27 research outputs found

    Early Motor Developmental Milestones and Schizotypy in the Northern Finland Birth Cohort Study 1966.

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    Delayed motor developmental milestones have been reported to be associated with schizophrenia in previous studies, but no study has examined the relationship between early motor developmental milestones and schizotypy. We have examined this relationship in a prospective birth cohort.In the Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1966, data on 9 early motor developmental milestones were collected prospectively from visits to child welfare centers, and data on adult schizotypy were collected through a questionnaire (N = 4557-4674). Positive schizotypy was measured by the Perceptual Aberration Scale (PAS), negative schizotypy was measured by Physical Anhedonia Scale (PhAS) and Social Anhedonia Scale (SAS). Three related scales were included: Schizoidia Scale (SCHD), Hypomanic Personality Scale (HPS), and Bipolar II Scale (BIP2). We examined the milestone-schizotypy associations before and after excluding cases of schizophrenia from this population-based sample. Hierarchical regression analyses adjusted for covariates and separately for both genders were performed. In men, each extra month of delay in achievement of touching thumb with index finger, sitting unsupported, standing up, walking with support, or walking unsupported was associated with an increase in PAS, PhAS, or SCHD scores, or decrease in BIP2 score (P < .05). In women, each extra month of delay in achievement of turning from back to tummy was associated with an increase in PhAS and SAS scores (P < .05). Schizotypy is associated with delayed motor developmental milestones in early-life, but there is some heterogeneity with regards to types of milestones and gender. These findings suggest delayed motor development confers risk across the continuum of schizophrenia syndrome

    Applicability of current staging/categorization of α-synuclein pathology and their clinical relevance

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    In Parkinson’s disease (PD) and dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) α-synuclein (αS) pathology is seen that displays a predictable topographic distribution. There are two staging/categorization systems, i.e. Braak’s and McKeith’s, currently in use for the assessment of αS pathology. The aim of these diagnostic strategies in pathology is, in addition to assess the stage/severity of pathology, to assess the probabilities of the related clinical symptomatology i.e. dementia and extrapyramidal symptoms (EPS). Herein, we assessed the applicability of these two staging/categorization systems and the frequency of dementia and EPS in a cohort of 226 αS-positive-subjects. These subject were selected from a large autopsy sample (n = 1,720), irrespective of the clinical presentation, based on the detection of αS-immunoreactivity (IR) in one of the most vulnerable nuclei; in the dorsal motor nucleus of vagus, substantia nigra and basal forebrain. The frequency of αS-IR lesions in this large cohort was 14% (248 out of 1,720). If applicable, each of the 226 subjects with all required material available was assigned a neuropathological stage/category of PD/DLB and finally the neuropathological data was analyzed in relation to dementia and EPS. 83% of subjects showed a distribution pattern of αS-IR that was compatible with the current staging/categorization systems. Around 55% of subjects with widespread αS pathology (Braak’s PD stages 5–6) lacked clinical signs of dementia or EPS. Similarly, in respect to those subjects that fulfilled the McKeith criteria for diffuse neocortical category and displaying only mild concomitant Alzheimer’s disease-related pathology, only 48% were demented and 54% displayed EPS. It is noteworthy that some subjects (17%) deviated from the suggested caudo-rostral propagation suggesting alternative routes of progression, perhaps due to concomitant diseases and genetic predisposition. In conclusion, our results do indeed confirm that current staging/categorization systems can readily be applied to most of the subjects with αS pathology. However, finding that around half of the subjects with abundant αS pathology remain neurologically intact is intriguing and raises the question whether we do assess the actual disease process

    Childhood chronic condition and subsequent self-reported internalizing and externalizing problems in adolescence:a birth cohort study

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    Abstract Chronic conditions are common in childhood. We investigated the associations of childhood chronic conditions reported by parents with subsequent self-reported internalizing and externalizing problems in adolescence. A sample of 6290 children (3142 boys and 3148 girls) with data on chronic condition reported by parents both at 7 and at 16 years of age was obtained from the Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1986 (NFBC 1986), which is a longitudinal 1-year birth cohort (n = 9432) from an unselected, regionally defined population. Internalizing and externalizing problems were measured at 8 years of age with Rutter Children’s Behavioral Questionnaire by teachers and at 16 years of age with Youth Self-Report by adolescents. When studying the effects of history of chronic conditions on these problems at 16 years of age, childhood internalizing and externalizing problems and social relations were adjusted. A history of chronic condition predicted subsequent somatic complaints among all adolescents. Early-onset chronic conditions were related to subsequent externalizing (OR 1.35; 1.02–1.79) and attention problems (OR 1.33; 1.01–1.75) and later onset of chronic conditions with internalizing (OR 1.49; 1.22–1.82) and thought problems (OR 1.50; 1.18–1.92). The effect was specific for sex and the type of chronic condition. Conclusion: Childhood chronic conditions predicted internalizing and externalizing problems in adolescence. To prevent poor mental health trajectories, children with chronic conditions during their growth to adolescence need early support and long-term monitoring

