8,097 research outputs found

    U.S. Hispanic Country-of-Origin Counts for Nation, Top 30 Metropolitan Areas

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    Based on 2010 census data, summarizes trends in the countries of origin of Latinos/Hispanics compared with 2000, including the fastest-growing groups and their distribution across metropolitan areas

    Exact and Efficient Simulation of Concordant Computation

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    Concordant computation is a circuit-based model of quantum computation for mixed states, that assumes that all correlations within the register are discord-free (i.e. the correlations are essentially classical) at every step of the computation. The question of whether concordant computation always admits efficient simulation by a classical computer was first considered by B. Eastin in quant-ph/1006.4402v1, where an answer in the affirmative was given for circuits consisting only of one- and two-qubit gates. Building on this work, we develop the theory of classical simulation of concordant computation. We present a new framework for understanding such computations, argue that a larger class of concordant computations admit efficient simulation, and provide alternative proofs for the main results of quant-ph/1006.4402v1 with an emphasis on the exactness of simulation which is crucial for this model. We include detailed analysis of the arithmetic complexity for solving equations in the simulation, as well as extensions to larger gates and qudits. We explore the limitations of our approach, and discuss the challenges faced in developing efficient classical simulation algorithms for all concordant computations.Comment: 16 page

    Generalized Sparse Discriminant Analysis for Event-Related Potential Classification

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    A brain computer interface (BCI) is a system which provides direct communication between the mind of a person and the outside world by using only brain activity (EEG). The event-related potential (ERP)-based BCI problem consists of a binary pattern recognition. Linear discriminant analysis (LDA) is widely used to solve this type of classification problems, but it fails when the number of features is large relative to the number of observations. In this work we propose a penalized version of the sparse discriminant analysis (SDA), called generalized sparse discriminant analysis (GSDA), for binary classification. This method inherits both the discriminative feature selection and classification properties of SDA and it also improves SDA performance through the addition of Kullback-Leibler class discrepancy information. The GSDA method is designed to automatically select the optimal regularization parameters. Numerical experiments with two real ERP-EEG datasets show that, on one hand, GSDA outperforms standard SDA in the sense of classification performance, sparsity and required computing time, and, on the other hand, it also yields better overall performances, compared to well-known ERP classification algorithms, for single-trial ERP classification when insufficient training samples are available. Hence, GSDA constitute a potential useful method for reducing the calibration times in ERP-based BCI systems.Fil: Peterson, Victoria. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Instituto de Investigación en Señales, Sistemas e Inteligencia Computacional. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Ingeniería y Ciencias Hídricas. Instituto de Investigación en Señales, Sistemas e Inteligencia Computacional; ArgentinaFil: Rufiner, Hugo Leonardo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Instituto de Investigación en Señales, Sistemas e Inteligencia Computacional. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Ingeniería y Ciencias Hídricas. Instituto de Investigación en Señales, Sistemas e Inteligencia Computacional; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos. Facultad de Ingeniería; ArgentinaFil: Spies, Ruben Daniel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Instituto de Matemática Aplicada del Litoral. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Instituto de Matemática Aplicada del Litoral; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Ingeniería Química; Argentin

    La religiosidad como búsqueda y su relación con la orientación intrínseca y extrínseca

