608 research outputs found

    Position of the fluorescent label is a crucial factor determining signal intensity in microarray hybridizations

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    A key issue in applications of short oligonucleotide-based microarrays is how to design specific probes with high sensitivity. Some details of the factors affecting microarray hybridization remain unclear, hampering a reliable quantification of target nucleic acids. We have evaluated the effect of the position of the fluorescent label [position of label (POL)] relative to the probe-target duplex on the signal output of oligonucleotide microarrays. End-labelled single-stranded DNA targets of different lengths were used for hybridization with perfect-match oligonucleotide probe sets targeting different positions of the same molecule. Hybridization results illustrated that probes targeting the labelled terminus of the target showed significantly higher signals than probes targeting other regions. This effect was independent of the target gene, the fluorophore and the slide surface chemistry. Comparison of microarray signal patterns of fluorescently end-labelled, fluorescently internally random-labelled and radioactively end-labelled target-DNAs with the same set of oligonucleotide probes identified POL as a critical factor affecting signal intensity rather than binding efficiency. Our observations define a novel determinant for large differences of signal intensities. Application of the POL effect may contribute to better probe design and data interpretation in microarray applications

    Global characterization of the root transcriptome of a wild species of rice, Oryza longistaminata, by deep sequencing

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>Oryza longistaminata</it>, an AA genome type (2 n = 24), originates from Africa and is closely related to Asian cultivated rice (<it>O. sativa L</it>.). It contains various valuable traits with respect to tolerance to biotic and abiotic stress, QTLs with agronomically important traits and high ability to use nitrogen efficiently (NUE). However, only limited genomic or transcriptomic data of <it>O. longistaminata </it>are currently available.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In this study we present the first comprehensive characterization of the <it>O. longistaminata </it>root transcriptome using 454 pyrosequencing. One sequencing run using a normalized cDNA library from <it>O. longistaminata </it>roots adapted to low N conditions generated 337,830 reads, which assembled into 41,189 contigs and 30,178 singletons. By similarity search against protein databases, putative functions were assigned to over 34,510 uni-ESTs. Comparison with ESTs derived from cultivated rice collections revealed expressed genes across different plant species, however 16.7% of the <it>O. longistaminata </it>ESTs had not been detected as expressed in <it>O. sativa</it>. Additionally, 15.7% had no significant similarity to known sequences. RT-PCR and Southern blot analyses confirmed the expression of selected novel transcripts in <it>O. longistaminata</it>.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our results show that one run using a Genome Sequencer FLX from 454 Life Science/Roche generates sufficient genomic information for adequate de novo assembly of a large number of transcripts in a wild rice species, <it>O. longistaminata</it>. The generated sequence data are publicly available and will facilitate gene discovery in <it>O. longistaminata </it>and rice functional genomic studies. The large number of abundant of novel ESTs suggests different metabolic activity in <it>O. longistaminata </it>roots in comparison to <it>O. sativa </it>roots.</p

    The Role of Implicit Associations in Sexual Functioning in Women with and Without Sexual Problems

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    Uit onderzoek is gebleken dat vrouwen met een seksuele disfunctie een lagere kwaliteit van leven op verschillende levensgebieden ervaren. Ook blijkt uit eerder onderzoek dat zowel expliciete als impliciete cognities verstoord zijn bij seksuele disfuncties. In dit huidige onderzoek zijn vrouwen geselecteerd met verschillende seksuele disfuncties. Er is onderzocht of zij verschillen op impliciete en expliciete cognities van seksuele stimuli in vergelijking met vrouwen zonder seksuele disfuncties

    Untersuchungen zur Funktion und Verbreitung von selbstspleißenden Introns der Gruppe I in Bacteria

