17 research outputs found

    Organisasi dan Hubungan Kerja Nelayan Lungkak Tanjung Luar di Lombok Timur NTB

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    Lungkak fi shing community is a type of catcher and hunter fi sh. They use this strategy to get morefi sh. This type is a conventional type of fi shing communities in general. Lungkak Fishermen use a varietyof technology systems to capture and hunt fi sh. As for using various kinds and types of boats and fi shinggear. With this type of fi shing is catching and hunting fi sh Lungkak fi shing communities and organizationscreate a strong working relationship fi shermen to take advantage of marine fi sheries resources. Traditionalsocial organization found in almost the same Lungkak fi shermen fi shing communities in Indonesia thatis familiar with the concept of patron client. In fi shing communities Lungkak known Ponggawe (boss)and Sabi (men / labor). In addition there is also the division of tasks between the owners / bosses andsubordinates. This division of tasks ranging from before the sea or the preparation, execution of fi shingactivities and the activities after the return from the sea. In fi shing communities Lungkak a Ponggaweusually recruit a Sabi because of family relation. A punggawe recruit their own relatives as Sabi. Sharingsystem on the Tanjung Luar Lungkak fi shing communities also called Sadoh. Sadoh is a calculation rulefor the outcome of any fi shermen after fi shing

    Implementasi Kebijakan COVID-19 di Pondok Pesantren: Studi Kasus Pondok Pesantren Jamil Kecamatan Kesugihan, Kabupaten Cilacap

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    The implementation of the COVID-19 policy is the result of adjusting the existing conditions within the Islamic boarding school environment. With the implementation of the COVID-19 policy causing a social rearrangement included in the world of education. The purpose of this study is to understand the implementation of the COVID-19 policy in the Jamil Islamic Boarding School environment and identify the responses shown by Jamil Islamic Boarding School residents to the implementation of the policy. This research uses qualitative methods of the case study type that produce descriptive data. The results of the research show that the Kiai are the most important decision-makers. The determinants of the application of implementation are based on the conditions of Islamic boarding schools in the fields of education and health which are divided into two policies namely zhohir (physical) and bathiniyah (inner). This raises various responses from residents of Islamic boarding schools, especially students. These responses fall into five aspects, namely health recommendations, attitudes toward the government, stigma, religion, and personal identity. Implementation of policies through approaches through religion and respected religious leaders is more acceptable to Islamic boarding school residents compared to policies issued only by the government

    Jaringan dan Sistem Sosial dalam Distribusi Komoditas Pertanian Lahan Kering

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    Farming systems in the highlands have special typologies, as the development of dryland farming systems in the form of “tegalan” or gardens. This farming system also exists in several regions in Central Java. The aim of the study is to understand the distribution network system of local commodities (coffee, cocoa, and sugar palm at the local level). This study used qualitative research methods. The subjects in this study were the community (farmers) in Medono Village, Boja District, Kendal Regency. The results showed that the coffee and palm sugar distribution network system is carried out by collectors who come from local people and vendors or entrepreneurs from outside the village

    The Social Change of Barru District Society Due to the Construction of the Makassar - Parepare Railway Line

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    Indonesia that continued to change over time will no doubt affect the aspects of life. Aspect that could provide sustenance was the need of transportation through the construction of the Makassar - Parepare railway line. The goal was to know the social changes and adaptation patterns of children when social changes occurred as a result of the construction of the Makassar-Parepare railway. This study used qualitative method with descriptive analysis. The informants of the study were; 1) PPK Railway Development of South Sulawesi, 2) Affected communities, 3) Head of BPD in Ajakkang village, and 4) Head of Polewali environment. The data collection technique of this study were interviews, observation, and documentation. The results is construction of the Makassar - Parepare railway led a social change that could be seen based on the process and time. The planned social change occurred because the government is the agent of change in the development. The unplanned social change occurred because of the flooding. The form of social change based on the time of revolution in development has led to conflict due to different interests. The adaptation of children to social changes in society tends to conformity adaptation rather than other forms of adaptation

    The Effect of Social Interaction and Internet Utilization on Students’ Self-Regulated Learning

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    This study aims to analyze students' social interactions, internet use, self-regulated learning, and the influence of social interaction and internet use on self-regulated learning of students at SMP Islam Al-Azhar 5 Cirebon. This research is a quantitative study with a population of 180 students of class VIII SMP Islam Al-Azhar 5 Cirebon which were chosen using random sampling In this study, questionnaires and documentation were used to collect data. Multiple linear regression was employed in the data analysis approach. According to the findings of this study: (1) the level of students’ social interaction of 62% belongs to the fairly good category, (2) the level of student’s internet utilization by 59% belongs to the fairly good category, (3) the pearson correlations product moment value of social interaction and internet utilization on students’ self-regulated learning of 0.735 has a strong or high correlation, meaning "There is a significant effect of social interaction and internet use on self-regulated learning of students of SMP Islam Al-Azhar 5 Cirebon". The magnitude of the effect based on the analysis of the coefficient of determination is 53.2% while the remaining 46.8% is influenced by other variables not included in the research model

