2,852 research outputs found

    Long-Lived Quarks?

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    Several lines of reasoning suggest that there might exist a non-sequential fourth generation of heavy quarks having very small mixing with light quarks and hence exceptionally long lifetime.Comment: 10 pages, Late

    On the Equation of State of Nuclear Matter in 158A GeV Pb+Pb Collisions

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    Within a hydrodynamical approach we investigate the sensitivity of single inclusive momentum spectra of hadrons in 158A GeV Pb+Pb collisions to three different equations of state of nuclear matter. Two of the equations of state are based on lattice QCD results and include a phase transition to a quark-gluon plasma. The third equation of state has been extracted from the microscopic transport code RQMD under the assumption of complete local thermalization. All three equations of state provide reasonable fits to data taken by the NA44 and NA49 Collaborations. The initial conditions before the evolution of the fireballs and the space-time evolution pictures differ dramatically for the three equations of state when the same freeze-out temperature is used in all calculations. However, the softest of the equations of state results in transverse mass spectra that are too steep in the central rapidity region. We conclude that the transverse particle momenta are determined by the effective softness of the equation of state during the fireball expansion.Comment: 4 pages, including 4 figures and 2 tables. For a PostScript file of the manuscript, you can also goto http://t2.lanl.gov/schlei/eprint.htm

    Mass-Varying Neutrinos from a Variable Cosmological Constant

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    We consider, in a completely model-independent way, the transfer of energy between the components of the dark energy sector consisting of the cosmological constant (CC) and that of relic neutrinos. We show that such a cosmological setup may promote neutrinos to mass-varying particles, thus resembling a recently proposed scenario of Fardon, Nelson, and Weiner (FNW), but now without introducing any acceleronlike scalar fields. Although a formal similarity of the FNW scenario with the variable CC one can be easily established, one nevertheless finds different laws for neutrino mass variation in each scenario. We show that as long as the neutrino number density dilutes canonically, only a very slow variation of the neutrino mass is possible. For neutrino masses to vary significantly (as in the FNW scenario), a considerable deviation from the canonical dilution of the neutrino number density is also needed. We note that the present `coincidence' between the dark energy density and the neutrino energy density can be obtained in our scenario even for static neutrino masses.Comment: 8 pages, minor corrections, two references added, to apear in JCA

    Distribution of transmitted charge through a double-barrier junction

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    The distribution function of transmitted charge through a double-barrier junction is studied at zero temperature and at small applied voltage. Both a semiclassical model, in which the transport is described by jump rates, and a quantum mechanical model, which averages over resonant and non-resonant states, are used to determine the characteristic function of the transmitted electrons. It is demonstrated that for large times the logarithm of the characteristic function is equal within the two approaches. The charge distribution is in between a Gaussian and a Poissonian distribution if both barriers have equal height and reduces to a Poissonian if one barrier is much higher than the other.Comment: 6 pages, revtex, 2 figures include

    Particle spectrum in the modified NMSSM in the strong Yukawa coupling limit

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    A theoretical analysis of solutions of renormalisation group equations in the MSSM corresponding to the quasi-fixed point conditions shows that the mass of the lightest Higgs boson in this case does not exceed 94±5GeV94\pm 5\text{GeV}. It means that a substantial part of the parameter space of the MSSM is practically excluded by existing experimental data from LEP II. In the NMSSM the upper bound on the lightest Higgs boson mass reaches its maximum in the strong Yukawa coupling regime, when Yukawa constants are considerably larger the gauge ones on the Grand Unification scale. In this paper a particle spectrum in a simple modification of NMSSM which leads to a self-consistent solution in the considered region of the parameter space is studied. This model allows one to get mh125GeVm_h\sim 125\text{GeV} even for comparatively low values of tanβ1.9\tan\beta\ge 1.9. For an analysis of the Higgs boson spectrum and neutralino spectrum a method for diagonalisation of mass matrices proposed formerly is used. The mass of the lightest Higgs boson in this model does not exceed 130.5±3.5GeV130.5\pm 3.5\text{GeV}.Comment: 34 pages, 5 figures included, LaTeX 2

