34 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACT     Introduction Women who have a cesarean delivery have a 5-20 times greater risk of infection than normal delivery. Antibiotics given to surgical patients aim to reduce the number of bacterial colonies, reduce the amount of inoculum contamination so that prophylactic antibiotics are needed to reduce the risk of infection or as therapy if they are already in a previous infection state. Aim of this study was to determine the effect of prophylactic antibiotic use and length of stay in cesarean section. Method this research uses analytical research with a cross sectional approach. There were 318 patients who met the study inclusion criteria. The assessment of research variables used secondary data from the medical records of patients with cesarean section at Raden Mattaher Hospital Jambi in 2018. Results of this study were patients with caesarean section at Raden Mattaher Hospital Jambi in 2018, at most 20 to 35 years, 240 people, 135 primigravidas people, 244 people with a history of first cesarean section, used a prophylactic antibiotic for cesarean section, namely ceftriaxone once two grams for 3 days, with the most diagnosis of cesarean section due to premature rupture of the membranes as many as 87 people. There was a relationship between the type of prophylactic antibiotics given (p = 0.00), the number of antibiotics (p = 0.00), and the diagnosis before cesarean delivery (p = 0.00) with the length of  Inpatient.   Keywords: Antibiotics, Caesarean section, Inpatient     ABSTRAK   Pendahuluan Wanita yang melakukan persalinan secara bedah sesar memiliki resiko infeksi lebih besar 5-20 kali lipat dibandingkan persalinan normal. Antibiotik yang diberikan pada pasien bedah bertujuan untuk mengurangi jumlah koloni bakteri, mengurangi jumlah inokulum kontaminasi sehingga diperlukan pemberian antibiotik profilaksis untuk menurunkan risiko infeksi atau sebagai terapi apabila sudah dalam keadaan infeksi sebelumnya. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan antibiotik profilaksis dengan lama rawat inap seksio sesaria. Metode Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian analitik dengan metode cross sectional. Terdapat 318 pasien memenuhi kriteria inklusi  penelitian . Penilaian variabel- penelitian menggunakan data sekunder dari  rekam medik pasien seksio sesaria di Rumah Sakit Raden Mattaher Jambi tahun 2018.  Hasil penelitian  pasien seksio sesaria di Rumah Sakit Raden Mattaher Jambi tahun 2018, paling banyak berumur 20 hingga 35 tahun yakni 240 orang, primigravida 135 orang, riwayat seksio sesaria pertama kali sebanyak 244 orang, menggunakan antibiotik profilaksis seksio sesaria yakni ceftriaxon sebanyak satu kali dua gram selama 3 hari, dengan diagnosis terbanyak seksio sesaria dikarenakan ketuban pecah dini sebanyak 87 orang. Terdapat hubungan antara jenis antibiotik profilaksis yang diberikan (p = 0,00) dan jumlah pemberian (p=0,00) dengan lama rawat inap. .   Kata kunci : Antibiotik, Seksio sesaria, Rawat Ina

