1,523 research outputs found

    Forest Landscape Changes in East Texas from 1974 to 2002

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    Timber production has been one of the most important industries in east Texas since the mid 19th century. For over 100 years, timber has represented one-third of all agricultural income in this region. In order to review forest landscape changes over time -- resulting from many years of management and investment -- historical satellite remote sensing data from 1974 to 2002 were used to determine landscape patterns and changes in four counties of east Texas : Angelina, Nacogdoches , San Augustine, and Shelby . Land cover was classified either as forest or non-forest and a land cover map was generated for seven unique time stages. Landscape patches were identified on each land cover map and landscape metrics were calculated, including patch size, aggregation of patches, and patch shape complexity. Results showed a decline of total forestland in the 1980s and a recovery in the 1990s. This observation coincided with historical information about large scale clear-cutting during this time. Mean patch size of forest showed a trend of increase, whereas that of non-forest was consistently decreasing over time. This reflected the decrease of forest patch shape complexity, while the patch shape of non-forest became more complex. The forest in east Texas plays an important role (presumably from intensive management) not only in the local economy but also in the environment. Replanting efforts have created buffers between land development such as urban sprawl and ranching. Eventually, the forest maintains the overall landscape contagion while non-forest land-use is becoming more fragmented

    Spatial Autocorrelation and Pseudoreplication in Fire Ecology

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    Fire ecologists face many challenges regarding the statistical analyses of their studies. Hurlbert (1984) brought the problem of pseudoreplication to the scientific community’s attention in the mid 1980’s. Now, there is a new issue in the form of spatial autocorrelation. Spatial autocorrelation, if present, violates the traditional statistical assumption of observational independence. What, if anything, can the fire ecology community do about this new problem? An understanding of spatial autocorrelation, and knowledge of available methods used to reduce the effect of spatial autocorrelation and pseudoreplication will greatly assist fire ecology researchers

    Urban Tree Height Assessment Using Pictometry Hyperspatial 4-Inch Multispectral Imagery

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    Tree height is a critical variable of forest inventory assessments, and estimating the height of trees has been a component of forest inventory assessments for decades. The actual tree height of 60 open-grown baldcypress (Taxodium distichum) trees measured with a telescopic height pole were compared to Pictometry hyperspatial 4-in. multispectral imagery estimated tree height on the campus of Stephen F. Austin State University, Nacogdoches, Texas. Linear correlation coefficients (r) between actual tree height and Pictometry-estimated tree height for all 60 trees and the shortest 30 and tallest 30 trees were [1]0.997 for all r values. Pictometry estimated tree height was within, on average, 1.77, 2.15, and 1.40% of actual tree height for all 60 trees, the shortest 30 trees, and the tallest 30 trees, respectively. All three paired t-tests, for all 60 trees, the shortest 30 trees, and the tallest 30 trees, resulted in a P value [1]0.08, indicating that there was no statistical significance between actual and estimated tree height at a 95% confidence level. Pictometry-estimated tree height can be used in lieu of field-based tree height estimation for open-grown urban forests

    Small gaps and small spacings between zeta zeros

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    We show assuming RH that phenomena concerning pairs of zeros established viavia pair correlations occur with positive density (with at most a slight adjustment of the constants). Also, while a double zero is commonly considered to be a close pair, we consider the difference between two distinctdistinct zeros.Comment: 17 page

    Standardized, Cost-Effective, and Repeatable Remote Sensing Methodology to Quantify Forested Resources in Texas

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    A standardized remote sensing methodology was evaluated for its use in quantifying the forested resources of the state of Texas in a timely and cost-effective manner. Landsat data from 2002 were used to create a land cover base map encompassing a four-county study area in East Texas. Site-specific and non-site-specific accuracy assessments of the classified map indicate that overall the 2002 base map accuracy of 72.78% was within acceptable remote sensing standards for Landsat data and that forest cover types derived from 2002, 1987, and 1980 Landsat data were within 4.4, 0.5, and 7.4% agreement with Forest Inventory and Analysis Program data collected in 1988, 1988, and 1980 respectively. A classified image representing five age class distributions for all forest cover types, derived through a Boolean manipulation of forest cover type maps from 2002, 1997, 1992, 1987, 1984, 1980, and 1974, indicates that overall map accuracy for age class distributions based on 30-m Landsat data from 1974 through 2002 was 58.69%. Overall, results indicate that remote sensing in conjunction with ground truthing can accurately quantify forest composition and age distributions using standardized and readily available data

