28 research outputs found

    The impact of the crisis on the energy demand and energy intensity in Central and Eastern European countries

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    The purpose of our paper is to analyze the impact of the recent crisis on the oil and electricity demand and the energy intensity of different Central and Eastern European countries, namely the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia. Furthermore, we would like to reveal whether there is a lag in the adjustment of energy consumption. In analyzing energy intensity, we use motor gasoline, diesel oil and electricity consumption data and ignore coal and natural gas data. By so doing, we avoid failures arising from changing coal/gas consumption due to changing weather conditions. Our results show that the crisis did impact energy consumption and reveal that the improvement of energy intensity halted in 2009, implying that the economic players did not immediately adjust their energy consumption according to their economic activity. The gasoline and diesel intensity, however, deteriorated (increased) only in the Czech Republic and in Hungary. In Slovakia and Poland there were no significant changes.oil consumption, energy intensity, crisis, Central and Eastern Europe

    Olajipari együttműködések a vállalati stratégiák alapján = Cooperation in the petroleum industry in light of the corporate strategies

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    Az 1970-es évek államosításait követően a kialakultak a hatalmas olajkészletek felett őrködő állami olajtársaságok (national oil companies, NOC) és az olajkészletekkel alig rendelkező nemzetközi olajipari magántársaságok (international oil companies, IOC). A szakirodalomban uralkodó két egyik nézet egyike szerint az nemzetközi olajtársaságok a jövőben továbbra is fontos szerepet kapnak az állami olajtársaságok kapcsolataiban, a másik nézet szerint pedig a nemzetközi olajtársaságok helyét – legalábbis részben – állami olajtársaságok veszik át, így az IOC-k egyre inkább kiszorulnak az olajpiacról. A szerző az iparági tapasztalatokra kíváncsi, s a vállalatok által megvalósított, vagy meg nem valósított együttműködések vizsgálatával próbálja megválaszolni a fenti kérdést, azt tehát, hogy az állami olajtársaságok kiszorítják-e helyükről a nemzetközi olajtársaságokat. Az olajipari vállalati adatok hozzáférhetetlensége miatt a szerző kevésbé kvantitatív elemzést, mint inkább kvalitatív módszereket használt. (...

    The impact of the crisis on the energy demand and energy intensity in Central and Eastern European countries

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    The purpose of our paper is to analyze the impact of the recent crisis on the oil and electricity demand and the energy intensity of different Central and Eastern European countries, namely the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia. Furthermore, we would like to reveal whether there is a lag in the adjustment of energy consumption. In analyzing energy intensity, we use motor gasoline, diesel oil and electricity consumption data and ignore coal and natural gas data. By so doing, we avoid failures arising from changing coal/gas consumption due to changing weather conditions. Our results show that the crisis did impact energy consumption and reveal that the improvement of energy intensity halted in 2009, implying that the economic players did not immediately adjust their energy consumption according to their economic activity. The gasoline and diesel intensity, however, deteriorated (increased) only in the Czech Republic and in Hungary. In Slovakia and Poland there were no significant changes

    Balassagyarmat vonzáskörzetének vizsgálata

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    Jelen szakdolgozatomat a 2009/2010-es tanévben írtam Balassagyarmat vonzáskörzetének vizsgálata címmel.régi képzésföldrajztanárig

    3D középkori City Management játék

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    A dolgozat célja egy grafikai felülettel rendelkező 3D-s középkori városépítős játék saját modellekkel. Célja az, hogy minél nagyobb gazdasági siker mellett építsük fel városunkat. A program C# nyelven íródott, Godot játék engine felhasználásával

    Strategies of Oil and Gas Corporations. A Review of the Literature

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    In our paper we seek to answer the question of what the publicly available literature says about the upstream and downstream strategies of oil and gas corporations in the first decade of the 21st century. We would like to know what energy source or technology do national and international oil companies focus on in producing hydrocarbons or replacing their hydrocarbon reserves (conventional vs. non-conventional oil or gas, renewables, gas-to-liquid, coal-to-liquid, biofuels, deepwater drilling etc.). Our further question is how the geographic location of upstream and downstream assets changed between 2000 and 2010. In addition, we would like to know how international oil companies (IOCs) and national oil companies (NOCs) cooperate. We found that there is quite an extensive literature on the cooperation of NOCs and IOCs, mostly focusing on future expectations and assuming that the groups of IOCs and NOCs are homogeneous. Further, although the questions raised are of crucial importance for oil companies, there is a lack of publicly available research on how individual firms compete, how and whether their focus on different energy sources changed (e.g. from oil to gas), what upstream technology they develop and how they locate their upstream and downstream assets.