746 research outputs found

    RepViT: Revisiting Mobile CNN From ViT Perspective

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    Recently, lightweight Vision Transformers (ViTs) demonstrate superior performance and lower latency compared with lightweight Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) on resource-constrained mobile devices. This improvement is usually attributed to the multi-head self-attention module, which enables the model to learn global representations. However, the architectural disparities between lightweight ViTs and lightweight CNNs have not been adequately examined. In this study, we revisit the efficient design of lightweight CNNs and emphasize their potential for mobile devices. We incrementally enhance the mobile-friendliness of a standard lightweight CNN, specifically MobileNetV3, by integrating the efficient architectural choices of lightweight ViTs. This ends up with a new family of pure lightweight CNNs, namely RepViT. Extensive experiments show that RepViT outperforms existing state-of-the-art lightweight ViTs and exhibits favorable latency in various vision tasks. On ImageNet, RepViT achieves over 80\% top-1 accuracy with nearly 1ms latency on an iPhone 12, which is the first time for a lightweight model, to the best of our knowledge. Our largest model, RepViT-M3, obtains 81.4\% accuracy with only 1.3ms latency. The code and trained models are available at \url{https://github.com/jameslahm/RepViT}.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    The spatio-temporal pattern and its influencing factors of production efficiency of health resources in China

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    There is always a contradiction between the limited health resources and the unlimited demand of the population for health services, and only by improving the productivity of health resources can the health level of the population be improved as much as possible. Using prefecture-level administrative regions as spatial units, the paper analyzes the spatial pattern and changes of health productivity of health resources in China from 2000 to 2010, and uses a spatial panel Tobit model to examine the effects of factors such as technical level of health institutions, health service accessibility, public health policies and ecological environment quality on health productivity of health resources. The results show that with the Hu Huanyong line as the dividing line, the spatial heterogeneity of “high in the southeast and low in the northwest” in the health productivity of China's health resources is clear; as the regional differences narrow, the spatial correlation increases, and the spatial pattern of “overall dispersion and partial agglomeration” becomes more obvious. The fitting results of the spatial Durbin model reveal the direction and degree of influence of local and adjacent factors on the production efficiency of health resources. The positive influence of technical level of local health institutions and the accessibility of health services, the literacy level and the ability to pay for health services of residents in adjacent areas, the degree of urbanization of regional health resource allocation, climate suitability and the quality of the atmospheric environment are significant. And the negative influence of local residents' literacy and ability to pay for health services, the technical level of health institutions in adjacent areas and the degree of medicalization of health resource allocation are also significant. The influence of the degree of medicalization of local health resource allocation and the accessibility of health services in adjacent areas are significantly spatial-heterogeneous

    A chalcone derivative reactivates latent HIV-1 transcription through activating P-TEFb and promoting Tat-SEC interaction on viral promoter.

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    The principal barrier to the eradication of HIV/AIDS is the existence of latent viral reservoirs. One strategy to overcome this barrier is to use latency-reversing agents (LRAs) to reactivate the latent proviruses, which can then be eliminated by effective anti-retroviral therapy. Although a number of LRAs have been found to reactivate latent HIV, they have not been used clinically due to high toxicity and poor efficacy. In this study, we report the identification of a chalcone analogue called Amt-87 that can significantly reactivate the transcription of latent HIV provirses and act synergistically with known LRAs such as prostratin and JQ1 to reverse latency. Amt-87 works by activating the human transcriptional elongation factor P-TEFb, a CDK9-cyclin T1 heterodimer that is part of the super elongation complex (SEC) used by the viral encoded Tat protein to activate HIV transcription. Amt-87 does so by promoting the phosphorylation of CDK9 at the T-loop, liberating P-TEFb from the inactive 7SK snRNP, and inducing the formation of the Tat-SEC complex at the viral promoter. Together, our data reveal chalcones as a promising category of compounds that should be further explored to identify effective LRAs for targeted reversal of HIV latency

    Artificial Neural Network Analysis of Xinhui Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae Using Gas Chromatography - Mass Spectrometer - Automated Mass Spectral Deconvolution and Identification System

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    Purpose: To develop an effective analytical method to distinguish old peels of Xinhui Pericarpium citri reticulatae (XPCR) stored for > 3 years from new peels stored for < 3 years.Methods: Artificial neural networks (ANN) models, including general regression neural network (GRNN) and multi-layer feedforward neural network (MLFN), were used to analyze the Gas Chromatography - Mass Spectrometer - Automated Mass Spectral Deconvolution and Identification System (GC-MSAMDIS) data of the essential oils of the XPCR. The Root Mean Square (RMS) errors of each ANN model was obtained through judging the characteristic of old peels and new peels.Results: The Root Mean Square (RMS) error of GRNN was 0.22, less than the error MLFN at different levels, indicating that GRNN model is more reliable and accurate for judging the characteristics of old peels and new ones.Conclusion: The general regression neural network model is established to reliably distinguish between old peels and new peels.Keywords: Artificial neural networks, Xinhui, Pericarpium, Citri reticulatae, Gas Chromatography, Automated Mass Spectral Deconvolution and Identification System, Peel

    Hydraulic fracturing propagation mechanism during shale gas reservoir stimulation through horizontal well

