473 research outputs found

    Housing First for People with Opioid Use disorder (OUD) and engagement with Medication-assisted Treatment (MAT) and Harm Reduction Services

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    Intro: Opioid Use Disorder (OUD)is one of the most prevalent and deadly SUD’s in the country and many barriers exist for individuals living with homelessness and concurrent psychiatric illnesses when hoping to engage in Medication-Assisted-Recovery/Treatment (MAR/MAT). The current study evaluates the Pathways to Housing PA’s (PTHPA) Housing First(HF) model which provides scatter-site housing with social and maintenance services to individuals with a history of chronic homelessness and a diagnosis of OUD. Methods: A retrospective chart analysis was completed for to assess factors relating to MAT engagement using PTHPA’s Credible BH recording system. MAT engagement prior to HF, psychiatric, homelessness, and medical history were all collected from a Psychiatric Assessment performed upon admission into the HF program. MAT retention and engagement during HF was obtained from self-reported information provided in case notes from PTHPA team members. Results: 76.7% of people engaged in MAT with methadone or buprenorphine treatment after being housed for at least 2 months (n=133). Re-engagement in MAT was higher in individuals who had prior MAT participation prior to the housing first intervention. Years homeless, age and race did not have a significant association with MAT participation following the HF intervention, although gender was associated with different levels of MAT participation between males and females. 23.33% of individuals were able to retain/stay on MAT prior to engaging in HF. 81.375% of individuals who engaged in MAT during the HF intervention were able to retain/stay on MAR by the end of the recording period. Conclusion: There was a significant association of increased MAT engagement in individuals with prior MAR participation. The study at hand suggests that a scatter-site HF model with adequate social service and MAR support can be associated with greater rates of retention in MAR while supporting higher rates of MAR participation in individuals experiencing chronic homelessness and primary OUD than the general population

    The yemeni scholar muhammad B. Ali Al-Shawkani (1173-1250/1760-1834) his life, works and times, together with a critical edition of Darr Al-Sihabah Fi Manaqib Al-Qarabah Wa-L-Sahabah

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    The purpose of this dissertation is twofold. Firstly my aim has been to produce an edition of the so far unedited text of Muhammad b. Ali al-Shawkani, Darr al-sihabah fi manaqib al-qarabah wa-l-Sahabah. This edited text is to be found In Volume II. Muhammad b. Ali al-Shawkani, who died in 1250/1834, was a figure of major importance in the Yemen. A man of tremendous intellectual stature he wrote extensively on a number of subjects and for much of his life was chief gadi in Sanca. Volume I of this study is devoted to the man, his life, works and times. It is divided Into two parts: the first an historical survey, spanning the reign of four Zaydi imams and the second concerning the man and his works. Chapter one describes the Yemen under Imam al-Mahdi Abbas (d. 1189/1775). His son, al-Mansur Ali, was then appointed imam and his long reign until 1224/1809 occupies chapters two and three. Power then passed to al-Mansur's son, al-Mutawakkil Ahmad (d. 1231/1816), and a survey of his reign appears in chapter four. Finally of the Zaydiimams al-Mahdi Abdullah (chapter five) follows. He was to die a year after al-Shawkani in 1251/1835.Part two begins in chapter six with a discussion of al-Shawkani, the man, his education, his period of office as chief qadi and his disciples. It has then been my task to discuss al-Shawkani under the various disciplines in which he wrote: chapter seven, the mujtahid and faqih; chapter eight the muhaddith; chapter nine the mufassir and chapter ten the biographer/historian and poet

    Vocational and Technicaleducation: A Reflection on Formal and Non Formal Entrepreneurership Education in Nigeria

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    The size of labor force in Nigeria is at a continuous increase day by day. The pre and post independent Nigerian governments have continuously drawn out policies of Vocational and Technical education to satisfy the ever changing needs.  These policies and role of Millennium Development Goals (M.D.G.) with the non-formal training in vocational areas have been appraised to determine their realization and functionality of an active private sector economy. Though the non-formal training lacks the privilege of government policies, it has however, made contributions in terms of service delivery and entrepreneurship. The formal training approach in Vocational and Technical Education in schools and colleges are constrained by several impediments towards the realization of national policies. Major among the identified constraints are inadequate funding, poorly trained teachers, decaying infrastructure and poor technological environments.  This paper examines possible areas of cooperation between formal and informal training with a view to providing the needed panacea for renewed vigor in Vocational and Technical education in Nigeria

    Répondre à la parole par la parole

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    C’est nous, et non pas vous, qui demandons de « répondre à la parole par la parole ». La sédition confessionnelle fait partie d'un complot, et seuls les imbéciles aident les comploteurs. Nous condamnons catégoriquement tout meurtre accompli sous le simple prétexte que la victime ne partageait pas notre foi ou nos opinions. C'est là un des principes fondamentaux de l'islam : « Soit croyant qui veut ; soit infidèle qui veut ». « Si ton Seigneur l'avait voulu, il aurait fait de l'humanité une se..

    Programme du concours ouvert par le gouvernement égyptien pour l'érection d'un musée des Antiquités égyptiennes au Caire

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    Objet du concours Le gouvernement égyptien, désireux de construire pour y exposer les collections d’antiquités qui sont actuellement au musée de Giza, un édifice parfaitement approprié à cet usage et présentant toutes les conditions possibles de sécurité, a décidé de mettre au concours le projet d’un musée des Antiquités égyptiennes au Caire. Conditions générales du concours Les architectes de toutes nationalités sont admis à concourir. Les projets devront être parvenus au ministère des Trava..

    Hausa Film Industry (Kannywood) and Culture a Vehicle for Sustainable Development.

