34 research outputs found

    The adoption of blockchain technology in green supply chain networks

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    The demand for acting sustainable across companies has gained increasing importance. With the goal set by the European Commission to reach a climate neutral economy by 2050,the mission of acting green and lower the carbon footprint will becomea significant challengefor firms across industries.In this paper,a blockchain-based theoretical framework will be proposedas an implementation guidelinefor companies to provide immutable and trusted data towards supply chain partners, customers and thirdparties.As a result, a systematic architecture is introduced reflecting a permission-based distributed ledgerconnected via four additional layersto optimize green supply chain designs and improve transparency

    Erfahrungen mit Personennamen zur Bildung von Stichproben für Betriebsbefragungen

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    'Im vorliegenden Beitrag werden in kurzer Form die Vorgehensweise und die Erfahrungen beim Einsatz von Personennamen zur Bearbeitung des öffentlichen Telefonverzeichnisses vorgestellt. Im Forschungsprojekt 'Umfang, Entwicklung und Potentiale an Einfacharbeitsplätzen in der Region Rhein-Neckar' musste eine Auswahlgrundlage für die telefonische Befragung von Betrieben gebildet werden. Aufgrund der Unvollständigkeit oder eingeschränkten Verfügbarkeit vieler Betriebs- und Unternehmensverzeichnisse wurde deshalb auf das öffentliche Telefonverzeichnis zurückgegriffen. Das zentrale Argument für die Nutzung des Telefonbuches bestand in der Annahme, dass fast alle Betriebe in dieser bundesweiten Datengrundlage eingetragen sind. Für die Ziehung einer Betriebsstichprobe musste jedoch noch eine weitere Bearbeitung erfolgen, die eine gleiche Auswahlwahrscheinlichkeit gewährleisten und neutrale Ausfälle bzw. Fehlkontakte in der Feldphase minimieren sollte. Unter Berücksichtigung der eingeschränkten Bedingungen für die Stichprobenziehung im Rahmen des genannten Erhebungsprojektes sind mit der Vorgehensweise erste positive Erfahrungen gesammelt worden, die zu einer weiteren Prüfung veranlassen sollen.' (Autorenreferat)'The article presents a brief account of our experiences in using people's last names as found in public telephone directories for a telephone survey of businesses. In the research project 'Range, Development and Potentials of Simple Job Positions in the Rhein Neckar Region', a new set of rules for selection of businesses had to be made for telephone interviews. Many directories specifically for business and firm numbers are incomplete or have limited access, making it necessary to resort to the public telephone directory to locate more firms and businesses. The key reason for using the general telephone directory is the assumption that almost all businesses are registered in this nationwide data base. In order to draw a sample of businesses, the data in the public telephone directory had to be edited so as to guarantee equal probability of selection and minimize ineligibles and wrong numbers in the field phase. Given the restrictions to the sampling design dictated by the nature of the project, these first findings for using the public telephone directory were positive enough to warrant further research into its potential.' (author's abstract)

    Stichprobenziehung für telefonische Zuwandererumfragen: Einsatzmöglichkeiten der Namenforschung

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    'Im folgenden Beitrag wird ein Konzept für die Zuordnung von Sprachen zu Namen vorgestellt. Das Konzept basiert auf Erkenntnissen der Namenforschung (Onomastik). Für die telefonische Befragung von Zuwanderern können damit Listenauswahlen durchgeführt werden, die nur eingetragene Privathaushalte mit Festnetzanschlüssen enthalten. Für die Fehlerreduktion in diesen Auswahllisten werden für jede Sprache Zuweisungsregeln formuliert, die vor dem historisch-politischen Hintergrund der Zuwanderung gebildet werden. Für diese Regeln werden der Vor- und Nachname, sowie bei Vorhandensein auch der zusätzliche Telefonbucheintrag genutzt. Die Sprachzuweisung und Sammlung dieser Regeln werden anhand von Beispielen erläutert. Erste Listen aus einem Pilotprojekt des Jahres 1999 werden kurz vorgestellt.' (Autorenreferat)'The paper describes a procedure of assigning people's names to languages which is based on findings from onomastic research. Using this, we were able to carry out telephone interviews with new immigrants on the basis of telephone directory lists of the names of households with fixed line phones. In order to reduce the error rate of these fists, we defined rules of assignment for every language, taking into account the historical and political background for each group of immigrants. We used these rules for first and last names, as well as for any additional entry in the telephone directory. We illustrate the assignment of languages and the set of rules with examples. The lists developed in a pilot scheme in 1999 are briefly presented.' (author's abstract)

