36 research outputs found

    Autonomous response of a third-order digital filter with two’s complement arithmetic realized in cascade form

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    In this letter, results on the autonomous response of a third-order digital filter with two’s complement arithmetic realized as a first-order subsystem cascaded by a second-order subsystem are reported. The behavior of the second-order subsystem depends on the pole location and the initial condition of the first-order subsystem, because the transient behavior is affected by the first-order subsystem and this transient response can be viewed as an excitation of the original initial state to another state. New results on the set of necessary and sufficient conditions relating the trajectory equations, the behaviors of the symbolic sequences, and the sets of the initial conditions are derived. The effects of the pole location and the initial condition of first-order subsystem on the overall system are discussed. Some interesting differences between the autonomous response of second-order subsystem and the response due to the exponentially decaying input are reported. Some simulation results are given to illustrate the analytical results

    Effective Photodegradation of Methyl Orange Using Fluidized Bed Reactor Loaded with Cross-Linked Chitosan Embedded Nano-CdS Photocatalyst

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    Chitosan-based photocatalyst composites containing CdS nanocrystals with and without glutaraldehyde or epichlorohydrin cross-linking treatments were investigated and the catalyzed photodegradation of methyl orange in aqueous solution was examined. In addition, the effects of catalyst dosage, initial dye concentration, and initial pH of the dye solution on the photodegradation kinetics were investigated. In this study, the effect of initial solution pH was more important than other factors. The photocatalyst composite could remove 99% dye in 80 minutes at pH 4. The catalyst composite was characterized by using X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), fourier transform infrared (FT-IR), and visible reflectance spectroscopy. The dye removal mechanism of methyl orange involved an initial sorption process followed by photodegradation. The sorption process underwent the pseudo-second order kinetics, while photodegradation followed the Langmuir-Hinshelwood kinetics. Although the glutaraldehyde cross-linked chitosan enhanced the initial dye sorption, the epichlorohydrin cross-linked catalyst composite demonstrated a better overall dye removal performance, especially in the photodegradation step. Both chitosan encapsulated catalyst with and without epichlorohydrin cross-linking demonstrated the same pseudo-first order photodegradation kinetic constant of 0.026 min−1 and the same dye removal capacity. The catalyst composite could be reused but the photocatalytic activity dropped successively in each cycle

    Public healthcare financing and provision in Hong Kong : a public-private partnership approach

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    published_or_final_versionPolitics and Public AdministrationMasterMaster of Public Administratio

    Hugus 哈格斯

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    Hugus is a pair of fluffy dolls designed for two parties who need to spend extended time periods separated by distance. Each of the parties owns one of the dolls. To connect the Hugus, all the parties have to do is to link up their smartphones with the Hugus App via Bluetooth, and set up a reunion date with a pairing code... 哈格斯是一對兩隻的毛毛玩偶,專為長期分隔異地的人而設計。二人雙方各擁一隻哈格斯玩偶,以智能手機透過藍芽接入哈格斯應用程式,再以配對碼設定相聚的日期,就能連結彼此的哈格斯... Award: Merit奬項: 優異

    Common Bile Duct Dilatations in Asymptomatic Neonates: Incidence and Prognosis

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    Background. This retrospective study reviewed 213 asymptomatic neonates with common bile duct (CBD) dilatations diagnosed via ultrasound to evaluate their incidence and outcomes. Materials and Methods. From August 2001 to July 2010, 18,230 abdominal ultrasound scans were performed as newborn screening. There were 213 (1.17%) cases of CBD dilatation. Dilatation of neonatal CBD was defined when its diameter was ≥2 mm. The neonates’ birth history, CBD size, and follow-up results were analyzed. Results. In the 213 infants, four cystic dilatations (1.88%, 4/213) that were eventually diagnosed as choledochal cysts (CC). Among 209 neonates with fusiform dilatations (size 2.0–6.7 mm), 77 had ultrasound follow-up and 87% of them resolved spontaneously which were diagnosed as transient CBD dilatation (TCBDD). Eighty percent of TCBDDs resolved within 6 months. Patients with initial CBD size ≥3 mm had significantly lower resolution rate and neonates whose mothers are older than 35 years took longer time to resolve. Conclusion. The incidence of CBD dilatation in asymptomatic neonates was 1.17%. Eighty percent of TCBDDs resolved within 6 months. Regular ultrasound follow-up every 6 months may be appropriate for asymptomatic neonates with fusiform CBD dilatations to ensure resolution or progression

    Fios e desafios da atenção à saúde da criança no estado do Espírito Santo: análise da mortalidade de zero a cinco anos com gestores do Programa Estadual de Saúde da Mulher e da Criança

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    Trata-se de um estudo de abordagem qualitativa que objetivou discutir a mortalidade de zero a cinco anos, no estado do Espírito Santo, no lapso de agosto de 2011 a agosto de 2012, a partir de matérias veiculadas por um jornal diário da mídia impressa de grande circulação, a saber A Gazeta. As referidas matérias constituíram uma hemeroteca que subsidiou a criação de um painel reprográfico. Os sujeitos da investigação foram os técnicos que compõem a equipe da Coordenação do Programa Estadual de Saúde da Mulher e da Criança, e a produção do material de estudo se deu a partir da análise de um grupo focal, com roteiro semiestruturado, tendo como partida a análise de uma cópia do painel contendo todas as máterias. Todo o material foi gravado e filmado. A Análise Institutucional foi a baliza norteadora de toda a elaboração e descrição do estudo. Conforme preconiza este quadro teórico proposto por Lourau, a etapa final do projeto constituiu-se em uma restituição concreta parte do procedimento científico, tratando-se da discussão das produções na pesquisa com os interessados, de modo a possibilitar a sua interferência direta neste processo. O estudo demonstrou que os sujeitos, a partir do dispositivo analisador natural, a morte de crianças menores de cinco anos, conseguiram fazer uma reflexão sobre o quanto é necessário buscar uma interlocução com os demais setores e perceber que a análise institucional, com sua potência de provocar a autoanálise e a autogestão, proporcionou-lhes uma possibilidade de repensar seus processos de trabalho na atenção à saúde da criança

    The Use of CBCT in Evaluating the Health and Pathology of the Maxillary Sinus

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    The use of cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) has been increasing in dental practice. This narrative review summarized the relevance and utilizations of CBCT to visualize anatomical structures of the maxillary sinus and common pathologies found in the maxillary sinus. The detection/visualization rate, the location and the morphometric characteristics were described. For sinus anatomy, the reviewed features included the posterior superior alveolar artery, sinus pneumatization, sinus hypoplasia, sinus septa, and primary and accessory sinus ostia. For pathology, the following items were reviewed: membrane thickening associated with periapical lesions/periodontal lesions, mucous retention cyst, and antrolith. The visualization and assessment of the maxillary sinus is very important prior to procedures that take place in close proximity with the sinus floor, such as tooth extraction, implant insertion, and sinus floor elevation. Some sinus pathologies may be associated with odontogenic lesions, such as periapical diseases and periodontal bone loss