    Indeks Massa Tubuh terhadap Arus Puncak Ekspirasi Mahasiswi Universitas Jambi

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    ABSTRACT   Background Peak flow respiratory rate is one of the tests used to assess lung function, monitor for diseases caused by pulmonary obstruction, and respond to pulmonary treatment. Many factors affect the peak expiratory flow which will also affect lung function mainly due to anthropometric differences. Aim The research objective was to determine the effect of body mass index on peak expiratory flow rate. Method forty-three women, inclusion criteria were in good health, did, n't have obstructive respiratory disorders, and did not smoke. The students measured height, weight, waist circumference, and peak flow respiratory rate using the Mini Wright Flowmeter. Result in the peak expiratory flow rate of female students (mean=228.37). There was no significant correlation between female students' peak expiratory flow and body mass index (p = 0.28, r = -0.19). Conclusions The effect of peak expiratory flow on body mass index is not statistically significant for students of the Faculty of Medicine, Jambi University,  Latar Arus puncak respirasi merupakan salah satu pemeriksaan yang digunakan untuk menilai fungsi  paru, pemantauan terhadap penyakit diakibatkan obstruksi  pada paru serta respon terhadap pengobatan paru yang diberikan. Banyaknya faktor yang mempengaruhi arus puncak ekspirasi yang juga akan mempengaruhi fungsi paru terutama diakibatkan perbedaan antropometri. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui pengaruh Indeks Massa Tubuh terhadap arus puncak ekspirasi. Metode sebanyak  43 orang perempuan yang bersedia mengikuti penelitian, dalam keadaan sehat, tidak mempunyai penyakit gangguan pernafasan obstruktif, dan tidak merokok. Pada mahasiswi dilakukan pengukuran tinggi badan, penimbangan berat badan, dan arus puncak ekpirasi menggunaan Mini Wright Flowmeter. Hasil  Penelitian diketahui nilai Arus Puncak Ekspirasi mahasiswi (mean =228,37). Secara statistik tidak ada korelasi yang signifikan antara arus puncak ekpirasi mahasiswi dan indeks massa tubuh (p=0,28, r=-0,19). Kesimpulan diketahui  pengaruh arus puncak ekspirasi terhadap indeks massa tubuh tidak bermakna secara statistik pada mahasiswi kedokteran Universitas Jambi

    Alternate Day Fasting terhadap Berat Badan, dan Enzim Transaminase pada Tikus Putih Galur Sprague Dawley

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    ABSTRACT   Background Obesity is a global epidemic problem that can increase the risk of metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance. Modification of diet and moderate exercise can control metabolism. Alternate Day Fasting is one of the intermittent fasting diet modifications where the day alternates between normal and fasting diets. When fasting can consume food substances 20-25% of total energy. Aim this research objective was to determine the effect of the Alternate Day Fasting diet on body weight, and liver function. Method this research is an experimental study on male Sprague Dawley rats aged 2-3 months, weighing 150-250 grams, and no anatomical abnormalities, which are divided into 2 groups, namely control (n = 10) and Alternate Day Fasting (n = 10). Results the Alternate Day Fasting can reduce body weight (mean = 197.5) compared to controls (mean = 253.6). There was no difference in blood glucose (Mann Whitney; p> 0.05), Serum Glutamic Oxaloacetate Transaminase (Mann Whitney; p> 0.05), Serum Glutamic Pyruvic Transaminase (Mann Whitney; p> 0.05) between the control group and the Alternate Day Fasting diet. Conclusion Alternate Day Fasting Diet can lose weight, and does not result in an increase in Serum Glutamic Oxaloacetic Transaminase and Serum Glutamic Pyruvic Transaminase. Keywords: Obesity, Alternate_Day_Fasting, body_weight, SGOT, SGPT  ABSTRAK   Latar Belakang Obesitas merupakan masalah epidemi global yang dapat meningkatkan risiko penyakit sindrom metabolik serta resistensi insulin. Modifikasi diet dan olahraga ringan dapat mengontrol metabolisme.  Alternate Day Fasting merupakan salah satu modifikasi diet intermitten fasting dimana bergantian hari antara diet normal dan puasa. Ketika puasa dapat mengkonsumsi zat makanan 20-25% dari total energi. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui pengaruh diet Alternate Day Fasting terhadap berat badan, dan fungsi hati . Metode penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental pada tikus jantan galur Sprague Dawley yang berumur 2-3 bulan, berat 150 – 250 gram, serta tidak ada kelainan anatomi, yang dibagi dalam 2 kelompok yakni kontrol (n=10) dan  Alternate Day Fasting (n=10). Hasil penelitian diketahui Alternate Day Fasting dapat menurunkan berat badan (mean = 197,5) dibandingkan kontrol (mean = 253,6). Tidak terdapat perbedaan Serum Glutamic Oxaloacetate Transaminase (Mann Whitney; p>0.05),  Serum Glutamic Pyruvic Transaminase  (Mann Whitney; p>0.05) antara kelompok kontrol dan diet Alternate Day Fasting. Kesimpulan Diet Alternate Day Fasting dapat menurunkan berat badan, dan tidak mengakibatkan peningkatan Serum Glutamic Oxaloacetic Transaminase dan Serum Glutamic Pyruvic Transaminase. Kata Kunci : Obesitas, Alternate_Day_Fasting, berat_badan, SGOT, SGPT   &nbsp

