5,738 research outputs found
Prosocial and antisocial children's perceptions of peers' motives for prosocial behaviours
This study investigated whether peer-nominated prosocial and antisocial children have different perceptions of the motives underlying peers' prosocial actions. Eighty-seven children, aged 10-12 years old, completed peer-nomination measures of social behaviour. On the basis of numbers of social nominations received, a subsample of 51 children (32 who were peer-nominated as 'prosocial', and 18 who were peer-nominated as 'antisocial') then recorded their perceptions of peers' motives for prosocial behaviours. Expressed motives were categorized predominantly into three categories, coinciding with Turiel's (1978) 'moral', 'conventional', and 'personal domains'. Results indicate that children's social reputation is associated with the extent to which they perceive peers' prosocial motives as 'personal' or 'moral', with more prosocial children attributing moral motives, and more antisocial children attributing personal motives. Although traditionally Turiel's domain theory has been used to understand 'antisocial' children's behaviour, the current findings suggest that 'prosocial' children's behaviour may also be related to domains of judgment
A Novel QoS provisioning Scheme for OBS networks
This paper presents Classified Cloning, a novel QoS provisioning mechanism for OBS networks carrying real-time
applications (such as video on demand, Voice over IP, online
gaming and Grid computing). It provides such applications with a minimum loss rate while minimizing end-to-end delay and jitter. ns-2 has been used as the simulation tool, with new OBS modules having been developed for performance evaluation purposes. Ingress node performance has been investigated, as well as the overall performance of the suggested scheme. The results obtained showed that new scheme has superior performance to classical cloning. In particular, QoS provisioning offers a guaranteed burst loss rate, delay and expected value of jitter, unlike existing proposals for QoS implementation in OBS which use the burst offset time to provide such differentiation. Indeed, classical schemes increase both end-to-end delay and
jitter. It is shown that the burst loss rate is reduced by 50% reduced over classical cloning
A Comparison of Young Star Properties with Local Galactic Environment for LEGUS/LITTLE THINGS Dwarf Irregular Galaxies
We have explored the role environmental factors play in determining characteristics of young stellar objects in nearby dwarf irregular and blue compact dwarf galaxies. Star clusters are characterized by concentrations, masses, and formation rates; OB associations by mass and mass surface density; O stars by their numbers and near-ultraviolet absolute magnitudes; and H ii regions by Hα surface brightnesses. These characteristics are compared to surrounding galactic pressure, stellar mass density, H i surface density, and star formation rate (SFR) surface density. We find no trend of cluster characteristics with environmental properties, implying that larger-scale effects are more important in determining cluster characteristics or that rapid dynamical evolution erases any memory of the initial conditions. On the other hand, the most massive OB associations are found at higher pressure and H i surface density, and there is a trend of higher H ii region Hα surface brightness with higher pressure, suggesting that a higher concentration of massive stars and gas is found preferentially in regions of higher pressure. At low pressures we find massive stars but not bound clusters and OB associations. We do not find evidence for an increase of cluster formation efficiency as a function of SFR density. However, there is an increase in the ratio of the number of clusters to the number of O stars with increasing pressure, perhaps reflecting an increase in clustering properties with SFR
Prestação de Contas dos Recursos: Fazer Cumprir as Responsabilidades do Estado de Fornecer Recursos Adequados e Equitativos para ser Efetivamente Usados para Brindar a Todos os Alunos uma Educação de Qualidade
Darling-Hammond, Wilhoit, and Pittenger (2014) addressed the need for states to align their accountability systems with new college- and career-ready learning standards. The authors recommended a new accountability paradigm that focuses on 1) meaningful learning, enabled by 2) professionally skilled and committed educators, and supported by 3) adequate and appropriate resources. This paper explicates the provision of adequate and appropriate resources, the third of these three pillars of a comprehensive approach to accountability. Adequate resources, effectively used, are prerequisites to building the capacity of schools to deliver the two other pillars, professionally skilled and committed educators and meaningful learning. Also, the effective use of public school funding is an oft-ignored but crucial step toward ensuring equal educational opportunity for all students.En el número del el 18 de agosto 2014 esta publicación, los autores Linda Darling-Hammond, Gene Wilhoit, y Linda Pittenger abordaron