    Transfer of K-types on local theta lifts of characters and unitary lowest weight modules

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    In this paper we study representations of the indefinite orthogonal group O(n,m) which are local theta lifts of one dimensional characters or unitary lowest weight modules of the double covers of the symplectic groups. We apply the transfer of K-types on these representations of O(n,m), and we study their effects on the dual pair correspondences. These results provide examples that the theta lifting is compatible with the transfer of K-types. Finally we will use these results to study subquotients of some cohomologically induced modules

    Semiclassical theory of shot-noise suppression

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    The Boltzmann-Langevin equation is used to relate the shot-noise power of a mesoscopic conductor to classical transmission probabilities at the Fermi level. This semiclassical theory is applied to tunneling through n barriers in series. For n -> infinity the shot noise approaches one third of the Poisson noise, independent of the transparency of the barriers. This confirms that the one-third suppression known to occur in diffusive conductors does not require phase coherence.Comment: pages, RevTeX, 1 figur

    Dynamics of Hot Bulk QCD Matter: from the Quark-Gluon Plasma to Hadronic Freeze-Out

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    We introduce a combined macroscopic/microscopic transport approach employing relativistic hydrodynamics for the early, dense, deconfined stage of the reaction and a microscopic non-equilibrium model for the later hadronic stage where the equilibrium assumptions are not valid anymore. Within this approach we study the dynamics of hot, bulk QCD matter, which is expected to be created in ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions at the SPS, the RHIC and the LHC. Our approach is capable of self-consistently calculating the freeze-out of the hadronic system, while accounting for the collective flow on the hadronization hypersurface generated by the QGP expansion. In particular, we perform a detailed analysis of the reaction dynamics, hadronic freeze-out, and transverse flow.Comment: 55 pages, 15 figure

    Hadron and hadron-cluster production in a hydrodynamical model including particle evaporation

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    We discuss the evolution of the mixed phase at RHIC and SPS within boostinvariant hydrodynamics. In addition to the hydrodynamical expansion, we also consider evaporation of particles off the surface of the fluid. The back-reaction of the evaporation process on the dynamics of the fluid shortens the lifetime of the mixed phase. In our model this lifetime of the mixed phase is <12 fm/c in Au+Au at RHIC and <6.5 fm/c in Pb+Pb at SPS, even in the limit of vanishing transverse expansion velocity. Strangeness separation occurs, especially in events (or at rapidities) with relatively high initial net baryon and strangeness number, enhancing the multiplicity of MEMOs (multiply strange nuclear clusters). If antiquarks and antibaryons reach saturation in the course of the pure QGP or mixed phase, we find that at RHIC the ratio of antideuterons to deuterons may exceed 0.3 and even anti-helium to helium>0.1. Due to fluctuations, at RHIC even negative baryon number at midrapidity is possible in individual events, so that the antibaryon and antibaryon-cluster yields exceed those of the corresponding baryons and clusters.Comment: 17 pages, Latex, epsfig stylefil

    Uses and Abuses of Effective Lagrangians

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    Motivated by past and recent analyses we critically re-examine the use of effective lagrangians in the literature to constrain new physics and to determine the `physics reach' of future experiments. We demonstrate that many calculations, such as those involving anomalous trilinear gauge-boson couplings, either considerably overestimate loop-induced effects, or give ambiguous answers. The source of these problems is the use of cutoffs to evaluate the size of such operators in loop diagrams. In contrast to other critics of these loop estimates, we prove that the inclusion of nonlinearly-realized gauge invariance into the low-energy lagrangian is irrelevant to this conclusion. We use an explicit example using known multi-Higgs physics above the weak scale to underline these points. We show how to draw conclusions regarding the nature of the unknown high-energy physics without making reference to low-energy cutoffs.Comment: 36 page