    Influence Engulfment Cell Motility-1 (ELMO-1) Protein and Matrix Metalloproteases-9 (MMP-9) in Diabetic Nephropathy Patients

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    Engulfment and Cell Motility-1 (ELMO-1) are well-known genes in Asia that can cause diabetic nephropathy in people with Diabetes Mellitus type-2. The increase in ELMO-1 protein affects Matrix Metalloproteases-9 (MMP-9) levels, both of which can cause chronic glomerular injury through dysregulation of Extra Cellular Matrix metabolism and decreased adhesive properties of endothelial cells to kidney structures. This study aims to prove differences in ELMO-1 and MMP-9 protein levels in type-2 Diabetes Mellitus (DM) patients with Diabetic Nephropathy compared to those without Diabetic Nephropathy. This study is a comparative observational study with venous blood samples taken from 60 patients with type-2 DM patients without Diabetic Nephropathy as a control and type-2 DM group with Diabetic Nephropathy cases diagnosed based on the criteria of Glomerular Filtration Rate and Albumin-to-Creatinine Ratio. In this study, the levels of ELMO-1 and MMP-9 proteins were checked by ELISA (Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay). The results showed that the mean plasma ELMO-1 value was higher in the Diabetes Mellitus type-2 group with Diabetic Nephropathy than without the Diabetic Nephropathy group (t-test, p = 0.025). The mean plasma MMP-9 value was higher in the DM with Diabetic Nephropathy group rather than in the DM without Diabetic Nephropathy group (t-test, p = 0.032). Conclusion ELMO-1 and MMP-9 levels were higher in Diabetes Mellitus type-2 with diabetic nephropathy

    Willingness To Pay Masyarakat terhadap Penggunaan Jasa Pengolahan Sampah

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    The aims of this study are to analysis factors such as the amount of income, education level, and the number of frequencies transporting effect on willingness to pay (WTP) by the respondent that using waste management services. This study is to see how much the value of WTP who are willing to pay by the respondents and how much the level of compliance of the respondents in using waste management service in Kelurahan Rajabasa Raya. This study uses data derived from questionnaires. This study uses Binary Logistic Regression with analysis tools SPSS ver. 15. The results from this study indicate that income and education levels factors have positive and significant effect to WTP. While the frequency of transporting has a positive but not significant effect to WTP. The average value of WTP that willing to pay by respondents is Rp. 18,200. Based on the respondents who are willing to pay and are not willing to pay, we can see the level of compliance of the public against the use of waste management services. By 73 or 77.7% of respondents have a level of compliance with the willing to pay to continue using the waste management services. The remaining 21 respondents, or 22.3% of total respondents have a low compliance