    The existence of grebeg makukuhan on socio-cultural values of generation-Z in Kedu Village, Temanggung Regency

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    The development of information technology has caused the disappearance of the noble values of local culture. Grebeg Makukuhan is a local culture of Kedu Village that has socio-cultural values and various meanings from the symbols used by the community to instill noble and moral values in generation z. This study aimed to analyze the symbolic meaning in the implementation of Grebeg Makukuhan, how the Z-generation interprets the symbolic elements, and the role of parents in the inheritance of socio-cultural values. This research used qualitative research with an ethnographic approach. The results showed that the z-generation was able to maintain the existence of Grebeg Makukuhan with evidence that the z-generation children could explain the meaning of the symbol elements used in Grebeg Makukuhan activities. The findings that researchers can find in the form of success in maintaining cultural values can not be separated from the role of parents, thus positively impacting the development of Generation Z as the next generation and becoming good citizens who care about the environment. The general public can use the benefits of this research to study the methods used by Kedu Village people to maintain a local culture in the younger generation


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    Mobile health (mH) adalah inovasi di sektor kesehatan digital dengan menyediakan dukungan dan intervensi perawatan kesehatan melalui teknologi seperti gawai, tablet, dan perangkat elektronik untuk mendukung perawatan medis. Mobile Health (mH) dijadikan sebagai informasi awal maupun second opinion untuk mengetahui penyebab sakit hingga penanganan medis yang diperlukan untuk meredakan simptom (gejala) yang yang dirasakan seseorang. Mahasiswa dipilih sebagai subjek penelitian ini dikarenakan mahasiswa rentan sakit dan keterikatan mahasiswa dengan teknologi khususnya gawai sehingga mahasiswa cenderung memanfaatkan mH karena mudah diakses dan dijangkau oleh mahasiswa. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengetahuan mahasiswa mengenai mH dan dampaknya pada perilaku kesehatan mahasiswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode analisis deskriptif untuk menjawab rumusan masalah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengetahuan mahasiswa mengenai mH diperoleh dari sosialisasi media massa dan media sosial dalam bentuk iklan yang persuasif. Mahasiswa memanfaatkan mobile health (mH) seperti halodoc dan alodokter agar memperoleh informasi maupun konsultasi dengan dokter tentang gejala dan keluhan-keluhan sakit yang dialami seperti alergi dan asam lambung. Dengan adanya mobile health (mH) ini mahasiswa pengguna memiliki alternatif dalam pencarian kesehatan dan pengobatan. Kata kunci : Mahasiswa, Mobile Health (mH), Perilaku Kesehatan

    Characteristics of Soto, an ethnic food that reflects Indonesian diversity: Based on ingredients

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    Indonesia is highly diverse in culture, ethnicity, religion, and natural resources. The diversity is also obvious in its cuisine. Soto is an example of an iconic Indonesian dish found in many parts of the country. Despite sharing a similar name, the recipes vary according to their place of origin. Until now, how many variants of Soto are in Indonesia is not exactly known. This review aimed to discuss the characteristics of Soto based on ingredients. Soto is a soup composed of spices-flavored broth and various solid ingredients, such as vegetables and protein- and carbohydrate-rich foods. Every region in Indonesia has a different recipe of Soto; some use non-turmeric soup or coconut milk soup. The carbohydrate ingredients are mainly soun (cellophane noodle) and potato. The protein ingredients are mainly composed of chicken, egg, and beef. Vegetables consist of bean sprouts, tomatoes, and cabbage. Fried garlic, shallot, spring onion, and crackers are added as a garnish. The diversity of the ingredient makes the distinction among Soto: diversity of locality and diversity of ingredients. Approximately 46 types of Soto are reviewed in this article. Most of the Soto recipes use chicken, bean sprouts, soun, boiled egg, garlic, white pepper, red onion, ginger, and bay leaf as the main ingredients. Soto becomes an identity of its geographical origins and has distinction based on the main recipes


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    Lungkak fi shing community is a type of catcher and hunter fi sh. They use this strategy to get morefi sh. This type is a conventional type of fi shing communities in general. Lungkak Fishermen use a varietyof technology systems to capture and hunt fi sh. As for using various kinds and types of boats and fi shinggear. With this type of fi shing is catching and hunting fi sh Lungkak fi shing communities and organizationscreate a strong working relationship fi shermen to take advantage of marine fi sheries resources. Traditionalsocial organization found in almost the same Lungkak fi shermen fi shing communities in Indonesia thatis familiar with the concept of patron client. In fi shing communities Lungkak known Ponggawe (boss)and Sabi (men / labor). In addition there is also the division of tasks between the owners / bosses andsubordinates. This division of tasks ranging from before the sea or the preparation, execution of fi shingactivities and the activities after the return from the sea. In fi shing communities Lungkak a Ponggaweusually recruit a Sabi because of family relation. A punggawe recruit their own relatives as Sabi. Sharingsystem on the Tanjung Luar Lungkak fi shing communities also called Sadoh. Sadoh is a calculation rulefor the outcome of any fi shermen after fi shing.Key words: Charities, employment, patron-Client</p