27 research outputs found

    Analisis Gaya Kognisi dan Afeksi Murid dalam Penulisan Karangan Bahasa Melayu di Sekolah Rendah

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    Kajian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis Gaya kognisi dan afeksi murid dalam penulisan karangan Bahasa Melayu. Sampel kajian melibatkan 40 orang murid dan 12 orang murid Tahun 5 untuk ditemu bual serta 2 orang guru untuk ditemu bual. Sebanyak 40 teks karangan asal murid telah dikaji dan dianalisis serta 12 orang murid ditemubual untuk mendapatkan data serta ditranskripsikan menjadi teks kajian. Teks kajian ini dianalisis dengan menggunakan kaedah Hermeneutik untuk menginterpretasi dapatan kajian. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa murid cemerlang dan sederhana boleh mengaplikasikan Gaya kognisi, afeksi dan tahap bawah sedar dalam penulisan karangan manakala murid lemah menghadapi kesukaran dalam mempraktikkan gaya kognisi,afeksi dan tahap bawah sedar dalam penulisan karangan. Learning Style: Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Abstract: This study aims to analyze the cognition style and affections of students in writing Malay essays. The study sample involved 40 students and 12 Year 5 students to be interviewed and 2 teachers to be interviewed. A total of 40 original essay texts were studied and analyzed and 12 students were interviewed to obtain data and transcribed into research texts. The text of this study was analyzed using Hermeneutic methods to interpret the findings of the study. Findings show that excellent and average students can apply cognition style, affective and subconscious level in essay writing while weak students face difficulties in practicing cognition style, affective and subconscious level in essay writing. Keywords: Affective Skills, Cognition Skills, Hermeneutic Methods, Malay Essays

    Interactive Module Development of Teacher's Measurements

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    This research develops an interactive module system that can be used to explore and build a self-assessment checklist on significant learning content in the daily life and work of students in the future. The purpose of this interactive module system is to contribute to the teacher in choosing the appropriate learning content for teaching. This study will focus on the contents of Form 1 history subjects involving teachers and students. In addition, with a self-assessment checklist of teachers, educators can use it in determining significant learning content with the life and nature of student work. The built-in interactive module system also benefits pupils when the learning takes place content and skills that can be used all the time. The data were obtained through field observations in the classroom and teacher work. In general, the use of interactive module systems developed is very good and effective. The findings show that the majority of users have stated that the developed system interface is of interest to the user, in which the navigation system developed is user-friendly. The user states that the usability of the developed system is very helpful to teachers and students in understanding the content of the given lessons

    Gaya Pembelajaran: Visual, Auditori atau Kinestetik

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    Gaya pembelajaran adalah cara bagaimana pelajar menyerap dan menyusun maklumat yang diterima. Pendekatan gaya pembelajaran secara umum terbahagi kepada tiga aspek; visual, auditori dan kinestetik. Pertama, gaya visual, yang belajar paling berkesan ketika melihat pembelajaran dengan media gambar. Kedua gaya auditorial, yang berkesan belajar melalui suara yang didengar. Maka gaya pembelajaran pendengaran adalah gaya pembelajaran dengan mendengar. Pelajar dengan gaya pembelajaran ini lebih dominan menggunakan deria pendengaran ketika menjalankan proses pembelajaran dan pengajaran. Gaya pembelajaran visual suka kemahiran dan kemas, ingin bercakap pantas, suka membuat perancangan yang teliti untuk jangka masa depan, sangat terperinci dengan terperinci. Ketiga, gaya aktif, atau apa yang disebut pelajar kinestetik. Sementara itu, gaya pembelajaran kinestetik adalah dengan bergerak, menyentuh, dan bekerja. Mereka belajar dengan mengutamakan perasaan dan pergerakan fizikal mereka. Penerapan gaya pembelajaran ini dalam aktiviti pembelajaran telah menghasilkan pelbagai kesan positif dalam arena pendidikan. Learning Style: Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Abstract: Learning style is the way how students absorb and compose the information received. The learning style approach is generally divided into three aspects; visual, auditory and kinesthetic. First, the visual style, which makes learning the most memorable when looking at learning with image media. Both styles are auditory, which impresses learning through the sound that is heard. Then the hearing learning style is a listening learning style. Students with this learning style are more dominant in using the sense of hearing when carrying out the learning and teaching process. Visual learning style likes skill and order, wants to speak quickly, likes to make careful plans for the future, and is very detailed in detail. Third, active style, or what is called a kinesthetic learner. Meanwhile, the kinesthetic learning style is by moving, touching, and working. They learn by prioritizing their feelings and physical movements. The application of this learning style in learning activities has produced various positive impressions in the educational arena. Keywords: Auditory, Kinesthetic, Learning Style, VAK, Visual