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    Abstract Posyandu is one form of Community Based Health Effort (UKBM) run of, by, for and with the community, in order to empower people and provide convenience to the public in obtaining basic health care. Knowing programs owned posyandu society will be easier to get information and lessons learned about health that will impact the increase in the quality of health from an early age and elderly as well as the conformity of the program posyandu the guidelines posyandu expected to reduce maternal mortality, infant and toddler. Aims of the research is to describe the implementation of Posyandu program are given to the public in the city of Jambi and explain owned posyandu barriers in implementing the program. This study is descriptive with the approach used is a quantitative approach. The subjects used were public and Posyandu cadres in the city of Jambi. Samples were taken at several the posyandu where all the subjects come and meet the selection criteria for inclusion in the study until the required number of subjects met. The result showed maternal health programs, compliance is 33.3% of prenatal care, postpartum examination 10%, and the provision of vitamins and tablets Fe 25%, the percentage of child health programs 100% compliance, does the weighing and the determination of the status of growth. The immunization program, namely compliance, implementation of 13.3% BCG, DPT 28.3%, 23.33% polio, measles hepatitis 16.67% and 3.33%. Nutrition programs, nutrition counseling kesesuainnya is 76.67%, early detection of growth disorders 45%, supplementary feeding is done 100%, while provision of vitamin tablet Fe and 3.33%. Diarrhea prevention and treatment programs, counseling PHBs the suitability of 8.33% and 3.33% of Oralit administration. Most of implementing the program in posyandu implementation is not in accordance with the guidelines. Only on child health programs and supplementary feeding in accordance with the guidelines for the implementation the posyandu. Keyword : Posyandu   Abstrak Posyandu merupakan salah satu bentuk Upaya Kesehatan Berbasis Masyarakat (UKBM) yang dijalankan oleh, oleh dan untuk masyarakat, untuk memberdayakan masyarakat dan memberikan kemudahan kepada masyarakat dalam memperoleh layanan kesehatan dasar. Mengetahui program yang dimiliki masyarakat posyandu akan lebih mudah mendapatkan informasi dan pelajaran tentang kesehatan yang akan berdampak pada peningkatan kualitas kesehatan sejak usia dini dan lansia serta kesesuaian program posyandu dengan pedoman posyandu yang diharapkan dapat mengurangi angka kematian ibu melahirkan, Bayi dan balita Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan pelaksanaan program Posyandu yang diberikan kepada masyarakat di kota Jambi dan menjelaskan adanya hambatan posyandu yang dimiliki dalam pelaksanaan program. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif dengan pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kuantitatif. Subjek yang digunakan adalah kader masyarakat dan posyandu di kota Jambi. Sampel diambil di beberapa posyandu dimana semua subjek datang dan memenuhi kriteria seleksi untuk dimasukkan dalam penelitian ini sampai jumlah yang dibutuhkan dari mata pelajaran terpenuhi. Hasilnya menunjukkan program kesehatan ibu, kepatuhan adalah 33,3% perawatan prenatal, pemeriksaan pascapartum 10%, dan pemberian vitamin dan tablet Fe 25%, persentase program kesehatan anak 100% kepatuhan, apakah bobot dan penentuan status Pertumbuhan. Program imunisasi, yaitu kepatuhan, penerapan 13,3% BCG, DPT 28,3%, polio 23,33%, hepatitis campak 16,67% dan 3,33%. Program gizi, gizi konseling kesesuainnya adalah 76,67%, deteksi dini gangguan pertumbuhan 45%, pemberian pakan tambahan dilakukan 100%, sedangkan pemberian vitamin tablet Fe dan 3,33%. Program pencegahan dan pengobatan diare, penyuluhan PHB memiliki kesesuaian 8,33% dan 3,33% administrasi Oralit. Sebagian besar pelaksanaan program dalam pelaksanaan posyandu tidak sesuai dengan pedoman. Hanya pada program kesehatan anak dan pemberian pakan tambahan sesuai dengan pedoman pelaksanaan posyandu. Kata kunci : Posyand


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    ABSTRACTAsthma is a common long-term inflammatory disease of the airways of the lungs. Asthma is characterized byvariable and recurring symptoms, reversible airflow obstruction, and easily induced bronchospasm. Symptomsinclude episodes of wheezing, coughing, chest tightness and shortness of breath. Asthma may occur severaltimes a day or several times per week. Asthma symptoms can get worse at night or with exercise, but this variesfrom person to person. The Peak Flow Meter is a simple, easy-to-use tool that measures peak expiratory flow(PEF) and detects airflow limitations. The peak flow meter is the recommended alternative for the diagnosis ofasthma. This study was an observational analytic study with a cross sectional design. The number ofrespondents was 32 people, measured the peak expiratory flow using a peak flow meter. The results of this studyindicate that gender, age, comorbidities and smoking history are factors that affect the value of the peak flowmeter.Keyword : Peak Flow Meter, lung, asthmaABSTRAKAsma adalah penyakit inflamasi jangka panjang yang umum terjadi pada saluran udara paru-paru.Asma ditandai dengan gejala yang bervariasi dan berulang, obstruksi aliran udara reversibel, danbronkospasme yang mudah diinduksi. Gejala termasuk episode mengi, batuk, dada sesak, dan sesaknapas. Asma dapat terjadi beberapa kali sehari atau beberapa kali dalam seminggu. Gejala asmabisa menjadi lebih buruk pada malam hari atau saat berolahraga, tetapi ini bervariasi dari orang keorang. Peak Flow Meter adalah alat sederhana dan mudah digunakan yang mengukur aliran ekspirasipuncak (PEF) dan mendeteksi batasan aliran udara. Pengukur aliran puncak adalah alternatif yangdirekomendasikan untuk diagnosis asma. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian analitik observasionaldengan desain cross sectional. Responden berjumlah 32 orang, diukur aliran ekspirasi puncakmenggunakan peak flow meter. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa jenis kelamin, usia, penyakitpenyerta dan riwayat meroko merupakan faktor yang mempengaruhi nilai peak flow meter.Kata kunci : Peak Flow Meter, paru-paru, asm


