806 research outputs found

    The effects of Si-doped prelayers on the optical properties of InGaN/GaN single quantum well structures

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    In this paper, we report on the effects of including Si-doped (In)GaN prelayers on the low temperature optical properties of a blue-light emitting InGaN/GaN single quantum well. We observed a large blue shift of the photoluminescence peak emission energy and significant increases in the radiative recombination rate for the quantum well structures that incorporated Si-doped prelayers. Simulations of the variation of the conduction and valence band energies show that a strong modification of the band profile occurs for the quantum wells on Si-doped prelayers due to an increase in strength of the surface polarization field. The enhanced surface polarization field opposes the built-in field across the quantum well and thus reduces this built-in electric field. This reduction of the electric field across the quantum well reduces the Quantum Confined Stark Effect and is responsible for the observed blue shift and the change in the recombination dynamics.This work was carried out with the financial support of the United Kingdom Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council under Grant Nos. EP/I012591/1 and EP/ H011676/1.This is the accepted manuscript version of the article. The final version is available from AIP at http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/apl/105/9/10.1063/1.4894834

    Effect of growth temperature and V/III-ratio on the surface morphology of MOVPE-grown cubic zincblende GaN

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    The influence of growth temperature and V/III-ratio on the surface morphology of (001) cubic zincblende GaN epilayers during metal organic vapour phase epitaxy growth has been investigated using atomic force microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. The zincblende phase purity as determined by X-ray diffraction was found to be above 98% for most GaN epilayers studied. As the growth temperature was increased from 850 °C to 910 °C and as the V/III-ratio was separately increased from 38 to 300, surface features were found to be elongated in the [1-10] direction, and the ratio of the length to width of such surface features was found to increase. Faceting was observed at V/III-ratios below 38 and above 300, which in the latter case was accompanied by a reduction of the zincblende phase purity. An explanation for these morphological trends is proposed based on effects such as the reduced symmetry of the top monolayer of the (001)-oriented zincblende GaN lattice, diffusion of Ga and N adatoms on such a surface, and the relative energies of the crystal facets.We would like to thank Innovate UK for the financial support within the Energy Catalyst Round 2 - Early Stage Feasibility scheme (Ref. 132135) and Energy Catalyst Round 4 - Mid Stage Feasibility scheme (Ref. 102766). We acknowledge the support of EPSRC through grant no. EP/M010589/1 and grant no. EP/R01146X/1. DJW would like to thank the support of EPSRC through grant no. EP/N01202X/1

    Recombination from polar InGaN/GaN quantum well structures at high excitation carrier densities

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    In this paper we report on the emergence of a high energy band at high optically excited carrier densities in the low temperature photoluminescence spectra from polar InGaN/GaN single quantum well structures. This high energy band emerges at carrier densities when the emission from the localized ground states begins to saturate. We attribute this high energy band to recombination involving higher energy less strongly localized electron and hole states that are populated once the localized ground states become saturated; this assignment is supported by the results from an atomistic tight-binding model. A particular characteristic of the recombination at the high carrier densities is that the overall forms of the photoluminescence decay curves bear great similarity to those from semiconductor quantum dots. The decay curves consist of plateaus where the photoluminescence intensity is constant with time as a result of Pauli state blocking in the high energy localized states followed by a rapid decrease in intensity once the carrier density is sufficiently low that the states involved are no longer saturated

    Effect of QW growth temperature on the optical properties of blue and green InGaN/GaN QW structures

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    In this paper we report on the impact that the quantum well growth temperature has on the internal quantum efficiency and carrier recombination dynamics of two sets of InGaN/GaN multiple quantum well samples, designed to emit at 460 and 530 nm, in which the indium content of the quantum wells within each sample set was maintained. Measurements of the internal quantum efficiency of each sample set showed a systematic variation, with quantum wells grown at a higher temperature exhibiting higher internal quantum efficiency and this variation was preserved at all excitation power densities. By investigating the carrier dynamics at both 10 K and 300 K we were able to attribute this change in internal quantum efficiency to a decrease in the non-radiative recombination rate as the QW growth temperature was increased which we attribute to a decrease in incorporation of the point defects.This work was carried out with the financial support of the United Kingdom Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council under Grant Nos. EP/I012591/1 and EP/H011676/1.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Wiley via https://doi.org/10.1002/pssc.20151018

    A comparison of the optical properties of InGaN/GaN multiple quantum well structures grown with and without Si-doped InGaN prelayers

