618 research outputs found

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    Wood molasses as a preservative for high moisture barley: 3. Feeding value for growing cattle

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    In two experiments the feeding value for growing cattle of barley ensiled with wood molasses (55 % DM) was compared with dried barley (DB) and barley ensiled with AIV II solution (AIVB). Wood molasses was applied at levels of 8 (WMB8) or 16% (WMB16) of barley DM in Exp. 1 and 12 % (WMB12) of barley DM in Exp. 2. The AIV II solution was used at a level of 0.3 % v/w. In Exp. 1 DB and WMB8 were compared during period 1 and DB and WMB16 during period 2. AIVB and WMB12 were compared In Exp. 2. Experiment 1 was performed with 12 and Exp. 2 with 16 animals of Ayrshire and Friesian breed. The average ages of the animals at the beginning of the experiment were 126 and 100 days. The first period in Exp. 1 lasted 45 days and the second 53 days. Experiment 2 lasted 140 days. The feeding was based on barley, soybean meal and hay in Exp. 1 and on barley, rapeseed meal and grass silage in Exp. 2 and daily gain of 1200g/d was targeted. The average proportion of barley of total DM intake averaged 61 % during period 1 and 59 % during period 2 of Exp. 1 and 54 % in Exp. 2. The corresponding proportions of forage of DM intake were 27, 32 and 37 %. The average daily gains of 1107 and 1178g for DB and WMB8, 1182 and 1129 g for DB and WMB16 and 1248 and 1251 g for AIVB and WMB12 were not significantly different. Nor did the groups show any significant differences in feed conversion rate, carcass characteristics and rumen fermentation except the lower (P < 0.05) dressing percentage of the WMB16 group in Exp. 1. Plasma urea N was higher (P < 0.01) and cholesterol lower (P < 0.01) in the AIVB group than in the WMB12 group. Plasma concentrations of glucose, alanine aminotransferase, asparte aminotransferase and creatinine did not differ significantly in the different groups

    Supply of nutrients and productive responses in dairy cows given diets based on restrictively fermented silage

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    The objective of this paper is to review research which has evaluated the feeding of dairy cows with diets containing large proportions of grass silage. In Finland, milk production systems evolved are based on the use of restrictively fermented silages. Higher potential yields, smaller production risks than with cereal grains, short grazing period and high digestibility of grasses grown in northern latitudes have facilitated this development. Factors affecting nutrient supply from these diets are discussed. Digestibility is determined mainly by the stage of maturity at harvesting and it is not markedly affected by the level of energy and protein supplementation. Intake of grass silage is influenced both by digestibility and fermentation characteristics. Efficiency of microbial synthesis is high in animals given diets based on restrictively fermented silage but rumen fermentation pattern is characterised by low molar proportions of propionate. Production responses to additional concentrate are relatively small, especially when the amount of concentrate exceeds 10 kg day-1. High substitution of silage dry matter (DM), negative associative effects on digestion and partitioning of energy towards body tissues account for small production responses. Protein supplementation has consistently increased milk protein yield but responses do not appear to be related to the level of milk production, silage crude protein content, amount of concentrate or stage of lactation. The new protein evaluation system provides an accurate prediction of protein yield with the typical Finnish dairy cow diets. The high slopes (ca. 0.5) between protein supply and milk protein yield within experiments suggest that protein supply is suboptimal and protein supplements are used with a high efficiency

    Effects of heat treatment on protein feeds evaluated in vitro utilizing the method utilizable protein

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate effects of heat treatments on protein feeds for dairy cows utilising the in vitro method utilisable protein (uCP) using three protein feeds, field beans (Vicia faba), lupines (Lupinus albus) and peas (Pisum sativum). All the feeds in the study were grinded (1 mm sieve) and the three protein feeds were autoclaved with steam at increasing temperatures (105, 120 and 135°C) or dry oven-heated (120, 140 and 160°C) at increasing intervals (30, 60 and 90 min). The feeds (heat treated and untreated as a control) were incubated in vitro as components in complete diets for dairy cows utilising the method uCP. All diets were isonitrogenous with concentrations of 18% crude protein (CP) on dry matter (DM) basis. The diets consisted of grass silage (50% of DM) and varying proportions of barley (Hordeum vulgare) and protein feeds depending on the CP concentrations. The complete diets were incubated in buffered rumen fluid and the concentration uCP was calculated based on ammonia nitrogen measurements at different intervals in the liquid of the in vitro vessels. The gas productions during the fermentation in vitro were continuously recorded by an automatic system. The two methods for heat treatments, autoclaving with steam and dry oven-heating at medium and high levels were effective methods to increase the uCP concentrations. However, low heating temperatures decreased uCP concentrations for the pea diets and had no significant effect for the diets with lupines. Short exposure time (30 min) at the highest temperature in the autoclave increased uCP concentrations for the diets with field beans by 31%, lupines by 10% and peas by 7%, whereas the same time in the dry oven treatment decreased uCP concentrations by 10%, 14.% and 12%, respectively. Increasing the heat exposure time from 60 to 90 minutes at the highest treatment levels did not have any improving effects, except for the diets with the oven-treated peas. However at medium temperatures there was significant increase of the uCP concentrations for all evaluated diets. It was concluded heat treatment will affect the concentrations of uCP in dairy cow diets but the responses in animal production needs to be evaluated by production trials

