28 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Pengawasan Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan pada PT. Pos Indonesia (Persero) Kantor Pos Medan

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    Adapun tujuan mengadakan mengadakan penelitian pada PT.Pos Indonesia ( Persero ) kantor Pos Medan adalah untuk membandingkan teori-teori yang ditulis dalam buku-buku dan literatur dengan aplikasinya yang dilakukan oleh organisasi ataupun perusahaan, untuk memberikan masukan berupa saran kepada organisasi atau perusahaan dalam menjalankan roda organisasi atau perusahaan dalam hal pengawasan dan kinerja. Dalam melakukan penelitian penulis menggunakan 2 metode penelitian yakni penelitian kepustakaan dan penelitian lapangan, untuk pengumpulan data baik data primer mapun data sekunder dengan teknik pengumpulan data meliputi pengamatan langsung, wawancara dan membuat daftar pertanyaan yang berhubungan dengan objek penelitian untuk dianalisis. Metode analisis yang digunakan untuk menarik kesimpulan adalah metode deskriptif dan metode deduktif. Dari penelitian yang penulis lakukan pada PT. Pos Indonesia ( Persero ) Kantor Pos Medan, dapat penulis simpulkan bahwa pengawasan tidak langsung dan pengawasan langsung sangat berpengaruh terhadap kinerja karyawan, yang mana karyawan mempunyai akan etos kerja dan motivasi kerja yang sesuai diharapkan perusahaan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian di perusahaan tersebut bila dibandingkan dengan landasan teoritis secara umum, dampak pengawasan terhadap kinerja karyawan yang dilaksanakan di perusahaan tersebut sudah cukup baik. Dibagian akhir penulis mencoba memberikan masukkan dan saran kepada Managemen PT. Pos Indonesia ( Persero ) kantor Pos Medan agar dalam pelaksanaan pengawasan dilakukan oleh semua lini managemen dan karyawan yang ditunjuk, secara kontiniu serta pemberian fanish and reward dilakukan secara konsisten

    QMS critical success factors affecting operational performance of port in Southern Malaysia

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    Despite wide acceptance of ISO 9001, research shows mixed results about the performance benefits. Even though some studies show positive benefits of ISO 9001, lack of studies find that ISO 9001 leads to higher performance. As the ground reality was questioning this theory, this study was conducted to determine the critical factors affecting the operational performance in implementing quality management system (QMS) standard based on ISO 9001:2008 requirements in Port X. There were a total of 103 respondents participated in this study, who are the employees at Port X. The data obtained from the survey was analyzed using SPSS software. Based on the results obtained from the descriptive analysis, it was found that the order of level of importance of QMS critical success factors as perceived by the respondents was top management support (M = 4.26±0.33), quality process management (M = 4.19±0.36), continual improvement (M = 4.16±0.31), measurement, monitoring and control (M = 4.15±0.31), human resource management (M = 4.14±0.34), and customer focus (M = 3.94±0.34). It was also revealed that there was a high level of overall perception (M = 4.32±0.30) among the employees towards the company’s operational performance. From the correlation analysis, there were only two of critical factors were found to be significant predictor of operational performance: top management support and continual improvement. Both factors have significant moderate and positive correlation with operational performance. In addition, it was found that all critical factors could be used to predict 47.7% of operational performance. This significant finding obtained for both critical success factors serves as an evident that the appropriate practice of these two QMS critical success factors is significant and positive to the operational performance

    Uptake of reactive red 2 by zinc aluminium- nitrate hydrotalcite / Abu Hurairah Mohd Tahir

