2,002 research outputs found

    Anomalous Fermi Liquid Behavior of Overdoped High-Tc Superconductors

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    According to a generic temperature vs. carrier-doping (T-p) phase diagram of high-temperature superconductors it has been proposed that as doping increases to the overdoped region they approach gradually a conventional (canonical) Fermi Liquid. However, Hall effect measurements in several systems reported by different authors show a still strong \emph{T}-dependence in overdoped samples. We report here electrical transport measurements of Y_{1-x}Ca_{x}Ba_{2}Cu_{3}O_{7-delta} thin films presenting a temperature dependence of the Hall constant, R_H, which does not present a gradual transition towards the T-independent behavior of a canonical Fermi Liquid. Instead, the T-dependence passes by a minimum near optimal doping and then increases again in the overdoped region. We discuss the theoretical predictions from two representative Fermi Liquid models and show that they can not give a satisfactory explanation to our data. We conclude that this region of the phase diagram in YBCO, as in most HTSC, is not a canonical Fermi Liquid, therefore we call it Anomalous Fermi Liquid.Comment: 9 pages, 12 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Farm organizations and farm profits in Tama County, Iowa

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    To learn in detail how farmers in Tama County, Iowa, have combined the elements of their businesses into going concerns, and the financial results which have attended their attempt to secure the most profitably organized farm, is the purpose of this study. It seeks not only to learn the anatomy or organization, but also, as far as possible, the physiology , or operation, of the farming business as found in this area. It compares the organization of these farms in 1921 with that in 1918 and in 1913. These three years, for which data have been secured, represent pre-war conditions, war-time prosperity at its height, and post-war depression at its worst. They provide a critical test for the economic principles which have been laid down for the guidance of farmers in the organization and management of their farms

    System for the measurement of ultra-low stray light levels

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    An apparatus is described for measuring the effectiveness of stray light suppression light shields and baffle arrangements used in optical space experiments and large space telescopes. The light shield and baffle arrangement and a telescope model are contained in a vacuum chamber. A source of short, high-powered light energy illuminates portions of the light shield and baffle arrangement and reflects a portion of same to a photomultiplier tube by virtue of multipath scattering. The resulting signal is transferred to time-channel electronics timed by the firing of the high energy light source allowing time discrimination of the signal thereby enabling the light scattered and suppressed by the model to be distinguished from the walls and holders around the apparatus

    Berry's phase contribution to the anomalous Hall effect of gadolinium

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    When conduction electrons are forced to follow the local spin texture, the resulting Berry phase can induce an anomalous Hall effect (AHE). In gadolinium, as in double-exchange magnets, the exchange interaction is mediated by the conduction electrons and the AHE may therefore resemble that of chromium dioxide and other metallic double-exchange ferromagnets. The Hall resistivity, magnetoresistance, and magnetization of single crystal gadolinium were measured in fields up to 30 T. Measurements between 2 K and 400 K are consistent with previously reported data. A scaling analysis for the Hall resistivity as a function of the magnetization suggests the presence of a Berry's-phase contribution to the anomalous Hall effect.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Flow Equations for N Point Functions and Bound States

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    We discuss the exact renormalization group or flow equation for the effective action and its decomposition into one particle irreducible N point functions. With the help of a truncated flow equation for the four point function we study the bound state problem for scalar fields. A combination of analytic and numerical methods is proposed, which is applied to the Wick-Cutkosky model and a QCD-motivated interaction. We present results for the bound state masses and the Bethe-Salpeter wave function. (Figs. 1-4 attached as separate uuencoded post-script files.)Comment: 17 pages, HD-THEP-93-3