    Effects of sodium sulphate and potassium chloride fertilizers on the nutritive value of timothy grown on different soils

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    Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvitettää natrium- ja kaliumlannoituksen vaikutusta timotein ravintoarvoon. Näytteet olivat Peltovuoren ja Yli-Hallan (1997) astiakokeesta, jossa selvitettiin Na- ja K-lannoituksen vaikutusta timotein Na, K, Ca ja Mg-pitoisuuteen ja satoon savi-, hieta- ja turvemaalla. Käytetyt ravinnemäärät olivat 0, 200 tai 400 mg Na l-1 kokeen alussa natriumsulfaattina ja 0, 100 tai 200 mg K 1-1 joka sadolle kaliumkloridina. Tähän tutkimukseen valittiin kolmannen sadon näytteet, koska niissä Na-pitoisuuden vaihtelu oli suurin (0,16-7,13 g kg-1). Vaikka timotei luetaan ns. natrofobisiin kasveihin, jotka ottavat huonosti natriumia versoihin, nousi timotein natriumpitoisuus huomattavasti. Na- ja K-lannoituksen vaikutusta timotein ravintoarvoon tutkittiin in vitro -kokein ja lisäksi määritettiin typpi, neutraalideterkenttikuitu (NDF), sokeri, rikki ja fosfori. Orgaanisen aineen in vitro -sulavuus määritettiin sellulaasimenetelmällä ja potentiaalinen kuiva-aineen ja NDF:n pötsisulavuus inkuboimalla näytettä 12 vrk nailonpussissa kahden lehmän pötsissä (in situ). Sulatuskinetiikan parametrit määritettiin mikrobikäymisen tuottaman kaasuntuotannon mittauksella ajan funktiona automaattisella mittauslaitteella, ja dynaamisen ja pötsimallin perusteella laskettiin potentiaalisesti sulavan kuiva-aineen pötsisulavuus ja kuiva-aineen todellinen pötsisulavuus. Lannoituksen vaikutus raakavalkuais-, NDF- ja sokeripitoisuuteen oli pieni. Na-lannoitus lisäsi hieman ja K-lannoitus vähensi typpipitoisuutta ja molemmat vähensivät laskennallista sokeripitoisuutta. NDF-pitoisuus nousi hieman Na-lannoituksella. Na-lannoitus lisäsi ja K-lannoitus vähensi rikki- ja fosforipitoisuutta vaikutuksen riippuessa maalajista. Na-lannoituksen vaikutukset orgaanisen aineen in vitro sulavuuteen sekä potentiaaliseen kuiva-aineen ja NDF:n pötsisulavuuteen olivat pieniä, vaikkakin tilastollisesti merkitseviä. Kokonaiskaasutuotanto ja nopeasti sulavan fraktion kaasutuotannon nopeus vähenivät, kun timotein typpi-, rikki-, kalsium-, magnesium-, fosfori- ja natriumpitoisuudet nousivat. Na-lannoituksella ei ollut vaikutusta sulatuskinetiikan parametreihin ja estimoituun potentiaalisesti sulavan kuiva-aineen pötsisulavuuteen tai kuiva-aineen todelliseen pötsisulavuuteen, kun taas K-lannoitus lisäsi hieman nopeasti sulavan fraktion kaasutuotannon nopeutta ja todellista kuiva-aineen pötsisulavuutta. Kaliumin vaikutus oli selvin turvemaalla. Maalajien välillä oli eroja kaasuntuotannon määrässä ja potentiaalisesti sulavan kuiva-aineen ja todellisessa kuiva-aineen pötsisulavuudessa, savimaa ruoho oli huonoiten ja turvemaan ruoho parhaiten sulavaa. Näiden tulosten mukaan Na-lannoituksella ei näytä olevan samanlaisia myönteistä vaikutusta timotein ravintoarvoon kuin brittiläistutkimuksissa on usein esitetty englannin raiheinällä, mutta K-lannoitus voi parantaa timotein ravintoarvoa K-puutteesta kärsivillä mailla.Third harvest samples from a pot experiment were analysed to study the effects of sodium (Na) (0, 200 and 400 mg dm-3 of soil in a single application as Na2SO4 . 10H2O) and potassium (K) application (0, 100 and 200 mg dm-3 applied at each harvest as KCl) on the nutritive value of timothy grown on three different soil types (clay, loam and organogenic soil). The effects of fertilization on concentrations of crude protein, neutral detergent fibre (NDF) and non-structural carbohydrates, although statistically significant, were relatively minor in absolute terms. Na applications increased and K applications decreased sulphur and phosphorus concentrations, the magnitude of which was dependent on soil type. The increase in sulphur concentration can be attributed to sulphate in Na-fertilizer. The effects of fertilizers on in vitro organic matter digestibility and the potential extent of dry matter (DM) and NDF digestibility were small. Digestion kinetic parameters estimated from fermentative gas production measured using a fully automated system were used in a rumen simulation model to estimate digestibility. Total gas volume and the rate of gas production from the rapidly digestible fraction were negatively correlated with timothy S and N concentrations. Na application had no effect, but K application increased true rumen DM digestibility, the effect being most profound on organogenic soil. The results suggest that Na application does not elicit substantial positive effects on the nutritive value of timothy which has often been reported for perennial ryegrass, but K application can improve the nutritive value of timothy grown on K deficient soil.vokNatrium- ja kaliumlannoituksen vaikutus timotein ravintoarvoo

