4,368 research outputs found

    Non-equilibrium mechanics and dynamics of motor activated gels

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    The mechanics of cells is strongly affected by molecular motors that generate forces in the cellular cytoskeleton. We develop a model for cytoskeletal networks driven out of equilibrium by molecular motors exerting transient contractile stresses. Using this model we show how motor activity can dramatically increase the network's bulk elastic moduli. We also show how motor binding kinetics naturally leads to enhanced low-frequency stress fluctuations that result in non-equilibrium diffusive motion within an elastic network, as seen in recent \emph{in vitro} and \emph{in vivo} experiments.Comment: 21 pages, 8 figure

    Basic deposited integrated magnetic circuit element for fast computer circuitry

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    A deposited configuration, consisting of a magnetic thin film and coupling loop, was studied with a view to the future development of integrated magnetic circuitry. A line charge model, predicting flux linkages of coupling loops to an accuracy of about one percent was established. The almost complete linkage of the film flux with a deposited loop, due to the very close coupling, was verified. A decrease of about 20 percent in film flux at both ends of the easy axis was noted for the experimental assemblies used. Circulating loop currents were shown to be the chief parasitic factor which modified the switching of the magnetic film. The change in switching time due to eddy currents was small when the loop conductor size was of the same order as the magnetic film. For resistive loop loading, the average field during switching is a good measure of the slowing due to the loading. The film-loop assembly has good potentialities as a circuit element, with good transmission of both read-out and control signals occurring in the loop. The field calibration for these control signals was shown to be the same for both bias and drive field applications

    Transient shapes of the magnetic bubble domains during gradient propagation and overshoot

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    Characteristic transient shapes were observed for free magnetic bubble domains during gradient translation and overshoot using high speed photography with 10 nsec laser pulse illumination. The two flanks of the bubble start to expand transversely to the driven motion direction at about.5\musec after the onset of a 7.4 Oe/rad, 2 μsec gradient field pulse. They expand transversely at 2.6 m/sec and continue for 3 μsec after the termination of the gradient pulse. During this expansion, the tip of the flanks move longitudinally at 2.6 m/sec lagging behind the bubble center moving at 5.3 m/sec. Considerable scatter exists in the transverse motion after the driven phase especially in the recovery where some bubbles require as long as 15μsec to regain their round shape. The transverse expansion was found to be independent of the bias compensation applied; however, the transient distortion during the driven phase and the recovery time from the transverse expansion were sensitive to the compensation. This transverse motion as well as the transient shape of the bubble can be explained qualitatively on the basis of a model involving opposite winding vertical Bloch lines

    Are we seeing accretion flows in a 250kpc-sized Ly-alpha halo at z=3?

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    Using MUSE on the ESO-VLT, we obtained a 4 hour exposure of the z=3.12 radio galaxy MRC0316-257. We detect features down to ~10^-19 erg/s/cm^2/arcsec^2 with the highest surface brightness regions reaching more than a factor of 100 higher. We find Ly-alpha emission out to ~250 kpc in projection from the active galactic nucleus (AGN). The emission shows arc-like morphologies arising at 150-250 kpc from the nucleus in projection with the connected filamentary structures reaching down into the circum-nuclear region. The most distant arc is offset by 700 km/s relative to circum-nuclear HeII 1640 emission, which we assume to be at the systemic velocity. As we probe emission closer to the nucleus, the filamentary emission narrows in projection on the sky, the relative velocity decreases to ~250 km/s, and line full-width at half maximum range from 300-700 km/s. From UV line ratios, the emission on scales of 10s of kpc from the nucleus along a wide angle in the direction of the radio jets is clearly excited by the radio jets and ionizing radiation of the AGN. Assuming ionization equilibrium, the more extended emission outside of the axis of the jet direction would require 100% or more illumination to explain the observed surface brightness. High speed (>300 km/s) shocks into rare gas would provide sufficiently high surface brightness. We discuss the possibility that the arcs of Ly-alpha emission represent accretion shocks and the filamentary emission represent gas flows into the halo, and compare our results with gas accretion simulations.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, 1 table, A&A letters accepte

    Globalising assessment: an ethnography of literacy assessment, camels and fast food in the Mongolian Gobi

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    What happens when standardised literacy assessments travel globally? The paper presents an ethnographic account of adult literacy assessment events in rural Mongolia. It examines the dynamics of literacy assessment in terms of the movement and re-contextualisation of test items as they travel globally and are received locally by Mongolian respondents. The analysis of literacy assessment events is informed by Goodwin’s ‘participation framework’ on language as embodied and situated interactive phenomena and by Actor Network Theory. Actor Network Theory (ANT) is applied to examine literacy assessment events as processes of translation shaped by an ‘assemblage’ of human and non-human actors (including the assessment texts)

    Study of an advanced General Aviation Turbine Engine (GATE)

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    The best technology program for a small, economically viable gas turbine engine applicable to the general aviation helicopter and aircraft market for 1985-1990 was studied. Turboshaft and turboprop engines in the 112 to 746 kW (150 to 1000 hp) range and turbofan engines up to 6672 N (1500 lbf) thrust were considered. A good market for new turbine engines was predicted for 1988 providing aircraft are designed to capitalize on the advantages of the turbine engine. Parametric engine families were defined in terms of design and off-design performance, mass, and cost. These were evaluated in aircraft design missions selected to represent important market segments for fixed and rotary-wing applications. Payoff parameters influenced by engine cycle and configuration changes were aircraft gross mass, acquisition cost, total cost of ownership, and cash flow. Significant advantage over a current technology, small gas turbine engines was found especially in cost of ownership and fuel economy for airframes incorporating an air-cooled high-pressure ratio engine. A power class of 373 kW (500 hp) was recommended as the next frontier for technology advance where large improvements in fuel economy and engine mass appear possible through component research and development

    Anomalous fluctuations of active polar filaments

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    Using a simple model, we study the fluctuating dynamics of inextensible, semiflexible polar filaments interacting with active and directed force generating centres such as molecular motors. Taking into account the fact that the activity occurs on time-scales comparable to the filament relaxation time, we obtain some unexpected differences between both the steady-state and dynamical behaviour of active as compared to passive filaments. For the statics, the filaments have a {novel} length-scale dependent rigidity. Dynamically, we find strongly enhanced anomalous diffusion.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure