1,122 research outputs found

    Food Cost Survey: 2019

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    The data used for the estimated food costs report is collected by Masters of Dietetic Students and we are grateful for the time they commit to survey food prices.Since the 1970s, the Department of Human Nutrition (previously Home Science Extension with the School of Home Science) at the University of Otago has conducted an annual Food Cost Survey. The Food Cost Survey is based on a basket of food designed to meet dietary needs of adult males and females (19 years and over), adolescents (11 to 18 years), school-aged children (10 and 5 years) and preschool children and infants (4 and 1 years). Food costs are reported for four cities in New Zealand: Dunedin, Auckland, Wellington, and Christchurch

    石狩市の地産地消における福祉事業所利用者 (障がい者) への就労支援

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    我が国の食生活は、欧米化に伴い低食物繊維・高脂肪食へ変化しており、特に野菜の摂取量減少による食物繊維量の低下は、排便に影響を与えていると言われている。そこで本研究では、1日の食事のうちの1食を、望ましい栄養バランスである「日本型食生活」に置き換え、排便に及ぼす影響について調査を行った。対象者は、同意の得られた健常な女子大学生19名(21~24歳)とした。試験食の栄養価等は、日本人の食事摂取基準2010年版をもとに設定した。試験食は原則平日の12~13時の間に、昼食として8週間(40食)摂取し、摂取終了後4週間を非介入期として設けた。全期間中、被験者には排便状況(排便日数、排便回数、排便量等)を毎日日誌に記入させた。試験食摂取前(介入前)と試験食摂取期(摂取期)および摂取試験後(非介入期)の終了日に、食物摂取頻度調査法による食事調査を行った。被験者は全員、40食の試験食をすべて摂取した。排便状態の変化を調べた結果、試験食摂取5~8週目にかけての排便日数は、非介入期20日/4週間であったのに対して、摂取期では25日/4週間となり非介入期に比べ有意に増加した(P<0.001)。また試験食摂取により、排便回数はおよそ10回/4週間、排便量ではおよそ14個分/4週間それぞれ増加した(P<0.001)。試験食摂取後に行った便通に関するアンケート調査では、全質問項目において良くなった、やや良くなったと回答した者が50%以上おり、自覚症状でも半数以上の者に変化がみられた。食事調査の結果、非介入期では野菜の摂取量が121g/日であったが、摂取期では225g/日に増加し、同様に食物繊維の摂取量も、非介入期8.4g/日から摂取期12.4g/日と有意に増加した(P<0.001)。以上の結果より、1日1回の食事を「日本型食生活」に置き換えることで、食物繊維の摂取量を増加させることができ、排便に良い影響を及ぼすことが示された。Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate effects of Japanese dietary pattern on defecation in young Japanese women. Methods:The subjects were nineteen female university students (21-24 years old), who gave informed consent to their participation in the study. The total study period was twelve weeks including a four-week observation period,and an eight-week intervention (40 lunch meals of Japanese dietary pattern,5 meals per week)period. The subjects recorded daily defecation,food intake,and special circumstances that may have influenced defecation. Food frequency questionnaires were administered during the observation and intervention periods, respectively. Results: The defecation frequency(from 22 to 31)and quantity(from 22 to 36)in the intervention period from five to eight weeks were significantly increased as compared with those in the observation period. In the food frequency questionnaires, intake of grain,vegetables and seaweeds in the intervention period were significantly increased as compared with those in the observation period. These increased intakes could affect defecation. Conclusion: These results indicate that the Japanese dietary pattern has a beneficial effect on defecation in young Japanese women


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    現代社会における食生活の変化、特に動物性脂肪摂取量の増加は、メタボリックシンドロームをはじめとする、脂質異常症の一要因になっていると思われる。そこで本研究では、植物性脂肪である大豆油を対照として、カカオ豆の脂肪分であるが、飽和脂肪酸を多く含み常温では固体であるカカオバターと、豚の脂肪組織から精製される食用油脂ラードを用いて高脂肪食を作製し、ラットにおける高脂肪食の摂取が、脂質代謝に及ぼす影響を検討した。3週齢SD系雄性ラットを精製飼料であるAIN-93M で予備飼育後、1群6匹になるようControl群、Cacao群、Lard群の3群に分け28日間試験飼育を行った。Cacao群とLard群は20%の高脂肪食になるよう、カカオバターとラードをそれぞれの精製飼料に添加した。試験期間中26-28日目に採糞を行った。解剖後、肝臓重量、腹部大動脈血中総コレステロールおよびトリグリセリドを測定した。またFolchらの方法に従い肝臓と糞から総脂質を抽出し、肝総コレステロールおよびトリグリセリドを測定した。飼育期間全般で体重に有意差は認められなかった。しかしながら、Lard群ではControl群と比較して肝臓中の総脂質含量、総コレステロールおよびトリグリセリドが有意に増加した。同じ高脂肪食のCacao群では、これらの増加は認められなかった。糞中総脂質含量は、Cacao群が他の2群に比べ最も多かった。以上の結果より、カカオバターは高脂肪食ラットの、肝臓中総脂質含量や、総コレステロールおよびトリグリセリドの増加を、抑制する可能性が示された。Cacao群では糞中総脂質含量が増加することから、カカオバターは吸収されにくい脂質であることが示唆される

