3,266 research outputs found

    Short-Time Existence for Scale-Invariant Hamiltonian Waves

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    We prove short-time existence of smooth solutions for a class of nonlinear, and in general spatially nonlocal, Hamiltonian evolution equations that describe the self-interaction of weakly nonlinear scale-invariant waves. These equations include ones that describe weakly nonlinear hyperbolic surface waves, such as nonlinear Rayleigh wave

    Orientation Waves in a Director Field With Rotational Inertia

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    We study the propagation of orientation waves in a director field with rotational inertia and potential energy given by the Oseen-Frank energy functional from the continuum theory of nematic liquid crystals. There are two types of waves, which we call splay and twist waves. Weakly nonlinear splay waves are described by the quadratically nonlinear Hunter-Saxton equation. Here, we show that weakly nonlinear twist waves are described by a new cubically nonlinear, completely integrable asymptotic equation. This equation provides a surprising representation of the Hunter-Saxton equation as an advection equation. There is an analogous representation of the Camassa-Holm equation. We use the asymptotic equation to analyze a one-dimensional initial value problem for the director-field equations with twist-wave initial data

    Diffractive Nonlinear Geometrical Optics for Variational Wave Equations and the Einstein Equations

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    We derive an asymptotic solution of the vacuum Einstein equations that describes the propagation and diffraction of a localized, large-amplitude, rapidly-varying gravitational wave. We compare and contrast the resulting theory of strongly nonlinear geometrical optics for the Einstein equations with nonlinear geometrical optics theories for variational wave equations

    On a nonlocal analog of the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation

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    We study a nonlocal equation, analogous to the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation, in which short waves are stabilized by a possibly fractional diffusion of order less than or equal to two, and long waves are destabilized by a backward fractional diffusion of lower order. We prove the global existence, uniqueness, and analyticity of solutions of the nonlocal equation and the existence of a compact attractor. Numerical results show that the equation has chaotic solutions whose spatial structure consists of interacting traveling waves resembling viscous shock profiles

    Nonlinear surface plasmons

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    We derive an asymptotic equation for quasi-static, nonlinear surface plasmons propagating on a planar interface between isotropic media. The plasmons are nondispersive with a constant linearized frequency that is independent of their wavenumber. The spatial profile of a weakly nonlinear plasmon satisfies a nonlocal, cubically nonlinear evolution equation that couples its left-moving and right-moving Fourier components. We prove short-time existence of smooth solutions of the asymptotic equation and describe its Hamiltonian structure. We also prove global existence of weak solutions of a unidirectional reduction of the asymptotic equation. Numerical solutions show that nonlinear effects can lead to the strong spatial focusing of plasmons. Solutions of the unidirectional equation appear to remain smooth when they focus, but it is unclear whether or not focusing can lead to singularity formation in solutions of the bidirectional equation

    Long time Solutions for a Burgers-Hilbert Equation via a Modified Energy Method

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    We consider an initial value problem for a quadratically nonlinear inviscid Burgers-Hilbert equation that models the motion of vorticity discontinuities. We use a modified energy method to prove the existence of small, smooth solutions over cubically nonlinear time-scales