3,866 research outputs found

    Effects of radiation on the leach rates of vitrified radioactive waste

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    This report reviews the possible effects of both radiation damage to the glass and of radiolysis of the leachant on the leaching behaviour of vitrified radioactive waste. It has been stimulated particularly by recent papers, which have suggested that the leach rates of glasses will be enhanced by large factors after a ‘critical’ dose of radiation from alpha decays. These experiments have been conducted at highly accelerated rates using ion beams. The relationship between these experiments and the situation in vitrified waste has been assessed, taking into account the fact that experiments using alpha emitters incorporated in the glass have failed to find significantly enhanced leach rates after doses about five times larger than those equivalent to this ‘critical’ dose. It is concluded that these differences are observed partly because the ion beam experiments are carried out at such high dose rates that some recovery effects important at lower rates do not come into play. In the case of experiments with 2 keV argon ions, surface effects other than genuine radiation damage must be taken into account. In practice, if water has penetrated the canister, vitrified waste will be irradiated in the presence of the leaching solution. Enhancements of the leach rate due to the transient effects of radiation in the solid are shown to be completely negligible. The effects of radiolysis of the leaching solution and of any air in contact with the solution have also been considered in some detail and related to recent experiments by McVay and Pederson. It is shown that these radiolysis effects will not lead to any situations requiring special precautions in practice, although changes in surface leach rate by small factors can be expected under some circumstances. Any effect of irradiation on leach rates must be seen in the context of a waste repository. Along with other studies we hold the view that the rate of loss of material will be limited by the access of water to the repository, and will therefore depend on the effective saturation solubility of the glass in the leachant, not on the leach rate as usually determined in laboratory tests. Radiation damage is not expected to change the saturation solubility by more than a factor of two or three

    Population receptive field estimates for motion-defined stimuli

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    The processing of motion changes throughout the visual hierarchy, from spatially restricted ‘local motion’ in early visual cortex to more complex large-field ‘global motion’ at later stages. Here we used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to examine spatially selective responses in these areas related to the processing of random-dot stimuli defined by differences in motion. We used population receptive field (pRF) analyses to map retinotopic cortex using bar stimuli comprising coherently moving dots. In the first experiment, we used three separate background conditions: no background dots (dot-defined bar-only), dots moving coherently in the opposite direction to the bar (kinetic boundary) and dots moving incoherently in random directions (global motion). Clear retinotopic maps were obtained for the bar-only and kinetic-boundary conditions across visual areas V1-V3 and in higher dorsal areas. For the global-motion condition, retinotopic maps were much weaker in early areas and became clear only in higher areas, consistent with the emergence of global-motion processing throughout the visual hierarchy. However, in a second experiment we demonstrate that this pattern is not specific to motion-defined stimuli, with very similar results for a transparent-motion stimulus and a bar defined by a static low-level property (dot size) that should have driven responses particularly in V1. We further exclude explanations based on stimulus visibility by demonstrating that the observed differences in pRF properties do not follow the ability of observers to localise or attend to these bar elements. Rather, our findings indicate that dorsal extrastriate retinotopic maps may primarily be determined by the visibility of the neural responses to the bar relative to the background response (i.e. neural signal-to-noise ratios) and suggests that claims about stimulus selectivity from pRF experiments must be interpreted with caution

    Widespread, routine occurrence of pharmaceuticals in sewage effluent, combined sewer overflows and receiving waters

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    Research addressing the occurrence, fate and effects of pharmaceuticals in the aquatic environment has expanded rapidly over the past two decades, primarily due to the development of improved chemical analysis methods. Significant research gaps still remain, however, including a lack of longer term, repeated monitoring of rivers, determination of temporal and spatial changes in pharmaceutical concentrations, and inputs from sources other than wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs), such as combined sewer overflows (CSOs). In addressing these gaps it was found that the five pharmaceuticals studied were routinely (51-94 % of the time) present in effluents and receiving waters at concentrations ranging from single ng to μg L-1. Mean concentrations were in the tens to hundreds ng L-1 range and CSOs appear to be a significant source of pharmaceuticals to water courses in addition to WWTPs. Receiving water concentrations varied throughout the day although there were no pronounced peaks at particular times. Similarly, concentrations varied throughout the year although no consistent patterns were observed. No dissipation of the study compounds was found over a 5 km length of river despite no other known inputs to the river. In conclusion, pharmaceuticals are routinely present in semi-rural and urban rivers and require management alongside more traditional pollutants

    Evidence and modeling of turbulence bifurcation in L-mode confinement transitions on Alcator C-Mod

