147 research outputs found

    How Groups Produce Higher-Quality Balanced Scorecards than Individuals

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    Many articles explain how to develop a balanced score card using groups, but the literature provides little insight about why groups are important. We gathered data from 12 groups involved in developing balanced score cards to determine how they use information suggested by their members. We found that the groups filter individual members\u27 poor ideas and carry through their worthy ideas to the group score card--although not all poor ideas are filtered and not all good ideas are carried forward. We also found some evidence that groups create innovative ideas but to a lesser extent than filtering and carrying through ideas. Our findings suggest that the outcome of the group process depends on the quality of the potential score cardobjectives and metrics that group members bring to the discussion. As such, entities that plan to develop a balanced scorecard in a group environment should ensure that the group contains a diverse set of individuals--each with different training, skills, and perspectives--to ensure that the group considers a large pool of good ideas

    Seasonal variability of the carbonate system and coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi at a Scottish Coastal Observatory monitoring site

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    Lack of information about carbonate chemistry in inshore waters is a ‘knowledge gap’ in assessing the impacts of changing carbonate chemistry on the marine environment. Assessing the response of calcifying phytoplankton to this changing carbonate chemistry requires a greater understanding of temporal variation. This study provides a description of the variability of carbonate parameters at a monitoring site in the eastern coast of Scotland. Four-years of monthly data were analysed to assess the diversity, abundance and morphometrics of coccolithophores in relation to carbonate chemistry and environmental variables. The seasonality in carbonate parameters reflected the seasonal cycle in phytoplankton activity, with higher total alkalinity concentrations and pH and lower dissolved inorganic carbon concentrations during the growing season. The dominant coccolithophore at the site was Emiliania huxleyi which showed a clear seasonal pattern, being more abundant in mid-summer when warmer and nutrient-depleted conditions restricted the annual diatom bloom. This study revealed the presence of three morphotypes of E. huxleyi, type A, type A overcalcified (type AO) and type B, which were seasonally distributed throughout the year. The less calcified form was mainly observed in spring while heavily calcified morphotypes overlapped during summer. Autumn and winter months were dominated by the most calcified form (type AO). These results indicate that the seasonal pattern of E. huxleyi morphotypes was not related to the carbonate concentration at the site. This study reflects the strong interannual variability in carbonate chemistry and the complexity associated with coccolithophore calcification, and highlights the need of long-term data to understand the potential impact of ocean acidification on calcifying phytoplankton

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    Levels of Arousal in Positive Moods: Effects on Motor Performance

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    Background: The use of simple preparatory methods, such as listening to relaxing music, may decrease negative emotions and enhance performance. The purpose of this research was to explore whether certain types of music, as a preparatory task, could enhance motor performance. Method: Fifty-six participants were randomly assigned to a condition before completing a pre and post-dexterity test using the Purdue Pegboard Test (PPT). Performance was assessed with the PPT and arousal of mood was assessed with the Affect Grid. During the postdexterity test, the participants heard no music or specific music based on their condition. The experimental conditions included listening to an uptempo Mozart sonata to elicit a high arousal, positive valence mood, or a down-tempo version of the same sonata to achieve a low arousal, positive valence mood. Results: ANOVAs showed a significant increase between pre and post-tests over time in participant arousal and performance. In addition, there was a significant interaction term between performance and gender, where women improved significantly more than men. Conclusion: The results suggest that the up-tempo and down tempo Mozart sonatas do not play a significant role in motor performance, yet gender significantly affects performance, regardless of the type of music

    Long-term low dose nitisinone therapy in adults with alkaptonuria shows no cognitive decline or increased severity of depression.

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    Little is documented on whether nitisinone-induced hypertyrosinaemia alters cognitive functioning or leads to worsening depression in alkaptonuria (AKU). Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-IV (WAIS-IV) and Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II) assessments were performed before and annually following treatment with nitisinone 2 mg daily to assess the impact on cognitive functioning and severity of depression. Serum tyrosine concentrations were also measured annually. WAIS-IV: 63 patients (27 females/36 males: mean age[years] [±standard deviation, range] 55.7[13.7, 26-79]; 60.3[9.6, 19-75]) were included at baseline for assessment of: verbal comprehension (VC), perceptual reasoning (PR), working memory (WM), and processing speed (PS) using separate indices. Over the 6-year period studied 43, 39, 36, 29, 26 and 15 patients had annual assessments. Using a longitudinal model (age and sex adjusted) no significant differences were observed in any of the indices over this period, apart from VC which showed a significant increase after adjustment for sex (p BDI-II: 74 patients (32 females/42 males: mean age[years] [±standard deviation, range] 56.1[13.2, 26-79]; 42 males, 51.5[16.3, 19-70]) were included at baseline. Over the 7-year period studied 48, 47, 38, 34, 32, 24 and 12 patients had annual assessments. No significant differences in BDI-II scores were observed when compared to baseline. Hypertyrosinaemia was observed in all patients following treatment with nitisinone (p < 0.001, at all annual visits). Serum tyrosine was not correlated with WAIS-IV sub-test indices or BDI-II scores pre- or post-nitisinone therapy. These findings suggest that treatment with nitisinone does not affect cognitive functioning and or lead to increased severity of depression

