submerged condition, ten gram of soil with silica gel, Ca and Mg in plastic tube were incubated at 300C for 29 days. Calcium and Mg were applied into soil, at the concentration of 5, 10, 15 mg Ca L-1(T2, T3, T4 respectively) and 5, 10, 15 mg Mg L-1(T5, T6, T7 respectively). There was two controls as a follow T0 (soil) and T1 (soil + silica gel). During incubation, Si, Ca, Mg, Fe, and Mn concentrations in surface water were measured using ICP spectroscopy at day 8, 15, and 29. The results show the soil before treatment was slightly acidic (pH 5.7) and extractable Si concentration was 267.1 mg SiO2 kg-1. It was classified to be below critical level of available Si for rice (300 mg SiO2 kg-1). Total concentration of Ca and Mg in soil solution were highest for treatment T4 and T7, respectively compared with other treatments. On the first 8 days of incubation, Si released into soil solution was higher in T1 and T2 compared to other treatments. The solubility of Si was significantly positive correlated with Mn, Eh, and negatively correlated with pH, that indicated these were the controlling factors of the Si release in soil solution. There was no correlation between Si and Ca or Mg concentration in soil solution

    Land Suitability and Direction of Strategic Agricultural Commodities in East Kalimantan to Support the Development of the New Nation’s Capital of Republic of Indonesia

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    Abstract. The development of the new nation's capital in East Kalimantan must be supported with sufficient food supply. An Agricultural buffer zone must be provided as production area of food crops, horticulture, plantation, and livestock to suffice the food needs. The planning of landuse arrangement in the area required land suitability assessment for various agricultural commodities. The purpose of this paper is to provide information of land suitability in East Kalimantan Province that support the development plan of the new capital of the Republic of Indonesia. Literature studies of the previous research in East Kalimantan Province are carried out by the Indonesian Center for Agricultural Land Resources Research and Development (ICALRRD), as well as other research institutions. Based on the researches by ICALRRD conducted between year 2016-2019, the land suitable for agriculture is quite extensive (7.7 million ha), mostly for dry land farming. It is classified as suitable (S) mainly for plantation, forage, dry land food, horticulture, and upland rice, especially rainfed paddy. Only a small part is suitable for swamp lowland paddy field or tidal paddy field. The efforts to develop the regions include: (1) the expansion of new areas called as extensification (E), and a little through intensification (I). Extensification is conducted by cultivating superior commodities on new opening land that were previously in the form of shrubs or swampy shrubs, and open area or pasture. The available area for extensification program in East Kalimantan is 2.728 million ha. (2) The intensification program is carried out through the development of commodities in the existing land by strengthening the application of land technology, water management, crops varieties selection and cultivation techniques covering 73.2 thousand ha.Abstrak. Rencana pemindahan ibu kota negara ke Kalimantan Timur, perlu didukung oleh kawasan penyangga pertanian (tanaman pangan, hortikultura, perkebunan, dan peternakan) untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pangan masyarakat. Perencanaan penyusunan kawasan tersebut memerlukan data kesesuaian lahan berbagai komoditas pertanian. Tujuan dari tulisan ini adalah untuk memberikan informasi data tentang kesesuaian lahan di Provinsi Kalimantan Timur dalam mendukung rencana pembangunan ibukota baru Republik Indonesia. Metode yang digunakan dalam penulisan makalah ini adalah studi literatur dari hasil penelitian di Provinsi Kalimantan Timur, baik yang dilaksanakan oleh Balai Besar Litbang Sumberdaya Lahan Pertanian (BBSDLP), maupun lembaga penelitian lain. Berdasarkan data hasil penelitian BBSDLP antara tahun 2016-2019, lahan yang sesuai untuk pertanian cukup luas (7,7 juta ha), terutama untuk pertanian lahan kering. Lahan yang tergolong kelas sesuai (S) sebagian besar untuk tanaman perkebunan, pakan ternak, pertanian tanaman pangan lahan kering, hortikultura, dan padi sawah tadah hujan. Hanya sedikit yang sesuai untuk pertanian padi rawa lebak atau padi pasang surut. Upaya yang dapat ditempuh untuk membangun kawasan ini adalah: (1) melalui perluasan areal baru atau ekstensifikasi (E) tanaman perkebunan, pakan ternak, pertanian tanaman pangan lahan kering, hortikultura, dan padi sawah tadah hujan, pada lahan bukaan baru yang sebelumnya berupa semak belukar atau semak belukar rawa, lahan terbuka atau padang rumput seluas 2,728 juta ha. (2) melalui program intensifikasi (I) dilakukan melalui pengembangan komoditas di lahan sawah eksisting melalui penguatan aplikasi teknologi pengelolaan lahan, pengelolaan air, penggunaan varietas unggul, dan teknik budidaya, seluas 73,2 ribu ha

