56,832 research outputs found

    Far-infrared investigation of the Taurus star-forming region using the IRAS database

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    The Infrared Astronomical Satellite (IRAS) has given us the first completely unbiased sky-survey in the far-infrared with wavebands centered at 12, 25, 60 and 100 microns. The Taurus-Auriga complex was selected as the first molecular cloud to be investigated in this study. The Taurus clouds were defined as lying between 04h and 05h in R.A. and +16 to +31 degrees in Dec., then the IRAS point-source catalogue was searched for sources with good or moderate quality fluxes in all three of the shortest IRAS bands. The sources which were selected in this way were then classified into subgroups according to their IRAS colors. Taurus is generally believed to be an area of low-mass star formation, having no luminous O-B associations within or near to the cloud complex. Once field stars, galaxies and planetary nebulae had been removed from the sample only the molecular cloud cores, T Tauri stars and a few emission-line A and B stars remained. The great majority of these objects are pre-main sequence in nature and, as stated by Chester (1985), main sequence stars without excess far-infrared emission would only be seen in Taurus if their spectral types were earlier than about A5 and then not 25 microns. By choosing our sample in this way we are naturally selecting the hotter and thus more evolved sources. To counteract this, the molecular cloud core-criterion was applied to soruces with good or moderate quality flux at 25, 60 and 100 microns, increasing the core sample by about one third. The candidate protostar B335 is only detected by IRAS at 60 and 100 microns while Taurus is heavily contaminated by cirrus at 100 microns. This means that detection at 25 microns is also required with those at 60 and 100 microns to avoid confusing a ridge of cirrus with a genuine protostar. The far-infrared luminosity function of these sources is then calculated and converted to the visual band by a standard method to compare with the field star luminosity function of Miller and Scalo. The eventual aim of this work is to obtain far-infrared luminosity functions for a number of molecular clouds which are known to be forming low-mass stars and to investigate how the slope is affected by changes in the density and turbulence of material

    Monitoring Challenges and Approaches for P2P File-Sharing Systems

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    Since the release of Napster in 1999, P2P file-sharing has enjoyed a dramatic rise in popularity. A 2000 study by Plonka on the University of Wisconsin campus network found that file-sharing accounted for a comparable volume of traffic to HTTP, while a 2002 study by Saroiu et al. on the University of Washington campus network found that file-sharing accounted for more than treble the volume of Web traffic observed, thus affirming the significance of P2P in the context of Internet traffic. Empirical studies of P2P traffic are essential for supporting the design of next-generation P2P systems, informing the provisioning of network infrastructure and underpinning the policing of P2P systems. The latter is of particular significance as P2P file-sharing systems have been implicated in supporting criminal behaviour including copyright infringement and the distribution of illegal pornograph

    Visitor perceptions of captive wildlife tourism in a Western Australian natural setting

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    Wildlife tourism involves a broad sweep of experiences that includes all of the aspects of the tourism genre with the distinguishing feature of animals as the primary attraction. The uniqueness of Australian wildlife in combination with factors such as remoteness and rarity appear to have provided the ideal context for successful wildlife tourism operations. Barna Mia, located in a large remnant woodland in the central southern wheatbelt of Western Australia, is approximately 165 km southeast of the state's capital, Perth. Dryandra Woodland, the location of Banra Mia consists of a closely grouped and connected cluster of native remnant vegetation blocks. The enclosure is surrounded by electrified, vermin proof fencing to keep feral predators out and the captive fauna in. The results of the visitor survey at Barna Mia suggested the experience provided a great sense of satisfaction amongst respondents. This was both in terms of the overall satisfaction as well as satisfaction with specific parts of the experience. The feeling of being 'in the wild' may have been enhanced by the lack of barriers between visitors and the animals and the absence of constraints on animal movement through the enclosure. Improving the operation of Barna Mia as an attraction in itself and as part of the Dryandra Woodland product may serve to improve its success as an attraction. However, an innately attractive tourism experience cannot work without appropriate integration within the specific wildlife tourism product of Dryandra Woodland, while coordination with tourism on a regional scale is also important

    The energy dependence of p_t angular correlations inferred from mean-p_t fluctuation scale dependence in heavy ion collisions at the SPS and RHIC

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    We present the first study of the energy dependence of pt angular correlations inferred from event-wisemean transverse momentum (pt) fluctuations in heavy ion collisions. We compare our large-acceptancemeasurements at CM energies āˆš^sNN = 19.6, 62.4, 130 and 200 GeV to SPS measurements at 12.3 and 17.3 GeV. p_t angular correlation structure suggests that the principal source of p_t correlations and fluctuations is minijets (minimum-bias parton fragments). We observe a dramatic increase in correlations and fluctuations from SPS to RHIC energies, increasing linearly with ln āˆš^sNN from the onset of observable jet-related (p_t) fluctuations near 10 GeV
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