1,850 research outputs found

    Business Cycle at a Sectoral Level: the Portuguese Case

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    The existence of comovement across different sectors is an important feature of the business cycle definition. The purpose of this work is to characterise the Portuguese sectoral business cycle, with particular emphasis on the comovement phenomenon, for the years 1953-2003 in terms of both GVA and employment. Inthe last fifty years substantial structural changes were observed in the Portuguese economy. These changes mean that some sectors, notably the service sectors, are growing in relative terms. Despite the existing differences in characteristics, such as trend and volatility, there is evidence for the presence of comovement among Portuguese activity sectors. A discussion on the causes of such phenomenon, such as the input-output linkages, in light of the Portuguese economy is done.

    An input-output analysis: linkages vs leakages

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    Resorting to input-output analysis, intersectoral linkages are investigated. For such assessment, the distinction between imported and domestically supplied inputs, which has been disregarded so far in empirical analysis, is crucial. Besides improving the measurement of domestic linkages, it also allows to evaluate the importance of international trade in the production process. Moreover, the interaction between domestic linkages and leakages resulting from international trade can also be analysed. Using as case study a small open economy, the Portuguese one, we assess sectoral interdependence and trade effects for individual sectors as well as for the economy as a whole.

    Hedonic Prices Indexes for New Passenger Cars in Portugal (1997- 2001)

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    This paper evaluates the effects of quality change on the price index for new passenger cars in Portugal for the years 1997-2001. Hedonic regression models are studied, giving particular emphasis to the relation between the form of the price index and the specification of the hedonic equation and estimation method used. It is argued that when log-linear hedonic functions are used the effects of quality change should be evaluated using a method akin to the Oaxaca decomposition (Oaxaca R., 1973, "Male-Female Wage Differentials in Urban Labor Markets", International Economic Review, 14, 693-709), rather than using the traditional dummy variables method. The results of the empirical part of the paper indicate that the CPI component corresponding to the sales of new passenger cars may have been overestimated by as much as 2.2 percentage points per year. This corresponds to an overestimation of the overall CPI by about 0.15 percentage points per year. As a by- product of this analysis it is also possible to conclude that the quality of new cars sold in Portugal increased on average 4.8 percent per year during this period.CPI bias; Heteroskedasticity; Oaxaca decomposition.

    Hedonic Prices Indexes for New Passenger Cars in Portugal (1997-2001)

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    In this paper we study the effects of quality change on the price index for new passenger cars in Portugal for the years 1997-2001. Hedonic regression models are studied, giving particular emphasis to the relation between the form of the price index and the specification of the hedonic equation and estimation method used. The results indicate that the CPI component correponding to this item may have been overestimated by as much as 2.2 percentage points per year. This corresponds to an overestimation of the overall CPI by about 0.15 percentage points per year. As a by-product of the analysis it is also possible to conclude that the the quality of new cars sold in Portugal increased on average 4.8 per cent per year during this period.

    Immunohistochemical Expression of Growth Factors in the Follicular Wall of Normal and Cystic Ovaries of Sows

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    Contents: The expression of growth factors was evaluated immunohistochemically in normal and cystic ovaries of sows. The immunohistochemically stained area (IHCSA) was quantified by image analysis to analyse the expression of these proteins in the follicular wall of secondary, tertiary and cystic follicles. IGF-I immunoreactivity was strong in the granulosa cell layer (GC), moderate in the theca interna (TI) and mild in the theca externa (TE) of the normal follicles. There was severe reduction of the labelling to IGF-I in the GC of the follicular and luteinized cysts. In the normal follicles, the reactivity for IGF-II was very similar to pattern noted in IGF-I. There was reduction of the IHCSAs in the GC of the follicular and luteinized cysts, but the decrease was not significant. The staining of the IGF-II in the TI and TE of the cysts was increased, in comparison with normal follicles. The IHCSAs for VEGF were higher in the GC and TE of the normal follicles in contrast to TI, but this difference was noted only in the tertiary follicle. The VEGF reactivity increased in the GC of the cysts, in relation to normal follicles. The results of the current study show that the formation of ovarian cysts in sows is associated with alterations in the immunohistochemical expression of some growth factors.Fil: Sant'Ana, F. J. F.. Universidade do BrasĂ­lia; BrasilFil: Reis Junior, J. L.. Universidade do BrasĂ­lia; BrasilFil: Blume, G. R.. Universidade do BrasĂ­lia; BrasilFil: Gimeno, Eduardo Juan. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas; ArgentinaFil: Rey, Florencia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Centro CientĂ­fico TecnolĂłgico Conicet - Santa Fe. Instituto de Ciencias Veterinarias del Litoral. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Instituto de Ciencias Veterinarias del Litoral; ArgentinaFil: Ortega, Hugo Hector. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Centro CientĂ­fico TecnolĂłgico Conicet - Santa Fe. Instituto de Ciencias Veterinarias del Litoral. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Instituto de Ciencias Veterinarias del Litoral; Argentin


