6,991 research outputs found

    Private Saving and Its Determinants: The Case of Pakistan

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    Despite a gradual increase over the past twenty years, the rate of private saving in Pakistan remains low as compared with many of the developing economies in Asia. Empirical analysis of the long-run behaviour of saving in Pakistan suggests that financial deepening, though still at a relatively early stage of development, accounted for much of the rise in private saving. In contrast with the experience in the economies of Southeast Asia, where the demographic structure of the population changed significantly over the past two decades, high rates of population growth have kept the age structure of Pakistan’s population virtually unchanged and appear to account for the disparity between the saving rates in Pakistan and Southeast Asia. Hence, an increase in the long-run rate of private saving will likely require further financial development and a decline in the growth rate of the population.

    Long-run Determinants of Private Saving Behaviour in Pakistan

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    Compared to the rapidly-growing economies of Southeast Asia, the growth performance of the Pakistan economy was significantly weaker during the 1970s and 1980s. While the Southeast Asian countries made substantial progress in improving living standards, the average standard of living, as measured by the GNP per capita, was virtually stagnant in Pakistan over this period. Much of the difference in economic performance between Pakistan and the Southeast Asian countries is often attributed to the low rates of saving and investment in Pakistan.1 Indeed, the differences in rates of domestic investment are often attributed to the differences in rates of domestic saving. Hence, the disparity in the growth performance between Pakistan and the Southeast Asian countries over the past two decades relates to the differences in saving rates, and an understanding of the fundamental determinants of saving in Pakistan assumes critical importance. This paper reviews trend developments in the private saving behaviour in Pakistan, and compares these trends with those seen in the Southeast Asian economies during the period since 1970. Using co-integration analysis, the long-run properties of Pakistan’s saving rate are examined, with a view to identifying the main determinants of saving. The principal finding is that about one-half of the trend increase in saving appears to be related to financial development and deepening. In contrast to the results obtained by Faruqee and Husain (1994) and Husain (1995) for the Southeast Asian countries, demographics appear not to have played an important role in determining saving behaviour in Pakistan, possibly because high rates of population growth during the past three decades resulted in a virtually unchanged demographic structure of the population.

    A SAM-based Multiplier Model to Track Growth-Poverty-Inequality Nexus in Bangladesh

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    This paper offers a social accounting matrix (SAM) based analysis leading to a better understanding of the way various agents in the real economy interact, the way socio-economic groups make their living, the channels through which demand driven interventions may affect the poor, and the potential growth-poverty-inequality nexus. This is done in two steps. First, the paper reveals the economic structure of Bangladesh with a SAM framework where the macro (national accounts and input-output table) and micro (national surveys) data are juxtaposed under a unified data matrix to portray the meso level interactions of various economic agents, that is production sectors, factors of production, household groups, and other institutions. Subsequently, the SAM is used to develop a multiplier simulation model, which enables tracking and quantifying the nature and extent of the linkages among the demand driven shocks (stimuli), economic growth, income generation, and concomitant poverty and distribution implications from the perspective of different socio-economic groups in Bangladesh.Social Accounting Matrix (SAM); Multiplier Model; Growth-Poverty-Inequality;

    Bringing cognitive testing into the real world

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    A wearable headset for monitoring electromyography responses within spinal surgery

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    Purpose: This research examines an approach for enhancing the efficiency of spinal surgery utilising the technological capabilities and design functionalities of wearable headsets, in this case Google Glass. The aim was to improve the efficiency of the selective dorsal rhizotomy neurosurgical procedure initially through the use of Glass via an innovative approach to information design for an intraoperative monitoring display. Methods Utilising primary and secondary research methods the development of a new electromyography response display for a wearable headset was undertaken. Results: Testing proved that Glass was fit for purpose and that the new intraoperative monitor design provided an example platform for the innovative intraoperative monitoring display; however, alternative wearable headsets such as the Microsoft HoloLens could also be equally viable. Conclusion: The new display design combined with the appropriate wearable technology could greatly benefit the selective dorsal rhizotomy procedure

    Dimension-Dependence of the Critical Exponent in Spherically Symmetric Gravitational Collapse

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    We study the critical behaviour of spherically symmetric scalar field collapse to black holes in spacetime dimensions other than four. We obtain reliable values for the scaling exponent in the supercritical region for dimensions in the range 3.5D143.5\leq D\leq 14. The critical exponent increases monotonically to an asymptotic value at large DD of γ0.466\gamma\sim0.466. The data is well fit by a simple exponential of the form: γ0.466(1e0.408D)\gamma \sim 0.466(1-e^{-0.408 D}).Comment: 5 pages, including 7 figures New version contains more data points, one extra graph and more accurate error bars. No changes to result

