177 research outputs found


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    Joint Research on Environmental Science and Technology for the Eart


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    The textile and dyeing industry consumes a large amount of water and discharges to the environment many pollutants including dyestuffs, auxiliaries, others. In this study, a selected textile and dyeing company was representing modern factory in Vietnam. Using STAN software, the authors have quantified and analyzed the material flows of the production lines and of the main pollutants in wastewater. Comparing with “business as usual” scenario, a new scenario with treatment and reuse of wastewater has been introduced. The discharge volume of wastewater from company was about 3,608.96 m3/day (or 1,317,270.4 m3/year). Loadings of the main pollutants in wastewater as COD, TSS, T-P and T-N were 1419.95, 1571.36, 17.77 and 50.16 ton/year, respectively. One meter of produced fabric consumes 0.025 m3 of water. Energy consumption of the wastewater treatment station was analyzed by SANKEY software. The energy consumption rate was 1.695 kWh per m3 of wastewater. Reuse of wastewater could save 1,129.05 kWh per day of electricity and 1,804.48 m3 per day of fresh water to be taken from the river source. Ozonation was the most consuming energy process at the wastewater treatment station, accounting for 58.88% of total wastewater treatment energy consumption

    Lipschitz continuity of solutions and corresponding multipliers to distributed and boundary semilinear elliptic optimal control problems with mixed pointwise control-state constraints

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    This paper is concerned with the existence and regularity of mininizers as well as of corresponding multipliers to an optimal control problem governed by semilinear elliptic equations, in which mixed pointwise control-state constraints are considered in a quite general form and the controls act simultaneously in the domain and on the boundary. Under standing assumptions, the minimizers and the corresponding multipliers do exist. Furthermore, by applying the bootstrapping technique and establishing some calculation tools for functions in Sobolev spaces of fractional order, the optimal solutions and the associated Lagrange multipliers are shown to be Lipschitz continuous

    The Influence of the Level of Guarantee of Operating Expenses on the Application of Accounting Software in Public Non- Business Unit

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    Public non-business units are established by the state to perform public services and distribute those services to society. Through the document research method, the article has generalized the role, function, and accounting form of public non-business units and the importance of accounting. With this method, we can also evaluate the limitations in accounting and the reasons why many public non-business units do not see the need to apply accounting software in accounting. Three reasons were pointed out: unit leaders did not pay attention to accounting work, lack of funding for implementation and incorrectly identified the reasons for errors in accounting planning. The investigation method also helped us identify how accounting software applications are affected by the level of Guarantee of operating expenses. Analysis results have shown that financially autonomous units have a higher tendency to apply accounting software than units without financial revenue. The research team also proposed a number of solutions such as increasing the understanding and awareness of business unit leaders about the importance of accounting work and accounting software. Implement budget estimates for information technology construction at the unit, properly assessing the key points of existence

    Whether or not the informal economy as an engine for poverty alleviation in Vietnam

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    This paper examines impacts of income from informal employment and informal sector employment on poverty in Vietnam to define whether the informal economy is an accelerator or a decelerator of poverty. Using data from Vietnam Household Living Standard Surveys, we find that although income from informal sources does not account for a large proportion to total income of the poor households in comparison with the non-poorhouseholds, it significantly contributes to poverty reduction. Without earnings from informal sources, 33.4 per cent of the surveyed households in 2010 live under the poverty line and this rate is only 10.34 per cent if informal income is added up. Both probit and quantile analysis affirms that informal earnings significantly mitigate poverty. Interesting findings from quantile regression are that informal earnings have divergent effects across distribution of household income. Particularly, it is a factor reducing poverty in poor households but it negatively affects the economic capacity of the rich households. The policy implication derived from empirical results is that poverty program should be associated with supporting policy for informal employees with low income so that they can improve their living standards

    Whether or not the informal economy as an engine for poverty alleviation in Vietnam

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    This paper examines impacts of income from informal employment and informal sector employment on poverty in Vietnam to define whether the informal economy is an accelerator or a decelerator of poverty. Using data from Vietnam Household Living Standard Surveys, we find that although income from informal sources does not account for a large proportion to total income of the poor households in comparison with the non-poorhouseholds, it significantly contributes to poverty reduction. Without earnings from informal sources, 33.4 per cent of the surveyed households in 2010 live under the poverty line and this rate is only 10.34 per cent if informal income is added up. Both probit and quantile analysis affirms that informal earnings significantly mitigate poverty. Interesting findings from quantile regression are that informal earnings have divergent effects across distribution of household income. Particularly, it is a factor reducing poverty in poor households but it negatively affects the economic capacity of the rich households. The policy implication derived from empirical results is that poverty program should be associated with supporting policy for informal employees with low income so that they can improve their living standards