la necesidad de que los estados alineen sus sistemas de responsabilidad educativa con un nuevo paradigma que prepare a los estudiantes para que sean exitosos en la universidad y carreras profesionaes. Los autores recomendaron un nuevo paradigma de la rendición de cuentas que se centrase en 1) el aprendizaje significativo, habilitado por 2) educadores profesionalmente cualificados y comprometidos, y con el apoyo de 3) los recursos adecuados y apropiados (Darling-Hammond, Wilhoit, y Pittenger, 2014). En este trabajo se explicita la provisión de los recursos adecuados y apropiados, el tercero de estos tres pilares de un enfoque integral para la rendición de cuentas. Recursos suficientes que se usen con eficacia, son requisitos previos para viabilizar la capacidad de las escuelas para sustentar los otros dos pilares, educadores profesionalmente cualificados y comprometidos y lso aprendizajes significativos. Además, la financiación efectiva de la de escuelas públicas es un paso a menudo ignorado, pero crucial para garantizar la igualdad de oportunidades educativas para todos los estudiantes.No número de 18 agosto de 2014 desta publicação, os autores Linda Darling-Hammond, Gene Wilhoit, e Linda Pittenger abordaram a necessidade de que os Estados alinhem seus sistemas de ensino com um novo paradigma de responsabilidade educacional que prepare os alunos para ser bem sucedidos nos estudos universitários e as carreiras profesionais. Os autores recomendam um novo paradigma de responsabilidade educativa baseados em 1) a aprendizagem significativa, ativado por 2) educadores profissionalmente qualificados e comprometidos, e com o apoio de 3) recursos adequados e apropriados (Darling-Hammond, Wilhoit, e Pittenger, 2014). Neste trabalho, o fornecimento de recursos adequados e apropriados são explÃcitas, o terceiro dos três pilares de uma abordagem abrangente para a prestação de contas. Recursos suficientes utilizados de forma eficaz, são pré-requisitos para viabilizar a capacidade das escolas para sustentar os outros dois pilares, educadores profissionalmente qualificados e comprometidos e aprendizagem significativa. Além disso, o financiamento eficaz das escolas públicas é um passo muitas vezes esquecido, mas crucial para garantir a igualdade de oportunidades educacionais para todos os alunos
A Study of Two Dwarf Irregular Galaxies with Asymmetrical Star Formation Distributions
Two dwarf irregular galaxies, DDO 187 and NGC 3738, exhibit a striking pattern of star formation: intense star formation is taking place in a large region occupying roughly half of the inner part of the optical galaxy. We use data on the H i distribution and kinematics and stellar images and colors to examine the properties of the environment in the high star formation rate (HSF) halves of the galaxies in comparison with the low star formation rate halves. We find that the pressure and gas density are higher on the HSF sides by 30%–70%. In addition we find in both galaxies that the H i velocity fields exhibit significant deviations from ordered rotation and there are large regions of high-velocity dispersion and multiple velocity components in the gas beyond the inner regions of the galaxies. The conditions in the HSF regions are likely the result of large-scale external processes affecting the internal environment of the galaxies and enabling the current star formation there
Is the perception of time pressure a barrier to healthy eating and physical activity among women?
Objectives To describe the proportion of women reporting time is a barrier to healthy eating and physical activity, the characteristics of these women and the perceived causes of time pressure, and to examine associations between perceptions of time as a barrier and consumption of fruit, vegetables and fast food, and physical activity.Design A cross-sectional survey of food intake, physical activity and perceived causes of time pressure.Setting A randomly selected community sample.Subjects A sample of 1580 women self-reported their food intake and their perceptions of the causes of time pressure in relation to healthy eating. An additional 1521 women self-reported their leisure-time physical activity and their perceptions of the causes of time pressure in relation to physical activity.Results Time pressure was reported as a barrier to healthy eating by 41 % of the women and as a barrier to physical activity by 73 %. Those who reported time pressure as a barrier to healthy eating were significantly less likely to meet fruit, vegetable and physical activity recommendations, and more likely to eat fast food more frequently.Conclusions Women reporting time pressure as a barrier to healthy eating and physical activity are less likely to meet recommendations than are women who do not see time pressure as a barrier. Further research is required to understand the perception of time pressure issues among women and devise strategies to improve women’s food and physical activity behaviours
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Time Course of Changes in Peripheral Blood Gene Expression During Medication Treatment for Major Depressive Disorder.
