183 research outputs found

    Bioetičke teme u visokoÅ”kolskoj nastavi budućih odgojitelja i učitelja

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    Bioethics, as a newer scientific discipline answers questions about the life of the contemporary man in an interdisciplinary way, and we use education to express what kind of a society and what kind of a man we want. Values on which the educational system in the Republic of Croatia is based are viewed as a new possibility to develop the Croatian national, cultural, and spiritual identity within complex globalization processes. In the era of globalization, informational and technological improvement, one of the hardest efforts of the modern age is the upbringing of children in the changed circumstances, which consequently reflects on the style of education and the conditions in which education is conducted. The aims of the upbringing focus the educational practice and the pedagogical action, while the responsibility and the complex task is bestowed upon educators/teachers. The importance of initial education of educators/ teachers is irrefutable today. To be an educator is a vocation/profession with specific professional standards and ethical rules of the teaching profession, inspired by the values of social inclusion and the needs of the child/pupil. This paper deals with a comparative analysis of study programmes and learning outcomes in the Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Teacher Study, as well as University Study of Early and Preschool Education at the Faculty of Education in Osijek, focused on the (bio)ethics, education and ethics of the teacherā€™s calling. Students, future preschool/primary school teachers during the study need to be made aware of the sensitivity in ethical decision-making in the future profession, as well as solving the problems which influence on building the character, because ethics and bioethics need to fulfil important social and individual aspects of education.Bioetika kao novija znanstvena disciplina interdisciplinarno odgovara na pitanja o životu suvremenog čovjeka, a odgojem i obrazovanjem izričemo kakvo druÅ”tvo i kakvog čovjeka želimo. Vrijednosti na kojima se temelji odgojnoobrazovni sustav u Republici Hrvatskoj sagledava se kao nova mogućnost razvoja hrvatskoga nacionalnoga, kulturnoga i duhovnoga identiteta unutar složenih globalizacijskih procesa. U eri globalizacije, informacijskog i tehnoloÅ”kog napretka jedan od najtežih poslova modernog doba je odgoj djece u promijenjenim okolnostima Å”to se posljedično reflektira na stil odgoja i uvjete u kojima se odvija odgoj i obrazovanje. Ciljevi odgoja usmjeravaju odgojnoobrazovnu praksu i pedagoÅ”ko djelovanje u njoj, a odgovornost i složenu zadaća imaju upravo odgojitelji/učitelji. Važnost inicijalnog obrazovanja odgojitelja/ učitelja neupitna je danas. Biti odgojiteljem/učiteljem je zvanje/profesija s jedinstvenim profesionalnim standardima i etičkim pravilima učiteljske profesije nadahnuta vrijednostima druÅ”tvene uključenosti i potrebama njegovanja potencijala svakog djeteta/učenika. Rad se bavi komparativnom analizom studijskih programa i ishoda učenja u SveučiliÅ”nom studijskom programu ranoga i predÅ”kolskog odgoja i obrazovanja i u Integriranom preddiplomskom i diplomskom studijskom programu za učitelje na Fakultetu za odgojne i obrazovne znanosti u Osijeku usmjerenih na područje (bio)etike, odgoja te etike učiteljskoga poziva. Studente, buduće odgojitelje/učitelje tijekom studija, potrebno je senzibilizirati za osjetljivost u budućoj struci u etičkom odlučivanju i rjeÅ”avanju problema koji utječu na oblikovanje karaktera jer etika i bioetika trebaju ispunjavati važne druÅ”tvene i individualne aspekte odgoja i obrazovanja

    Epidemiologija karcinoma prostate u Županiji Šibensko - kninskoj

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    Rak prostate je učestali uzrok oboljenja i smrti muÅ”karaca. Adenokarcinom je najčeŔči oblik raka prostate (95 % slučajeva).U vrijeme prije uvođenja PSA testa karcinom prostate se najčeŔče (u oko 70% slučajeva) otkrivao u uznapredovalom stadiju. Karcinom prostate je bolest starije životne dobi. Najveći broj slučajeva (80%) se javlja u muÅ”karaca starijih od 65 godina. Zbog kasnog javljanja i razmjerno sporog razvoja bolesti, karcinom prostate se nalazi vrlo često, čak u oko 80% slučajeva kao tek latentna bolest u zbog neke druge bolesti, umrlih i obduciranih muÅ”karaca iznad 80 godina života. Porastom starije populacije, uvođenjem novih i boljih metoda probira, te boljim provođenjem istih mjera u novije vrijeme se čeŔče javlja svuda u svijetu, pa čak i u krajevima gdje je incidencija tradicionalno bila niska

