97 research outputs found

    A Grounded Theory Case Study Examining the Impact on Policy Actors of their Engagement and Interactions with Educational Policy Implementation Processes.

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    In the field of Education there appears to be a gap in the literature examining policy implementation process from the viewpoint of educational stakeholders. This thesis attempts to address that gap by examining the impact on site based policy actors of the implementation of a policy in the form of a new mathematics curriculum. This dissertation endeavours to answer the question of how the interactions and engagement of policy actors with policy implementation processes are impacted by and impact such processes. The research approach adopted is that of a case study using a Classic Grounded Theory Methodology. This approach permits the data to be approached from a conceptually neutral position, allowing theoretical understanding to be built from the concepts that emerge from the analysis. The theoretical model developed from this grounded theory analysis is then filtered through two conceptual lenses, social cognition and affect/emotion, to determine an understanding of their theoretical relevance to the interactions and engagement of policy actors with policy processes. This study adds to the understanding of how policy processes unfold in a site based setting. In particular, it gives recognition to the affective responses of policy actors as they engage and interact with policy processes and how those responses may impinge on those processes

    Dynamics and entanglement in quantum and quantum-classical systems: lessons for gravity

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    Motivated by quantum gravity, semi-classical theory, and quantum theory on curved spacetimes, we study the system of an oscillator coupled to two spin-1/2 particles. This model provides a prototype for comparing three types of dynamics: the full quantum theory, the classical oscillator with spin backreaction, and spins propagating on a fixed oscillator background. From nonperturbative calculations of oscillator and entanglement entropy dynamics, we find that entangled tripartite states produce novel oscillator trajectories, and that the three systems give equivalent dynamics for sufficiently weak oscillator-spin couplings, but deviate significantly for intermediate couplings. These results suggest that semiclassical dynamics with back reaction does not provide a suitable intermediate regime between quantum gravity and quantum theory on curved spacetime.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures; references and clarifications adde


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    This research paper explores the mediating role of attitudetowards the advertisement and attitude towards the brand, andmoderating role of self-monitoring in the relationships betweenperceived humor in the advertisement and purchase intention of the customer. Survey data was collected from 209 individuals after showing advertisements. Confirmatory factor analysis, structural equation modeling, and macro developed by Preacher and Hays have been used to test moderation and mediation effect in the hypothesized model. A good fit between the data and tested model was observed. As predicted, purchase intention was positively related to perceived humor and full mediation effect has been found. The moderating role of self-monitoring has also been supported by the data. The findings are particularly salient for national and multinational media agenciesin Pakistan as well in the other parts of the world

    Roadmap for Redefining the Competencies of Malaysian Building Surveyors in the Post-COVID-19 Era

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    The construction sector has been heavily impacted, globally, and locally, by the COVID-19 crisis since the beginning of the Movement Control Order in Malaysia in mid-March of 2020. This situation has severely impacted construction practitioners, building surveyors and the construction industry overall. Adaptations are necessary to continue updating professional needs and skillsets while minimising the negative effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on the supply of, and demand for, building surveying services. To ensure the continuous improvement of surveying practice, this study asks, “What new competencies skillset is required by building surveyors in Malaysia to deal with the post-pandemic crisis?” Therefore, this study attempts to redefine a new set of competencies that Malaysian building surveyors will need to succeed in the post-COVID-19 era. The research data for this study was collected using a qualitative method approach that involved analysing and reviewing documents such as the guidelines, standards and policies from the national and international professional bodies that govern this profession. Based on the document review and analysis approach, the study highlights how fourteen competencies are emphasised by the five professional bodies governing the building surveying profession. The study provides significant benefits to building surveyors, who can improve their employability, as well as to fresh graduates and undergraduates preparing for the working environment. It also offers valuable insights for policy makers and surveying institutions on how to structure their adaptation and plans to overcome the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic that will confront building surveying practitioners

    Roadmap for Redefining the Competencies of Malaysian Building Surveyors in the Post-COVID-19 Era

