1,846 research outputs found

    OncoLog Volume 46, Number 10, October 2001

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    Surgical Techniques, New Agents Target Breast Disease with Increasing Accuracy Undiagnosed Breast Clinic Provides Answers for Concerned Patients House Call: Tips for Coping with the Cosmetic Effects of Breast Cancer DiaLog: Breast Cancer and Body Image, by Mary K. Hughes, MS, RN, Department of Psychiatry New Screening and Diagnostic Techniques Are Changing the Practice of Breast Imaginghttps://openworks.mdanderson.org/oncolog/1100/thumbnail.jp

    Prudent female allocation by modular hermaphrodites: female investment is promoted by the opportunity to outcross in cyclostome bryozoans

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    Many sessile, suspension-feeding marine invertebrates mate by spermcasting: aquatic sperm are spawned and gathered by conspecific individuals to fertilize eggs that are generally retained during development. In two phylogenetically distant examples, a cheilostome bryozoan and an aplousobranch ascidian, the receipt of allosperm has previously been shown to alter sex allocation by triggering female investment in eggs and brooding. Here we report experiments demonstrating that two species of cyclostome bryozoan also show restrained female investment in the absence of mating opportunity. In Tubulipora plumosa, the production of female zooids and progeny is much reduced in reproductive isolation. In Filicrisia geniculata, development of distinctive female zooids (gonozooids) begins but halts in the absence of mating opportunity, and no completed gonozooids or progeny result. Reduced female investment in the absence of a mate thus occurs in at least two orders of Bryozoa, but significant differences in detail exist and the evolutionary history within the phylum of the mechanism(s) by which female investment is initiated might be complex. The broadening taxonomic spectrum of examples where female investment appears restrained until allosperm becomes available may signify a general adaptive strategy among outcrossing modular animals, analogous to similarly adaptive sex allocation typical of many flowering plants

    Comets, historical records and vedic literature

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    A verse in book I of Rigveda mentions a cosmic tree with rope-like aerial roots held up in the sky. Such an imagery might have ensued from the appearance of a comet having `tree stem' like tail, with branched out portions resembling aerial roots. Interestingly enough, a comet referred to as `heavenly tree' was seen in 162 BC, as reported by old Chinese records. Because of weak surface gravity, cometary appendages may possibly assume strange shapes depending on factors like rotation, structure and composition of the comet as well as solar wind pattern. Varahamihira and Ballala Sena listed several comets having strange forms as reported originally by ancient seers such as Parashara, Vriddha Garga, Narada and Garga. Mahabharata speaks of a mortal king Nahusha who ruled the heavens when Indra, king of gods, went into hiding. Nahusha became luminous and egoistic after absorbing radiance from gods and seers. When he kicked Agastya (southern star Canopus), the latter cursed him to become a serpent and fall from the sky. We posit arguments to surmise that this Mahabharata lore is a mythical recounting of a cometary event wherein a comet crossed Ursa Major, moved southwards with an elongated tail in the direction of Canopus and eventually went out of sight. In order to check whether such a conjecture is feasible, a preliminary list of comets (that could have or did come close to Canopus) drawn from various historical records is presented and discussed.Comment: This work was presented in the International Conference on Oriental Astronomy held at IISER, Pune (India) during November, 201

    Absolute Determination of Stress in Textured Materials

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    The continuum theory of elastic wave propagation in deformed, anisotropic solids is reviewed with emphasis on those features which might be used to distinguish between stress induced changes in ultrasonic velocity and changes due to material anisotropy, such as would be produced by preferred grain orientation in a polycrystalline metal As noted by previous authors, one such feature is the difference in velocity of two shear waves, whose directions of propagation and polarization have been interchanged. In particular, when these directions fall along the symmetry axes of a rolled plate (assuming orthorhombic symmetry) and these are also the directions of principal stress, then the theory predicts that ρ(V 12 2−V 21 2) = T1−T2 where ρ is the density, Vij is the velocity of a shear wave propagating along the i-axis and polarized along the j-axis, and Ti is a principal stress component. In addition to being independent of the degree of texture, this relationship has the advantage that no microstructurally dependent acoustoelastic coefficient is involved. The applicability of this prediction of continuum theory to heterogeneous engineering materials such as metal polycrystals is discussed using previously reported stress dependencies of ultrasonic velocities, and new experiments to answer some remaining questions are described. A possible configuration for using the effect to measure the value of a uniform stress in a plate of unknown texture is proposed