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    In this paper, we report on a detailed spectroscopic study of the optical properties of InGaN/GaN multiple quantum well structures, both with and without a Si-doped InGaN prelayer. In photoluminescence and photoluminescence excitation spectroscopy, a 2nd emission band, occurring at a higher energy, was identified in the spectrum of the multiple quantum well structure containing the InGaN prelayer, originating from the first quantum well in the stack. Band structure calculations revealed that a reduction in the resultant electric field occurred in the quantum well immediately adjacent to the InGaN prelayer, therefore leading to a reduction in the strength of the quantum confined Stark effect in this quantum well. The partial suppression of the quantum confined Stark effect in this quantum well led to a modified (higher) emission energy and increased radiative recombination rate. Therefore, we ascribed the origin of the high energy emission band to recombination from the 1st quantum well in the structure. Study of the temperature dependent recombination dynamics of both samples showed that the decay time measured across the spectrum was strongly influenced by the 1st quantum well in the stack (in the sample containing the prelayer) leading to a shorter average room temperature lifetime in this sample. The room temperature internal quantum efficiency of the prelayer containing sample was found to be higher than the reference sample (36% compared to 25%) which was thus attributed to the faster radiative recombination rate of the 1st quantum well providing a recombination pathway that is more competitive with non-radiative recombination processes.This work was carried out with the financial support of the United Kingdom Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council under Grant Nos. EP/I012591/1 and EP/ H011676/1.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from AIP Publishing via http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.494132

    Effect of electron blocking layers on the conduction and valence band profiles of InGaN/GaN LEDs

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    In this paper we investigate the effect of including an electron blocking layer between the quantum well active region and the p-type layers of a light emitting diode has on the conduction and valence band profile of a light emitting diode. Two light emitting diode structures with nominally identical quantum well active regions one containing an electron blocking layer and one without were grown for the purposes of this investigation. The conduction and valence band profiles for both structures were then calculated using a commercially available Schrödinger-Poisson calculator, and a modification to the electric field across the QWs observed. The results of these calculations were then compared to photoluminescence and photoluminescence time decay measurements. The modification in electric field across the quantum wells of the structures resulted in slower radiative recombination in the sample containing an electron blocking layers. The sample containing an electron blocking layer was also found to exhibit a lower internal quantum efficiency, which we attribute to the observed slower radiative recombination lifetime making radiative recombination less competitive.This work was carried out with the financial support of the United Kingdom Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council under Grant Nos. EP/I012591/1 and EP/H011676/1.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Wiley via http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/pssc.20151018

    Growth of non-polar (11-20) InGaN quantum dots by metal organic vapour phase epitaxy using a two temperature method

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    Non-polar (11-20) InGaN quantum dots (QDs) were grown by metal organic vapour phase epitaxy. An InGaN epilayer was grown and subjected to a temperature ramp in a nitrogen and ammonia environment before the growth of the GaN capping layer. Uncapped structures with and without the temperature ramp were grown for reference and imaged by atomic force microscopy. Micro-photoluminescence studies reveal the presence of resolution limited peaks with a linewidth of less than ∼500 μeV at 4.2 K. This linewidth is significantly narrower than that of non-polar InGaN quantum dots grown by alternate methods and may be indicative of reduced spectral diffusion. Time resolved photoluminescence studies reveal a mono-exponential exciton decay with a lifetime of 533 ps at 2.70 eV. The excitonic lifetime is more than an order of magnitude shorter than that for previously studied polar quantum dots and suggests the suppression of the internal electric field. Cathodoluminescence studies show the spatial distribution of the quantum dots and resolution limited spectral peaks at 18 K.This work was funded by the EPSRC (Grant Nos. EP/J003603/1 and EP/H047816/1).This is the final published version. It first appeared at http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/aplmater/2/12/10.1063/1.4904068

    Su(3) Algebraic Structure of the Cuprate Superconductors Model based on the Analogy with Atomic Nuclei

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    A cuprate superconductor model based on the analogy with atomic nuclei was shown by Iachello to have an su(3)su(3) structure. The mean-field approximation Hamiltonian can be written as a linear function of the generators of su(3)su(3) algebra. Using algebraic method, we derive the eigenvalues of the reduced Hamiltonian beyond the subalgebras u(1)⨂u(2)u(1)\bigotimes u(2) and so(3)so(3) of su(3)su(3) algebra. In particular, by considering the coherence between s- and d-wave pairs as perturbation, the effects of coherent term upon the energy spectrum are investigated
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