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    The construction sector has been heavily impacted, globally, and locally, by the COVID-19 crisis since the beginning of the Movement Control Order in Malaysia in mid-March of 2020. This situation has severely impacted construction practitioners, building surveyors and the construction industry overall. Adaptations are necessary to continue updating professional needs and skillsets while minimising the negative effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on the supply of, and demand for, building surveying services. To ensure the continuous improvement of surveying practice, this study asks, “What new competencies skillset is required by building surveyors in Malaysia to deal with the post-pandemic crisis?” Therefore, this study attempts to redefine a new set of competencies that Malaysian building surveyors will need to succeed in the post-COVID-19 era. The research data for this study was collected using a qualitative method approach that involved analysing and reviewing documents such as the guidelines, standards and policies from the national and international professional bodies that govern this profession. Based on the document review and analysis approach, the study highlights how fourteen competencies are emphasised by the five professional bodies governing the building surveying profession. The study provides significant benefits to building surveyors, who can improve their employability, as well as to fresh graduates and undergraduates preparing for the working environment. It also offers valuable insights for policy makers and surveying institutions on how to structure their adaptation and plans to overcome the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic that will confront building surveying practitioners


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    Abstract: Perajin gerabah di paklili telah membuat gerabah selam ratusan tahun, namun harga gerabahnya masih sangat murah, sehingga belum dapat meningkatkan kesejahtraannya. Oleh sebab itu, melalui IBM tim pengabdi akan melatih teknik pengolahan bahan baku tanah liat yang lebih halis dan lebih baik sehingga bisa menghasilkan produk gerabah yang lebih halus. Metode pendekatan menggunakan ceramah, diskusi, eksprimen, dengan menerapkan pengembangan desain pelibatan dan partisipasi perajin, luaran yang diharapkan adalah: Perajin lebih mengenal dan terampil mengolah tanah liat agar menghasilkan kualitas gerabah yang lebih baik. Hasil IbM menunjukkan secara umum keterampilan yang dimiliki oleh mitra setelah pelatihan dapat bertambah, khususnya teknik pengolahan tanah liat secara baik, walaupun masih manual, namun bisa meningkatkan kualitas bahan baku yang digunakan sehingga bisa menghasilkan poduk baru dan fungsi baru selain gerabah uring-uring. Secara umum jika dilihat secara total ketercapaian tujuan Ipteks bagi Masyarakt, maka teknik pengolahan bahan baki berada pada urutan teratas presentase 37% bobot penguasaan keterampialm teknis peserta perajin, teknik hias berada diurutan kedua dengan bobot 33%, sedangkan teknik pembentukan mencapai bobot 30%. Teknik pembentukan dengan menggunakan alat putar masih sulit diwujudkan oleh perajin yang menjadi peserta, sebab para perajin telah menekuni pembuatan gerabah dengan teknik tatap pelandas, sehingga adaptasi terhadap teknologi alat putar masih membutuhkan labih banyak pembiasaan dan latihan. Pola Kerja dengan sistem tatap pelandas sudah menjadi bagian dari irama kehidupan sehari-hari perajin, sehingga perajin membutuhkan upaya lebih keras untuk membentuk dengan teknik putar

    Bleomycin induced pneumonitis: a case successfully managed with high-dose steroids

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    Bleomycin is a chemotherapeutic agent used in a number of solid organ malignancies.1-3 It accumulates in the skin and lungs resulting in skin ulceration and associated pulmonary toxicity. Its use is somewhat limited due to its significant pulmonary adverse effects with bleomycin induced pnemonitis (BIP) as the commonest and most dreaded complications. The overall incidence of pulmonary toxicity is as high as 10% and it is fatal in 1-2%.3,4 We present a case of BIP which was successfully managed by the aggressive use of high dose steroids with complete resolution

    Motivating semiclassical gravity: a classical-quantum approximation for bipartite quantum systems

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    We derive a "classical-quantum" approximation scheme for a broad class of bipartite quantum systems from fully quantum dynamics. In this approximation, one subsystem evolves via classical equations of motion with quantum corrections, and the other subsystem evolves quantum mechanically with equations of motion informed by the evolving classical degrees of freedom. Using perturbation theory, we derive an estimate for the growth rate of entanglement of the subsystems and deduce a "scrambling time" - the time required for the subsystems to become significantly entangled from an initial product state. We argue that a necessary condition for the validity of the classical-quantum approximation is consistency of initial data with the generalized Bohr correspondence principle. We illustrate the general formalism by numerically studying the fully quantum, fully classical, and classical-quantum dynamics of a system of two oscillators with nonlinear coupling. This system exhibits parametric resonance, and we show that quantum effects quench parametric resonance at late times. Lastly, we present a curious late-time scaling relation between the average value of the von Neumann entanglement of the interacting oscillator system and its total energy: S2/3lnES\sim 2/3 \ln E.Comment: 32 pages, 11 figures, 4 supplementary videos online at http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDRdFkFA2uqfp-CGfbhrfZDmfoC-Ng1x