277 research outputs found

    Is Communication the Key to Success? Investigating the Impact of Agile Practices on Information Systems Development Projects

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    In recent years, agile methodologies for information systems development (ISD) have increasingly attracted the attention of the research community. Agile ISD methodologies are considered an effective way for managing ISD projects in environments characterized by rapidly changing requirements. Although the body of knowledge on agile ISD is constantly growing, we still lack a detailed understanding of the fundamental processes underpinning agile ISD methodologies. In this paper, we investigate how agile practices affect the team communication processes in order to extend our knowledge on the theoretical underpinnings of agile ISD projects. This is achieved by developing a preliminary research model that is based on a solid theoretical foundation. As a theoretical framework, we employ the unified model of ISD success and extend it with context-specific insights from the cognitive-affective model of organizational communication and media naturalness theory. In consequence, we suggest several propositions for future testing

    Qualifikationsspezifische Arbeitslosigkeit im Jahr 2005 und die Einführung der Hartz-IV-Reform : empirische Befunde und methodische Probleme

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    "Dass die Chancen und Risiken auf dem Arbeitsmarkt ganz zentral von den vorhandenen Qualifikationen abhängen, ist seit langem bekannt. Ein wichtiger Indikator hierfür sind die qualifikationsspezifischen Arbeitslosenquoten, deren Aktualisierung mittlerweile jedoch erhebliche Probleme aufwirft. Denn seit dem Jahr 2005 haben sich die statistischen Datenquellen in einer Art verändert, die nur noch schwer Rückschlüsse auf die zeitliche Entwicklung des qualifikationsspezifischen Arbeitsmarktgeschehens zulassen. Da gleichzeitig auch noch die Hartz-IV-Reform in Kraft trat, besteht die Gefahr, die Wirkungen ökonomischer und sozialpolitischer Entwicklungen mit statistischen Artefakten zu verwechseln. Es ist deshalb unabdingbar, die in den Statistiken abgebildete zeitliche Entwicklung auf ihren Realitätsgehalt hin zu überprüfen. Dabei zeigt sich folgendes: Wegen diesen statistisch/methodischen Veränderungen können wir guten Gewissens die qualifikationsspezifischen Arbeitslosenquoten zwar nicht mehr in der gewohnten regionalen Differenzierung ausweisen, wohl aber für Gesamtdeutschland. Vor einer unkritischen Interpretation der Arbeitslosen- und Erwerbstätigenbestände im Zeitverlauf ist jedoch zu warnen. An unseren Grundaussagen ändert sich deshalb aber nichts. Für die Position am Arbeitsmarkt ist die Qualifikation nach wie vor entscheidender als das Geschlecht, das Alter oder auch der Landesteil, in dem man lebt." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)Datengewinnung - Methode, Beschäftigtenstatistik, Arbeitslosenstatistik, Mikrozensus, Hartz-Reform, Qualifikation - Auswirkungen, Arbeitslosigkeit, Arbeitslosenquote, Arbeitsmarktchancen, Niedrigqualifizierte, mittlere Qualifikation, Hochqualifizierte, Akademiker, Ostdeutschland, Westdeutschland

    Zur langfristigen Entwicklung des qualifikationsspezifischen Arbeitskräfteangebots und -bedarfs in Deutschland : empirische Befunde und aktuelle Projektionsergebnisse (On the long-term development of qualification-specific labour supply and labour demand in Germany : empirical findings and current projection results)

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    "For the competitiveness and efficiency of the high-technology and high-wage country of Germany, the size and structure of the human capital is becoming increasingly important. This development is reflected in a constant rise in the employment system's demands regarding the qualification level, a trend that will further continue according to all current demand projections. However, the future qualification-specific labour supply might not be able to keep pace with these dynamics on the demand side in the long term. Not only the demographic change but also the qualification development of the population are against it. For the middle-aged and older age groups already represent the majority of skilled labour supply nowadays. A reasonably adequate substitution of the skilled labour force can only be expected, however, if the workers of the following years with low birth rates were to be trained significantly better than the older generation soon to withdraw from the labour force. This is not in sight now, however, as the education expansion of earlier times has in the mean time stagnated in many areas. This pessimistic judgement is also further substantiated by the current projection results of the Joint Federal-Land Commission for Educational Planning and the Promotion of Research Activities. According to these results, a shortage has to be reckoned with as early as 2015, especially in the labour market for graduates, and more moderately also in the market for skilled personnel with in-firm training. This shortage situation can only be reduced by a set of countermeasures. In addition to an improvement in the employment opportunities of women and older workers, as well as a controlled immigration policy, this includes especially the activation of all reserves on all levels of education, vocational training and further training." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))Arbeitskräfteangebot - Prognose, Arbeitskräftebedarf - Prognose, Qualifikationsbedarf, Erwerbspersonenpotenzial, Qualifikationsstruktur, Erwerbstätige