    Implikasi Buli Siber, Kemurungan, Kebimbangan dan Tekanan terhadap Pencapaian Akademik Murid

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    Kajian ini bertujuan mengenal pasti pengaruh buli siber, kemurungan, kebimbangan dan tekanan terhadap pencapaian akademik murid. Kajian kualitatif ini meneroka implikasi buli siber ke atas lima orang murid mangsa buli siber dan telah dikenal pasti mempunyai tahap kemurungan, kebimbangan dan tekanan yang sangat tinggi melalui ujian soal selidik. Dapatan yang diperolehi melalui analasis tema menunjukkan antara implikasi yang dihadapi seperti tekanan perasaan, mudah tersinggung, bertindak keterlaluan, kesedihan, menyalahkan diri, merasa tidak dihargai, kecewa dan putus harapan, keinginan membunuh diri, malu, gangguan perasaan, bimbang dan takut, memendam perasaan, kurang yakin diri, kemarahan, hilang semangat dan implikasi akademik seperti tidak fokus dan ponteng sekolah. Kesimpulanya, buli siber membawa implikasi kemurungan, kebimbangan dan tekanan dari aspek emosi, psikologi dan fizikal. Penemuan daripada kajian ini dapat digunakan oleh pihak pemegang taruh khususnya dalam bidang pendidikan bagi merangka plan tindakan pemulihan ke atas mangsa buli siber. Implications of Cyber Bullying, Depression, Anxiety and Stress on Student Academic Achievement Abstract: This study aims to identify the influence of cyber bullying, depression, anxiety and stress on student academic achievement. This qualitative study explored the implications of cyberbullying on five students who were victims of cyberbullying and were identified as having very high levels of depression, anxiety and stress through a questionnaire test. Findings obtained through theme analysis show among the implications faced such as emotional stress, irritability, overacting, sadness, self-blame, feeling unappreciated, disappointed and hopeless, suicidal desire, shame, emotional disturbance, worry and fear, harboring feelings, lack of self-confidence, anger, loss of enthusiasm and academic implications such as lack of focus and skipping school. In conclusion, cyber bullying has implications for depression, anxiety and stress from emotional, psychological and physical aspects. The findings from this study can be used by stakeholders, especially in the field of education, to formulate a recovery action plan for victims of cyber bullying. Keywords: Anxiety, Cyberbullying, Depression, Stress

    Inductive instructional approach, career aspiration and noble values in history

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    This paper presents inductive instructional approach, career aspirations and noble values in History. In the 21st century there is still History teachers emphasize the only cognitive aspects of student learning, but still have little to do with everyday life, career aspirations and noble values. This study has developed a review list of learning experiences on specific learning content that takes into account inductive approach, career aspirations and noble values of History subject. Finally, this study examines the effectiveness of the learning that emphasize on the inductive approach, career aspirations and noble values. This study uses a qualitative approach supported by quantitative data involving four stages namely library studies, observations, expert suggestions and quasi-experiments. 30 teachers and 60 students were selected through purposeful sampling. The results show that mean inductive learning experiences, career aspirations and noble values in the subject is higher than the learning with other method. The Inductive-directed delivery approach showed a mean increase of 1.15 in students associate with classroom activities. The results also show that an increase of mean 1.5 and 0.35 in career aspirations and noble values. This study has revealed a checklist of learning experiences, career aspirations and noble values that beneficial to all educators

    Science-related aspirations of career based on learning content in upper secondary level

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    This study used qualitative approach which involves interviews that are analyze using Nvivo software. Qualitative approach which uses phenomenological design to reflect on the experience of the former students towards their experience and learning contents of secondary school upper level science core subject which impacted their career aspirations today. Twelve experience workers were selected through purposeful sampling. The results show that most respondent just got C for their Science Subject in Malaysian Certificate of Education (MCE). The certain techniques including the use of the learning aids and room were very effective; while contents of fluid and organs were much related to works. This study has revealed the effective techniques of learning experiences that beneficial to all educators

    The usefulness of an Augmented Reality-based Interactive 3D Furniture Catalog as a Tool to Aid Furniture Store Sales Operations