    Blue Fisheries & Aquaculture. Fisheries and Aquaculture in Alaska and North Norway AlaskaNor WORK PACKAGE III

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    In the Arctic, the sustainable blue economy is gaining ever increasing importance. This entails utilizing ocean-based resources to the benefit of the global population, the Arctic states and their local communities, while doing that in accordance with sustainability objectives. Obvious lessons concerning resource utilization and local adaptation are, however, not shared between Arctic regions. Limited coordination of knowledge when it comes to challenges and opportunities that arise as the blue potential unfolds should be further explored. This is what this report – as part of the AlaskaNor Project – sets out to do in the context of fisheries and aquaculture in the Arctic United States (Alaska) and North Norway. This report is the end-product of Work Package (WP) 3, titled “Fisheries and Aquaculture”. With a focus on fisheries and aquaculture/mariculture management in both regions, this report aims at a) illustrating a comprehensive assessment of the status quo and challenges that these sectors face in both regions; b) drawing parallels among fisheries and aquaculture management; c) envisioning common goals and collaboration in the context of sustainable and blue governance structures. In light of global anthropogenic issues such as climate change, and ongoing challenges that the world’s markets have been facing, it is imperative to realize that Arctic fisheries and aquaculture may provide a prominent arena for dialogue. Disregarding their geographical distance, Alaska and North Norway are both characterized by a strong dependence on marine living resources. In this report, we are addressing why fisheries and aquaculture/mariculture are important for the development of the blue economy in both Alaska and North Norway. Against this background the following three dimensions have been explored throughout this project: current status and governance, current and future challenges to development, and potentials for dialogue and collaboration

    Commercial Arctic shipping through the Northeast Passage:routes, resources, governance, technology, and infrastructure

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    The Russian and Norwegian Arctic are gaining notoriety as an alternative maritime route connecting the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans and as sources of natural resources. The renewed interest in the Northeast Passage or the Northern Sea Route is fueled by a recession of Arctic sea ice coupled with the discovery of new natural resources at a time when emerging and global markets are in growing demand for them. Driven by the expectation of potential future economic importance of the region, political interest and governance has been rapidly developing, mostly within the Arctic Council. However, this paper argues that optimism regarding the potential of Arctic routes as an alternative to the Suez Canal is overstated. The route involves many challenges: jurisdictional disputes create political uncertainties; shallow waters limit ship size; lack of modern deepwater ports and search and rescue (SAR) capabilities requires ships to have higher standards of autonomy and safety; harsh weather conditions and free-floating ice make navigation more difficult and schedules more variable; and more expensive ship construction and operation costs lessen the economic viability of the route. Technological advances and infrastructure investments may ameliorate navigational challenges, enabling increased shipping of natural resources from the Arctic to global markets.Albert Buixadé Farré, Scott R. Stephenson, Linling Chen, Michael Czub, Ying Dai, Denis Demchev, Yaroslav Efimov, Piotr Graczyk, Henrik Grythe, Kathrin Keil, Niku Kivekäs, Naresh Kumar, Nengye Liu, Igor Matelenok, Mari Myksvoll, Derek O'Leary, Julia Olsen, Sachin Pavithran.A.P., Edward Petersen, Andreas Raspotnik, Ivan Ryzhov, Jan Solski, Lingling Suo, Caroline Troein, Vilena Valeeva, Jaap van Rijckevorsel and Jonathan Wightin

    Statusdevianz und nachbarschaftliche Kontaktvermeidung von Kindern

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    UB Bonn(5)-U97-420 / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEDEGerman