156 research outputs found

    Investigation of Blocking Characteristics by Particles in Heterogeneous Reservoir

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    A mathematical model of suspension filtration in porous media has been established based on mass conservation principle and characteristics of particles depositing and blocking. On this basis, percolation rules and blocking characteristics of suspension in heterogeneous reservoir were investigated. It is showed that suspension injection could remarkably reduce the permeable ratio and improve the heterogeneity significantly. Low-speed and low-viscosity injection could achieve shallow profile control, and high-speed and high-viscosity injection could achieve deep profile control. Adjusting the injection rate or viscosity of carrying fluid slug at the right time to make the particle retention concentration profile in thief zones and the water-flood front keep consistent could achieve dynamic profile control. For the reservoirs without a good interlayer, the optimum injection rate and viscosity of carrying fluid were chosen based on the connectivity of layers, and in the reservoirs with good interlayers the injection rate and viscosity should be lowered appropriately under the field permitting conditions. When the suspension concentration was constant, the instantaneous fractional flow of high permeable layer first decreased sharply and then ramped up with the increasing injection volume. Initial percolation coefficient is the basis of a high utilization of suspension and a good result in profile control. Key words: Heterogeneous reservoir; Suspension; Percolation; Profile control; Retention concentration; Blocking characteristic

    A regional solar forecasting approach using generative adversarial networks with solar irradiance maps

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    The intermittent and stochastic nature of solar resource hinders the integration of solar energy into modern power system. Solar forecasting has become an important tool for better photovoltaic (PV) power integration, effective market design, and reliable grid operation. Nevertheless, most existing solar forecasting methods are dedicated to improving forecasting accuracy at site-level (e.g. for individual PV power plants) regardless of the impacts caused by the accumulated penetration of distributed PV systems. To tackle with this issue, this article proposes a novel generative approach for regional solar forecasting considering an entire geographical region of a flexible spatial scale. Specifically, we create solar irradiance maps (SIMs) for solar forecasting for the first time by using spatial Kriging interpolation with satellite-derived solar irradiance data. The sequential SIMs provide a comprehensive view of how solar intensity varies over time and are further used as the inputs for a multi-scale generative adversarial network (GAN) to predict the next-step SIMs. The generated SIM frames can be further transformed into PV power output through a irradiance-to-power model. A case study is conducted in a 24 × 24 km area of Brisbane to validate the proposed method by predicting of both solar irradiance and the output of behind-the-meter (BTM) PV systems at unobserved locations. The approach demonstrates comparable accuracy in terms of solar irradiance forecasting and better predictions in PV power generation compared to the conventional forecasting models with a highest average forecasting skill of 10.93±2.35% for all BTM PV systems. Thus, it can be potentially used to assist solar energy assessment and power system control in a highly-penetrated region

    Association of serum levels of lipid and its novel constituents with the different stages of esophageal carcinoma

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The aim of the study was to evaluate the association of immunoglobulin G type of autoantibodies to oxidized low-density lipoprotein (oxLDL-lgG) and oxLDL-lgM with the progression of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESSC).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Residents from Feicheng, China aged 40 to 69 years were screened for esophageal lesions in a screening program conducted during the period of January 2008 to December 2006. There were 33 controls with normal esophageal squamous epithelium cells, 37 patients with basal cell hyperplasia, 47 with esophageal squamous cell dysplasia, and 43 with ESCC. All the participants were diagnosed by biopsy and histopathological examination. Adiponectin, oxidized low-density lipoprotein (oxLDL), autoantibodies against oxLDL (oxLDL-ab), OxLDL-lgG, and OxLDL-lgM were determined by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Total cholesterol, High-density lipoprotein (HDL), triglyceride, serum albumin, and blood pressure were co-estimated. Analysis of covariance for lipid levels was used to control the influence of covariates.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The level of oxLDL-lgM increased gradually along with esophageal carcinoma progression. The oxLDL-lgM levels in the ESCC group were the highest after possible covariates were controlled. Binary logistic regression showed that oxLDL-lgM had a positive correlation with the development of esophageal carcinoma, while oxLDL and oxLDL-ab had a negative correlation with ESSC. No significant association between the levels of oxLDL-lgG and adiponectin and the different stages of ESSC was observed.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The present study shows that the decreased oxLDL and oxLDL-ab and the elevated oxLDL-lgM serum levels may relate to the development and progression of ESSC.</p

    Identification of a danger-associated peptide from apolipoprotein B100 (ApoBDS-1) that triggers innate proatherogenic responses

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    Background: Subendothelial deposited low-density lipoprotein particles are a known inflammatory factor in atherosclerosis. However, the causal components derived from low-density lipoprotein are still poorly defined. Apolipoprotein B100 (ApoB100) is the unexchangeable protein component of low-density lipoprotein, and the progression of atherosclerosis is associated with immune responses to ApoB100-derived peptides. In this study, we analyzed the proinflammatory activity of ApoB100 peptides in atherosclerosis. Methods and Results: By screening a peptide library of ApoB100, we identified a distinct native peptide referred to as ApoB100 danger-associated signal 1 (ApoBDS-1), which shows sequence-specific bioactivity in stimulation of interleukin-8, CCL2, and interleukin-6. ApoBDS-1 activates mitogen-activated protein kinase and calcium signaling, thereby effecting the expression of interleukin-8 in innate immune cells. Ex vivo stimulation of carotid plaques with ApoBDS-1 enhances interleukin-8 and prostaglandin E2 release. Furthermore, we demonstrated that ApoBDS-1–positive peptide fragments are present in atherosclerotic lesions using immunoassays and that low-molecular-weight fractions isolated from plaque show ApoBDS-1 activity inducing interleukin-8 production. Conclusions: Our data show that ApoBDS-1 is a previously unrecognized peptide with robust proinflammatory activity, contributing to the disease-promoting effects of low-density lipoprotein in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. (Circulation. 2011;124:2433-2443.)Swedish Heart-Lung FoundationSwedish Foundation for Strategic ResearchSwedish Research CouncilCenter of Excellence for Research on Inflammation and Cardiovascular Disease Linnaeus ProgramLeducq FoundationEuropean UnionChina Scholarship Council.Publishe

    The diploid genome sequence of an Asian individual

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    Here we present the first diploid genome sequence of an Asian individual. The genome was sequenced to 36-fold average coverage using massively parallel sequencing technology. We aligned the short reads onto the NCBI human reference genome to 99.97% coverage, and guided by the reference genome, we used uniquely mapped reads to assemble a high-quality consensus sequence for 92% of the Asian individual's genome. We identified approximately 3 million single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) inside this region, of which 13.6% were not in the dbSNP database. Genotyping analysis showed that SNP identification had high accuracy and consistency, indicating the high sequence quality of this assembly. We also carried out heterozygote phasing and haplotype prediction against HapMap CHB and JPT haplotypes (Chinese and Japanese, respectively), sequence comparison with the two available individual genomes (J. D. Watson and J. C. Venter), and structural variation identification. These variations were considered for their potential biological impact. Our sequence data and analyses demonstrate the potential usefulness of next-generation sequencing technologies for personal genomics