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    ABSTRACT Background: Based on ASEAN Statistical data for 2017, Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) in Indonesia still shows a high rate. McCahrthy and Maine suggest that MMR occurs is influenced by three factors that are a proxy determinant, intermediate determinant, and contextual determinant. The aim of this study is to describe the determinants of maternal mortality. Method: This study used a literature review using 20 literatures obtained from Google Scholar, PubMed, DOAJ, Semantic, BMC, and Elsevier. Result: Based on the results of the literature study there are 5 literatures claims hemorrhage as the main cause of maternal mortality, sepsis, preeclapsia / eclampsia, and uterine rupture have the same frequency with 3 literatures and 2 literatures claims for dystocia. Based on the intermediate determinant, nutritional status, age <20 years or> 35 years, multiparous status, antenatal care < 4 times, and delay were the most common determinants of maternal mortality. Conclusion: Based on contextual determinants, mothers who work and have low education are the most common cause of the maternal mortality.   Keywords : Determinant, Maternal mortality, Maternal Mortality Rate   ABSTRAK Latar Belakang: Berdasarkan data ASEAN Statistical tahun 2017, Angka Kematian Ibu (AKI) di Indonesia masih menunjukkan angka yang tinggi. McCahrthy dan Maine mengemukakan bahwa AKI terjadi dipengaruhi oleh tiga faktor yaitu, determinan proksi, determinan intermediate, dan determinan kontekstual. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran determinan kematian maternal. Metode: Metode penelitian yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah pendekatan studi literatur dengan menggunakan 20 literatur yang diperoleh dari google scholar, pubmed, DOAJ, semantic, BMC, dan Elsevier yang sesuai dengan kriteria inklusi yang ditetapkan peneliti. Hasil: Berdasarkan hasil studi literatur, 5 literatur mengatakan perdarahan sebagai penyebab utama, frekuensi yang sama pada sepsis, preekalmsia/eklamsia, dan ruptur uterus yaitu 3 literatur, serta 2 literatur distosia. Berdasarkan determinan intermediate, status gizi, usia <20 tahun atau >35 tahun, status multipara, antenatal care <4 kali, dan keterlambatan merupakan faktor penentu tersering dari kematian maternal. Kesimpulan: Berdasarkan determinan kontekstual, ibu yang bekerja dan pendidikan yang rendah merupakan ibu yang paling banyak mengalami kematian maternal.   Kata Kunci : Determinan, Mortalitas Maternal, Angka Kematian Ib

    Profil Usia Ibu dan Berat Badan Lahir Bayi Pada Kehamilan Dengan Preeklampsia dan Kehamilan Normal di Kota Jambi