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    Način razlamanja stijenske mase u naslagama naftnih škriljaca jedan je od glavnih čimbenika koji djeluju na učinkovitost hidrauličkog frakturiranja (frakiranja). U ovom su radu provedena fizikalna ispitivanja i numeričko modeliranje u svrhu sustavnog ispitivanja učinka in-situ (podzemnog) naprezanja i kuta bušenja na stvaranje tlaka zbog hidrauličkog frakturiranja, širenje razlamanja i način razlamanja u horizontalnoj bušotini naftnog nalazišta Shengli u Luojia pokrajini, u izvođenju Sinopec Corp. Ukupno je razmatrano šest različitih in-situ kombinacija naprezanja i osam različitih kutova bušenja slojevite stijenske mase tijekom hidrauličkog frakturiranja. Sažetak nastanka i širenja pukotine te završni oblici pukotina nastalih hidrauličkim frakturiranjem u slojevitim stijenskim masama otkrivaju da kod stratificiranih stijena s istim kutom bušenja, što je veći in-situ omjer naprezanja (t.j. niže maksimalno horizontalno osnovno naprezanje pri konstantnim vertikalnim naprezanjem), potreban je niži hidraulički tlak za poticanje i širenje hidrauličkog frakturiranja. Štoviše, ustanovljeno je da je kod stratificirane stijenske mase pri istom omjeru naprezanja, tlak hidrauličkog frakturiranja, u slučaju kad je kut bušenja 30°, veći nego u svim drugim slučajevima. Nadalje, zapaženo je da učinak stratifikacije na hidrauličko frakturiranje postaje slabiji s porastom in-situ omjera naprezanja. Konačno je zaključeno da rezultati ove analize mogu biti važan teorijski pokazatelj u poboljšanju oblikovanja hidrauličkog frakturiranja kako bi se osiguralo učinkovito stimuliranje naslaga naftnih škriljaca.The fracture pattern of rock mass in shale gas reservoirs is one of the main factors affecting the efficiency of hydraulic fracturing. In this paper, physical experiments and numerical modelling were conducted to systematically investigate the effect of the in-situ stress and perforation angle on the hydraulic fracture initiation pressure and location, fracture propagation, and fracture pattern in a horizontal well drilled by Sinopec Corp. in Luojia area of Shengli Oilfield. A total of six different in-situ stress combinations and eight different perforation angles were considered for the stratified rock mass during the hydraulic fracturing. A summary of the fracture initiations and propagation, and the final fracture patterns induced by the hydraulic fracturing in the stratified rock masses reveals that, for the stratified rock masses with the same perforation angle, the larger the in-situ stress ratio (i.e. lower maximum horizontal principal stress when the vertical stress remains constant) is, the lower hydraulic pressure is required for hydraulic fracturing initiation and propagation. Moreover, it is found that, for the stratified rock mass under the same stress ratio, the hydraulic fracturing pressure in the case with a perforation angle of 30° is higher than that in all other cases. Furthermore, it is noted that the effect of the stratification on the hydraulic fracturing becomes weaker with the in-situ stress ratio increasing. It is finally concluded that the results from this study can provide important theoretical guidance for improving the hydraulic fracturing design in order to ensure the effective shale gas reservoir stimulations

    Exploring Structured Semantic Prior for Multi Label Recognition with Incomplete Labels

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    Multi-label recognition (MLR) with incomplete labels is very challenging. Recent works strive to explore the image-to-label correspondence in the vision-language model, \ie, CLIP, to compensate for insufficient annotations. In spite of promising performance, they generally overlook the valuable prior about the label-to-label correspondence. In this paper, we advocate remedying the deficiency of label supervision for the MLR with incomplete labels by deriving a structured semantic prior about the label-to-label correspondence via a semantic prior prompter. We then present a novel Semantic Correspondence Prompt Network (SCPNet), which can thoroughly explore the structured semantic prior. A Prior-Enhanced Self-Supervised Learning method is further introduced to enhance the use of the prior. Comprehensive experiments and analyses on several widely used benchmark datasets show that our method significantly outperforms existing methods on all datasets, well demonstrating the effectiveness and the superiority of our method. Our code will be available at https://github.com/jameslahm/SCPNet.Comment: Accepted by IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 202

    The influence of casting parameters on the surface morphology of PS-b-P4VP honeycomb films

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    The “breath figures” method provides an efficient and cost-effective method to produce highly ordered honeycomb patterns in polymeric films at micrometer and sub-micrometer dimensions. The size and regularity of the pores can be adjusted through a series of physical and chemical parameters. In this study, amphiphilic diblock copolymers, polystyrene-block-poly(4-vinyl pyridine) (PS-b-P4VP) with different lengths of P4VP, were synthesized through Reversible Addition-Fragmentation Chain Transfer polymerization. The honeycomb-patterned films were prepared from these well-defined polymers through the dynamic breath figures method. A series of physical parameters including solution concentration, flow rate, humidity of the flow, and the humidity of the casting environment, were delicately adjusted to systematically investigate their effects on the morphology of the films. These studies identified four key factors which were found to influence the formation of the pattern. No obvious effect was found on the pore size by changing the length of P4VP block. The result provides clear direction on the fabrication of PS-b-P4VP honeycomb-patterned films and more broadly contributes a deeper understanding of the processes involved in the formation of honeycomb patterns