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    Color effluents have been produced ever since the dyeing technique was invented. Various kinds of synthetic dye stuffs appear in the effluents of wastewater in various industries such as dyestuff, textiles, paper, etc. Concern exits since a very small amount of dye in water is highly visible and may be toxic to aquatic creatures. Hence, the removal of color synthetic organic dyestuff from waste effluents becomes environmentally important. It is rather difficult to treat dye effluents because of their synthetic origins and their mainly aromatic structure, which are biologically nondegradable. Among several chemical and physical methods, adsorption process is one of the effective techniques that have been successfully employed for color removal from wastewater. Many adsorbents have been tested to reduce dye concentrations from aqueous solutions. In this study, the Zinc Aluminum Nitrate-layered double hydroxide (ZnAlN03-LDHs) was being investigated as an alternative low cost adsorbent for removal of reactive red 2 (Anionic) dyes from the aqueous solution. From the process of synthesized by co-precipitations method the Z11AINO3-LDHS was form. The characterization of Z11AINO₃-LDHS after and before adsorption was study by using the X- ray Diffractogram (XRD). The presence of sharp peaks signifying high crystallinity (d- spacing =7.6A and interlayer spacing =2.6A). The structure of ZnAlN0₃-LDHs was change after the adsorption of dyes by using the test of Scanning electron microscope (SEM) image. Adsorption of dyes was study by batch adsorption isotherm at temperature of 25 °C. The different parameters that affect the adsorption process was studied which included contact times, particle size, pH, concentration, temperature ad the adsorbent dosage. The contact time for the reactive red 2 to obtain the maximum adsorption is at 5 hours. While increase the temperature, adsorbent dosage, and the particle size will increase percentage the adsorption of the dyes. When the pH of dyes (Anionic) acidic, the adsorption of dyes will be increase. From the study, the maximum sorption capacity of reactive red 2 (Anionic) can be shown by linear form Langmuir and Freundlich equation

    A Bibliometric Analysis of the Top 100 Cited Articles on Hepatic Magnetic Resonance Imaging.

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    The purpose of this study is to guide the readers to the impact of the articles published on hepatic magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). We searched Scopus using 10 different search terms for hepatic MRI. The selected studies were thoroughly reviewed by two independent authors and any disagreement was sorted out by mutual consensus. The list of articles and journals was downloaded into an excel spreadsheet. Only the top 100 cited articles were selected by mutual consensus among all the authors. These articles were further read in the full-text form and were further categorized into subgroups. Three authors independently reviewed the top 100 selected articles, and subsequently data was extracted from them and analyzed. Our study showed that the highest number of top 100 cited articles on hepatic MRI were from Radiology (30 articles) followed by European Radiology (14 articles). The American Journal of Roentgenology, Radiographics, and Journal of Magnetic Resonance had seven articles each. The United States had the highest number of articles by region. Nineteen other journals contributed only one article each to the list of top 100 cited articles. The contribution of authors to the top 100 cited articles was reviewed; all the authors contributing with more than two articles to the highly cited articles are given in Table 3 in the supplementary material. The maximum number of articles were published during 2009 (14 articles), and for a five-year period, the maximum contribution was made during 2008-2013 (44 articles). Our analysis gives an insight on the frequency of citations of top articles on hepatic MRI, categorizes the subtopics, the timeline of the publications, and contributions from different geographic distributions

    Omental Patching and Purse-String Endosuture Closure after Endoscopic Full-Thickness Resection in Patients with Gastric Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors

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    Gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs) are the most common mesenchymal tumors of the gastrointestinal tract, primarily arising from the stomach. With the widespread utilization of and technical advancements in endoscopy, gastric GISTs are being increasingly detected at an early stage, enabling complete endoscopic resection. Endoscopic full-thickness resection (EFTR) is an advanced technique that has been recognized as a treatment tool for neoplasms in the digestive tract in selected patients. Although a number of methods are available, closing large iatrogenic defects after EFTR can be a concern in clinical practice. If this potential problem is appropriately solved, patients with gastric GISTs would be suitable candidates for resection utilizing this technique. To our knowledge, this is the first study to propose omental patching and purse-string endosuture closure following EFTR as a feasible endoscopic option in patients with gastric GISTs