    Peranan Pupuk Organik dalam Peningkatan Produktivitas Tanah dan Tanaman

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    Abstrak: Pupuk organik berperan dalam meningkatkan kesuburan fisik, kimia dan biologi tanah serta mengefisienkanpenggunaan pupuk anorganik. Kualitas dan komposisi pupuk organik bervariasi tergantung dari bahan dasar kompos dan prosespembuatannya. Penggunaan tanaman legum baik berupa tanaman lorong (alley cropping) maupun tanaman penutup tanah (covercrop) serta bahan organik insitu, perlu diintensifkan untuk mendukung pemanfaatan pupuk organik non komersial danpemulihan kesuburan tanah.Pemberdayaan masyarakat dan kelompok tani dalam pengadaan pupuk organik dapat dilakukanmelalui: a) melatih petani membuat pupuk organik insitu yang berasal dari kotoran ternak dan sisa tanaman yangdikomposkan;b) mendorong petani melakukan diversifikasi usaha pertanian berbasis ternak; dan c) mendorong petanimelakukan pengelolaan bahan organik insitu terutama pada lahan kering. Pemanfaatan pupuk organik telah diterapkan dalamsistem budidaya pertanian organik (organic farming) dan System rice of intensification (SRI). Pemberian pupuk organik yangdikombinasikan dengan pupuk anorganik, telah diterapkan dalam sistem pengelolaan tanaman terpadu (PTT), sistem integrasipadi/palawija dan ternak (SIPT), sistem pertanian mandiri yang mengintegrasikan ternak dan tanaman crop livestock system(CLS).Abstract: It is inevitable that organic fertilizer plays a major role in increasing the fertility of the physical, chemical and biologicalas well as the efficient use of inorganic fertilizers. The main composition of organic fertilizer when it decomposes will consist ofmostly water and cellulose, hemiselulose, lignin, and a small portion main macro nutrients, secondary macro nutrients, microelements and silica. There is also a growth regulating enzymes and vitamins as a byproduct of microbial decomposition. The maincomponent or specific parameters have a major role and the speed of the process of transformation of organic fertilizer into theform of mineral nutrients and the end product is humus. The significance of organic fertilizer is widely recognized by agriculturalresearchers and practitioners. In addition the use of organic fertilizers in paddy fields and dry land cultivation system ofagriculture that combines inorganic fertilizer and organic, has strived implemented by the government in this case the Ministry ofAgriculture that the system of integrated crop management (ICM), system integration paddy/crops and livestock (SIPT), anindependent agricultural systems that integrate livestock and crop plants livestock system (CLS). If the awareness of farmers onthe use of organic fertilizers increases, the availability of both in situ and have to come from outside should be available insufficient quantity and good quality. Technological innovation of Agricultural Research and Development Agency to support theuse of organic fertilizers continue to research and develop. Currently available guidebooks and technological innovation, such asland management guidelines, management guidelines of organic materials and organic fertilizer, granular organic fertilizerproduct (Tithoganik, POG, POCr), and decomposers products to accelerate the process of decomposition (such as M-dec).Opportunities and challenges in increasing stakeholder awareness is not a barrier in optimizing organic fertilizer. The key is thesynergistic integration between institutions regulatory, technical institutions, Research Agency, producers and users in theimplementation of socialization, production, guidance and supervision.
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