    Infant motor development and physical activity and sedentary time at midlife

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    Abstract This study investigated whether the timing of infant motor development is associated with self-reported and accelerometer-measured physical activity (PA) and sedentary time (ST) in midlife. This population-based study consisted of 4098 people born in 1966 in Northern Finland (NFBC 1966). Data on nine infant motor developmental milestones included making sounds, holding up the head, grabbing objects, turning from back to tummy, sitting without support, standing with support, walking with support, standing without support, and walking without support. At the age of 46, PA at leisure time and sitting time was self-reported. PA and ST were also measured with a wrist-worn Polar Active accelerometer that was instructed to be worn on the non-dominant hand 24 h/d for 14 days. A multiple linear regression analysis was used to analyze the association between infant motor development and PA and ST in midlife. Later infant motor development was weakly associated with higher accelerometer-measured light PA, but not with moderate-to-vigorous PA. Later infant locomotor development was associated with lower accelerometer-measured ST (ÎČ âˆ’0.07, p = 0.012) and lower self-reported sitting time at work (ÎČ âˆ’0.06, p = 0.004) in women. In conclusion, later infant motor development was associated with higher light PA and lower sedentary time at middle age. PA is a multifactorial behavior influenced by various factors from early childhood to midlife. Further research is required before more general conclusions can be drawn

    Miten autismikirjon henkilöt ja verrokit kuvailevat ja esittÀvÀt toisen henkilön ajatuksia?

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    Abstrakti Tarkastelemme referointikeinoja, joita aikuiset autismikirjon henkilöt ja verrokit kĂ€yttĂ€vĂ€t puhuessaan toisen henkilön ajatuksista. Aineisto on kerĂ€tty tutkimustilanteessa, jossa tutkittavia pyydetÀÀn kertomaan, mitĂ€ videolla nĂ€hty henkilö voisi ajatella. TĂ€ssĂ€ tutkimuksessa referointikeinot on luokiteltu kuvaileviksi ja esittĂ€viksi sen mukaan, pysyykö vuoron nĂ€kökulma eli deonttinen origo meneillÀÀn olevassa puhetilanteessa vai siirtyykö se referoitavaan puhetilanteeseen. Tutkimus osoittaa, ettĂ€ autismikirjon henkilöiden ja verrokkien referointikeinot ovat pÀÀosin samankaltaisia, joskin verrokkiryhmĂ€n edustajien vastauksissa on hieman enemmĂ€n kuvailua ja autismikirjon henkilöillĂ€ esitystĂ€. Kaksi tutkittavaa autismikirjon henkilöÀ kĂ€yttÀÀ myös ns. paljaita esityksiĂ€, jotka eivĂ€t sisĂ€llĂ€ lainkaan sellaisia deonttisia markkereita, jotka sitoisivat sanotun meneillĂ€ olevaan puhetilanteeseen. TĂ€llainen referointi on suomenkielisessĂ€ puheessa melko harvinaista, ja katsomme sen mahdollisesti kuvastavan yksittĂ€isten autismikirjon henkilöiden erilaista tapaa hahmottaa tai kĂ€sitellĂ€ puhetilanteen osallistumiskehikkoa.Abstract This paper examines participants’ responses to questions regarding the thoughts of another person. The data is drawn from semi-structured interviews with 56 young adults, 26 of whom have been diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. The interviews are in Finnish. The focus of this study is on linguistic means used by the participants in a task in which they are asked to watch a video clip and then tell what one of the characters is thinking. A common type of response to the latter question is an assertion, such as noo (.) se oli selvĂ€sti kiinnostunu siitĂ€ (2.0) kurssista ja (.) siitĂ€ mitĂ€ siellĂ€ tehdÀÀn ja ’well, she was clearly interested in the course and what it’s all about and’, which names the thought (e.g., kiinnostunu ‘interested’). The responses also include demonstrations, such as kuulostaapa tosi hauskalta kurssilta haluanpa itsekin mukaan sinne ‘That sounds like a fun course. I think I’d like to join.’ The study shows that individuals on the autism spectrum and control group members use similar linguistic means in their reported speech utterances. Most demonstrations in the data are combined with an assertion or other markers that show a deictic shift between the reported speech situation and the situation here-and-now. Two individuals on the autism spectrum, however, use a rare type of ‘bare demonstration’ which is not linguistically tied to the situation here-and-now. We pose a hypothesis that this may reflect some difficulty of individuals on the autism spectrum in processing the complex participation framework in a reported thought situation. In this part, ‘bare demonstrations’ resemble repetitive speech of children on the autism spectrum, which also reflects difficulty in intersubjective processing and interactional deictics. However, bare demonstrations are not reproductions of something the speaker has heard but, instead, a creation of the speaker’s own imagination