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    © 2020 Author(s). Analysis and modeling of rotation reversal hysteresis experiments show that a single turbulent bifurcation is responsible for the Linear to Saturated Ohmic Confinement (LOC/SOC) transition and concomitant intrinsic rotation reversal on Alcator C-Mod. Plasmas on either side of the reversal exhibit different toroidal rotation profiles and therefore different turbulence characteristics despite the profiles of density and temperature, which are indistinguishable within measurement uncertainty. Elements of this bifurcation are also shown to persist for auxiliary heated L-modes. The deactivation of subdominant (in the linear growth rate and contribution to heat transport) ion temperature gradient and trapped electron mode instabilities is identified as the only possible change in turbulence within a reduced quasilinear transport model across the reversal, which is consistent with the measured profiles and inferred heat and particle fluxes. Experimental constraints on a possible change from strong to weak turbulence, outside the description of the quasilinear model, are also discussed. These results indicate an explanation for the LOC/SOC transition that provides a mechanism for the hysteresis through the dynamics of subdominant modes and changes in their relative populations and does not involve a change in the most linearly unstable ion-scale drift-wave instability

    Mimicry cannot explain rejection type in a host–brood parasite system

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Elsevier via the DOI in this recordOne of the most effective defensive strategies of hosts against brood parasites is rejection, commonly achieved by ejection of the parasitic egg or desertion of the parasitized nest. Nest desertion should be a costlier strategy than egg ejection, because birds must thesn spend additional time and energy renesting, and therefore we still cannot explain why some individuals desert their nests rather than eject parasitic eggs and continue a given breeding attempt. The great reed warbler, Acrocephalus arundinaceus, is a frequent host of the common cuckoo, Cuculus canorus, and is known to use both types of rejection response. By measuring cuckoo egg mimicry, we investigated the hypothesis that the hosts desert if they cannot reliably recognize the cuckoo egg in their nest. We predicted that we would find better mimicry when hosts deserted rather than ejected. However, we did not find a difference in mimicry between these two groups of nests, implying that host females do not desert because they cannot reliably recognize the parasitic egg. We also showed that neither the date in the season nor the age of the host females influenced the type of rejection. Other factors potentially eliciting nest desertion, including host personality, host, inability to eject, excessive clutch reduction and visibility of the cuckoo female at the host nest, are discussed. Finally, we suggest that desertion may persist as a host defensive strategy against brood parasitism because it is not as costly as previously assumed and/or it is beneficial for host females in good physical condition.Czech Science FoundationCzech Academy of SciencesNatural Environment Research Council (NERC

    Structure and Transport in Coatings from Multiscale Computed Tomography of Coatings-New Perspectives for Eelectrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy Modeling?

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    Computed Tomography (CT) is an approach that has been extensively applied in many areas of science from understanding structures in living organisms to materials science. In materials science, the study of structures within coatings presents challenges on at least two different levels. First, the structure of the coatings needs to be understood from the atomic scale, where dissolution reactions begin, up to length scales which cover the aggregation of inhibitors and other additives, which take place at ∼10−5 m, i.e. 4 to 5 orders of magnitude. CT is a favourable imaging technique since it allows multiscale information to be obtained non-destructively down to tens of nanometres. In this study X-ray absorption contrast imaging has been used to examine structures created using strontium chromate (SrCrO4) particles embedded in an epoxy film. It has been found that SrCrO4 particles can form clusters that extend a few hundred microns in the plane of the film, span the thickness of the film and have fractal characteristics. There are also volumes of low density epoxy of similar sizes and characteristics to the SrCrO4 clusters. The SrCrO4 clusters have a strong influence on the leaching behaviour since the release changes with time. Initially, leaching is controlled by direct dissolution but, as the clusters dissolve, the release is dominated by the fractal dimension of the cluster. The dissolved clusters leave behind voids filled with electrolyte that provide alternative transport pathways for corrosive ions through the polymer. In this paper, the nature of these clusters will be reviewed and the implication for transport properties and electrochemical assessment will be explored

    Two decades since the fetal insulin hypothesis: what have we learned from genetics?

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    This is the final version. Available from Springer via the DOI in this record. Data availability: This review did not generate any new data.In 1998 the fetal insulin hypothesis proposed that lower birthweight and adult-onset type 2 diabetes are two phenotypes of the same genotype. Since then, advances in research investigating the role of genetics affecting insulin secretion and action have furthered knowledge of fetal insulin-mediated growth and the biology of type 2 diabetes. In this review, we discuss the historical research context from which the fetal insulin hypothesis originated and consider the position of the hypothesis in light of recent evidence. In summary, there is now ample evidence to support the idea that variants of certain genes which result in impaired pancreatic beta cell function and reduced insulin secretion contribute to both lower birthweight and higher type 2 diabetes risk in later life when inherited by the fetus. There is also evidence to support genetic links between type 2 diabetes secondary to reduced insulin action and lower birthweight but this applies only to loci implicated in body fat distribution and not those influencing insulin resistance via obesity or lipid metabolism by the liver. Finally, we also consider how advances in genetics are being used to explore alternative hypotheses, namely the role of the maternal intrauterine environment, in the relationship between lower birthweight and adult cardiometabolic disease.Wellcome TrustNational Institute of Health Research (NIHR)Royal Societ

