677 research outputs found

    Monte Carlo Planning method estimates planning horizons during interactive social exchange

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    Reciprocating interactions represent a central feature of all human exchanges. They have been the target of various recent experiments, with healthy participants and psychiatric populations engaging as dyads in multi-round exchanges such as a repeated trust task. Behaviour in such exchanges involves complexities related to each agent's preference for equity with their partner, beliefs about the partner's appetite for equity, beliefs about the partner's model of their partner, and so on. Agents may also plan different numbers of steps into the future. Providing a computationally precise account of the behaviour is an essential step towards understanding what underlies choices. A natural framework for this is that of an interactive partially observable Markov decision process (IPOMDP). However, the various complexities make IPOMDPs inordinately computationally challenging. Here, we show how to approximate the solution for the multi-round trust task using a variant of the Monte-Carlo tree search algorithm. We demonstrate that the algorithm is efficient and effective, and therefore can be used to invert observations of behavioural choices. We use generated behaviour to elucidate the richness and sophistication of interactive inference

    An Implementation Analysis of States' Experiences in Transitioning Stairstep Children from Separate CHIP to Medicaid

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    To understand states' experiences in implementing coverage transitions for children, including efforts to make transitions as seamless as possible and to ensure continuity of care, the Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission (MACPAC) contracted with Mathematica Policy Research to study a specific feature of the Affordable Care Act: the stairstep transition. In this report, we describe 10 states' approaches to the transition, identifying common challenges and lessons learned that could support future transitions between health coverage programs. Findings are based on interviews with state administrators and other stakeholders, including child health advocates, insurance issuers, and provider groups, within each of the 10 study states

    Monte Carlo Planning method estimates planning horizons during interactive social exchange

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    Reciprocating interactions represent a central feature of all human exchanges. They have been the target of various recent experiments, with healthy participants and psychiatric populations engaging as dyads in multi-round exchanges such as a repeated trust task. Behaviour in such exchanges involves complexities related to each agent's preference for equity with their partner, beliefs about the partner's appetite for equity, beliefs about the partner's model of their partner, and so on. Agents may also plan different numbers of steps into the future. Providing a computationally precise account of the behaviour is an essential step towards understanding what underlies choices. A natural framework for this is that of an interactive partially observable Markov decision process (IPOMDP). However, the various complexities make IPOMDPs inordinately computationally challenging. Here, we show how to approximate the solution for the multi-round trust task using a variant of the Monte-Carlo tree search algorithm. We demonstrate that the algorithm is efficient and effective, and therefore can be used to invert observations of behavioural choices. We use generated behaviour to elucidate the richness and sophistication of interactive inference

    International Space Station Satellite Deployment: Jettison Policy and Best Practices for Satellite Payload Developers

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    The ISS Jettison Policy intends to quantify and control the risks of deploying and operating small satellites, not only to ensure the safety of the humans flying in space, but also to preserve the orbital environment for world space activities and enable the significant benefits brought by such utilization

    Experiments with the Swarm Intelligence

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    Práce se zabývá rojovou inteligencí jako podoborem umělé inteligence. Stručně popisuje biologické pozadí problematiky a zabývá se také principy hledání cest v mravenčích koloniích. Představena je i oblast kombinatorické optimalizace a detailně jsou definovány úlohy Travelling Salesman Problem a Quadratic Assignment Problem. Hlavní část práce sestává z popisu metod rojové inteligence pro řešení uvedených problémů a zhodnocení experimentů, které byly na těchto metodách provedeny. Konkrétně jde o algoritmy Ant System, Ant Colony System, Hybrid Ant System a Max-Min Ant System. V rámci práce byla také navržena a otestována vlastní metoda Genetic Ant System, která obohacuje základní Ant System mimo jiné o vývoj parametrů jednotek na základě genetických principů. V rámci obou řešených úloh jsou porovnány výsledky popisovaných metod společně s výsledky metod klasické umělé inteligence.This work deals with the issue of swarm intelligence as a subdiscipline of artificial intelligence. It describes biological background of the dilemma briefly and presents the principles of searching paths in ant colonies as well. There is also adduced combinatorial optimization and two selected tasks are defined in detail: Travelling Salesman Problem and Quadratic Assignment Problem. The main part of this work consists of description of swarm intelligence methods for solving mentioned problems and evaluation of experiments that were made on these methods. There were tested Ant System, Ant Colony System, Hybrid Ant System and Max-Min Ant System algorithm. Within the work there were also designed and tested my own method Genetic Ant System which enriches the basic Ant System i.a. with development of unit parameters based on genetical principles. The results of described methods were compared together with the ones of classical artificial intelligence within the frame of both solved problems.

    Analyses of 100 Gbps Coherent System Performances

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    This paper presents the results of laboratory and field testing of coherent 100 Gbps system with DP-QPSK modulation. Several measurements were performed including power budget, nonlinear threshold, spectrum filtration, constellation diagram, interoperability with 10 Gbps lambdas and dispersion compensation type impact. Field tests addressed transmission of 100 Gbps signal as an Alien Wavelength through multivendor network, influence of photonic service parallel to 100 Gbps signal and performance of 100 Gbps system over single fiber bidirectional transmission lines. 100 Gbps system has been found extremely resilient to most classical impairments thanks to advances error coding and compatible with standard 10 Gbps NRZ lambdas and any type of dispersion compensation. The system was also working over single fiber bidirectional lines and in parallel with Photonic Service of time transfer. The paper also shows recent results of single hop test with 100 Gbps system in laboratory environment

    Morphological changes of stomach influenced by general dehydration

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    It is well known that the digestive system is very sensitive to a large number of different negative factors. In particular, frequent lesions in the stomach is exposed as its organ and the main reservoir of mechanical and chemical processing of food. It is necessary to say that the effect of dehydration of the stomach has not been adequately studied. The significant amount of water and electrolytes is deposited in the gastrointestinal tract and is involved in the exchange, circulating between blood and content of the digestive tract. That is why the aim of this thesis was to discover structural and morphological changes in stomach due to the total dehydration
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