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    The global crisis, that has resulted from the outbreak of Covid-19, influences all aspects of daily life. Due to the people's poor purchasing power, several major stores, such as Furniture Store-XYZ, were forced to close several branches. To counter this, it will be required to adopt unique initiatives that will assist attract visitors and enhance sales while still adhering to the established health protocols. AR-Furniture is the ideal technology to solve this problem. AR-Furniture is an Augmented Reality-based technology that enables a 3D furniture catalog to present a complete picture of a piece of furniture in a virtual form that appears natural and identical to the original. The MDLC development process used in the AR-Furniture Mobile App. According to the study's findings, 100% of respondents agree that AR-Furniture helps to sell and to buy process be done effectively and productively and gives the users innovative ideas. 70% of respondents strongly agree that AR-Furniture makes it easier for users to reach their goals and that AR-Furniture allows users to do whatever they want. 100% of respondents strongly believe that AR-Furniture is helpful and that shoppers can save time while picking the right furniture. Furthermore, AR-Furniture makes it simple for consumers to select preferred furniture without engaging with shopkeeper workers

    Pelajar Introvert di Sekolah

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    Jenis personaliti remaja dapat dibincangkan melalui penampilan bentuk perlakuan sama ada cenderung kepada ekstrovert, introvert ataupun ambivert. Kajian ini mengkaji tentang pelajar introvert. Teori personaliti yang mempunyai kaitan dengan kajian ini adalah Teori Tiga Faktor (TTF) dan Teori Psikososial. Salah satu aspek perbezaan individu yang ketara antara seseorang pelajar dengan pelajar lain ialah aspek personaliti. Pelajar yang mempunyai personaliti introvert ialah individu yang yang pendiam, pasif, terlampau banyak berfikir dan kurang bertindak serta tindak tanduknya kurang mahu mengambil risiko. Hasil kajian juga menunjukkan pelbagai faktor yang membawa kepada seseorang pelajar tersebut menjadi introvert iaitu faktor keluarga, persekitaran kelas, sejarah lampau dan sifat semula jadi. Personaliti introvert dalam diri pelajar ini memberi kesan kepada mereka dari aspek akademik, kokurikulum dan sosial. Walau bagaimanapun, terdapat beberapa pendekatan yang boleh dilakukan untuk membantu pelajar introvert ini misalnya melalui peranan pihak sekolah. Cadangan yang lain yang dikemukakan oleh responden ialah penggunaan alat bantu mengajar yang menarik serta sesuai dengan pembelajaran abad ke-21. Introvert Students in a School Abstract: The type of personality of adolescents can be discussed through the appearance of a form of treatment that either tends to be an extrovert, an introvert or an ambiver. This study examines introvert students. The theory of personality associated with this study is the Three Factors Theory (TTF) and the Psychosocial Theory. One aspect of the individual differences that is significant between one student and another is the personality aspect. Students with introverted personalities are individuals who are quiet, passive, over-thinking and under-performing and whose behaviors are less likely to take risks. The findings also show the various factors that lead a student to become an introvert - family factors, classroom environment, past history and nature. The introverted personality in these students affects them academically, co-curriculum and social. However, there are several approaches that can be taken to help these introverted students, for example through the role of the school. Another suggestion made by the respondents was the use of attractive teaching aids and 21st Century learning. Keywords: Introvert, Personality, Student

    Implikasi Gaya Pembelajaran Koperatif Subjek Sains Bagi Murid Tahap Dua di Sekolah Kebangsaan Bandar Baru Rawang