    Platinum group metals: A review of resources, production and usage with a focus on catalysts

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    The major applications of PGMs are as catalysts in automotive industry, petroleum refin-ing, environmental (gas remediation), industrial chemical production (e.g., ammonia production, fine chemicals), electronics, and medical fields. As the next generation energy technologies for hydrogen production, such as electrolysers and fuel cells for stationary and transport applications, become mature, the demand for PGMs is expected to further increase. Reserves and annual production of Ru, Rh, Pd, Ir, and Pt have been determined and reported. Based on currently available re-sources, there is around 200 years lifetime based on current demand for all PGMs, apart from Pd, which may be closer to 100 years. Annual primary production of 190 t/a for Pt and 217 t/a for Pd, in combination with recycling of 65.4 t/a for Pt and 97.2 t/a for Pd, satisfies current demand. By far, the largest demand for PGMs is for all forms of catalysis, with the largest demand in auto catalysis. In fact, the biggest driver of demand and price for Pt, Pd, and Rh, in particular, is auto emission regu-lation, which has driven auto-catalyst design. Recovery of PGMs through recycling is generally good, but some catalytic processes, particularly auto-catalysis, result in significant dissipation. In the US, about 70% of the recycling stream from the end-of-life vehicles is a significant source of global secondary PGMs recovered from spent auto-catalyst. The significant use of PGMs in the large global auto industry is likely to continue, but the long-term transition towards electric vehicles will alter demand profiles

    Significant reductions in human visual gamma frequency by the gaba reuptake inhibitor tiagabine revealed by robust peak frequency estimation

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    The frequency of visual gamma oscillations is determined by both the neuronal excitation-inhibition balance and the time constants of GABAergic processes. The gamma peak frequency has been linked to sensory processing, cognitive function, cortical structure, and may have a genetic contribution. To disentangle the intricate relationship among these factors, accurate and reliable estimates of peak frequency are required. Here, a bootstrapping approach that provides estimates of peak frequency reliability, thereby increasing the robustness of the inferences made on this parameter was developed. The method using both simulated data and real data from two previous pharmacological MEG studies of visual gamma with alcohol and tiagabine was validated. In particular, the study by Muthukumaraswamy et al. [] (Neuropsychopharmacology 38(6):1105-1112), in which GABAergic enhancement by tiagabine had previously demonstrated a null effect on visual gamma oscillations, contrasting with strong evidence from both animal models and very recent human studies was re-evaluated. After improved peak frequency estimation and additional exclusion of unreliably measured data, it was found that the GABA reuptake inhibitor tiagabine did produce, as predicted, a marked decrease in visual gamma oscillation frequency. This result demonstrates the potential impact of objective approaches to data quality control, and provides additional translational evidence for the mechanisms of GABAergic transmission generating gamma oscillations in humans. Hum Brain Mapp, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc

    Generalist camouflage can be more successful than microhabitat specialisation in natural environments

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    This is the final version. Available from BMC via the DOI in this record. The data and code supporting this publication are openly available on the Open Science Framework repository at: https://osf.io/6p2fw/Background: Crypsis by background-matching is a critical form of anti-predator defence for animals exposed to visual predators, but achieving effective camouflage in patchy and variable natural environments is not straightforward. To cope with heterogeneous backgrounds, animals could either specialise on particular microhabitat patches, appearing cryptic in some areas but mismatching others, or adopt a compromise strategy, providing partial matching across different patch types. Existing studies have tested the effectiveness of compromise strategies in only a limited set of circumstances, primarily with small targets varying in pattern, and usually in screen-based tasks. Here, we measured the detection risk associated with different background-matching strategies for relatively large targets, with human observers searching for them in natural scenes, and focusing on colour. Model prey were designed to either ‘specialise’ on the colour of common microhabitat patches, or ‘generalise’ by matching the average colour of the whole visual scenes. Results: In both the field and an equivalent online computer-based search task, targets adopting the generalist strategy were more successful in evading detection than those matching microhabitat patches. This advantage occurred because, across all possible locations in these experiments, targets were typically viewed against a patchwork of different microhabitat areas; the putatively generalist targets were thus more similar on average to their various immediate surroundings than were the specialists. Conclusions: Demonstrating close agreement between the results of field and online search experiments provides useful validation of online citizen science methods commonly used to test principles of camouflage, at least for human observers. In finding a survival benefit to matching the average colour of the visual scenes in our chosen environment, our results highlight the importance of relative scales in determining optimal camouflage strategies, and suggest how compromise coloration can succeed in nature.Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research CouncilQineti
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