6 research outputs found

    Understanding Iodine Chemistry Over the Northern and Equatorial Indian Ocean

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    Observations of halogen oxides, ozone, meteorological parameters, and physical and biogeochemical water column measurements were made in the Indian Ocean and its marine boundary layer as a part of the Second International Indian Ocean Expedition (IIOE-2). The expedition took place on board the oceanographic research vessel Sagar Nidhi during 4–22 December 2015 from Goa, India, to Port Louis, Mauritius. Observations of mixed layer depth, averaged temperature, salinity, and nitrate concentrations were used to calculate predicted iodide concentrations in the seawater. The inorganic iodine ocean-atmosphere flux (hypoiodous acid [HOI] and molecular iodine [I2]) was computed using the predicted iodide concentrations, measured atmospheric ozone, and wind speed. Iodine oxide (IO) mixing ratios peaked at 0.47 ± 0.29 pptv (parts per trillion by volume) in the remote open ocean environment. The estimated iodide concentrations and HOI and I2 fluxes peaked at 200/500 nM, 410/680 nmol·m−2·day−1, and 20/80 nmol·m−2·day−1, respectively, depending on the parameterization used. The calculated fluxes for HOI and I2 were higher closer to the Indian subcontinent; however, atmospheric IO was only observed above the detection limit in the remote open ocean environment. We use NO2 observations to show that titration of IO by NO2 is the main reason for this result. These observations show that inorganic iodine fluxes and atmospheric IO show similar trends in the Indian Ocean marine boundary layer, but the impact of inorganic iodine emissions on iodine chemistry is buffered in elevated NOx environments, even though the estimated oceanic iodine fluxes are higher

    Global analysis of the controls on seawater dimethylsulfide spatial variability

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    Dimethylsulfide (DMS) emitted from the ocean makes a significant global contribution to natural marine aerosol and cloud condensation nuclei, and therefore our planet&rsquo;s climate. Oceanic DMS concentrations show large spatiotemporal variability, but observations are sparse, so products describing global DMS distribution rely on interpolation or modelling. Understanding the mechanisms driving DMS variability, especially at local scales, is required to reduce uncertainty in large scale DMS estimates. We present a study of mesoscale and sub-mesoscale (&lt;100 km) seawater DMS variability that takes advantage of the recent expansion in high frequency seawater DMS observations and uses all available data to investigate the typical distances over which DMS varies in all major ocean basins. These DMS spatial variability lengthscales (VLS) are uncorrelated with DMS concentrations. DMS concentrations and VLS can therefore be used separately to help identify mechanisms underpinning DMS variability. When data are grouped by sampling campaigns, almost 80 % of the DMS VLS can be explained using the VLS of sea surface height anomalies, density, and chlorophyll-a. Our global analysis suggests that both physical and biogeochemical processes play an equally important role in controlling DMS variability, in contrast with previous results based on data from the low&ndash;mid latitudes. The explanatory power of sea surface height anomalies indicates the importance of mesoscale eddies in driving DMS variability, previously unrecognised at a global scale and in agreement with recent regional studies. DMS VLS differs regionally, including surprisingly high frequency variability in low latitude waters. Our results independently confirm that relationships used in the literature to parameterise DMS at large scales appear to be considering the right variables. However, contrasts in regional DMS VLS highlight that important driving mechanisms remain elusive. The role of sub-mesoscale features should be resolved or accounted for in DMS process models and parameterisations. Future attempts to map DMS distributions should consider the length scale of variability.</p

    Observations of iodine oxide in the Indian Ocean marine boundary layer : A transect from the tropics to the high latitudes

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    Observations of iodine oxide (IO) were made in the Indian Ocean and the Southern Ocean marine boundary layer (MBL) during the 8th Indian Southern Ocean Expedition. IO was observed almost ubiquitously in the open ocean with larger mixing ratios south of the Polar Front (PF). Contrary to previous reports, IO was not positively correlated to sea surface temperature (SST)/salinity, or negatively to chlorophyll a. Over the whole expedition, SST showed a weak negative correlation with respect to IO while chl a was positively correlated. North of the PF, chl a showed a strong positive correlation with IO. The computed HOI and I2 fluxes do not show any significant correlation with atmospheric IO. Simulations with the global CAM-Chem model show a reasonably good agreement with observations north of the PF but the model fails to reproduce the elevated IO south of the PF indicating that the current emission parametrizations are not sufficient to explain iodine chemistry in the Southern Indian Ocean

    Observations of iodine oxide in the Indian Ocean marine boundary layer : A transect from the tropics to the high latitudes