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    Allport and Ross (1967) originally developed the religious orientation concept, identifying two types: intrinsic and extrinsic orientation. Later, Batson (1976) conceptualized a third type: the quest orientation, measured by the unidimensional Quest Religious Orientation Scale. However, subsequent works have reported the presence of a three-factor structure: preparation, self-criticism and openness. The aim of this work was the adaptation of the Quest Religious Orientation Scale to the Argentinean context in order to account for its dimensionality and to analyze its relationship with I-E Age Universal Scale (intrinsic and extrinsic orientation) in a sample of 334 university students (36.2% men) with an age range of 18 to 42 years (M = 24.8, SD = 2.63). The main results indicate a better fit of the data to the three correlated dimensions model of the Quest Religious Orientation Scale. This model allowed us to distinguish the relationship of each factor and the intrinsic and extrinsic orientations discovering significant differential relationships.El concepto de orientación religiosa fue originalmente desarrollado por Allport y Ross (1967), quienes identificaron dos tipos: intrínseca y extrínseca. Luego, Batson (1976) conceptualizó un tercer tipo: la orientación Quest, evaluada a través de la escala unidimensional de orientación religiosa Quest. Sin embargo, trabajos posteriores señalaron la presencia de una estructura trifactorial: preparación, autocrítica y apertura. El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo principal la adaptación de la escala Quest al contexto argentino, analizando su dimensionalidad y las relaciones con las orientaciones extrínseca e intrínseca (I-E Age Universal Scale) en una muestra de 334 estudiantes universitarios (36.2% hombres) con una edad que oscilaba entre los 18 y los 42 años (M = 24.8, SD = 2.63). Los resultados indican un mejor ajuste de los datos al modelo de tres dimensiones correlacionadas de la escala de orientación religiosa Quest. Este modelo permitió distinguir la relación de cada factor con las orientaciones extrínseca e intrínseca descubriendo relaciones significativas diferenciales.Fil: Jaume, Luis Carlos. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Psicología; ArgentinaFil: Simkin, Hugo Andrés. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Psicología; ArgentinaFil: Etchezahar, Edgardo Daniel. Universidad de Buenos Aires; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Seven-dimensional forest fires

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    We show that in high dimensional Bernoulli percolation, removing from a thin infinite cluster a much thinner infinite cluster leaves an infinite component. This observation has implications for the van den Berg-Brouwer forest fire process, also known as self-destructive percolation, for dimension high enough.Comment: 8 page

    Optimisation des opérations du système auxiliaire électrique d’un vraquier de taille "handysize"