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    Tenak babi yang dikembangkan oleh masyarakat di desa Tapenpah sebagai suatu usaha yang menunjang perekonomian peternak. Tujuan dilakukannya kegiatan ini untuk mengobservasi dan menganalisis sistem pemeliharaan ternak babi di desa Tapenpah. Hasil observasi peternakan babi di desa Tapenpah memiliki populasi ternak babi berjumlah 195 ekor dengan sistem perkandangan secara intensif, pemberian pakan dilakukan dua kali sehari yaitu pagi dan sore hari dengan jenis pakan yang diberikan berupa campuran dedak padi, jagung halus, konsentrat dan probiotik, adanya penerapan biosecurity dan sanitasi serta dilakukan pengobatan pada ternak yang sakit, manajemen reproduksi dilakukan dengan cara kawin alam dan inseminasi buatan (IB). Kesimpulannya manajemen perkandangan telah memenuhi standar perkandangan yang baik, manajemen pakan yang diterapkan dapat memenuhi kebutuhan zat nutrisi, manajemen kesehatan berupa biosekuriti yang diterapkan sudah baik, dan manajemen reproduksi yang diterapkan telah memenuhi standar yang baik

    Analysis of the HBsAg status of toddlers born to HbsAg-reactive mothers at the Sikumana Community Health Center, Kupang City, in 2021

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    Background: Hepatitis is an infectious disease which is regarded as a public health problem due to its high prevalence. It is an inflammation of the liver that may develop into fibrosis, cirrhosis or liver cancer. The data obtained from the basic health research in 2017 shows that East Nusa Tenggara has the second highest percentage of HBsAg reactive-amongpregnant women in Indonesia (5.26%). Objectives: This study aims to analyze the HBsAg status of toddlers born from pregnant women with HbsAg-reactive at the Sikumana Health Center, Kupang City, in 2021. Methods: This is an analytical research carried out with a quantitative approach carried out and a cross sectional research design. This research was conducted at the Sikumana Community Health Center in September-October 2021 with a total sample of 53 toddlers born to HBsAg-reactive pregnant women in 2019. The data used were primary data collected using instruments in the form of questionnaires and blood samples taken for the HBsAg examination which was carried out by laboratory workers at the Sikumana Community Health Center. Meanwhile, the data analysis was performed using univariate and bivariate (chi square) method with version 20 of SPSS application.Results: The results show that there were 53 HbsAg-reactive pregnant women at the Sikumana Community Health Center, Kupang City, and most of whom (83.0%) had good knowledge about Hepatitis B. The HBsAg RDT test in infants born to pregnant women with HbsAg-reactive revealed that there were 4 toddlers (7.5%) with HBsAg reactive, indicating that there was still a failure in immunoglobulin (HBIg). Furthermore, the results of the chi square test showed that there was a relationship between mother's knowledge, child's age, and history of HBIG administration with toddler's HBsAg status.Conclusions: Health workers are expected to increase education and socialization about Hepatitis B and the importance of re-examination of infants who have received HBIG immunoprophylaxis. The re-examination is necessary considering that the confirmation examination program for the HBsAg RDT test has not been going well and immunoglobulin (HBIg) failures still occurred even if only in small number. Furthermore, this re-examination plays pivotal role to detect the effectiveness of HBIG so that early treatment can be given if there is a HBIG failure

    Determinan Kemandirian Lansia dalam melakukkan Instrumental Activity Daily Living (IADL) di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Balauring Kec. Omesuri Kab.Lembata-NTT