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    Observations of iodine oxide (IO) were made in the Indian Ocean and the Southern Ocean marine boundary layer (MBL) during the 8th Indian Southern Ocean Expedition. IO was observed almost ubiquitously in the open ocean with larger mixing ratios south of the Polar Front (PF). Contrary to previous reports, IO was not positively correlated to sea surface temperature (SST)/salinity, or negatively to chlorophyll a. Over the whole expedition, SST showed a weak negative correlation with respect to IO while chl a was positively correlated. North of the PF, chl a showed a strong positive correlation with IO. The computed HOI and I2 fluxes do not show any significant correlation with atmospheric IO. Simulations with the global CAM-Chem model show a reasonably good agreement with observations north of the PF but the model fails to reproduce the elevated IO south of the PF indicating that the current emission parametrizations are not sufficient to explain iodine chemistry in the Southern Indian Ocean

    Spatial heterogeneity in spectral variability of aerosol optical depth and its implications to aerosol radiative forcing in the tropical Indian Ocean and in the Indian Ocean sector of southern ocean

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    The aerosol optical depths (AODs) in the wavelength range 380–875 nm and black carbon (BC) mass concentrations were estimated over the tropical Indian Ocean and in the Indian Ocean sector of Southern Ocean, between 14°N and 53°S, during December 2011–February 2012, onboard the Ocean Research Vessel (ORV) Sagar Nidhi. The data were analysed to understand the spectral variability, micro-physical characteristics of aerosols and the associated radiative forcing. Concurrent MODIS-derived chlorophyll a (Chl-a) and sea-surface temperature (SST) provided ancillary data used to understand the variability of biomass in association with fronts and the possible role of phytoplankton as a source of aerosols. AODs and their spectral dependencies were distinctly different north and south of the Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ). North of 11°S (the northern limit of ITCZ), the spectral distribution of AOD followed Ängstrom turbidity formule (Junge power law function), while it deviated from such a distribution south of 16°S (southern boundary of ITCZ). At the southern limit of the ITCZ and beyond, the spectral variation of AOD showed a peak around 440 nm, the amplitude of which was highest at ~43°S, the axis of the subtropical front (STF) with the highest Chl-a concentration (0.35 ;µg ;l−1) in the region. To understand the role of Chl-a in increasing AOD at 440 nm, AOD at this wavelength was estimated using Optical properties of Aerosols and Clouds (OPAC) model. The anomalies between the measured and model-estimated (difference between the measured and estimated AOD values at 440 nm) AOD440 were correlated with Chl-a concentrations. A very high and significant association with coefficient of determination (R2=0.80) indicates the contribution of Chl-a as a source of aerosols in this part of the ocean. On the basis of the measured aerosol properties, the study area was divided into three zones; Zone 1 comprising of the area between 10°N and 11°S; Zone 2 from 16°S to 53°S; and Zone 3 from 52°S to 24°S during the return leg. BC mass concentration was in the range 520 ng m−3 to 2535 ng m−3 in Zone 1, while it was extremely low in the other zones (ranging from 49.3 to 264.4 ng m−3 in Zone 2 and from 61.6 ng m−3 to 303.3 ng m−3 in Zone 3). The atmospheric direct-short wave radiative forcing (DRSF), estimated using a radiative transfer model (Santa Barbara DISORT Atmospheric Radiative Transfer – SBDART), was in the range 4.72–27.62 wm−2 north of 16°S, and 4.80–6.25 wm−2 south of 16°S

    Third Revision of the Global Surface Seawater Dimethyl Sulfide Climatology (DMS-Rev3)

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    This paper presents an updated estimation of the bottom-up global surface seawater dimethyl sulfide (DMS) climatology. This update, called DMS-Rev3, is the third of its kind and includes five significant changes from the last climatology, ‘L11’ (Lana et al., 2011) that was released about a decade ago. The first change is the inclusion of new observations that have become available over the last decade, creating a database of 872,427 observations leading to a ~18-fold increase in raw data as compared to the last estimation The second is significant improvements in data handling, processing, and filtering, to avoid biases due to different observation frequencies which results from different measurement techniques. Thirdly, we incorporate the dynamic seasonal changes observed in the geographic boundaries of the ocean biogeochemical provinces. The fourth change involves the refinement of the interpolation algorithm used to fill in the missing data. And finally, an upgraded smoothing algorithm based on observed DMS variability length scales (VLS) helps to reproduce a more realistic distribution of the DMS concentration data. The results show that DMS-Rev3 estimates the global annual mean DMS concentration to be ~1.87 nM (2.35 nM without a sea-ice mask), i.e., about 4 % lower than the previous bottom-up ‘L11’ climatology. However, significant regional differences of more than 100 % as compared to L11 are observed. The global sea to air flux of DMS is estimated at ~27 TgS yr−1 which is about 4 % lower than L11, although, like the DMS distribution, large regional differences were observed. The largest changes are observed in high concentration regions such as the polar oceans, although oceanic regions that were under-sampled in the past also show large differences between revisions of the climatology. Finally, DMS-Rev3 reduces the previously observed patchiness in high productivity regions.