    Investment in human capital and labor productivity in Vietnam : the case study on small and medium enterprises

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    This paper investigates the importance of training in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Vietnam as a basis for improving productivity. Current training courses are ineffective, and need to be associated with practical work. Trainers need appropriate experience as well as knowledge of how to organize classes. SME Support Centres are evaluated in terms of trainers and training: findings show that training organization for SMEs should be classified by types of trainees; courses for employees should focus on particular skills; and policies should encourage management skills training as well. Development of new curriculum materials is urgent

    Indigenous knowledge in climate change adaptation: Case studies of ethnic minorities in the Northern Mountain Region of Vietnam

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    This study aims to investigate the indigenous knowledge (IK) of three ethnic minority groups in the Northern Mountain Region (NMR) of Vietnam. The groups include (1) Tay people who live at lower elevations; (2) a Dao community who tend to live in the middle elevations and (3) Hmong farmers who mainly reside at higher elevations areas of the mountain. This research intends to identify climate change (CC) and its impact on agricultural cultivation and find out how these groups can adapt to CC by applying their IK in agriculture practices. Data was collected through focus group discussions (n=9), in-depth interviews (n=80), and participant observation. From the 80 respondents, 27 live in Bac Kan province, 23 in Yen Bai province and 30 in Son La province; those who had experience in agricultural production, elderly and village heads. The results show that the NMR weather has significant changes that negatively impact agriculture cultivation and local livelihood. Although the respondents are from different ethnic minorities, these farmers are highly aware of the CC risks, leading into adaptation practices. While the Tay people's major adaptation strategies include the use of a variety of native plants and changing planting calendars, the Dao and Hmong people apply intercropping and local techniques methods in terracing fields using local varieties of livestock. Our findings highlight the importance of using the IK of ethnic minorities in adaptation towards CC. A better targeting about the use of local resources in future national policies and projects is encouraged.Nghiên cứu này nhằm thu thập kiến thức bản địa (IK) của ba nhóm dân tộc thiểu số ở Miền núi phía Bắc (MNPB) của Việt Nam bao gồm (1) dân tộc Tày chủ yếu sống ở vùng thấp; (2) Người Dao có xu hướng sống ở các độ cao trung bình; và (3) người Hmông chủ yếu cư trú ở các khu vực đồi núi cao. Nghiên cứu này nhằm xác định tình hình biến đổi khí hậu (BĐKH) và tác động của nó đối với sản xuất nông nghiệp, đồng thời tìm hiểu cách thức các nhóm dân tộc thiểu số này có thể thích ứng với BĐKH bằng cách áp dụng các kiến thức bản địa của họ vào thực tiễn sản xuất nông nghiệp. Dữ liệu được thu thập thông qua thảo luận nhóm tập trung (n = 9), phỏng vấn sâu (n = 80) và quan sát người tham gia. Trong số 80 người được hỏi, có 27 người sống ở tỉnh Bắc Kạn; 23 người ở tỉnh Yên Bái và 30 người ở tỉnh Sơn La, là những người có kinh nghiệm sản xuất nông nghiệp, người cao tuổi và trưởng thôn. Kết quả cho thấy thời tiết ở khu vực MNPB đã có những thay đổi so với trước gây tác động xấu đến canh tác nông nghiệp và sinh kế của cộng đồng. Mặc dù những người được hỏi từ các dân tộc khác nhau nhưng họ đều nhận thức được sự thay đổi này của thời tiết, do đó họ đã có những thích ứng riêng. Trong khi người Tày sử dụng giống cây trồng địa phương và thay đổi lịch thời vụ thì người Dao và Hmong chọn phương pháp xen canh và áp dụng kỹ thuật bản địa trên đất ruộng bậc thang và sử dụng gióng vật nuôi bản địa. Các phát hiện của chúng tôi giúp hiểu được tầm quan trọng của việc sử dụng IK trong thích ứng với BĐKH của các dân tộc thiểu số, từ đó có thể hướng đến mục tiêu tốt hơn việc sử dụng các nguồn lực địa phương trong các chính sách và dự án quốc gia trong tương lai

    Does the informal economy mitigate poverty and how does it work? : the case of Vietnam

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    Countries with lower quality institutions or heavier burden of regulation are associated with a larger informal sector. In addition, other studies show that low startup costs are a key determinant in entering the informal economy. The paper investigates the linkage between the informal economy and poverty reduction based on the 2010 Vietnam Household Living Standard Surveys. Among low income households, those with members involved in informal economic activities have a higher per capita income than those with no members in the informal economy, and informal wage workers earn more than informal self-employed workers on average. Meanwhile, among non-poor households an inverse trend is observed