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    Research aims to determine the determinants of the independence of the elderly in conducting IADL in the work area of ​​the Balauring Health Center in district Omesuri, Lembata-NTT 2018. Elderly dependence occurs when they experience decreased body functions and cannot adapt to these conditions. One of the instruments to assess the health status of the elderly is IADL. The research method is quantitative research equipped with qualitative data with Cross Sectional design. The total sample is 157 people. Data analysis techniques include univariate, chi square, and simple logistic regression analysis. Qualitative data analysis techniques using in-depth interviews. The results showed that there was a significant relationship between age, health status, role of midwife, and physical activity with independence in doing IADL where p value &lt; 0,05. Multivariate analysis of logistic regression obtained role of midwife&nbsp; variables with an Exp (B) value of 2,190 which means that the role passive midwife has of risk making independence of edelry doing IADL 2,190 times bigger than the role of active midwives. The results of qualitative research found that the cause of many elderly people who are independent in conducting IADL is that most of the elderly are still actively working and productive in generating income so that the elderly self-confidence is higher and has sufficient physical activity as seen from the type of work that is occupied, that is, most work as farmers and traders. In addition, this role of midwives who are active in the village greatly impacts the independence of the elderly in conducting IADL. Keyword : Elderly, independence of the elderly, Instrumental Activity Daily Living (IADL)Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui determinan kemandirian lansia dalam melakukan IADL di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Balauring Kec.Omesuri Kab.Lembata-NTT Tahun 2018. Ketergantungan lanjut usia terjadi ketika mereka mengalami penurunan fungsi tubuh dan tidak dapat beradaptasi dengan keadaan tersebut. Salah satu instrumen untuk mengkaji status kesehatan lansia adalah IADL. Metode Penelitian yaitu penelitian kuantitatif dilengkapi data kualitatif dengan desain Cross Sectional. Jumlah sampel sebanyak 157 orang. Teknik analisa data meliputi analisis univariat, chi squaree, dan uji regresi logistik sederhana. Teknik analisa data kualitatif menggunakan wawancara mendalam. Hasil penelitian kuantitatif menunjukan bahwa ada hubungan yang bermakna antara umur, status kesehatan, peran bidan, dan aktifitas fisik dengan kemandirian lansia dalam melakukan IADL dimana nilai p value &lt; 0,05. Pada analisis multivariate regresi logistic diperoleh variabel peran bidan dengan nilai Exp (B) 2,190 yang artinya Peran bidan pasif memiliki resiko menjadikan lansia ketergantungan dalam melakukan IADL sebesar&nbsp; 2,190 kali lebih besar dibandingkan dengan peran bidan yang aktif. Hasil penelitian kualitatif ditemukan bahwa penyebab masih banyak lansia yang mandiri secara secara fisik, psikologis maupun sosial yaitu factor lansia masih bekerja dan produktif sehingga kepercayaan diri lansia makin tinggi serta memiliki aktifitas fisik yang cukup terlihat dari jenis pekerjaan yang ditekuni yakni kebanyakan berprofesi sebagai petani dan pedagang. Selain itu, peran bidan yang aktif di desa inilah yang sangat berdampak pada kemandirian lansia dalam melakukan IADL. Kata Kunci : Instrumental Activities Daily Living (IADL), Kemandirian Lansia, Lanjut Usi


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    Sapi bali memiliki potensi lokal yang mempunyai nilai jual tinggi dalam sector agribisnis peternakan. Untuk mencapai nilai jual yang tinggi, sapi harus dalam keadaan sehat atau tidak mengalami cacat. Salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi penampilan dan kesehatan sapi adalah adanya infestasi parasit cacing Thelazia sp.. Thelaziasis merupakan penyakit mata yang disebabkan oleh cacing Thelazia sp. menyerang hewan ternak sapi, kerbau, kuda, kambing, burung, kucing dan anjing. Peternak mengalami kesulitan dalam menanggulangi penyakit ini karena pada awal infeksi menunjukkan gejala klinis yang tidak spesifik. Penanganan kasus dilakukan dengan pemberian levamisole 10% yang telah diencerkan dengan perbandingan 1:9 ml aquades, diteteskan sebanyak ±3 ml/ hari pada mata yang terinfeksi cacing thelazia dan injeksi vitol-140 sebanyak 7 ml secara intra muscular. Setelah diteteskan, thelazia diangkat menggunakan kapas&nbsp;yang telah dibasahi pada pagi hari setiap harinya. Selanjutnya, pada hari ketiga mata sudah tidak didapati adanya infestasi thelazia

    The 125th anniversary of the first postulation of the soil origin of endophytic bacteria – a tribute to M.L.V. Galippe

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    In both managed and natural ecosystems, a wide range of various non-nodulating bacteria can thrive as endophytes in the plant interior, and some can be beneficial to their hosts (Hallmann and Berg 2007; Reinhold-Hurek and Hurek 2011). Colonizationmechanisms, the ecology and functioning of these endophytic bacteria as well as their interactions with plants have been investigated (Hardoim et al. 2008; Compant et al. 2010). Although the source of colonization can also be the spermosphere, anthosphere, caulosphere, and the phyllosphere,most endophytic bacteria are derived from the soil environment (Hallmann and Berg 2007; Compant et al. 2010)