    Black hole solutions in 2+1 dimensions

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    We give circularly symmetric solutions for null fluid collapse in 2+1-dimensional Einstein gravity with a cosmological constant. The fluid pressure PP and energy density ρ\rho are related by P=kρP=k\rho (k1)(k\le 1). The long time limit of the solutions are black holes whose horizon structures depend on the value of kk. The k=1k=1 solution is the Banados-Teitelboim-Zanelli black hole metric in the long time static limit, while the k<1k<1 solutions give other, `hairy' black hole metrics in this limit.Comment: 8 pages, RevTeX (to appear in Phys. Rev. D) References to Mann and Ross, and Mann, Chan and Chan adde

    Perspektif Baru Enterprise Architecture Pemerintahan Kota Mataram Berbasis TOGAF ADM

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    TIK salah satu penentu keberhasilan sebuah organisasi dalam mencapai visi dan misinya. Terpilihnya pemimpin yang baru, terbentuknya SKPD baru dengan visi misi baru sehingga master plan yang lama di anggap sudah tidak relevan lagi, sehingga persoalan yang muncul diselesaikan dengan cara reaktif dan memungkinkan persoalan yang sama akan muncul kembali pada masa yang akan datang. Arsitektur enterprise adalah cara untuk membangun arsitektur TIK dari sebuah organisasi yang berfokus pada arsitektur bisnis, arsitektur data, arsitektur aplikasi dan arsitektur teknologi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Metodologi yang digunakan adalah Enterprise Architecture TOGAF ADM sebagai kerangka acuan untuk perencanaan strategis TIK Pemerintahan Kota Mataram. Subyek pada penelitian ini adalah responden yang memiliki kewenangan dalam pengambilan keputusan terkait TIK dan pengguna TIK di Dinas Komunikasi dan Informatika (DISKOMINFO). Kebutuhan bisnis yang terdiri dari Arsitektur Data, Aplikasi dan Teknologi diidentifikasi dan diusulkan untuk mendukung aktivitas bisnis demi pencapaian tujuan organisasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini dengan menganalisa penggunaan penerapan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi(TIK) Seperti Sumber daya Manusia yang terlibat, kebutuhan aplikasi dan infrastruktur jaringan komputer dalam untuk mendukung proses bisnis dalam pelaksanaan roda pemerintahan Kota Mataram, dengan menggunakan metode scorecard uji kelayakan dengan rata-rata perolehan 76%


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan modul Dasar-Dasar Teknik Digital Kelas X Teknik Audio Video di SMK Negeri 3 Yogyakarta, dan mengetahui kelayakan modul yang dikembangkan. Metode yang digunakan adalah penelitian pengembangan (Research and Development) dengan menggunakan model Four-D dari Thiagarajan dan Semmel yang dimodifikasi. Tahapan Four-D, yaitu Define, Design, Develop dan Disseminate. Tahapan Disseminate tidak dilakukan karena lingkup penelitian yang sempit. Hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa: penilaian tingkat kelayakan modul oleh ahli materi dan ahli media masing-masing memperoleh tingkat kelayakan 79,41%, (sangat layak) dan 80,83% (sangat layak). Sedangkan penilaian oleh dua guru mata pelajaran secara keseluruhan memperoleh 84,87%, (sangat layak). Respon peserta didik terhadap tampilan modul sebesar 83,63% (sangat layak). Berdasar data tersebut dapat disimpulkan modul Dasar-Dasar Teknik Digital layak untuk digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran di SMK Negeri 3 Yogyakarta. Kata kunci : modul pembelajaran, dasar-dasar digital

    Long-run Determinants of Private Saving Behaviour in Pakistan

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    Compared to the rapidly-growing economies of Southeast Asia, the growth performance of the Pakistan economy was significantly weaker during the 1970s and 1980s. While the Southeast Asian countries made substantial progress in improving living standards, the average standard of living, as measured by the GNP per capita, was virtually stagnant in Pakistan over this period. Much of the difference in economic performance between Pakistan and the Southeast Asian countries is often attributed to the low rates of saving and investment in Pakistan.1 Indeed, the differences in rates of domestic investment are often attributed to the differences in rates of domestic saving. Hence, the disparity in the growth performance between Pakistan and the Southeast Asian countries over the past two decades relates to the differences in saving rates, and an understanding of the fundamental determinants of saving in Pakistan assumes critical importance. This paper reviews trend developments in the private saving behaviour in Pakistan, and compares these trends with those seen in the Southeast Asian economies during the period since 1970. Using co-integration analysis, the long-run properties of Pakistan’s saving rate are examined, with a view to identifying the main determinants of saving. The principal finding is that about one-half of the trend increase in saving appears to be related to financial development and deepening. In contrast to the results obtained by Faruqee and Husain (1994) and Husain (1995) for the Southeast Asian countries, demographics appear not to have played an important role in determining saving behaviour in Pakistan, possibly because high rates of population growth during the past three decades resulted in a virtually unchanged demographic structure of the population