    Direct and Simultaneous Observation of Ultrafast Electron and Hole Dynamics in Germanium

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    Understanding excited carrier dynamics in semiconductors is crucial for the development of photovoltaics and efficient photonic devices. However, overlapping spectral features in optical/NIR pump-probe spectroscopy often render assignments of separate electron and hole carrier dynamics ambiguous. Here, ultrafast electron and hole dynamics in germanium nanocrystalline thin films are directly and simultaneously observed by attosecond transient absorption spectroscopy (ATAS) in the extreme ultraviolet at the germanium M_{4,5}-edge (~30 eV). We decompose the ATAS spectra into contributions of electronic state blocking and photo-induced band shifts at a carrier density of 8*10^{20}cm^{-3}. Separate electron and hole relaxation times are observed as a function of hot carrier energies. A first order electron and hole decay of ~1 ps suggests a Shockley-Read-Hall recombination mechanism. The simultaneous observation of electrons and holes with ATAS paves the way for investigating few to sub-femtosecond dynamics of both holes and electrons in complex semiconductor materials and across junctions.Comment: Includes Supplementary Informatio

    Attosecond Time-Domain Measurement of Core-Level-Exciton Decay in Magnesium Oxide.

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    Excitation of ionic solids with extreme ultraviolet pulses creates localized core-level excitons, which in some cases couple strongly to the lattice. Here, core-level-exciton states of magnesium oxide are studied in the time domain at the Mg L_{2,3} edge with attosecond transient reflectivity spectroscopy. Attosecond pulses trigger the excitation of these short-lived quasiparticles, whose decay is perturbed by time-delayed near-infrared pulses. Combined with a few-state theoretical model, this reveals that the infrared pulse shifts the energy of bright (dipole-allowed) core-level-exciton states as well as induces features arising from dark core-level excitons. We report coherence lifetimes for the two lowest core-level excitons of 2.3±0.2 and 1.6±0.5  fs and show that these are primarily a consequence of strong exciton-phonon coupling, disclosing the drastic influence of structural effects in this ultrafast relaxation process

    Step by Step to Fairness: Attributing Societal Bias in Task-oriented Dialogue Systems

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    Recent works have shown considerable improvements in task-oriented dialogue (TOD) systems by utilizing pretrained large language models (LLMs) in an end-to-end manner. However, the biased behavior of each component in a TOD system and the error propagation issue in the end-to-end framework can lead to seriously biased TOD responses. Existing works of fairness only focus on the total bias of a system. In this paper, we propose a diagnosis method to attribute bias to each component of a TOD system. With the proposed attribution method, we can gain a deeper understanding of the sources of bias. Additionally, researchers can mitigate biased model behavior at a more granular level. We conduct experiments to attribute the TOD system's bias toward three demographic axes: gender, age, and race. Experimental results show that the bias of a TOD system usually comes from the response generation model

    The Strange Parton Distribution of the Nucleon: Global Analysis and Applications

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    The strangeness degrees of freedom in the parton structure of the nucleon are explored in the global analysis framework, using the new CTEQ6.5 implementation of the general mass perturbative QCD formalism of Collins. We systematically determine the constraining power of available hard scattering experimental data on the magnitude and shape of the strange quark and anti-quark parton distributions. We find that current data favor a distinct shape of the strange sea compared to the isoscalar non-strange sea. A new reference parton distribution set, CTEQ6.5S0, and representative sets spanning the allowed ranges of magnitude and shape of the strange distributions, are presented. Some applications to physical processes of current interest in hadron collider phenomenology are discussed.Comment: 19 pages; revised version submitted to JHE

    Versatile transporter apparatus for experiments with optically trapped Bose-Einstein condensates

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    We describe a versatile and simple scheme for producing magnetically and optically-trapped Rb-87 Bose-Einstein condensates, based on a moving-coil transporter apparatus. The apparatus features a TOP trap that incorporates the movable quadrupole coils used for magneto-optical trapping and long-distance magnetic transport of atomic clouds. As a stand-alone device, this trap allows for the stable production of condensates containing up to one million atoms. In combination with an optical dipole trap, the TOP trap acts as a funnel for efficient loading, after which the quadrupole coils can be retracted, thereby maximizing optical access. The robustness of this scheme is illustrated by realizing the superfluid-to-Mott insulator transition in a three-dimensional optical lattice
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