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    L’industrie maritime transporte 80% des marchandises mondiales. De plus, c’est le mode de transportation le plus efficace en termes d’émission de dioxyde de carbone (CO2) par tonne- kilomètre de cargaison transportée. Cependant, cette recherche montre qu’un vraquier de taille handysize émet au minimum l’équivalent de 650 voitures légères par jour par navire. En effet, les navires marchands ont besoin d’électricité pour faire fonctionner leurs machineries lourdes comme les grues de pont. L’électricité est aussi nécessaire pour les essentielles et les services généraux comme l’éclairage, les cuisines, les ordinateurs de bord, les électroménagers, etc. Cette consommation d’énergie peut être comparée à celle d’une petite ville. Historiquement, l’électricité a toujours été générée par des génératrices au diesel sur des navires marchands. Cependant, il serait plus efficace et environnemental de connecter le navire au réseau électrique disponible sur terre. Ce processus s’appelle l’alimentation à quai. Plusieurs techniques existent pour réaliser cette connexion, mais elles sont souvent très dispendieuses et comportent de nombreux défis. Ce document présente une revue étendue de littérature sur la décarbonation de l’industrie maritime et propose l’alimentation à quai comme la prochaine étape vers une industrie maritime verte. Une analyse forces, faiblesses, opportunités et menaces (FFOM) de l’alimentation à quai est discutée. Une étude de l’impact de l’alimentation à quai sur un vraquier sec montre que l’indicateur d’intensité de carbone (IIC) de l’Organisation Maritime International (OMI) peut être réduit de 7,8%. Ensuite, une étude multi objectif a permis d’identifier les meilleures solutions pour éliminer les émissions des navires au port. L’étude de cas fondé sur des vrais profile de consommation d’énergie a révélé qu’une connexion basse tension combinée à une petite batterie de 60 kWh peut éliminer les émissions du navire au port. Cette solution réduirait les émissions de 5,5 tonnes de CO2 par jour par bateau pour un investissement initial de 323 k.Lesysteˋmedegestiondesca^blespourraitaussie^treinstalleˊaˋquaipluto^tquesurlenavirediminuantainsilesfraispourlesarmateursdemoitieˊ.Uneanalysetechnico−eˊconomiquemontrequeleprojetauraitunretoursurl’investissementde15anspouvante^trereˊduitaˋ6anssileprojeteˊtaitsubventionneˊaˋ50Finalement,lepotentieldel’alimentationaˋquaipourreˊduiredeseˊmissionsdegazaˋeffetdeserre(GES)surlaroutecommercialeduSaint−LaurentetdesGrandsLacsestimportant.Deplus,lesbeˊneˊficesdel’alimentationaˋquaisontlargementaugmenteˊsgra^ceaucou^tabordabledel’eˊlectriciteˊauQueˊbec.Alorsquelefuturdeladeˊcarbonationdel’industriemaritimen’estpasencoredeˊfinie,l’alimentationaˋquaiestunemesurequipeute^treimpleˊmenteˊedeˋsmaintenantetquipeutaˋcoupsu^rdiminuerleseˊmissionsdeCO2delamarinemarchande.Abstract:Theshippingindustrycarries80. Le système de gestion des câbles pourrait aussi être installé à quai plutôt que sur le navire diminuant ainsi les frais pour les armateurs de moitié. Une analyse technico-économique montre que le projet aurait un retour sur l’investissement de 15 ans pouvant être réduit à 6 ans si le projet était subventionné à 50%. Finalement, le potentiel de l’alimentation à quai pour réduire des émissions de gaz à effet de serre (GES) sur la route commerciale du Saint-Laurent et des Grands Lacs est important. De plus, les bénéfices de l’alimentation à quai sont largement augmentés grâce au coût abordable de l’électricité au Québec. Alors que le futur de la décarbonation de l’industrie maritime n’est pas encore définie, l’alimentation à quai est une mesure qui peut être implémentée dès maintenant et qui peut à coup sûr diminuer les émissions de CO2 de la marine marchande.Abstract: The shipping industry carries 80% of worldwide commerce. Furthermore, it is the most efficient means of transportation in terms of emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) per ton-kilometer of transported cargo. However, this research shows that a handysize dry bulk carrier emits at least the equivalent of 650 light cars per day per ships. Indeed, ships need electricity to keep heavy equipment working like their deck cranes. They also need it for essential and crew services such as lighting, cooking, computers, laundry, etc. This energy consumption can be compared to the one of small cities. Historically, the electricity of such a ship always had been generated by the on-board diesel generators (DG). Yet, a more efficient and environmentally friendly way to supply electricity to the ship would be to connect the ship to the onshore electrical network. This process is referred to as shore power, cold ironing (CI), alternative marine power (AMP), onshore power supply (OPS) or shore-to-ship (SSP). Many ways exist to perform this connection; however, they can be extremely expensive and include many challenges. This document presents an extensive literature review of shipping decarbonization and proposes shore power as the next step toward green shipping. The strengths, weakness, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis of shore power in discussed and a policy impact study of shore power on a dry bulk carrier showed that the carbon intensity index (CII) of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) could be reduced of 7.8% with shore power. Then, a multi-objective approach permitted to find the best solution to eliminate the emissions from the ship in port. The test case with real load profiles revealed that a low voltage connection combined with a small battery of 60 kWh can eliminate emissions from the ship in port. This solution reduces the carbon emissions of 5.5 tons of CO2 per day per ship for a capital expenditure (CAPEX) of 323 k. If the cable management system was installed on shore instead of on the ship, the CAPEX could be reduced by half for shipowners. A technical-economic study estimated a payback period of 15 years that could be reduced to 6 years if the project was subsidized at 50%. Finally, the potential of shore power to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emission in the St. Lawrence River and Great Lakes maritime route is massive and the affordable electricity price in Quebec further increases the benefits of shore power. While the future of maritime decarbonization is unclear, shore power is a measure that can be implemented by now and in which the benefits it can achieve in terms of emission reductions are guaranteed for maritime transportation
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