    サルナシ (Actinidia arguta) 果皮のポリフェノール含量と抗酸化成分

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    The sarunashi berry is an edible fruit form a cultivar group of the Actinidia species. In this study,the total polyphenol content and antioxidant properties of its peel, seed and pulp were analyzed and compared with those of the kiwifruit,which is the most common commercially available cultivar group of this species. Sarunashi peel showed the highest antioxidant potential on the basis of DPPH radical-scavenging assays. The main active constituents of the peel,as determined by HPLC were quercetin-3-galactoside and procyanidin B1, both of which showed high radical-scavenging activity. These two constituents may contribute to the antioxidant properties of sarunashi peel. Accordingly, it can be considerd that the fruit may serve as a significant source of antioxidants

    The Fat‐Sucrose Seesaw in Relation to Age and Dietary Variety of French Adults

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    DREWNOWSKI, ADAM, SUSAN AHLSTROM HENDERSON, AMY BETH SHORE, CLAUDE FISCHLER, PAUL PREZIOSI, SERGE HERCBERG. The fatsucrose seesaw in relation to age and dietary variety of French adults. Guidelines for a healthy diet often recommend limiting dietary sugars and fats. Some researchers have called these aims mutually incompatible, suggesting that fat and sugar intakes, when expressed as percent dietary energy, are inversely linked. Others have argued that sugar, more specifically sucrose, acts as a vehicle for dietary fat and serves to suppress the overall quality of the diet. This study examined the relationship between age, sucrose and fat intakes, body mass index (BMI), and measures of dietary diversity and variety in a communitybased sample of 837 French adults. Consistent with other studies, high consumption of added sucrose (in g/day or g/1000 kcal per day) was associated with higher consumption of energy and fat and lower consumption of vegetables and fruit. However, eating patterns were strongly influenced by age. High‐sucrose consumers were significantly younger and had lower BMI values than did low‐sucrose consumers, who were both older and had higher BMIs. High‐sucrose diets had minimal effect on the diet diversity score and were associated with more varied diets, as evidenced by a higher dietary variety score.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/93671/1/j.1550-8528.1997.tb00571.x.pd

    The decreased molar ratio of phytate:zinc improved zinc nutriture in South Koreans for the past 30 years (1969-1998)

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    For the assessment of representative and longitudinal Zn nutriture in South Koreans, Zn, phytate and Ca intakes were determined using four consecutive years of food consumption data taken from Korean National Nutrition Survey Report (KNNSR) every 10 years during 1969-1998. The nutrient intake data are presented for large city and rural areas. Zn intake of South Koreans in both large city and rural areas was low during 1969-1988 having values between 4.5-5.6 mg/d, after then increased to 7.4 (91% Estimated Average Requirements for Koreans, EAR = 8.1 mg/d) and 6.7 mg/d (74% EAR) in 1998 in large city and rural areas, respectively. In 1968, Zn intake was unexpectedly higher in rural areas due to higher grain consumption, but since then until 1988 Zn intake was decreased and increased back in 1998. Food sources for Zn have shifted from plants to a variety of animal products. Phytate intake of South Koreans during 1969-1978 was high mainly due to the consumption of grains and soy products which are major phytate sources, but decreased in 1998. The molar ratios of phytate:Zn and millimmolar ratio of phytate×Ca:Zn were decreased due to the decreased phytate intake in South Koreans, which implies higher zinc bioavailability. The study results suggest that Zn nutriture has improved by increased dietary Zn intakes and the decreased molar ratio of phytate:Zn in South Koreans in both large city and rural areas