    MyötÀtunto ja itsemyötÀtunto lÀÀkÀrin työssÀ

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    TiivistelmÀ MyötÀtunto tarkoittaa toisen ihmisen kÀrsimyksen havaitsemista ja sen synnyttÀmÀÀ halua lievittÀÀ toisen kÀrsimystÀ. ItsemyötÀtunto on nimensÀ mukaisesti myötÀtuntoa itseÀ kohtaan. MyötÀtunto itseÀ ja potilaita kohtaan kuuluvat suomalaisiin valmistuvan lÀÀkÀrin osaamistavoitteisiin. Vahva itsemyötÀtunto on lÀÀkÀreillÀ ja lÀÀketieteen opiskelijoilla liittynyt vÀhÀisempÀÀn työuupumukseen ja suurempaan työhön tai opintoihin sitoutumiseen. MyötÀtuntouupumus on lÀÀkÀrien keskuudessa yleistÀ

    Autismikirjon osamÀÀrÀ (AQ) autismikirjon piirteitÀ seulomassa:seulontalomakkeen erottelukyky nuorilla aikuisilla

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    Abstrakti Autismikirjon piirteet ulottuvat sosiaalisten taitojen, kommunikaation, mielikuvituksen, tarkkaavuuden siirtÀmisen ja yksityiskohtien huomioimisen alueille. NÀillÀ osa-alueilla esiintyviÀ piirteitÀ voidaan seuloa autismikirjon osamÀÀrÀn (engl. autism spectrum quotient, AQ) avulla. TÀmÀn tutkimuksen tavoitteena on saada suomalaiset viitearvot AQ:lle sekÀ tarkastella, erotteleeko AQ-lomake suomalaisia autismikirjon nuoria aikuisia oman sukupuolen nuorista aikuisista, joilla ei ole autismikirjon diagnoosia. LisÀksi tarkastellaan ryhmien suoriutumisessa olevia eroja osioittain sekÀ AQ:n sisÀistÀ yhtenÀisyyttÀ. Tutkimukseen osallistui 52 autismikirjon nuorta aikuista (39 miestÀ ja 13 naista) sekÀ 1686 verrokkia (577 miestÀ ja 1109 naista). Tulokset osoittavat, ettÀ autismikirjon henkilöiden pistemÀÀrÀt nousevat samaa sukupuolta olevien verrokkihenkilöiden pistemÀÀriÀ korkeammalle. AQ erottelee autismikirjon miehet melko hyvin verrokkimiehistÀ, mutta autismikirjon naiset vain kohtalaisesti verrokkinaisista. OsioanalyysissÀ eniten ryhmien vÀlisiÀ tilastollisesti merkitseviÀ eroja tuli esille sosiaalisia taitoja ja kommunikaatiota mittaavissa vÀittÀmissÀ.Abstract Autism spectrum quotient (AQ) in screening features of autism spectrum : discriminatory ability of screening form in young adults Features of autism spectrum include areas of social skills, communication, imagination, attention switching and attention to details. These features can be screened with Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ). The purpose of this study is to obtain Finnish performance values for AQ and to study whether the AQ discriminates Finnish young adults on the autism spectrum from same-gender controls without autism spectrum diagnosis. In addition, differences between groups in each item and internal consistency of AQ has been studied. A total of 52 young adults on the autism spectrum (39 males and 13 females) and 1686 controls (577 males and 1109 females) took part in this study. Results show that individuals on the autism spectrum have higher scores than same-gender controls. AQ discriminates quite well males on the autism spectrum from control males but only fairly females on the autism spectrum from control females. In item analysis most statistically significant differences between groups were found in items measuring social skills and communication