Changes in gene expression (GE) during antidepressant treatment may increase understanding of the action of antidepressant medications and serve as biomarkers of efficacy. GE changes in peripheral blood are desirable because they can be assessed easily on multiple occasions during treatment. We report here on GE changes in 68 individuals who were treated for 8 weeks with either escitalopram alone, or escitalopram followed by bupropion. GE changes were assessed after 1, 2, and 8 weeks of treatment, with significant changes observed in 156, 121, and 585 peripheral blood gene transcripts, respectively. Thirty-one transcript changes were shared between the 1- and 8-week time points (seven upregulated, 24 downregulated). Differences were detected between the escitalopram- and bupropion-treated subjects, although there was no significant association between GE changes and clinical outcome. A subset of 18 genes overlapped with those previously identified as differentially expressed in subjects with MDD compared with healthy control subjects. There was statistically significant overlap between genes differentially expressed in the current and previous studies, with 10 genes overlapping in at least two previous studies. There was no enrichment for genes overexpressed in nervous system cell types, but there was a trend toward enrichment for genes in the WNT/β-catenin pathway in the anterior thalamus; three genes in this pathway showed differential expression in the present and in three previous studies. Our dataset and other similar studies will provide an important source of information about potential biomarkers of recovery and for potential dysregulation of GE in MDD
Impaired Hyperemic Response to Exercise Post Stroke
Individuals with chronic stroke have reduced perfusion of the paretic lower limb at rest; however, the hyperemic response to graded muscle contractions in this patient population has not been examined. This study quantified blood flow to the paretic and non-paretic lower limbs of subjects with chronic stroke after submaximal contractions of the knee extensor muscles and correlated those measures with limb function and activity. Ten subjects with chronic stroke and ten controls had blood flow through the superficial femoral artery quantified with ultrasonography before and immediately after 10 second contractions of the knee extensor muscles at 20, 40, 60, and 80% of the maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) of the test limb. Blood flow to the paretic and non-paretic limb of stroke subjects was significantly reduced at all load levels compared to control subjects even after normalization to lean muscle mass. Of variables measured, increased blood flow after an 80% MVC was the single best predictor of paretic limb strength, the symmetry of strength between the paretic and non-paretic limbs, coordination of the paretic limb, and physical activity. The impaired hemodynamic response to high intensity contractions was a better predictor of lower limb function than resting perfusion measures. Stroke-dependent weakness and atrophy of the paretic limb do not explain the reduced hyperemic response to muscle contraction alone as the response is similarly reduced in the non-paretic limb when compared to controls. These data may suggest a role for perfusion therapies to optimize rehabilitation post stroke
Assessment of body composition by air-displacement plethysmography: influence of body temperature and moisture
BACKGROUND: To investigate the effect of body temperature and moisture on body fat (%fat), volume and density by air-displacement plethysmography (BOD POD). METHODS: %fat, body volume and density by the BOD POD before (BOD POD(BH)) and immediately following hydrostatic weighing (BOD POD(FH)) were performed in 32 healthy females (age (yr) 33 ± 11, weight (kg) 64 ± 14, height (cm) 167 ± 7). Body temperature and moisture were measured prior to BOD POD(BH )and prior to BOD POD(FH )with body moisture defined as the difference in body weight (kg) between the BOD POD(BH )and BOD POD(FH )measurements. RESULTS: BOD POD(FH )%fat (27.1%) and body volume (61.5 L) were significantly lower (P ≤ 0.001) and body density (1.0379 g/cm(3)) significantly higher (P ≤ 0.001) than BOD POD(BH )%fat (28.9%), body volume (61.7 L), and body density (1.0341 g/cm(3)). A significant increase in body temperature (~0.6°C; P ≤ 0.001) and body moisture (0.08 kg; P ≤ 0.01) were observed between BOD POD(BH )and BOD POD(FH). Body surface area was positively associated with the difference in %fat independent of changes in body temperature and moisture, r = 0.30, P < 0.05. CONCLUSION: These data demonstrate for the first time that increases in body heat and moisture result in an underestimation of body fat when using the BOD POD, however, the precise mechanism remains unidentified
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Concomitant medication use and clinical outcome of repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) treatment of Major Depressive Disorder.
BackgroundRepetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) is commonly administered to Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) patients taking psychotropic medications, yet the effects on treatment outcomes remain unknown. We explored how concomitant medication use relates to clinical response to a standard course of rTMS.MethodsMedications were tabulated for 181 MDD patients who underwent a six-week rTMS treatment course. All patients received 10 Hz rTMS administered to left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC), with 1 Hz administered to right DLPFC in patients with inadequate response to and/or intolerance of left-sided stimulation. Primary outcomes were change in Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology Self Report (IDS-SR30) total score after 2, 4, and 6 weeks.ResultsUse of benzodiazepines was associated with less improvement at week 2, whereas use of psychostimulants was associated with greater improvement at week 2 and across 6 weeks. These effects were significant controlling for baseline variables including age, overall symptom severity, and severity of anxiety symptoms. Response rates at week 6 were lower in benzodiazepine users versus non-users (16.4% vs. 35.5%, p = 0.008), and higher in psychostimulant users versus non-users (39.2% vs. 22.0%, p = 0.02).ConclusionsConcomitant medication use may impact rTMS treatment outcome. While the differences reported here could be considered clinically significant, results were not corrected for multiple comparisons and findings should be replicated before clinicians incorporate the evidence into clinical practice. Prospective, hypothesis-based treatment studies will aid in determining causal relationships between medication treatments and outcome
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