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    Latar Belakang. Preeklampsia (PE) merupakan penyebab mortalitas dan mobirditas utama pada maternal dan perinatal. Kegagalan remodelling arteri spiralis pada sel trofoblas akan menyebabkan keadaan hipoksia dan memicu terjadinya gangguan pada pertumbuhan bayi selama di dalam rahim yang outputnya dapat berupa berat badan lahir rendah (BBLR) ataupun persalinan prematur. Tujuan Untuk mengidentifikasi profil usia ibu dan berat badan lahir bayi pada kehamilan dengan preeklampsia dan kehamilan normal di Kota Jambi. Metode Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif analitik pendekatan Case- control. Sampel data berat badan lahir bayi diambil dari 50 ibu melahirkan (25 ibu PE dan 25 ibu normal) dengan metode purposive sampling di RSUD Raden Mattaher Jambi. Identifikasi profil usia ibu dan berat badan lahir bayi dilakukan analisis data menggunakan pearson chi square. Hasil Pada penelitian ini didapatkan, berdasarkan usia ibu, kasus terbanyak pada kehamilan PE adalah usia <20 dan >35 tahun yang tergolong usia berisiko tinggi yaitu sebanyak 55,55 %. Berdasarkan berat badan lahir bayi, kasus BBLR didapatkan terbanyak pada kelompok PE yaitu sebanyak 92,30% dibandingkan dengan kelompok kehamilan normal dan bermakna secara uji statistik. Kesimpulan: Usia ibu berisiko tinggi lebih banyak pada kelompok kehamilan PE dibandingkan kelompok kehamilan normal, serta berat badan bayi lahir rendah lebih tinggi pada kelompok kehamilan PE dibandingkan kelompok kehamilan normal, dan bermakna secara statistik (chi-square<0,05)


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    Abstract The world is under pressure from the Corona virus disease 2019 (Covid-19) pandemic since 2020. The impact of the pandemic is now beginning to spread to the world of education. Almost 18 months after schools in Indonesia were closed to curb the spread of COVID-19, limited face-to-face learning has been started. The health protocol must always be implemented by all school members and the role of the teacher is very important in this situation, especially regarding the correct use of masks. In addition, to maintain endurance, students and teachers must consume nutritious food and vitamins. Many original Indonesian herbal plants can be consumed as immune boosters. The objectives of this community service activity is to increase teacher knowledge in changing behavior and increasing immunity in the era of the Covid-19 pandemic. The method used is counseling and training through virtual webinar activity with topics on how to use, store, and dispose of mask waste, Covid-19 updates, herbal medicine, and nutrition in the Covid-19 era. This activity was attended by 54 teachers from Jambi City (46 people; 85.19%) and Muaro Jambi Regency (8 people; 14.81%). The participants of the activity consisted of elementary school teachers (72.22%), junior high school/MTs teachers (25.93%), and senior high school teacher (1.85%). This community service obtained the conclusion of counseling and training can increase the teacher knowledge in changing behavior and increasing immunity in the Covid-19 pandemic era. Keywords: Training, behavior change, immunity enhancement, Covid-19   ABSTRAK Dunia berada di bawah tekanan dari pandemi Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) sejak tahun 2020. Dampak dari pandemic tersebut kini mulai merambah ke dunia pendidikan. Hampir 18 bulan setelah sekolah di Indonesia ditutup untuk menekan penyebaran Covid-19, pembelajaran tatap muka secara terbatas telah dimulai. Protokol kesehatan harus selalu dilaksanakan oleh seluruh warga sekolah dan peran guru sangat penting pada situasi ini, terutama mengenai penggunaan masker yang benar. Selain itu, untuk menjaga daya tahan tubuh, siswa dan guru harus mengkonsumsi makanan bergizi dan vitamin. Banyak tanaman-tanaman herbal asli Indonesia yang dapat dikonsumsi sebagai immune booster. Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan guru dalam perubahan perilaku dan peningkatan imunitas di era pandemi Covid-19. Metode yang digunakan adalah penyuluhan dan pelatihan melalui kegiatan webinar virtual dengan topik cara penggunaan, penyimpanan, dan pembuangan limbah masker, update Covid-19­, herbal medicine, dan nutrisi di era Covid-19.  Kegiatan ini dihadiri oleh 54 orang guru yang berasal dari Kota Jambi (46 orang; 85,19%) dan Kabupaten Muaro Jambi (8 orang; 14,81%). Peserta kegiatan terdiri dari guru SD (72,22%), guru SMP/MTs (25,93%), dan guru SMA/SMK (1,85%). Pengabdian masyarakat ini memperoleh simpulan, penyuluhan dan pelatihan dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan guru dalam perubahan perilaku dan peningkatan imunitas di era pandemi Covid-19. Kata kunci : Pelatihan, perubahan perilaku, peningkatan imunitas, Covid-1