11 research outputs found

    Analytical solutions for nonlinear systems using Nucci's reduction approach and generalized projective Riccati equations

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    In this study, the Nucci's reduction approach and the method of generalized projective Riccati equations (GPREs) were utilized to derive novel analytical solutions for the (1+1)-dimensional classical Boussinesq equations, the generalized reaction Duffing model, and the nonlinear Pochhammer-Chree equation. The nonlinear systems mentioned earlier have been solved using analytical methods, which impose certain limitations on the interaction parameters and the coefficients of the guess solutions. However, in the case of the double sub-equation guess solution, analytic solutions were allowed. The soliton solutions that were obtained through this method display real positive values for the wave phase transformation, which is a novel result in the application of the generalized projective Riccati method. In previous applications of this method, the real positive properties of the solutions were not thoroughly investigated

    Feng’s First Integral Method Applied to the ZKBBM and the Generalized Fisher Space-Time Fractional Equations

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    The fractional derivatives in the sense of the modified Riemann-Liouville derivative and Feng’s first integral method are employed to obtain the exact solutions of the nonlinear space-time fractional ZKBBM equation and the nonlinear space-time fractional generalized Fisher equation. The power of this manageable method is presented by applying it to the above equations. Our approach provides first integrals in polynomial form with high accuracy. Exact analytical solutions are obtained through establishing first integrals. The present method is efficient and reliable, and it can be used as an alternative to establish new solutions of different types of fractional differential equations applied in mathematical physics

    Modeling of a Mass-Spring-Damper System by Fractional Derivatives with and without a Singular Kernel

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    In this paper, the fractional equations of the mass-spring-damper system with Caputo and Caputo–Fabrizio derivatives are presented. The physical units of the system are preserved by introducing an auxiliary parameter σ. The input of the resulting equations is a constant and periodic source; for the Caputo case, we obtain the analytical solution, and the resulting equations are given in terms of the Mittag–Leffler function; for the Caputo–Fabrizio approach, the numerical solutions are obtained by the numerical Laplace transform algorithm. Our results show that the mechanical components exhibit viscoelastic behaviors producing temporal fractality at different scales and demonstrate the existence of Entropy 2015, 17 6290 material heterogeneities in the mechanical components. The Markovian nature of the model is recovered when the order of the fractional derivatives is equal to one