    Sexual health clinic attendance and non-attendance in Britain: findings from the third National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles (Natsal-3)

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    Objectives In Britain, sexual health clinics (SHCs) are the most common location for STI diagnosis but many people with STI risk behaviours do not attend. We estimate prevalence of SHC attendance and how this varies by sociodemographic and behavioural factors (including unsafe sex) and describe hypothetical service preferences for those reporting unsafe sex.Methods Complex survey analyses of data from Britain’s third National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles, a probability survey of 15 162 people aged 16–74 years, undertaken 2010–2012.Results Overall, recent attendance (past year) was highest among those aged 16–24 years (16.6% men, 22.4% women), decreasing with age (&lt;1.5% among those 45–74 years). Approximately 15% of sexually-active 16–74 year olds (n=1002 men; n=1253 women) reported ‘unsafe sex’ (condomless first sex with a new partner and/or >=2 partners and no condom use, past year); &gt;75% of these had not attended a SHC (past year). However, of non-attenders aged 16–44 years, 18.7% of men and 39.0% of women reported chlamydia testing (past year) with testing highest in women aged &lt;25 years. Of those aged 16–44 years reporting unsafe sex, the majority who reported previous SHC attendance would seek STI care there, whereas the majority who had not would use general practice.Conclusion While most reporting unsafe sex had not attended a SHC, many, particularly younger women, had tested for chlamydia suggesting engagement with sexual health services more broadly. Effective, diverse service provision is needed to engage those at-risk and ensure that they can attend services appropriate to their needs

    The Social Licence for Research:Why care.data Ran Into Trouble

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    In this article we draw on the concept of a social licence to explain public concern at the introduction of care.data, a recent English initiative designed to extract data from primary care medical records for commissioning and other purposes, including research. The concept of a social licence describes how the expectations of society regarding some activities may go beyond compliance with the requirements of formal regulation; those who do not fulfil the conditions for the social licence (even if formally compliant) may experience ongoing challenge and contestation. Previous work suggests that people's cooperation with specific research studies depends on their perceptions that their participation is voluntary and is governed by values of reciprocity, non-exploitation and service of the public good. When these conditions are not seen to obtain, threats to the social licence for research may emerge. We propose that care.data failed to adequately secure a social licence because of: (i) defects in the warrants of trust provided for care.data, (ii) the implied rupture in the traditional role, expectations and duties of general practitioners, and (iii) uncertainty about the status of care.data as a public good. The concept of a social licence may be useful in explaining the specifics of care.data, and also in reinforcing the more general lesson for policy-makers that legal authority does not necessarily command social legitimacy

    Ethnic variations in sexual behaviours and sexual health markers: findings from the third British National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles (Natsal-3).

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    BACKGROUND: Sexual health entails the absence of disease and the ability to lead a pleasurable and safe sex life. In Britain, ethnic inequalities in diagnoses of sexually transmitted infections (STI) persist; however, the reasons for these inequalities, and ethnic variations in other markers of sexual health, remain poorly understood. We investigated ethnic differences in hypothesised explanatory factors such as socioeconomic factors, substance use, depression, and sexual behaviours, and whether they explained ethnic variations in sexual health markers (reported STI diagnoses, attendance at sexual health clinics, use of emergency contraception, and sexual function). METHODS: We analysed probability survey data from Britain's third National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles (Natsal-3; n=15 162, conducted in 2010-12). Reflecting Britain's current ethnic composition, we included in our analysis participants who identified in 2011 as belonging to one of the following seven largest ethnic groups: white British, black Caribbean, black African, Indian, Pakistani, white other, and mixed ethnicity. We calculated age-standardised estimates and age-adjusted odds ratios for all explanatory factors and sexual health markers for all these ethnic groups with white British as the reference category. We used multivariable regression to examine the extent to which adjusting for explanatory factors explained ethnic variations in sexual health markers. FINDINGS: We included 14 563 (96·0%) of the 15 162 participants surveyed in Natsal-3. Greater proportions of black Caribbean, black African, and Pakistani people lived in deprived areas than those of other ethnic groups (36·9-55·3% vs 16·4-29·4%). Recreational drug use was highest among white other and mixed ethnicity groups (25·6-27·7% in men and 10·3-12·9% in women in the white other and mixed ethnicity groups vs 4·1-15·6% in men and 1·0-11·2% in women of other ethnicities). Compared with white British men, the proportions of black Caribbean and black African men reporting being sexually competent at sexual debut were lower (32·9% for black Caribbean and 21·9% for black African vs 47·4% for white British) and the number of partners in the past 5 years was greater (median 2 [IQR 1-4] for black Caribbean and 2 [1-5] for black African vs 1 [1-2] for white British), and although black Caribbean and black African men reported greater proportions of concurrent partnerships (26·5% for black Caribbean and 38·9% for black African vs 14·8% for white British), these differences were not significant after adjusting for age. Compared with white British women, the proportions of black African and mixed ethnicity women reporting being sexually competent were lower (18·0% for black African and 35·3% for mixed ethnicity vs 47·9% for white British), and mixed ethnicity women reported larger numbers of partners in the past 5 years (median 1 [IQR 1-4] vs 1 [1-2]) and greater concurrency (14·3% vs 8·0%). Reporting STI diagnoses was higher in black Caribbean men (8·7%) and mixed ethnicity women (6·7%) than white British participants (3·6% in men and 3·2% in women). Use of emergency contraception was most commonly reported among black Caribbean women (30·7%). Low sexual function was most common among women of white other ethnicity (30·1%). Adjustment for explanatory factors only partly explained inequalities among some ethnic groups relative to white British ethnicity but did not eliminate ethnic differences in these markers. INTERPRETATION: Ethnic inequalities in sexual health markers exist, and they were not fully explained by differences in their broader determinants. Holistic interventions addressing modifiable risk factors and targeting ethnic groups at risk of poor sexual health are needed. FUNDING: Medical Research Council, the Wellcome Trust, the Economic and Social Research Council, UK Department of Health, and The National Institute for Health Research