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    Um doente seropositivo para o VIH1 é observado com lesões múltiplas eritemato-violáceas com bordo elevado, confluentes, localizadas ao escroto. No corpo do pénis estavam presentes placas eritematosas ovaladas isoladas, com superfície não descamativa. As lesões evoluíam desde há 2 semanas e eram assintomáticas, sendo sugestivas de granuloma annulare. Concomitantemente haviam surgido lesões eritematosas maculosas ovaladas discretas, dispersas pelo tronco e membros superiores. Foi realizada biopsia cutânea de uma lesão escrotal que revelou infiltrado liquenóide de células mononucleadas, rico em plasmócitos. O sífilis screening foi positivo e RPR reactivo com título 1:256. Foi estabelecido o diagnóstico de sífilis secundária e o doente foi medicado com 3 injecções intramusculares de penicilina benzatínica (2.4 MU 1x/semana).Nos doentes com co-infecção pelo VIH, a clínica da sífilis poderá ser mais exuberante e com apresentações clínicas atípicas. A sífilis, sendo “a grande imitadora”, deve ser um diagnóstico a considerar mesmo perante manifestações clínicas que evoquem outras entidades.A 30-year-old HIV1 positive male, presented with multiple erythematous-violaceous lesions, with elevated borders and an annular configuration, restricted to the penis and scrotum. The lesions were asymptomatic, evolved for 2 weeks, and clinically resembled granuloma annulare. He also had discrete erythematous papules in the trunk that appeared simultaneously.A cutaneous biopsy was made and histopathology revealed a lichenoid infiltrate, mainly of plasma cells. Syphilis screening was positive, with a positive TPHA and a reactive RPR (titer of 1:256). The diagnosis of secondary syphilis was established and the patient was submitted to treatment with 3 weekly doses of intramuscular benzathine penicillin (2.4 million units).HIV co-infection can affect the initial presentation, disease course and hamper syphilis diagnosis. Syphilis, known as “the great imitator”, must be kept in mind, even before unusual presentations, especially in HIV positive patients

    A Novel Plant-Based Protein Has Similar Effects Compared to Whey Protein on Body Composition, Strength, Power, and Aerobic Performance in Professional and Semi-Professional Futsal Players

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    IntroductionThe effects of dietary protein on body composition and physical performance seemingly depend on the essential amino acid profile of the given protein source, although controversy exists about whether animal protein sources may possess additional anabolic properties to plant-based protein sources. PurposeTo compare the effects of a novel plant-based protein matrix and whey protein supplementation on body composition, strength, power, and endurance performance of trained futsal players. MethodsFifty male futsal players were followed during 8 weeks of supplementation, with 40 completing the study either with plant-based protein (N = 20) or whey protein (N = 20). The following measures were assessed: bone mineral content, lean body mass, and fat mass; muscle thickness of the rectus femoris; total body water; blood glucose, hematocrit, C-reactive protein, aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase, creatine kinase, creatinine, and estimated glomerular filtration rate; salivary cortisol; maximal strength and 1-RM testing of the back squat and bench press exercises; muscle power and countermovement jump; VO2max and maximal aerobic speed. Subjects were asked to maintain regular dietary habits and record dietary intake every 4 weeks through 3-day food records. ResultsNo differences in any variable were observed between groups at baseline or pre- to post-intervention. Moreover, no time*group interaction was observed in any of the studied variables, and a time effect was only observed regarding fat mass reduction. ConclusionsSupplementing with either a novel plant-based protein matrix or whey protein did not affect any of the variables assessed in high-level futsal players over 8 wks. These results suggest that whey protein does not possess any unique anabolic properties over and above those of plant-based proteins when equated to an essential amino acid profile in the population studied. Furthermore, when consuming a daily protein intake >1.6 g/kg BW.day(-1), additional protein supplementation does not affect body composition or performance in trained futsal players, regardless of protein type/source