    The Role of Social Agile Practices for Direct and Indirect Communication in Information Systems Development Teams

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    Methods for Agile information systems development (ISD) are widely accepted in industry. One key difference in comparison to traditional, plan-driven ISD approaches is that Agile ISD teams rely heavily on direct, informal face-to-face communication instead of indirect and formal documents, models, and plans. While the importance of communication in Agile ISD is generally acknowledged, empirical studies investigating this phenomenon are scarce. We empirically open up the “black box” of the Agile ISD process to enhance the knowledge about the communication mechanisms of Agile ISD teams. We conducted a case study at two medium-sized ISD companies. As our primary data collection technique, we carried out semi-structured interviews, which we complemented with observations and, in one case, a survey. Our study’s main contribution is a set of so-called social Agile practices that positively impact the direct communication of team members. Our data suggests including the Agile practices co-located office space, daily stand-up meeting, iteration planning meeting, pair programming, sprint retrospective, and sprint review in this set. Furthermore, we investigate the role of more formal, indirect communication in Agile ISD projects. We highlight areas in which formal documents remain important so that a trade-off between indirect and direct communication is necessary

    A Cognitive Learning Perspective on Encoding and Decoding E-mails

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    The high e-mail amounts that individuals sent back and forth each day are one of the major causes for information overload. Knowledge seems to help overcoming information overload. However, it is not clear which knowledge areas are helpful. Therefore, we examine knowledge areas supporting the encoding and decoding of e-mails by investigating cognitive processes that allow knowledge building to avoid e-mail induced information overload. A novel theoretical perspective is developed which draws on knowledge as acquired schemas which allows bypassing working memory through automation. We employed a case study design which results in a conceptual model relating three knowledge areas: (1) channel knowledge, (2) message topic knowledge, and (3) communication partner knowledge. By drawing on cognitive load theory, we explain how these knowledge areas allow the reduction of e-mail induced cognitive load as a conceptualization of information overload

    Personality Traits of Scrum Roles in Agile Software Development Teams - A Qualitative Analysis

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    Software development teams must be able to react rapidly to changing customer requirements. Therefore, agile software development methodologies have evolved in the last decades. Interpersonal and social skills, which are influenced by personality traits, are of fundamental importance for a successful agile software development. While the significance of the human factor is widely acknowledged, scant studies investigate the impact of personality factors on software development success and those few studies report contradictory results. Hence, we conducted interviews with eleven Scrum team members from seven different companies to investigate which personal characteristics are important for agile software development success. We use the five-factor model as a theoretical basis for our investigation, more specifically, we have applied the facets developed by Costa and McCrae. This more detailed approach enables us to give an explanation of the conflicting outcomes of prior investigations. Our study contributes to existing research by suggesting that the most important facets for single Developers are altruism, compliance, tender-mindedness, dutifulness and openness to values. The Scrum Master needs tender-mindedness, assertiveness, dutifulness, achievement striving and stability. In contrast, straightforwardness, compliance, modesty, order and assertiveness are important for the Product Owner

    Smarter Blumentopf. Mikrocontrollerbasierte automatische Pflanzenversorgung mit Wasser und Licht

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    Angesichts des unaufhaltsamen Fortschritts der Digitalisierung ist es von entscheidender Bedeutung, zu untersuchen, wie diese uns dabei unterstützen kann, aktuelle und zukünftige Herausforderungen wie Armut, Unterernährung und den allgegenwärtigen Klimawandel zu bewältigen. Im Bereich der Technik bietet sich die Möglichkeit, durch die Entwicklung einer automatisierten Pflanzenversorgung Schülerinnen und Schüler für diese Problematiken zu sensibilisieren und gleichzeitig zu demonstrieren, wie digitale Technologien zur Lösung solcher Herausforderungen beitragen können. Durch den Einsatz verschiedener Sensoren ist es möglich, die Bewässerung und Beleuchtung von Nutzpflanzen bedarfsgerecht zu regulieren, um diese effizient mit Wasser und künstlichem Licht zu versorgen. Dadurch können Ressourcen eingespart und gleichzeitig Erträge maximiert werden. Darüber hinaus wird die Kompetenz der Schülerinnen und Schüler im Umgang mit digitaler Elektronik erweitert und gefördert, was sie für zukünftige berufliche Herausforderungen im Bereich der Technologie und Nachhaltigkeit besser qualifiziert. (DIPF/Orig.

