Hugus 哈格斯


Hugus is a pair of fluffy dolls designed for two parties who need to spend extended time periods separated by distance. Each of the parties owns one of the dolls. To connect the Hugus, all the parties have to do is to link up their smartphones with the Hugus App via Bluetooth, and set up a reunion date with a pairing code... 哈格斯是一對兩隻的毛毛玩偶,專為長期分隔異地的人而設計。二人雙方各擁一隻哈格斯玩偶,以智能手機透過藍芽接入哈格斯應用程式,再以配對碼設定相聚的日期,就能連結彼此的哈格斯... Award: Merit奬項: 優異

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