    The effects of 12 weeks in-water training in stroke kinematics, dry-land power, and swimming sprints performance in master swimmers

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    Background: Master swimming is becoming increasingly popular, but research related to the training process and its effect on this population is scarce. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of 12 weeks in-water training in stroke kinematics, dry-land power, and swimming sprints performance in master swimmers, and the relationships between these variables in this sports population. Methods: 15 healthy and physically active male master swimmers (age 32.3 ± 5.1 years, height 1.81 ± 0.04 m, body mass 77.0 ± 6.5 kg, training experience of 11 ± 4 years and average swimming training volume ~2.5 km/day, 3 times a week) participated in the study. Previously and after the intervention program, entirely water-based, swimmers were tested in a dry-land environment to assess their upper and lower body limbs (UL and LL) strength through power measurements, namely countermovement jumps (CMJ), seated 3 kg medicine ball throwing (MBT) and maximal isometric strength with handgrip (HG). In-water 50 m maximal front crawl swimming test was also completed. Swimming performance at 15, 25, and 50 m (T15, T25, and T50) was determined, and the associated stroke kinematics. During the intervention program period, swimming training comprised three sessions per week (7.5 ± 0.9 km per microcycle), with low to high-intensity aerobic and anaerobic swimming series and technical drills. Results: T25 significantly decreased after 12 weeks of training (18.82 ± 2.92 vs. 18.60 ± 2.87 sec, p = 0.02), the same was observed in the case of T50 (40.36 ± 7.54 vs. 38.32 ± 6.41 sec, p = 0.00). Changes in stroke rate (SR), stroke length (SL) and stroke index (SI) in swimming performance at 15 m were not observed, contrarily to 25 and 50 m, where SL and SI significantly increased. MBT and HG improved, but not CMJ, and improvements in T15, T25 and T50 were mostly related to kinematic proficiency improvement. Conclusions: 12 weeks of in-water training in master swimmers significantly enhance performance time in 25 and 50 m front crawl swimming. SL and SI are also improved and are the variables that most influence T15, T25 and T50 when compared to SR and dry-land power variables. Centering the training process not only in in-water tasks in master swimmers seem to be of relevant interest since age influences stroke kinematic and power variables.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Bacteriocin production by Escherichia coli during biofilm development

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    Escherichia coli is a highly versatile bacterium ranging from commensal to intestinal pathogen, and is an important foodborne pathogen. E. coli species are able to prosper in multispecies biofilms and secrete bacteriocins that are only toxic to species/strains closely related to the producer strain. In this study, 20 distinct E. coli strains were characterized for several properties that confer competitive advantages against closer microorganisms by assessing the biofilm-forming capacity, the production of antimicrobial molecules, and the production of siderophores. Furthermore, primer sets for E. coli bacteriocins–colicins were designed and genes were amplified, allowing us to observe that colicins were widely distributed among the pathogenic E. coli strains. Their production in the planktonic phase or single-species biofilms was uncommon. Only two E. coli strains out of nine biofilm-forming were able to inhibit the growth of other E. coli strains. There is evidence of larger amounts of colicin being produced in the late stages of E. coli biofilm growth. The decrease in bacterial biomass after 12 h of incubation indicates active type I colicin production, whose release normally requires E. coli cell lysis. Almost all E. coli strains were siderophore-producing, which may be related to the resistance to colicin as these two molecules may use the same transporter system. Moreover, E. coli CECT 504 was able to coexist with Salmonella enterica in dual-species biofilms, but Shigella dysenteriae was selectively excluded, correlating with high expression levels of colicin (E, B, and M) genes observed by real-time PCR.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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