20,639 research outputs found

    Sm-Nd isotopic systematics of the ancient Gneiss complex, southern Africa

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    In order to shed some new light on the question of the absolute and relative ages of the Ancient Gneiss Complex and Onverwacht Group, a Sm-Nd whole-rock and mineral isochron study of the AGC was begun. At this point, the whole-rock study of samples from the Bimodal Suite selected from those studied for their geochemical characteristics by Hunter et al., is completed. These results and their implications for the chronologic evolution of the Kaapvaal craton and the sources of these ancient rocks are discussed

    Factor structure of the Gotland Scale of male depression in two samples of men with prostate cancer:Implications for treating male depression

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    Up to a quarter of all prostate cancer (PCa) patients suffer from clinically significant depression but treatments are inconsistent and short-lived in their efficacy. One possible reason could be that 'male depression' is not adequately diagnosed by the criteria for major depressive disorder (MDD) used in many clinical settings.In response to this limitation, the Gotland Scale of Male Depression (GSMD) was developed to identify the extra symptoms of MDD in men. Although the factor structure of the GSMD has been reported in non-PCa samples, it has not been determined for this group of men. Two samples of PCa patients were recruited, 191 from Australia and 138 from the United Kingdom and all patients received the GSMD individually, plus a background questionnaire. Two-factor solutions were identified for each of the two samples. The Australian sample was characterized by changes in emotional and somatic function, followed by depressed mood. The U.K. sample exhibited the same two-factor solution but in reverse order of weighting. Targeted treatments for depression in PCa patients may benefit from identification of the loadings that individual patients have on these two GSMD factors so that specific clinical profiles and treatment needs may be based on this information about their depression

    Gas micro-well track imaging detectors for gamma-ray astronomy

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    We describe our program to develop gas micro-well detectors (MWDs) as three-dimensional charged particle trackers for use in advanced gamma-ray telescope concepts. A micro-well detector consists of an array of individual micro-patterned gas proportional counters opposite a planar drift electrode. The well anodes and cathodes may be connected in X and Y strips, respectively, to provide two-dimensional imaging. When combined with transient digitizer electronics, which record the time signature of the charge collected in the wells of each strip, full three-dimensional reconstruction of charged-particle tracks in large gas volumes is possible. Such detectors hold great promise for advanced Compton telescope (ACT) and advanced pair telescope (APT) concepts due to the very precise measurement of charged particle momenta that is possible (Compton recoil electrons and electron-positron pairs, respectively). We present preliminary lab results, including detector fabrication, prototype electronics, and initial detector testing. We also discuss applications to the ACT and APT mission concepts, based on GEANT3 and GEANT4 simulations

    A synergistic and extensible framework for multi-agent system verification

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    Recently there has been a proliferation of tools and languages for modeling multi-agent systems (MAS). Verification tools, correspondingly, have been developed to check properties of these systems. Most MAS verification tools, however, have their own input language and often specialize in one verification technology, or only support checking a specific type of property. In this work we present an extensible framework that leverages mainstream verification tools to successfully reason about various types of properties. We describe the verification of models specified in the Brahms agent modeling language to demonstrate the feasibility of our approach. We chose Brahms because it is used to model real instances of interactions between pilots, air-traffic controllers, and automated systems at NASA. Our framework takes as input a Brahms model along with a Java implementation of its semantics. We then use Java PathFinder to explore all possible behaviors of the model and, also, produce a generalized intermediate representation that encodes these behaviors. The intermediate representation is automatically transformed to the input language of mainstream model checkers, including PRISM, SPIN, and NuSMV allowing us to check different types of properties. We validate our approach on a model that contains key elements from the Air France Flight 447 acciden

    New light on the ‘Drummer of Tedworth’: conflicting narratives of witchcraft in Restoration England

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    This paper presents a definitive text of hitherto little-known early documents concerning ‘The Drummer of Tedworth’, a poltergeist case that occurred in 1662-3 and became famous not least due to its promotion by Joseph Glanvill in his demonological work, Saducismus Triumphatus. On the basis of these and other sources, it is shown how responses to the events at Tedworth evolved from anxious piety on the part of their victim, John Mompesson, to confident apologetic by Glanvill, before they were further affected by the emergence of articulate scepticism about the case

    A census of massive stars in NGC 346. Stellar parameters and rotational velocities

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    Spectroscopy for 247 stars towards the young cluster NGC 346 in the Small Magellanic Cloud has been combined with that for 116 targets from the VLT-FLAMES Survey of Massive Stars. Spectral classification yields a sample of 47 O-type and 287 B-type spectra, while radial-velocity variations and/or spectral multiplicity have been used to identify 45 candidate single-lined systems, 17 double-lined systems, and one triple-lined system. Atmospheric parameters (Teff_eff and loggg) and projected rotational velocities (vev_esinii) have been estimated using TLUSTY model atmospheres; independent estimates of vev_esinii were also obtained using a Fourier Transform method. Luminosities have been inferred from stellar apparent magnitudes and used in conjunction with the Teff_eff and vev_esinii estimates to constrain stellar masses and ages using the BONNSAI package. We find that targets towards the inner region of NGC 346 have higher median masses and projected rotational velocities, together with smaller median ages than the rest of the sample. There appears to be a population of very young targets with ages of less than 2 Myr, which have presumably all formed within the cluster. The more massive targets are found to have lower vev_esinii consistent with previous studies. No significant evidence is found for differences with metallicity in the stellar rotational velocities of early-type stars, although the targets in the SMC may rotate faster than those in young Galactic clusters. The rotational velocity distribution for single non-supergiant B-type stars is inferred and implies that a significant number have low rotational velocity (≃\simeq10\% with vev_e<40 km/s), together with a peak in the probability distribution at ve≃v_e \simeq300 km/s. Larger projected rotational velocity estimates have been found for our Be-type sample and imply that most have rotational velocities between 200-450 km/s.Comment: Accepted by A&

    Laser velocimetry technique applied to the Langley 0.3 meter transonic cryogenic tunnel

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    A low power laser velocimeter operating in the forward scatter mode was used to measure free stream mean velocities in the Langley 0.3 Meter Transonic Cryogenic Tunnel. Velocity ranging from 51 to 235 m/s was measured. Measurements were obtained for a variety of nominal tunnel conditions: Mach numbers from 0.20 to 0.77, total temperatures from 100 to 250 K, and pressures from 101 to 152 kPa. Particles were not injected to augment the existing Mie scattering materials. Liquid nitrogen droplets were the existing liqht scattering material. Tunnel vibrations and thermal effects had no detrimental effects on the optical system
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