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    Hausa film industry plays a great role in developing the cultural heritage of the Hausa community especially in terms of socio-economic life of the people as well as entertaining/educating audience within and outside the community. For long, many challenges were confronting the industry. The need to tackle Hausa film is necessary in order to promote Hausa cultural heritage and self-reliance. This paper high some steps to take in order to solve the persistent problems confronting Hausa film industry. Keywords: Hausa film industry, Culture, vehicle and sustainable development


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    This study aims to investigate the perceptions of Indonesian students in Medina, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia about bank interest and Islamic banks usage. By using questionnaires data collection method and purposive sampling technique, 40 students have been interviewed online in this study. The data is then analyzed by descriptive percentage. This study found that most Indonesian students in Medina consider bank interest as usury and only 5% of them thought that both were different. The students who consider bank interest as usury argue that the contract between the customer and the bank is a Qordh (loan) contract. In contrast, respondents who consider the bank interest and usury are different, arguing that the interest is not always as usury according to some scholars who do not categorize the contract between bank and customer as Qordh, but as Tamwil (financing). This study also found that most of the students using Islamic banks and at the same time some of them also have conventional accounts for various reasons, such as the limited number of ATMs and branch offices, and no Islamic debit cards yet that are accepted as credit cards in online transactions

    Linguistic principles in Usul al-fiqh and their effect on legal reasoning in Islamic law

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    This present study deals with the linguistic principles that are used in the process of legal reasoning in Islamic law. These linguistic principles represent an important branch of the science of usu1 al-fiqh on its part represents the theoretical basis for the Shari ah and indisputable foundations upon which the whole structure of Islamic law is built. It is a unique study in the sense that no similar work, as far as we know, is available and its comparative and analytical approach has not been presented before. This study is divided into four parts. The first part deals with the linguistic principles that are related to the methods of textual indication on legal rulings. In this part these principles have been analysed according to both the Hanafi and the Shäfi'i approach. In the second part this study deals with linguistic principles which are related to clarity and ambiguity of words. It is a comparative study of the Hanafi and the Shdfi'i approach to this issue. The third part highlights the generality and specific qualities of words, and the fourth part analyses the possibility of interpretation of authoritative texts not according to their obvious meanings (ta'wi7). In general this is a comparative study of the methodology of interpretation of authoritative texts in Islamic law presented through the study of the linguistic principles in usül al-fiqh and their effect on legal reasoning in Islamic law

    Qui a le droit de juger ?

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    Il est important de distinguer le savoir de l'opinion. Parfois, le savoir est inexistant : c'était le cas au temps où l'on ignorait la fission de l'atome. Parfois encore, le savoir est limité : aujourd'hui, on ne sait pas guérir le cancer ou le sida. Parfois enfin, on a des connaissances erronées : nos ancêtres, par exemple, étaient convaincus que le soleil tournait autour de la terre. Cependant le savoir se développe, progresse, s'ajuste et se modifie jusqu'au moment où il acquiert une certa..

    Comparative study between ESWL and URS in the management of lower ureteral stones

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    Lower ureteral stones are frequently encountered urinary problems leading to a wide range of symptoms, and due to their multiple methods of management depending on their size and impact on the upper urinary tracts, it is necessary to study the management of this type of stones . The study was conducted at Al-Mowasat University Hospital on 121 patients during the period from 1/3/2016 to 1/3/2019 in which two main methods in managing lower ureteral stones are studied: ESWL and URS. The study showed the following results in the group of patients treated with ESWL, 62.5% the rate of removal of stones from the first attempt, 8% required re-treatment, 81% eliminated the stones after 1 month and 91% after 3 Months, 9% needed other treatments (URS and open) with a relatively acceptable complications rate (16%). For patients treated with URS the results were as follows , 4% dispose of stones from the first attempt, 5% required re-treatment, 91% dispose of the stones completely after 1 month, 96% after 3 months, 3.5% needed other treatments (ESWL and open) and complications rate (21%) . Conclusion: URS is more effective but more complications than ESWL in the management of lower ureteral stones. تصادف حصوات الحالب السفلية في كثير من الأحيان مشاكل في البول تؤدي إلى مجموعة واسعة من الأعراض ، وبسبب أساليبها المتعددة في الإدارة اعتماداً على حجمها وتأثيرها على المسالك البولية العليا ، من الضروري دراسة إدارة هذا النوع من الحصى. . أجريت الدراسة في مستشفى المواساة الجامعي على 121 مريضاً خلال الفترة من 1/3/2016 إلى 1/3/2019 ، حيث تمت دراسة طريقتين رئيسيتين في إدارة الحجارة السفلية: ESWL و URS. أظهرت الدراسة النتائج التالية في مجموعة من المرضى الذين عولجوا بـ ESWL ، 62.5 ٪ معدل إزالة الحجارة من المحاولة الأولى ، 8 ٪ إعادة المعالجة المطلوبة ، 81 ٪ القضاء على الحجارة بعد شهر واحد و 91 ٪ بعد 3 أشهر 9 ٪ بحاجة إلى علاجات أخرى (URS ومفتوحة) مع معدل مضاعفات مقبولة نسبيا (16 ٪). بالنسبة للمرضى الذين عولجوا بـ URS ، كانت النتائج على النحو التالي: التخلص من الأحجار بنسبة 4٪ من المحاولة الأولى ، إعادة المعالجة المطلوبة بنسبة 5٪ ، التخلص من الحجارة بنسبة 91٪ تمامًا بعد شهر واحد ، 96٪ بعد 3 أشهر ، 3.5٪ بحاجة إلى علاجات أخرى (ESWL ومفتوحة) ومعدل المضاعفات (21 ٪). الخلاصة: URS هو أكثر فعالية ولكن أكثر تعقيدات من ESWL في إدارة الحالب انخفاض الحالب