190 research outputs found


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    What is the activating force that organizes economic affairs? The social side of human nature means that competition alone is not sufficient because competition is the expression of human individuality. Cooperation, which gives expression to human sociality, is the other one. Reality provides many examples indicating that people are more cooperative than is assumed in the standard self-interest model. In the last twenty years the academic view has changed about whether we should compete or cooperate for the higher competitiveness. In the eighties they supported the opinion that the competition is the only way to achieve success in business. Later on the argument started on competition vs. cooperation, and they realized that in some situation the competition, while in others the cooperation is efficient. In the same period the two definitions have changed as well. Different writers defined competition and cooperation variously according to their research’ approach. The study examined competition and cooperation separately, but there exist a new notion, according to which different independent partners can cooperate and compete at the same time with each other. So the opposite approaches can be fused, that is coopetition. Coopetition is a very popular solution for the present complex problems. But according to the everyday people it is not sure, that "working with the enemy†can run.competitiveness, cooperation, Institutional and Behavioral Economics, International Relations/Trade,

    Influencing of Current Sensors by External Magnetic Field

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    Import 23/08/2017Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá různými způsoby měření proudů a praktickým testováním vybraných klešťových ampérmetrů na sestaveném modelu přípojnic. V práci jsou uvedeny metody měření pomocí Rogowského cívky a měřícího transformátoru proudu. Dále jsou uvedeny magnetické vlastnosti jádra a různé druhy hysterezních smyček. V praktické části bylo provedeno měření pomocí digitálních multimetrů, kleští bez elektroniky, které byly připojeny na stolní multimetr a taky pomocí Rogowského cívky - AmpFlex. Na základě naměřených hodnot je vyhodnoceno, které přístroje byly nejvíce ovlivněny vnějším polem.This Bachelor thesis deals with different ways of measuring current and practical testing of selected clamp meters on a assembled busbar model. The work mentioned measuring methods using a Rogowski coil, current transformer. The following are the magnetic properties of the cores and various types of hysteresis loops. In the practical part measurements were taken using digital multimeters, clamps without electronics that were attached to the table multimetr and also using Rogowski coil - AmpFlex. Based on the measured values is evaluated which devices has been most affected by external field.410 - Katedra elektroenergetikyvýborn

    Individual Professional Practice in the Company

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    Tato práce pojednává o mém působení na individuální odborné praxi ve společnosti ABB s.r.o. nacházející se v Ostravě. Během této praxe jsem se podílel na řadě zajímavých úkolů v oblasti tvorby elektrotechnické dokumentace. Setkal jsem se s mnoha novými postupy, technologiemi a oborníky, se kterými jsem měl příležitost spolupracovat na rozsáhlých projektech a učit se od nich. Díky zkušenostem, které jsem měl z dřívějšího působení ve firmě a důvěře mého konzultanta Ing. Petra Kašpárka, Ph.D. jsem dostal přístup k technologiím, ke kterým se ne každý student elektrotechnického studia dostane. Cílem této praxe bylo získání praktických zkušeností v oblasti práce elektrotechnického projektanta a v oblasti tvorby projektové dokumentace.This thesis discusses my bachelor practice in the company ABB s.r.o. located in Ostrava. During this bachelor practice I took part in many interesting tasks in area of making electrotechnics documentation. I was introduced to new approaches, technologies and specialists, who I was able to cooperate with and who I was able to learn from while working on extensive projects. Due to experiences I have had from my earlier activity in the company and due to trust of my adviser Ing. Petr Kašpárek, Ph.D. I have been given the opportunity to work on various projects and have access to technologies which average student of electrotechnics field cannot access. The goal of the practice was to get practical experience in electrotechnics designer’s work and to improve my skills in making electric design documentation.420 - Katedra elektrotechnikyvýborn

    Identifying the factors influencing the nationality of a company

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    ’Clock Speed’ Theory of Strategy Making Along the Life Cycle