    Methane production inventory between 1960–2020 in the Finnish dairy sector and the future mitigation scenarios

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    Enteric methane (CH4) represents about half of the climatic footprint of milk production in Finland. Methane is generated from the surplus hydrogen produced during the anaerobic feed digestion process in the rumen. Methane intensity per liter of energy corrected milk (g CH4 kg-1 ECM) is a function of the number of cows, milk yield (MY), replacement rate (RR), and the diet composition. This study aimed to model and report the inventory of CH4 from milk production in Finland between 1960 and 2020. Furthermore, we report the potential future scenarios of CH4 mitigation strategies based on the further development in MY and feed efficiency with constant or changing BW of cows. The diet composition of cattle was formulated for 5-year periods according to feed consumption statistics (ProAgria 2021) and the current metabolizable energy (ME) requirements for dairy cattle (Luke 2021a). The CH4 production from cattle was simulated using the formulated diets with the Nordic dairy cow model Karoline. The future CH4 mitigation scenarios of increased MY and improved feed efficiency were simulated using Lypsikki® dairy farm model. During the inventory period, the number of cows (1000) decreased from 1150 to less than 258, and MY increased three-fold. The total milk and CH4 production peaked in 1965 being 3650 and 110 million kg per year and decreased to 2300 and 48 million kg per year in 2020, respectively. Consequently, decreased number of cows and increased MY reduced the total CH4 production by 56%. In addition, CH4 intensity improved by 36% during the inventory period. Of the future scenarios, increased MY and improved feed efficiency had a substantial potential to improve CH4 intensity. In both scenarios maintaining the current BW of cows resulted in higher mitigation potential. We conclude that selecting more efficient animals has a significant CH4 mitigation potential.  

    Silage intake and milk production in cows given barley or barley fibre with or without dried distillers solubles

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    Twenty Friesian cows in four pens were arranged in a 4 x 4 Latin Square with a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement of treatments to evaluate the effect of barley fibre with solubles and dried distillers solubles (DDS) as a protein supplement on silage intake and milk production. Each experimental period lasted 4 wk, during which the cows were given ad libitum silage with one of the four supplements: barley (B), barley+ DDS (BD), barley fibre (F) and barley fibre+DDS (FD). All the supplements were given at the rate of 7.5 kg/day on dry matter (DM) basis. In cows given DDS, 0.9 kg of barley or barley fibre was replaced by DDS on DM basis. The principal carbohydrate constituent of the B supplement was starch and of the F supplement hemicellulose. Silage DM intake was 0.38 kg/day (

    Lypsylehmien valkuaisruokinnan optimointi

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    Effects of physical treatment of barley and rapeseed meal in dairy cows given grass silage-based diets

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    Twenty-four Ayrshire cows were used to study the effects of physical treatment of barley, rapeseed meal (RSM) supplementation and heat-moisture treatment of RSM on silage intake and milk production. Experimental design was a cyclic change-over with six dietary treatments. The treatments in a 2 x 3 factorial arrangement consisted of either untreated (UB) or heat-moisture treated barley (TB), given without protein supplementation (control) or with untreated or heat-moisture treated RSM. Grass silage was given ad libitum and the concentrates at a rate of 10 kg/d. For the RSM diets, 2 kg/d of the basal concentrate was replaced with either untreated or treated RSM. Treatment of barley decreased silage intake, the effect being greater when the supplement did not contain RSM. There was no effect on milk yield, but due to the lower milk fat content, energy corrected milk yield was lower in cows given TB than in those given UB. Feeding the TB diets was also associated with lower milk urea content, and with increased milk protein content but not protein yield. Faster initial rate of gas production in vitro suggested that the treatment of barley increased the rate of fermentation. Compared with the control diets, RSM supplementation significantly increased silage intake, milk yield, milk protein content and yields of all milk constituents. Heat-moisture treatment of RSM did not produce any further production response
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