    ZaŔtita speleoloŔkih objekata u NR Hrvatskoj

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    Kvaliteta humusa u crvenicama pod maslinicima s različitim načinima gospodarenja tlom

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    The paper aimed to determine humus quality in Terra rossa soils under olive groves with different soil management types. A total of 10 top-soil samples (0-20 cm) were collected in olive groves of Middle Dalmatia, Croatia, out of which 5 were from the traditional low-input olive groves (TOG) and 5 in the intensive olive groves (IOG). The soil samples were analyzed for basic soil properties, soil organic carbon (SOC), and fractional composition of humic substances. Spectroscopic characterization of humic substances was carried out by measuring absorbance in the VIS spectral range (400-700 nm). Optical index E4/E6 (ratio of optical absorbance at 465 to 665 nm for humic substances in solution) was calculated. The mean value of SOC in soils under TOG (3.06%) was lower than in soils under IOG (3.88%). Higher variations of carbon in humic (CHA) and fulvic acid (CFA) were observed in the soils under IOG. The mean CHA/CFA ratio in soils under TOG was higher than in soils of IOG (1.78 and 1.26, respectively). The soils under TOG had fulvic-humic to humic types, while the soils of IOG had humic-fulvic to humic types of humus. A lower mean E4/E6 index of soils under TOG than IOG (3.78 and 4.36, respectively) confirmed the results of the classical analytical method. Our findings reveal higher variation and lower humus quality in soils under intensive olive cultivation.Cilj rada bio je utvrditi kvalitetu humusa u crvenicama pod maslinicima s različitim načinom gospodarenja tlom. Ukupno je uzeto 10 povrÅ”inskih uzoraka tla (0-20 cm) iz maslinika Srednje Dalmacije, Hrvatska, od čega 5 iz tradicionalnih maslinika (TM) i 5 iz intenzivnih maslinika (IM). Uzorci tla su analizirani na osnovna svojstva tla, organski ugljik (OC) i frakcijski sastav humusnih supstanci. Spektroskopska karakterizacija humusnih supstanci provedena je mjerenjem absorbance u VIS spektralnom rasponu (400-700 nm). Izračunat je optički indeks E4/E6 (odnos optičke apsorbance kod 465 prema 665 nm za humusne supstance u otopini tla). Srednja vrijednost OC u tlima pod TM (3,06%) bila je niža nego u tlima pod IM (3,88%). Veća variranja ugljika u huminskim (CHA) i fulvo (CFA) kiselinama uočena su u tlima pod IM. Prosječni CHA/CFA odnos u tlima pod TM (1,78) bio je viÅ”i nego u tlima pod IM (1,26). Tla pod TM imala su fulvično-huminski do huminski tip, dok su tla pod IM imala huminsko-fulvični do huminski tip humusa. Niža srednja vrijednost E4/E6 indeksa u tlima pod TM (3,78) u odnosu na IM (4,36) potvrdila je rezultate klasične analitičke metode. NaÅ”i rezultati otkrivaju veće variranje i nižu kvalitetu humusa u tlima pod intenzivnom maslinarskom proizvodnjom

    Dysmorphia and developmental anomalies in the inborn errors of metabolism

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    Dismorfologija je dio kliničke genetike koji proučava odstupanje od uobičajene morfologije u populaciji koristeći specifična obilježja u dijagnostici i otkrivanju sindromskih poremećaja. Dismorfične crte lica i prirođene razvojne anomalije drugih organa mogu biti vidljive pri rođenju ili se uočavaju u kasnijem životnom periodu. Iako pri razmatranju dismorfije kod nekog bolesnika obično prvo ne razmiÅ”ljamo o nasljednim metaboličkim bolestima, prepoznavanje specifičnog fenotipa vezanog uz ovu skupinu bolesti može biti važan dijagnostički trag, osobito kada su prisutni i drugi simptomi kao Å”to su različita neuroloÅ”ka odstupanja, abnormalnosti skeleta, bolesti jetre, zastoj u razvoju, kardiomiopatije ili abnormalnosti oka. Spoznaja o prisutnosti fizičkih odstupanja kod nasljednih metaboličkih bolesti i primjeri bolesti prikazani u tekstu važni su jer premoŔćuju tradicionalne podjele te povezuju dismorfologiju i metabolizam.Dysmorphology is a part of genetics that studies the deviation from normal morphology in a population using dysmorphic features in the diagnostic workup and delineation of syndromic disorders. Dysmorphic features of the face and congenital anomalies of other organs can be recognized at birth or later in life. Although considering dysmorphia in a patient, we usually do not first think of inherited metabolic diseases, identification of specific phenotypic features can be an important diagnostic clue for many inherited metabolic diseases, especially when they are associated with other symptoms, including neurological problems, skeletal abnormalities, liver disease, developmental delay, cardiomyopathy, or ocular abnormalities. Knowledge about the physical deviations in inherited metabolic diseases and the examples presented in the text are important because they bridge traditional divisions and connect dysmorphology and metabolis


