177 research outputs found

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    Lise og Jørgen Huggler udfolder sig som en minutiøs kommentar til Hegels Fortale til Phänomenologie des Geistes. Der frembringes en oplysende oversigt over Fortalens indhold og centrale temaer er: Polemikken, Begrebets element, den ræsonnerende versus den spekulative tænkning, tanken om Ånd samt fænomenologiens funktion i Fortalens perspektiv

    To anmærkninger om Spinoza fra G. W. F. Hegels Wissenschaft der Logik

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    De to bemærkninger om Spinoza fra G.W.F. Hegels Wissenschaft der Logik, tilgængelige på dansk i en oversættelse af Jørgen Huggler, som også introducerer til teksten, indeholder i kondenseret og abstrakt, spekulativ form hovedparten af elementerne i den mere udviklede filosofihistoriske (og historiefilosofiske) Spinoza-analyse, som man finder i Hegels kursus om Spinoza i forelæsningerne over filosofiens historie

    The inhibition of neutrophil antibacterial activity by ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene particles.

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    Following infection, bacterial killing by polymorphonuclear leukocytes (neutrophils) is the main host defense against bacteria. Our hypothesis is that particles of ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWP) may impair local neutrophil function and consequently reduce neutrophil bacterial killing. To determine how the in vitro phagocytic-bactericidal activity of neutrophils was affected by exposure to wear particles, tests were run comparing the effects of different particle composition, and different concentrations and sizes of UHMWP particles. There was a significant correlation between the number of particles and the decrease in neutrophil bactericidal activity (p<0.01), and the greatest effect was obtained with a concentration of 10(7) UHMWP/ml. There was a significant decrease in neutrophil bactericidal activity by incubation with particles of 0.1-5 microm (p<0.01), but not with larger size. The results suggest that neutrophil functional defects triggered by the presence of UHMWP particles may potentially contribute to the susceptibility of loose implants to bacterial infections

    Erkendelse i undervisningssammenhæng

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    This paper examines Knud Grue-Sørensen’s discussion of knowledge as a basic concept in an educational context.In particular, I explore his notions of clarity, justifi cation and truth, and their implications for a moderaterealist position. In addition, I highlight Grue-Sørensen’s reflections on the inevitable lack of sufficient evidencein educational communication processes, where, despite personal observation and even proof, remaining theideal, there are many things both teachers and pupils must accept as a given

    Performance regression testing of concurrent classes

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    Developers of thread-safe classes struggle with two oppos-ing goals. The class must be correct, which requires syn-chronizing concurrent accesses, and the class should pro-vide reasonable performance, which is difficult to realize in the presence of unnecessary synchronization. Validating the performance of a thread-safe class is challenging because it requires diverse workloads that use the class, because ex-isting performance analysis techniques focus on individual bottleneck methods, and because reliably measuring the per-formance of concurrent executions is difficult. This paper presents SpeedGun, an automatic performance regression testing technique for thread-safe classes. The key idea is to generate multi-threaded performance tests and to com-pare two versions of a class with each other. The analysis notifies developers when changing a thread-safe class signif-icantly influences the performance of clients of this class. An evaluation with 113 pairs of classes from popular Java projects shows that the analysis effectively identifies 13 per-formance differences, including performance regressions that the respective developers were not aware of

    John Deweys kritik af liberal education

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    The paper deals with John Dewey’s aversion against liberal education and his concern about a ‘dual track’ educational system separating liberal education and vocational education. It investigates the reason why Dewey maintains that the philosophical ‘dualisms’ culminates in the question on vocation

    Role of Bacterial Exopolymers and Host Factors on Adherence and Phagocytosis of Staphylococcus aureus in Foreign Body Infection

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    Using a previously developed guinea pig model of foreign body infection, we examined ultrastructural and functional surface alterations of Staphylococcus aureus strain Wood 46 during the early phase of infection. Exopolymer-free bacteria were prepared and inoculated into subcutaneously implanted tissue cages. After three hours, the bacteria showed abundant capsular and intercellular exopolymers, which were visualized by transmission electron microscopy. Exopolymers were also produced by S. aureus exposed in vitro to fluid from the tissue cage. In contrast, human serum albumin prevented exopolymer production by S. aureus. The influence of exopolymers on the susceptibility of S. aureus to ingestion and phagocytic killing by neutrophils was tested in vitro and found to be negligible. Furthermore, adherence of S. aureus to fibronectin-coated surfaces was unaffected by the presence or absence of exopolymers. Thus, in our experimental model, exopolymers are produced early during the onset of infection, but they have little impact on adherence and phagocytosi


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    Mindeord om Thyge-Winther Jense

    Contribution of Tumor Necrosis Factor to Host Defense against Staphylococci in a Guinea Pig Model of Foreign Body Infections

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    The contribution of the cytokine tumor necrosis factor (cachectin; TNF) to host defenses against staphylococcal foreign body infections was studied in vivo. In tissue cages subcutaneously implanted into guinea pigs, progressive infection was initiated by a very low inoculum (100 cfu) of Staphylococcus aureus with a success rate of 100%, as is frequently encountered in related clinical situations. Locally injected autologous bacterial components derived from the cell wall of S. aureus, in particular peptidoglycan, were very active in raising TNF levels in tissue cage fluid and in preventing the development of infection by the 100% infective dose of the test strain. Furthermore, injection of murine recombinant TNF into tissue cages could substitute for the bacterial components in preventing experimental infection by S. aureus. The protective effect of TNF-eliciting bacterial components could be neutralized by anti-TNF antibodies. A local increase in TNF levels might improve host defenses against staphylococcal foreign body infection
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