    宮澤賢治の"注文の多い料理店"と"山男の四月"の相補性 : 栄養療法の知的枠組についての研究13

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    This study was an attempt to understand the meaning that Miyazawa Kenji prayed his readers of"The Restaurant of Many Orders", his first and last collection of tales, that some pieces of these little stories may finally become their genuine transparent nourishment. "The Restaurant of Many Orders", by far the most peculiar tale of the collection,is complementary with"April for the Man of the Hills". The complementarity of these two tales will yield new insights to their readers when they read one tale by contrasting it with the other. The Man of the Hills,the protagonist, has a talent for serendipity, an opportunistic viewpoint for life, an identity transcending corporeity of man, an altruistic viewpoint for favorite food that results from his ability for thinking in the place of what is eaten by man. In other words, he has"a seed of the little heart", a secret resolution to make self-sacrifice for altruistic deed. The two young gentlemen, the protagonists of"the Restaurant of Many Orders", has nothing of"a seed of the little heart". In the restaurant of many orders, the two young gentlemen were so filled with the horror of death just as they realized that they had been unconsciously preparing themselves to be devoured that their faces went all crumpled like wastepaper irreversibly. The two hungry young gentlemen inflicted the horror of death on themselves because of their one-sided interpretation of many orders for want of"a seed of the little heart" in them. If the horror of death is a self-inflicted feeling in close association with one-sided interpretation of verbal expression, "a seed of the little heart"will function as preventive measures against it, and therefore prevent the self-inflicted horror of death as is the case with the man of the hills

    宮澤賢治の"どんぐりと山猫"のすきとおったたべもの : 栄養療法の知的枠組についての研究12

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    This study was an attempt to understand Miyazawa Kenji\u27s "The Acorns and Wildcat", one of the author\u27s mental-image sketches published in the style of children\u27 tales, in terms of transparent nourishment that he implored his reader of "The Restaurant of Many Orders", a collection of tales including the above, to make of the overall message of the author\u27s mental-image sketches. If the author\u27s mental images (shinsho)were what the Other revealed itself to the honest, innocent mind of the author in a face-to-face encounter with a person or a thing, and his mental-image sketches were exact verbal expressions of these mental images, then his mental-image sketches should be the sketches of the Other rather than a representation of a person or a thing according to commonly-held notions. Thus the author\u27s mental-image sketches will engender in the reader double meanings about a person or a thing described:that conveyed by the sketches of the Other and that derived from commonly-held notions of a person or a thing. In "The Acorns and Wildcat", the double meanings correspond to a modern meaning since the Meiji Restoration,the opening of the country to the modern world, and an ancient meaning in a pre-Westernized, traditional society before it. The journey of Ichiro setting out in search of Wildcat in the mountain is psychologically equivalent to that in search for the Deity by following the trace of the portable shrine parading in the streets to return to the old Toriyagasaki Shrine of Hanamaki. A difficult case to judge announced in a most peculiar postcard was not a modern lawsuit but an oldfashioned telling by the boss, Wildcat, to his subordinates, Acorns. Each golden Acorn\u27s claim for being the greatest (ichiban erai) will have a totally different meaning, when "erai", a modern word meaning great or honorable is replaced by "kashikoshi", an ancient word with comparable meaning that has the original meaning of inspiring a feeling of awe. Wildcat\u27s bully, authoritarian, selfish attitude and language brought out the attribute of being a rational adult from Ichiro and extinguished from him that of being an honest,innocent,considerate schoolboy, thus a face-to-face encounter with each other did not occur. The author seems to ask the reader with the attribute of being an honest, innocent, considerate child to have courage to put himself in a face-to-face encounter with a bully,authoritarian, selfish person,and to keep up his honesty, innocence and consideration to find out in the interlocutor not a negative example but the attribute of being a potentially positive teacher for him

    Beverage patterns and trends among school-aged children in the US, 1989-2008

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>High intake of sugar-sweetened beverages in childhood is linked to increased risk of obesity and type II diabetes later in life. Using three nationally representative surveys of dietary intake, we investigated beverage patterns and trends among US school-aged children from 1989/91 to 2007/08.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>3, 583 participants ages 6-11 y old were included. We reported per capita trends in beverage consumption, percent consuming, and amount per consumer for the following categories of beverages: sugar-sweetened beverages (SSB), caloric nutritional beverages (CNB) and low calorie beverages (LCB). Statistically significant differences were tested using the Student's t test in Stata 11.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>While per capita kcal contribution from total beverages remained constant over the study period, per capita consumption of SSBs increased and CNBs decreased in similar magnitude. The substantial increase in consumption of certain SSBs, such as fruit drinks and soda, high fat high sugar milk, and sports drinks, coupled with the decrease in consumption of high fat low sugar milk was responsible for this shift. The percent consuming SSBs as well as the amount per consumer increased significantly over time. Per capita intake of total milk declined, but the caloric contribution from high fat high sugar milk increased substantially. Among ethnicities, important differences in consumption trends of certain SSBs and 100% juice indicate the complexity in determining strategies for children's beverage calorie reduction.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>As upward trends of SSB consumption parallel increases in childhood obesity, educational and policy interventions should be considered.</p