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    Cijeljenje rane je kompleksan proces koji obuhvaća cijeli niz kemijskih i fizioloÅ”kih događaja na staničnoj i molekularnoj razini i prolazi kroz četiri faze koje su neoÅ”tro međusobno odijeljene. Postoji mnogo čimbenika koji mogu utjecati na cijeljenje rane i svojim djelovanjem usporiti ili u cijelosti prekinuti proces cijeljenja. Ishemija tkiva u okolini rane, koja je posljedica spazma arterija ili aterosklerotičnih promjena u njima, lako može dovesti do usporenja ili čak prekida procesa cijeljenja rane. Infekcija rane i upotreba kortikosteroida su značajne smetnje cijeljenja. ostali čimbenici koji mogu utjecati na tijek cijeljenja rane su neodgovarajuća prehrana s posljedičnim pomanjkanjem energije i i bjelančevina te nekih vitamina, duljina trajanja rane, stanje dna rane, lokalizacija rane. Samo poznavanjem patofiziologije cijeljenja rane, te razumijevanjem svih čimbenika koji mogu utjecati na odgođeno cijeljenje rane možemo adekvatno prevenirati i liječiti kronične rane.Wound healing is a complex process that involves a significant number of chemical and physiological events acting on the cellular and molecular level. Wound healing passes through four stages, which are not distinctly separated one from another. There are many factors that can affect the wound healing process and their activities slow down, or completely interrupt the healing process. Wound around tissue ischemia, which is due to spasm of the arteries or atherosclerotic changes in them, can easily lead to slowing down or even stops the wound healing process. Wound infections and use of corticosteroids are significant barriers to healing. Other factors that can influence the course of wound healing are inadequate nutrition with consequent lack of energy or protein and some vitamins, wound abidance, wound bed status, localization of wound, etc. Only with the knowledge of the wound healing pathophysiology and understanding all the factors that may affect delayed wound healing, we can adequately prevent and treat chronic wounds

    Kvarantore - Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow

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    U radu autor opisuje običaj četrdeset-satnog klanjanja (kvarantore) u župama jadranske Hrvatske, osobito otoka Hvara i Visa. Propituje se nastanak, kao i dalji opstanak ove pobožnosti.The Forty hoursā€™ adoration (kvarantore, deriving from Italian words quaranta ore i.e. forty hours, Latin Adoratio quadraginta horarum) means ritual of public reverence of the Most Holy Sacrament, especially in the days from Palm Sunday to the Wednesday of the Holy Week. Nowdays kvarantore are preserved in its original form only in few parishes and have been kept alive in the period between the two World Wars. Literature says that the beginning of the classic 40 hour adoration had first appeared in Milano between 1527 and 1537, while Venice had it first when promoted by Jesuits in 1584. However, it is often mentioned that Zadar is the place where the oldest registered 40 hour adoration was taking place. According to written documents, it existed there since 1214, and was being done during the last three days of the Holy Week in St. Silvesterā€™s church. During the 17th c. the Venetian government issued several orders about this devotion which had been greatly popular in wartime dangers, calamities and pest. Most famous saints of the 40-hour adoration were st. Charles Boromeo and st. Philip Neri, who used to hold them the first Sunday of each month; Jesuits and Capuchins were ardent supporters of it. The golden age of the 40 hour adoration was the 17th and 18th c. Nowadays the ritual is going on in bigger places in Split-Makarska archbishopric, apart from the Split cathedral and Trogir cathedral also in Sinj, Metković and BaÅ”ka Voda. On Korčula it is preserved in Korčula, Blato and Vela Luka. Speaking of the islands of Hvar, Brač and Vis, kvarantore are mentioned in Hvar Cathedral in 1754 and had been, no doubt, introduced there much earlier. In Stari Grad it was introduced in the 18th c. and we know for sure that it was introduced in Vrboska in 1868, during the bishopric of Duboković. Vrbanj has preserved it up to nowadays and is bound to the festivities of the Holy Spirit obsequious bowing and the parish church name. The classic schedule of the 40 hour adoration in front of the Holy Host was equal everywhere. Following the solemn mass on Palm Sunday, the kvarantore were beginning by a procession with the Holy Host and the first hour of the adoration was beginning at noon. At 7 p.m. there was common hour (Hora Communis ) which closed the bowing of the day. On Monday and Tuesday of the Holy Week, The Holy Host was exposed and at 7 p.m. the common hour would take place. On Wednesday of the Holy Week it is exposed at 5 or 6 o\u27clock a.m. and all-inclusive by adoration ends by a solemn mass and procession so as to repose the Holy Host at about noon. Nowadays some Hvar island parishes have changed the schedule, the number of hours being cut down and altar decorations made simpler. So that according to that classic schedule the 40 hour adoration is held in Komiža, Vis, Hvar, Stari Grad, Jelsa, Supetar, Postire, PučiŔća, Bol and NerežiŔće and in the exceptionally short form in Vrboska and Milna, whilst in smaller settlements it is performed only on Palm Sunday. In Komiža kvarantore are held in the parish church of St Nicholas, probably ever since the 18th c., and Komiža is also the only place where the complete classic way of altar decorating is preserved