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    Kajian ini adalah sebuah kajian bagi meneroka ekologi pendidikan secara spesifik. Di mana, kajian ini adalah berfokuskan kepada Implikasi Gaya Pembelajaran Koperatif dalam Stimulus Sosial terhadap pembelajaran subjek Sains. Kajian ini adalah kajian kualitatif yang bercirikan Kajian Kes. Kajian ini telah dijalankan di salah sebuah sekolah rendah di kawasan Rawang, Selangor. Responden yang terlibat dalam kajian ini adalah seorang Guru Sains, yang berpengalaman mengajar selama 16 tahun. Proses perolehan data pula, diperolehi melalui sesi temu bual bersama responden melalui kaedah temu bual separa berstruktur. Instrumen kajian yang digunakan adalah 10 soalan temu bual yang dirangka selari dengan persoalan kajian. Dapatan kajian yang diperoleh, menjelaskan bahawa, gaya pembelajaran koperatif dapat menarik minat serta pemahaman murid tahap dua dalam mata pelajaran Sains. Malah ia dapat menampilkan ciri ciri murid yang memenuhi kehendak aspirasi pendidikan negara. Ini adalah kerana, kemahiran komunikasi dan interaksi, kemahiran berfikir secara kreatif dan kritis, kemahiran penyelesaian masalah, kemahiran bekerja dalam kumpulan, kemahiran bersosial dan nilai-nilai sosial serta kepimpinan dapat diterapkan secara tidak langsung dalam pelaksanaan pengajaran dan pembelajaran koperatif. Implications of Cooperative Learning Style of Science Subjects for Level Two Students in Sekolah Kebangsaan Bandar Baru Rawang Abstract: This study is a study to explore the ecology of education specifically. Where, this study is focused on the Implications of Cooperative Learning Style in Social Stimulus on the learning of Science subjects. This study is a qualitative study characterized by a Case Study. This study was conducted in one of the primary schools in Rawang, Selangor. The respondent involved in this study was a Science Teacher, with 16 years of teaching experience. The data acquisition process, on the other hand, was obtained through an interview session with the respondents through a semi -structured interview method. The research instrument used was 10 interview questions designed in parallel with the research questions. The findings of the study, explain that, cooperative learning style can attract the interest and understanding of level two students in the subject of Science. In fact, it can feature the characteristics of students who meet the needs of the country's educational aspirations. This is because, communication and interaction skills, creative and critical thinking skills, problem solving skills, group work skills, social skills and social values as well as leadership can be applied indirectly in the implementation of cooperative teaching and learning. Keywords: Learning Implications, 21st Century Learning, Cooperative Learning

    Kerja Sambilan Mempengaruhi Ketidakhadiran Pelajar Tingkatan 3

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    Gejala ponteng sekolah semakin hari semakin menular dalam kalangan pelajar di sekolah. Walaupun kita sudah mencapai era globalisasi, namun gejala ponteng ini amat sukar untuk diatasi. Oleh sebab yang demikian, satu kajian telah dijalankan terhadap masalah ponteng yang berlaku di sebuah Sekolah Menengah sekitar Kepong, Kuala Lumpur. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti faktor kerja sambilan dan faktor lain punca pelajar ponteng sekolah. Selain itu, kajian ini juga dijalankan bertujuan untuk menghuraikan kesan-kesan gejala ponteng kepada pelajar dan sekolah serta menjelaskan langkah-langkah yang boleh diambil untuk mengurangkan gejala ponteng dan mengenalpasti tindakan yang diambil oleh pihak sekolah terhadap pelajar yang terlibat dalam gejala ponteng sekolah. Penyelidik menggunakan kaedah kajian temubual semi struktur bersama seorang responden yang merupakan guru disiplin di sekolah tersebut. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahawa peringkat umur pelajar yang kerap ponteng adalah pelajar dari tingkatan 3. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan faktor utama pelajar ponteng ialah faktor kerja sambilan dan faktor sikap pelajar, faktor latar belakang, serta faktor rakan. Dapatan kajian juga menunjukkan bahawa peranan ibubapa, peranan sekolah serta peranan media massa merupakan langkah yang boleh diambil bagi mengatasi masalah tingkah laku ponteng sekolah. Part -Time Work Affects Absenteeism the Student Form 3 Abstract: Symptoms of skipping school are becoming more and more contagious among students at school. Although we have reached the era of globalization, but this symptom of skipping is very difficult to overcome. For this reason, a study was conducted on the problem of skipping that occurred in a Secondary School around Kepong, Kuala Lumpur. This study aims to identify the factors of part -time work and other factors that cause students to skip school. In addition, this study was also conducted to describe the effects of truancy symptoms to students and schools and explain the steps that can be taken to reduce truancy symptoms and identify actions taken by the school against students involved in truancy symptoms. The researcher used a semi -structured interview research method with a respondent who is a discipline teacher in the school. The results showed that the age group of students who often skipped were students from Form 3. The findings showed that the main factors of students skipping were part -time work factors and student attitude factors, background factors, as well as peer factors. The findings also show that the role of parents, the role of the school and the role of the mass media are steps that can be taken to overcome the problem of skipping school behavior. Keywords: Part-Time Work, Student Form 3, Absenteeism