28 research outputs found

    The seventh-grade arithmetic textbook and modern educational thought.

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    At Rest, In Indianapolis

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    The fracture toughness of small animal cortical bone measured using arc-shaped tension specimens: Effects of bisphosphonate and deproteinization treatments

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    Small animal models, and especially transgenic models, have become widespread in the study of bone mechanobiology and metabolic bone disease, but test methods for measuring fracture toughness on multiple replicates or at multiple locations within a single small animal bone are lacking. Therefore, the objective of this study was to develop a method to measure cortical bone fracture toughness in multiple specimens and locations along the diaphysis of small animal bones. Arc-shaped tension specimens were prepared from the mid-diaphysis of rabbit ulnae and loaded to failure to measure the radial fracture toughness in multiple replicates per bone. The test specimen dimensions, crack length, and maximum load met requirements for measuring the plane strain fracture toughness. Experimental groups included a control group, bisphosphonate treatment group, and an ex vivo deproteinization treatment following bisphosphonate treatment (5 rabbits/group and 15 specimens/group). The fracture toughness of ulnar cortical bone from rabbits treated with zoledronic acid for six months exhibited no difference compared with the control group. Partially deproteinized specimens exhibited significantly lower fracture toughness compared with both the control and bisphosphonate treatment groups. The deproteinization treatment increased tissue mineral density (TMD) and resulted in a negative linear correlation between the measured fracture toughness and TMD. Fracture toughness measurements were repeatable with a coefficient of variation of 12–16% within experimental groups. Retrospective power analysis of the control and deproteinization treatment groups indicated a minimum detectable difference of 0.1 MPa·m1/2. Therefore, the overall results of this study suggest that arc-shaped tension specimens offer an advantageous new method for measuring the fracture toughness in small animal bones


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    A current affair: electrotherapy in wound healing

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    Jerome Hunckler, Achala de Mel UCL Division of Surgery and Interventional Sciences, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University College London, London, UK Abstract: New developments in accelerating wound healing can have immense beneficial socioeconomic impact. The wound healing process is a highly orchestrated series of mechanisms where a multitude of cells and biological cascades are involved. The skin battery and current of injury mechanisms have become topics of interest for their influence in chronic wounds. Electrostimulation therapy of wounds has shown to be a promising treatment option with no-device-related adverse effects. This review presents an overview of the understanding and use of applied electrical current in various aspects of wound healing. Rapid clinical translation of the evolving understanding of biomolecular mechanisms underlying the effects of electrical simulation on wound healing would positively impact upon enhancing patient’s quality of life. Keywords: electrotherapy, wound healing, infection, bioelectric current, exogenous current, bioelectric medicine, electrical stimulation, chronic wound, acute woun

    Spodosol development as affected by geomorphic aspect

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    ABSTRACT In midlatitude locations with steep slopes, geomorphic aspect can be an important factor in determining spatial variations in soil development. This study examines the influence of aspect on soil development in Baraga County, Michigan, as a means of explaining within-landform variability. The soils are sandy and have spodic morphologies. All are located on steep slopes (45-73%) of contrasting aspect. Ten pedons each from backslopes on north-to-northeast-(N-NE) and south-tosouthwest-(S-SW) facing slopes were described, sampled, and compared using standard techniques. Variation in slope gradient was not, statistically, a determining factor in the differential soil development found here. Aspect has strongly influenced soil development, however, with soils more strongly developed (i.e., more podzolized) on 1N-NE slopes than on S-SVV slopes. Several soil characteristics indicative of strong podzolization were found on N-NE slopes, including higher values of solum thickness and POD index, greater losses of extractable Fe and Al from E horizons and concomitant gains in B horizons, and darker and redder B horizon colors. Soils were generally cooler on N-NE slopes in summer, with essentially similar temperatures under snowpacks in winter. Cooler temperatures and greater amounts of infiltrating water in soils with N-NE aspects may have accelerated podzolization by allowing more organo-metallic complexes to be formed and translocated. Podzolization driven by translocation of amorphous, inorganic compounds appears, however, to be nearly equivalent on sites of differing aspect. Of the ten pedons on N-NE slopes, nine classified as Spodosols (Entic or Typic Haplorthods) and the other was an Entisol. Seven of the 10 pedons on S-SW slopes classified as Entisols (Udipsamments or Udorthents), and the remaining three were Spodosols

    Functionalization of Alginate with Extracellular Matrix Peptides Enhances Viability and Function of Encapsulated Porcine Islets

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    Translation of transplanted alginate-encapsulated pancreatic islets to treat type 1 diabetes has been hindered by inconsistent long-term efficacy. This loss of graft function can be partially attributed to islet dysfunction associated with the destruction of extracellular matrix (ECM) interactions during the islet isolation process as well as immunosuppression-associated side effects. This study aims at recapitulating islet-ECM interactions by the direct functionalization of alginate with the ECM-derived peptides RGD, LRE, YIGSR, PDGEA, and PDSGR. Peptide functionalization is controlled in a concentration-dependent manner and its presentation is found to be homogeneous across the microcapsule environment. Preweaned porcine islets are encapsulated in peptide-functionalized alginate microcapsules, and those encapsulated in RGD-functionalized alginate displays enhanced viability and glucose-stimulated insulin release. Effects are RGD-specific and not observed with its scrambled control RDG nor with LRE, YIGSR, PDGEA, and PDSGR. This study supports the sustained presentation of ECM-derived peptides in helping to maintain health of encapsulated pancreatic islets and may aid in prolonging longevity of encapsulated islet grafts

    Paper Analytical Devices for Fast Field Screening of Beta Lactam Antibiotics and Antituberculosis Pharmaceuticals

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    Reports of low-quality pharmaceuticals have been on the rise in the past decade, with the greatest prevalence of substandard medicines in developing countries, where lapses in manufacturing quality control or breaches in the supply chain allow substandard medicines to reach the marketplace. Here, we describe inexpensive test cards for fast field screening of pharmaceutical dosage forms containing beta lactam antibiotics or combinations of the four first-line antituberculosis (TB) drugs. The devices detect the active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) ampicillin, amoxicillin, rifampicin, isoniazid, ethambutol, and pyrazinamide and also screen for substitute pharmaceuticals, such as acetaminophen and chloroquine that may be found in counterfeit pharmaceuticals. The tests can detect binders and fillers such as chalk, talc, and starch not revealed by traditional chromatographic methods. These paper devices contain 12 lanes, separated by hydrophobic barriers, with different reagents deposited in the lanes. The user rubs some of the solid pharmaceutical across the lanes and dips the edge of the paper into water. As water climbs up the lanes by capillary action, it triggers a library of different chemical tests and a timer to indicate when the tests are completed. The reactions in each lane generate colors to form a “color bar code” which can be analyzed visually by comparison with standard outcomes. Although quantification of the APIs is poor compared with conventional analytical methods, the sensitivity and selectivity for the analytes is high enough to pick out suspicious formulations containing no API or a substitute API as well as formulations containing APIs that have been “cut” with inactive ingredients