    Factors associated with radiation dose at coronary computed tomography angiography

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    Doza zračenja u CT koronarografiji najčeŔće se izražava kao CT dozni indeks (CTDIvol) i produkt duljine doze (DLP). Nedostatci ovih pokazatelja su: oni predstavljaju proizvedeno zračenje CT uređaja i neovisni su o pacijentovoj konstituciji. U ovom radu htjeli smo evaluirati procjenu doze specifičnu za veličinu tijela (SSDE) te otkriti čimbenike povezane s povećanom dozom za pacijenta. Retrospektivno smo analizirali nalaze CT koronarografije 53 pacijenta snimljene na 128-slojnom CT uređaju koji koristi automatsku kontrolu jakosti struje i napona cijevi temeljem konstitucije bolesnika te prospektivni ili retrospektivni EKG-gating uz modulaciju jakosti struje, ovisno o srčanoj frekvenciji i varijabilnosti srčane frekvencije. SSDE je izračunat iz CTDIvol, izraženog za 32-centimetarski fantom, množenjem s faktorom konverzije ovisnim o dimenzijama prsnoga koÅ”a. Testirane su korelacije pokazatelja doze zračenja (CTDIvol, DLP i SSDE) s varijablama koje opisuju pacijentovu konstituciju, srčanu frekvenciju i tehniku snimanja. CTDIvol je imao raspon 3,3 ā€“ 59,3 mGy (medijan 13,1 mGy), DLP 45,5 ā€“ 1310,4 mGycm (medijan 191,9 mGycm), faktor konverzije 0,85 ā€“ 1,43 (medijan 1,1), a SSDE 4,1 ā€“ 56,6 mGy (medijan 15,2 mGy). SSDE je bio veći u pacijenata s većim prosječnim srčanim frekvencijama (rs = 0,273, p = 0,048) i većom varijabilnosti srčane frekvencije (rs = 0,299, p = 0,03). U muÅ”kih pacijenata SSDE je bio veći u pacijenata s većim promjerima prsnoga koÅ”a (rs = 0,406, p = 0,003), dok u žena nije pronađena takva korelacija. SSDE je bio manji ako je izveden prospektivni EKG-gating (7,6 mGy naspram 16,1 mGy kod retrospektivnog EKG-gatinga, p = 0,001) te kod snimanja uz primjenu napona cijevi manjih od 120 kV.The radiation dose at coronary CT angiography (CCTA) is usually expressed as volume CT dose index (CTDIvol) and dose length product (DLP). However, these indices represent scanner output and are independent of the patient size. In this study we wanted to evaluate the size-specific dose estimate (SSDE) for CCTA and to identify factors associated with increased patient dose. We retrospectively evaluated the CCTA of 53 patients (25 males, age range 27-80 years) performed on a 128-slice CT scanner using automatic exposure and tube voltage control with prospective/retrospective EKG-gating, depending on the heart rate (HR) and HR variability. SSDE was calculated from CTDIvol expressed for the 32cm reference phantom, multiplied by conversion factor based on dimensions of the thorax. Correlation of radiation dose estimates (CTDIvol, DLP, and SSDE) with variables describing patient habitus, HR, and scanning technique was tested. CTDIvol ranged 3.3 ā€“ 59.3 mGy (median 13.1 mGy), DLP 45,5 ā€“ 1310,4 mGycm (median 191,9 mGycm), conversion factor 0.85 ā€“ 1.43 (median 1.1), and SSDE 4.1 ā€“ 56.6 mGy (median 15.2 mGy). SSDE was higher in patients with a higher average HR (rs = 0.273, p = 0.048) and higher HR variation (rs = 0.299, p = 0.03). SSDE was higher in male patients with a larger thorax diameter (rs = 0.406, p = 0.003), while in females correlation wasn't found. SSDE was lower if prospective EKG-gating was performed (7.6 mGy vs. 16.1 mGy for retrospective EKG-gating, p = 0.001) and if lower than 120 kV tube voltage was used for scan
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