    A precursor state to unconventional superconductivity in CeIrIn5{_5}

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    We present sensitive measurements of the Hall effect and magnetoresistance in CeIrIn5{_5} down to temperatures of 50 mK and magnetic fields up to 15 T. The presence of a low temperature coherent Kondo state is established. Deviations from Kohler's rule and a quadratic temperature dependence of the cotangent of the Hall angle are reminiscent of properties observed in the high temperature superconducting cuprates. The most striking observation pertains to the presence of a \textit{precursor} state--characterized by a change in the Hall mobility--that appears to precede the superconductivity in this material, in similarity to the pseudogap in the cuprate high TcT_c superconductors.Comment: 4 figure

    Isolation of Plasmodium berghei ookinetes in culture using Nycodenz density gradient columns and magnetic isolation

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    BACKGROUND: Large scale in vitro production of the mosquito stages of malaria parasites remains elusive, with only limited success for complete sporogonic development and only one report of development through to infective sporozoites. The initial step in this process is the production, in vitro, of ookinetes from gametocytaemic blood. Methods for isolation of these ookinetes from blood cells have been described; however, in addition to yield often being low, processing time and potential for contamination by erythrocytes remain high. METHODS: This study compares two procedures for retaining mature ookinetes from blood stage cultures, whilst removing red blood cells and other contaminants prior to further culture of the parasite. The well established method of isolation on Nycodenz cushions is compared with a novel method utilizing the innate magnetic properties of the haem pigment crystals found in the cytoplasm of ookinetes. RESULTS: Yield and viability of ookinetes were similar with both isolation methods. However, in our hands magnetic isolation produced a cleaner ookinete preparation much more quickly. Moreover, decreasing the flow rate through the magnetic column could further enhance the yield. CONCLUSION: We recommend the enrichment of an ookinete preparation prior to further culture being performed using the magnetic properties of Plasmodium berghei ookinetes as an alternative to their density. The former technique is faster, removes more erythrocytes, but day-to-day costs are greater

    Towards a better understanding of the dynamic role of the distance language learner: learner perceptions of personality, motivation, roles, and approaches

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    This study investigated the experience of learners enrolled on an Open University (UK) French course, and included personality factors, motivation, and tutor and student roles. The data gathered via multiple elicitation methods gave useful insights into issues of special relevance to distance language education, in particular the lack of fit between an inherently social discipline such as language learning and the distance context, whose main characterizing feature is remoteness from others. Motivation was seen to play a crucial role in success, along with tutor feedback, and personal responsibility for learning. Increased confidence and self?regulation were beneficial outcomes of the process of learning at a distance, and numerous suggestions for learning approaches based on personal experience were offered for language learners new to distance learning. The study concluded that the task for distance practitioners is to build on the insights shown by learners themselves, in order to target support where it is most needed

    Magnetoresistance Anomalies in (Ga,Mn)As Epilayers with Perpendicular Magnetic Anisotropy

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    We report the observation of anomalies in the longitudinal magnetoresistance of tensile-strained (Ga,Mn)As epilayers with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy. Magnetoresistance measurements carried out in the planar geometry (magnetic field parallel to the current density) reveal "spikes" that are antisymmetric with respect to the direction of the magnetic field. These anomalies always occur during magnetization reversal, as indicated by a simultaneous change in sign of the anomalous Hall effect. The data suggest that the antisymmetric anomalies originate in anomalous Hall effect contributions to the longitudinal resistance when domain walls are located between the voltage probes. This interpretation is reinforced by carrying out angular sweeps of H\vec{H}, revealing an antisymmetric dependence on the helicity of the field sweep.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Giant Josephson current through a single bound state in a superconducting tunnel junction

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    We study the microscopic structure of the Josephson current in a single-mode tunnel junction with a wide quasiclassical tunnel barrier. In such a junction each Andreev bound state carries a current of magnitude proportional to the {\em amplitude} of the normal electron transmission through the junction. Tremendous enhancement of the bound state current is caused by the resonance coupling of superconducting bound states at both superconductor-insulator interfaces of the junction. The possibility of experimental observation of the single bound state current is discussed.Comment: 11 pages, [aps,preprint]{revtex