    Swallowing Is Differentially Influenced by Retronasal Compared with Orthonasal Stimulation in Combination with Gustatory Stimuli

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    Identical stimuli are processed differently when presented ortho- or retronasally. In contrast to orthonasal olfaction, retronasal odorant perception is strongly associated with flavor and food intake, which is usually followed by swallowing. Along with other stimuli, gustatory stimuli are known to influence the swallowing reflex. It was therefore the aim of present study to examine whether retronasal olfaction, in combination with simultaneous gustatory stimuli, influences swallowing in a manner different from that of orthonasal olfaction. Fifty normosmic and normogeusic subjects took part in the study. A sweet taste (glucose, delivered via an intraoral taste dispenser) was presented simultaneously with vanillin, a food-like odor, either ortho- or retronasally at random using a computer-controlled olfactometer. Ultrasound imaging of the mouth floor was recorded on videotape to continuously monitor swallowing activity. After retronasal stimulation, swallowing occurred significantly faster (7.49 vs. 9.42 s; P < 0.001) and also took place more frequently compared with swallowing after orthonasal stimulation (1.38 times vs. 1.14 times; P < 0.001). These results show that a food-like odorant presented retronasally in combination with a congruent taste stimulus can influence swallowing. Whether these results can be assigned to other, unfamiliar, unpleasant nonfood-like odors has yet to be determine

    Qualifikationsspezifische Arbeitslosigkeit im Jahr 2005 und die Einführung der Hartz-IV-Reform: empirische Befunde und methodische Probleme

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    "Dass die Chancen und Risiken auf dem Arbeitsmarkt ganz zentral von den vorhandenen Qualifikationen abhängen, ist seit langem bekannt. Ein wichtiger Indikator hierfür sind die qualifikationsspezifischen Arbeitslosenquoten, deren Aktualisierung mittlerweile jedoch erhebliche Probleme aufwirft. Denn seit dem Jahr 2005 haben sich die statistischen Datenquellen in einer Art verändert, die nur noch schwer Rückschlüsse auf die zeitliche Entwicklung des qualifikationsspezifischen Arbeitsmarktgeschehens zulassen. Da gleichzeitig auch noch die Hartz-IV-Reform in Kraft trat, besteht die Gefahr, die Wirkungen ökonomischer und sozialpolitischer Entwicklungen mit statistischen Artefakten zu verwechseln. Es ist deshalb unabdingbar, die in den Statistiken abgebildete zeitliche Entwicklung auf ihren Realitätsgehalt hin zu überprüfen. Dabei zeigt sich folgendes: Wegen diesen statistisch/methodischen Veränderungen können wir guten Gewissens die qualifikationsspezifischen Arbeitslosenquoten zwar nicht mehr in der gewohnten regionalen Differenzierung ausweisen, wohl aber für Gesamtdeutschland. Vor einer unkritischen Interpretation der Arbeitslosen- und Erwerbstätigenbestände im Zeitverlauf ist jedoch zu warnen. An unseren Grundaussagen ändert sich deshalb aber nichts. Für die Position am Arbeitsmarkt ist die Qualifikation nach wie vor entscheidender als das Geschlecht, das Alter oder auch der Landesteil in dem man lebt." [Autorenreferat

    A study about the frequency of taste disorders

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    Although 5% of the general population exhibit a functional anosmia, little is known about the frequency of gustatory disorders. Whenever taste function has been tested within large sociodemographic studies, so far only short test versions were applied making the interpretation difficult. Using two psychophysical taste tests, the validated "taste strips” and suprathreshold taste solutions of the four basic tastes sweet, sour, salty and bitter we investigated 761 healthy subjects within the age range of 5-89years. Prior to testing, all subjects rated their taste function. According to testing with the taste strips, 5.3% scored below the result considered as hypogeusia. All four taste sprays were correctly identified by 82.3% of all subjects. Results of the two taste tests correlated positively (r=0.33, p<0.001), and there was a significant negative correlation between age and test results. However, we never observed complete ageusia. Misinterpretations of tastes were surprisingly common. In summary, hypogeusia was present in 5% while complete ageusia seems to be very rare, in contrast to misinterpretations of taste