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    Regardless of sector, the long term viability of a firm is strongly tied to the quality and timeliness of its strategies. In hi-tech, events unfold much faster than in other value-creating business activities and hence the strategy changes its scope, its focus and implementation challenges often. This article will present a model that can be relied upon to gauge the need for different strategic engagements at four critical points of the market development: start-up, growth, leveling off/shakeout and maturity. The article also surfaces the importance of the elements of speed, horizon and focus to strategy making in hi-tech and comments on the evolution of market complexity.Niezależnie od branży, długoterminowa rentowność firmy jest ściśle związana z jakością i aktualnością jej strategii. W nowoczesnych technologiach wydarzenia rozwijają się znacznie szybciej niż w przypadku innych tworzących wartość działalności, stąd strategia zmienia ich zakres, ostrość i często wyzwania implementacyjne. Niniejszy artykuł przedstawi model, na którym można polegać, aby ocenić potrzebę różnych zobowiązań strategicznych z czterech punktów krytycznych rozwoju rynku: uruchomienia, rozwoju, wyrównywania/restrukturyzacji i dojrzałości. Artykuł również podkreśla znaczenie elementów prędkości, horyzontu i koncentruje się na tworzeniu strategii w nowoczesnych technologiach i spostrzeżeniach na temat ewolucji złożoności rynku

    Experimental load tests of reinforced concrete slab

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    Foundation structures, their testing and modelling their behavior is a wide area to research. Analysis of interaction between the subsoil and the foundation structures has been developed for many years. For the determination of stress in foundation structure is needed to determine the influence of the stiffness respectively pliability of subsoil to structural internal forces, and vice versa, how the stiffness of the foundation structure affects the resulting subsidence. A lot of different elements are tested or modeled in the world. Previous researches on loading of reinforced slabs have shown a number of phenomena significantly influencing their strength and behaviour. However, no general agreement is yet found on a physical theory (either in codes of practice or in design models) suitably describing the interaction between the subsoil and the foundation structures.Web of Science785-5979

    An extensive photometric study of the Blazhko RR Lyrae star DM Cyg

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    DM Cyg, a fundamental mode RRab star was observed in the 2007 and 2008 seasons in the frame of the Konkoly Blazhko Survey. Very small amplitude light curve modulation was detected with 10.57 d modulation period. The maximum brightness and phase variations do not exceed 0.07 mag and 7 min, respectively. In spite of the very small amplitude of the modulation, beside the frequency triplets characterizing the Fourier spectrum of the light curve two quintuplet components were also identified. The accuracy and the good phase coverage of our observations made it possible to analyse the light curves at different phases of the modulation separately. Utilizing the IP method (S\'odor, Jurcsik and Szeidl, 2009) we could detect very small systematic changes in the global mean physical parameters of DM Cyg during its Blazhko cycle. The detected changes are similar to what we have already found for a large modulation amplitude Blazhko variable MW Lyrae. The amplitudes of the detected changes in the physical parameters of DM Cyg are only about 10% of that what have been found in MW Lyr. This is in accordance with its small modulation amplitude being about one tenth of the modulation amplitude of MW Lyr.Comment: 12 pages, 15 figures, 4 tables. Table 1 is available electronically eg., from our website: http://www.konkoly.hu/24/publications/. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Efficiency and Profitability Along the Lifecycle Stages of Small Enterprises

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    Les germanistes Patrick Farges et Anne-Marie Saint-Gille éditent les contributions présentées lors d’un colloque organisé à l’ENS Lyon en janvier 2012 qui avait rassemblé historien-ne-s et germanistes. Ils proposent un parcours à travers ce qui est appelé ici le premier féminisme allemand sans que l’éditeur et l’éditrice ne le définissent plus précisément. Les Allemandes et les Autrichiennes ont accédé au suffrage en 1918 ce qui, contrairement à la France, a largement modifié les conditions d..