157 research outputs found

    Geodesic-Einstein metrics and nonlinear stabilities

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    In this paper, we introduce notions of nonlinear stabilities for a relative ample line bundle over a holomorphic fibration and define the notion of a geodesic-Einstein metric on this line bundle, which generalize the classical stabilities and Hermitian-Einstein metrics of holomorphic vector bundles. We introduce a Donaldson type functional and show that this functional attains its absolute minimum at geodesic-Einstein metrics, and we also discuss the relations between the existence of geodesic-Einstein metrics and the nonlinear stabilities of the line bundle. As an application, we will prove that a holomorphic vector bundle admits a Finsler-Einstein metric if and only if it admits a Hermitian-Einstein metric, which answers a problem posed by S. Kobayashi.Comment: 21 pages, the final version, to appear in Transactions of the American Mathematical Societ

    Self-Learning Monte Carlo Method: Continuous-Time Algorithm

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    The recently-introduced self-learning Monte Carlo method is a general-purpose numerical method that speeds up Monte Carlo simulations by training an effective model to propose uncorrelated configurations in the Markov chain. We implement this method in the framework of continuous time Monte Carlo method with auxiliary field in quantum impurity models. We introduce and train a diagram generating function (DGF) to model the probability distribution of auxiliary field configurations in continuous imaginary time, at all orders of diagrammatic expansion. By using DGF to propose global moves in configuration space, we show that the self-learning continuous-time Monte Carlo method can significantly reduce the computational complexity of the simulation.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures + 2 page supplemental materials, to be published in Phys. Rev. B Rapid communication sectio

    Self-Learning Monte Carlo Method in Fermion Systems

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    We develop the self-learning Monte Carlo (SLMC) method, a general-purpose numerical method recently introduced to simulate many-body systems, for studying interacting fermion systems. Our method uses a highly-efficient update algorithm, which we design and dub "cumulative update", to generate new candidate configurations in the Markov chain based on a self-learned bosonic effective model. From general analysis and numerical study of the double exchange model as an example, we find the SLMC with cumulative update drastically reduces the computational cost of the simulation, while remaining statistically exact. Remarkably, its computational complexity is far less than the conventional algorithm with local updates

    Self-learning Monte Carlo with Deep Neural Networks

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    Self-learning Monte Carlo (SLMC) method is a general algorithm to speedup MC simulations. Its efficiency has been demonstrated in various systems by introducing an effective model to propose global moves in the configuration space. In this paper, we show that deep neural networks can be naturally incorporated into SLMC, and without any prior knowledge, can learn the original model accurately and efficiently. Demonstrated in quantum impurity models, we reduce the complexity for a local update from O(β2) \mathcal{O}(\beta^2) in Hirsch-Fye algorithm to O(βlnβ) \mathcal{O}(\beta \ln \beta) , which is a significant speedup especially for systems at low temperatures.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures + 4 pages of supplemental materia

    In-Plane Ferroelectric Tunnel Junction

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    The ferroelectric material is an important platform to realize non-volatile memories. So far, existing ferroelectric memory devices utilize out-of-plane polarization in ferroelectric thin films. In this paper, we propose a new type of random-access memory (RAM) based on ferroelectric thin films with the in-plane polarization called "in-plane ferroelectric tunnel junction". Apart from non-volatility, lower power usage and faster writing operation compared with traditional dynamic RAMs, our proposal has the advantage of faster reading operation and non-destructive reading process, thus overcomes the write-after-read problem that widely exists in current ferroelectric RAMs. The recent discovered room-temperature ferroelectric IV-VI semiconductor thin films is a promising material platform to realize our proposal.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures + 3 pages of supplemental materia