8 research outputs found

    Sukusiitoksesta ja sen vaikutuksista labradorinnoutajalla

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    New national and regional biological records for Finland 10. Contributions to Bryophyta and Marchantiophyta 9

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    Six species of mosses (Bryophyta: Brachythecium udum, Lewinskya fastigiata, L. elegans, Polytrichastrum altaicum, P. septentrionale, Tortella densa) and two of liverworts (Marchantiophyta: Scapania parvifolia and Tritomaria excecta) are presented as new for Finland. One species, Brachythecium laetum, is removed from the Finnish checklist. New records in biogeographical provinces for 51 species of mosses and 32 species of liverworts are listed. Finally, two occurrences in biogeographical provinces are removed due to misidentifications

    New national and regional biological records for Finland 10. Contributions to Bryophyta and Marchantiophyta 9

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    Six species of mosses (Bryophyta: Brachythecium udum, Lewinskya fastigiata, L. elegans, Polytrichastrumaltaicum, P. septentrionale, Tortella densa) and two of liverworts (Marchantiophyta:Scapania parvifolia and Tritomaria excecta) are presented as new for Finland. One species,Brachythecium laetum, is removed from the Finnish checklist. New records in biogeographicalprovinces for 51 species of mosses and 32 species of liverworts are listed. Finally, two occurrencesin biogeographical provinces are removed due to misidentifications.</p

    Fuusioproteiini Fc-endostatiinin tuottaminen nisäkässolussa

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    Lääkkeinä käytettäviä arvokkaita valkuaisaineita on puhdistettu aiemmin luonnollisista lähteistä. Geenitekniikan avulla niitä voidaan nykyään tuottaa rekombinanttiproteiineina solutehtaissa eli tuottosoluissa, joihin on siirretty halutunlaisen valkuaisaineen valmistumista ohjaava geenirakenne. Rekombinanttiproteiini voi sisältää luonnollisen valkuaisaineen rakenteiden ohella lisärakenteita, erilaisia puhdistushäntiä tai myös jonkin toisen proteiinin rakenneosia. Nämä tehostavat lääkeproteiinin talteenottoa tai parantavat sen stabiilisuutta tai vaikutusajan kestoa elimistössä. Opinnäytetyössä tavoitteena oli tuottaa verisuonten muodostumista vähentävää endostatiinia rekombinanttimuodossa, jossa IgG-vasta-ainemolekyylin Fc-osaan oli saumattomasti liitetty endostatiini. Fc-endostatiini-fuusiovasta-ainetta tuotettiin kaupallisessa nisäkässolulinjassa, hamsterin soluissa (CHO, Chinese Hamster Ovary). Endostatiinia voidaan käyttää muun muassa syövän hoidossa estämään kasvainta ruokkivan verisuoniston muodostumista. Opinnäytetyö tehtiin Oulun Yliopistossa, Biolääketieteen laitoksen Fysiologian yksikössä. Työ oli osa laajempaa Euroopan aluekehitysrahaston rahoittamaa toimintaympäristön kehittämishanketta, Biopalvelut kilpailukykyisiksi tuotteiksi, jossa kehitettiin uudenlaisia molekyylityökaluja sekä tuotantomenetelmiä erilaisten vasta-aineiden tuottoon. Työssä siirrettiin onnistuneesti rekombinanttivasta-ainekonstrukti nisäkässoluihin, joiden tuottamaa vieraan geenin ohjeen mukaista valkuaisainetta pystyttiin havaitsemaan tuottomediumissa ELISA-määrityksillä, polyklonaalisten endostatiini- tai anti-human-vasta-aineen avulla

    Muuttuva ja moninainen kielenoppiminen

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    This article, a lead-in to the special issue, starts by discussing the key characteristics of language education in Finland, with a special focus on how the official bilingualism and development of multilingualism feature in the structures of language education. Secondly, the article presents some recent turns in research on language use and learning, which have influenced current ways of understanding language learning. Research has shown that language learning is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon, which needs to be approached from various disciplinary angles. Thirdly, the article discusses ways of portraying the complexity and layeredness of language and language learning and identifies five key themes characterising the way language learning is approached in the articles of this special issue. Finally, the 17 articles in the special issue are presented.peerReviewe

    Rhizoanalysis of Sociomaterial Entanglements in Teacher Interviews

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    This chapter explores how the entangled relationship between the material and social in teachers’ perceptions of change can be empirically investigated. More specifically, the chapter adopts a DeleuzoGuattarian rhizoanalytic assemblage approach and the notion of becoming to capture the dynamic and fluid nature of social and material affects. The study re-analyses three teacher interviews from data sets originally collected for different research purposes but with the theme of change relevant in each interview. The findings show that rhizomatic analysis and approaching interviews as assemblages can yield important insights about material realities. For example, they indicate how teachers’ ways of becoming depend on complex and unpredictable intra-actions of social and material reality and how different aspects of materiality may constrain or come into conflict with each other and have agency. The chapter concludes by discussing the methodological implications of the essentially non-hierarchical rhizoanalytic approach.peerReviewe

    DNA Copy Number Losses in Human Neoplasms

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    This review summarizes reports of recurrent DNA sequence copy number losses in human neoplasms detected by comparative genomic hybridization. Recurrent losses that affect each of the chromosome arms in 73 tumor types are tabulated from 169 reports. The tables are available online at http://www.amjpathol.org and http://www.helsinki.fi/∼lgl_www/CMG.html. The genes relevant to the lost regions are discussed for each of the chromosomes. The review is supplemented also by a list of known and putative tumor suppressor genes and DNA repair genes (see Table 1, online). Losses are found in all chromosome arms, but they seem to be relatively rare at 1q, 2p, 3q, 5p, 6p, 7p, 7q, 8q, 12p, and 20q. Losses and their minimal common overlapping areas that were present in a great proportion of the 73 tumor entities reported in Table 2 (see online) are (in descending order of frequency): 9p23-p24 (48%), 13q21 (47%), 6q16 (44%), 6q26-q27 (44%), 8p23 (37%), 18q22-q23 (37%), 17p12-p13 (34%), 1p36.1 (34%), 11q23 (33%), 1p22 (32%), 4q32-qter (31%), 14q22-q23 (25%), 10q23 (25%), 10q25-qter (25%),15q21 (23%), 16q22 (23%), 5q21 (23%), 3p12-p14 (22%), 22q12 (22%), Xp21 (21%), Xq21 (21%), and 10p12 (20%). The frequency of losses at chromosomes 7 and 20 was less than 10% in all tumors. The chromosomal regions in which the most frequent losses are found implicate locations of essential tumor suppressor genes and DNA repair genes that may be involved in the pathogenesis of several tumor types