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    ABSTRACT High speed rail has been developed rapidly in recent years. The passengers travelled by trains demand for higher data rate and service continuity in order for them to access the Internet. The realization to provide reliable communication for the users in high speed mobility is challenging due to the frequent request for handover since the trains moving in high speed which resulting heavy overhead implementation. Since the User Equipment (UE) in trains communicates directly to the outside of the Base Station (BS), it reduced handover successful rate and hence, degraded the service quality. This research identified the system parameters to improve handover performance in high speed railway network. Moreover, mathematical equation has been derived by integrating the information of train speed and time travelled across the cell. This research has improved handover performances by reducing the probability of drop call rate and increasing the number of handover successful rate. Keywords: receive signal strength (RSS), base station (BS), orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM), long term evolution (LTE), time to trigger (TTT), quality of service (QOS). INTRODUCTION LTE is a wireless broadband technology designed to support roaming on cell phones and handheld devices. LTE offers significant improvements over previous cellular communication standards. OFDM used in LTE systems make it possible to supply high-speed data service on railway The authors in The

    Peranan Dato' Lembaga di dalam masyarakat Melayu di daerah Rembau

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    Tajuk yang akan dibicarakan ialah Peranan Dato Lembaga di dalam masyarakat Melayu daerah Rembau sebelum merdeka.Kajian ini adalah secara umum dan penekanan hanya dibuat untuk daerah Remba

    Peranan Dato' Lembaga di dalam masyarakat Melayu di daerah Rembau

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    Tajuk yang akan dibicarakan ialah Peranan Dato' Lembaga di dalam masyarakat Melayu di daerah Rembau sebelum Merdeka .Kajian ini adalah secara umum dan penekanan hanaya dibuat untuk daerah Rembau.Daerah Rembau di pilih kerana amalan Adat Pepatih masih diamalkan hingga ke hari ini dan Dato Lembaga masih lagi berfungsi

    Kesejahteraan Sosial Petugas Masjid Kota Bengkalis dan Sekitarnya: Ragam Tugas, Upah dan UMK

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    Abstrak: Tujuan utama dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kesejahteraan sosial petugas masjid Kota Bengkalis dan sekitarnya dengan cara membandingkan upah petugas masjid dengan Upah Minimum Kabupaten/Kota (UMK) Kabupaten Bengkalis 2020. Kesejahteraan Sosial yang difokuskan pada penelitian ini adalah pemenuhan kebutuhan material agar dapat hidup layak, dan belum membahas pemenuhan kebutuhan spiritual dan sosial. Dari 16 masjid yang diteliti hanya upah imam masjid Istiqomah Kabupaten Bengkalis yang berada di atas UMK. Bahkan masih ada masjid yang tidak memberikan upah secara perbulan


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    Jurusan Ekonomi Syari’ah merupakan penyumbang terbesar dari angka kelulusan di STAIN Bengkalis tahun 2019 yakni 46% dari total 215 orang. Kajian ini bermaksud untuk mengetahui popularitas buku metodologi penelitian yang dipakai dalam sitasi skripsi lulusan tahun 2019 terebut. Bersandar pada hasil penelitian ini, dapat dilakukan pengadaan buku-buku metodologi penelitian yang tepat di perpustakaan Ustadz Mil STAIN Bengkalis dan membantu dosen-dosen metodologi penelitian STAIN Bengkalis dalam menentukan bahan ajar. Hasil kajian menunjukkan penulis buku metodologi penelitian terpopuler dalam sitasi skripsi STAIN Bengkalis tahun 2019 adalah Sugiyono (22,37%), Suharsimi Arikunto (13,55%) dan Muhammad (9,03%). Sayangnya, dari 465 sitasi tentang buku metodologi penelitian, hanya 37,8% yang berasal dari koleksi Perpustakaan Ustadz Mil STAIN Bengkalis, selebihnya berasal dari koleksi luar. Ditemukan juga 61 nama penulis lain yang bukunya tersedia di perpustakaan tetapi belum disitasi oleh mahasiswa. Kata Kunci : Kajian Sitasi, Buku Metodologi Penelitian, Skripsi STAIN 201