    STI Risk Perception in the British Population and How It Relates to Sexual Behaviour and STI Healthcare Use: Findings From a Cross-sectional Survey (Natsal-3).

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    BACKGROUND: We investigated how STI risk perception relates to behavioural STI risk and STI healthcare (sexual health clinic attendance/chlamydia testing) in the British population. METHODS: Natsal-3, a national probability-sample survey undertaken 2010-12, included 8397 sexually-active 16-44 year-olds. Participants rated their risk of STIs (excluding HIV) given their current sexual lifestyle. Urine from a randomly-selected sub-sample of participants (n = 4550) was tested for prevalent STIs (Chlamydia trachomatis, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Mycoplasma genitalium, Trichomonas vaginalis). FINDINGS: Most men (64% (95% CI: 62-66)) and women (73% (72-74)) rated themselves as not at all at risk of STIs, 30% (29-32) men and 23% (22-25) women self-rated as not very much, and 5% (5-6) men and 3% (3-4) women as greatly/quite a lot at risk. Although those reporting STI risk behaviours were more likely to perceive themselves as at risk, > 70% men and > 85% women classified as having had unsafe sex in the past year, and similar proportions of those with a prevalent STI, perceived themselves as not at all or not very much at risk. Increased risk perception was associated with greater STI healthcare-use (past year), although not after adjusting for sexual behaviour, indicating in a mediation analysis that risk perception was neither necessary or sufficient for seeking care Furthermore, 58% (48-67) men and 31% (22-41) women who had unsafe sex (past year) and rated themselves as greatly/quite a lot at risk had neither attended nor tested. INTERPRETATION: Many people at risk of STIs in Britain underestimated their risk, and many who correctly perceived themselves to be at risk had not recently accessed STI healthcare. Health promotion needs to address this mismatch and ensure that people access healthcare appropriate to their needs

    Trichomonas vaginalis infection is uncommon in the British general population: implications for clinical testing and public health screening.

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    INTRODUCTION: Variable use of new molecular assays, asymptomatic infections and a lack of population data mean that the population burden of Trichomonas vaginalis is uncertain. We investigated the age-specific prevalence of T. vaginalis within the sexually active British general population to inform testing strategies. METHODS: Britain's third National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyle (Natsal-3) is a probability sample survey of 15 162 individuals aged 16-74 years, undertaken during 2010-2012. Urine from 4386 participants aged 16-44 years reporting ≥1 lifetime sexual partner was tested for T. vaginalis using in-house real-time PCR. RESULTS: Urinary T. vaginalis was detected in seven women and no men providing urine samples, giving a weighted prevalence estimate of 0.3% (95% CI 0.1% to 0.5%) in sexually experienced women aged 16-44 years. Of the seven women with T. vaginalis detected, four were of black or mixed ethnicity (prevalence 2.7% (0.9% to 7.7%) in this group) and five reported recent partners of black or mixed ethnicity. Six of the women reported symptoms, and five reported sexual health clinic attendance in the past 5 years (prevalence in those reporting clinic attendance: 1.0% (0.4% to 2.3%)). The prevalence of a self-reported history of T. vaginalis (past 5 years) was 0.1% (0.0% to 0.2%) in women and 0.0% (0.0% to 0.2%) in men aged 16-44 years. CONCLUSIONS: Our British population prevalence estimates indicate that T. vaginalis is a rare infection. These data support policies that restrict asymptomatic screening for T. vaginalis and suggest deployment of molecular tests should be focused within clinical settings and guided by symptoms and local demography
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