152 research outputs found

    Impactanalyses en duurzaamheidstransities in Vlaanderen: reflectie & pilootoefening

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    In deze TRADO-paper trachten we het debat te voeden inzake de functie(s) van een impactanalyse voor duurzame ontwikkeling in de context van duurzaamheidstransities. Daarbij analyseren we de opportuniteiten en knelpunten voor het gebruik van de SIA Quick Scan als instrument voor impactanalyse voor duurzame ontwikkeling in Vlaanderen via een gevalstudie rond het Vlaamse Beleidsplan Ruimte. Enkele reflecties hierbij bevatten beleidsaanbevelingen m.b.t. de toepassing van impactanalyse voor duurzame ontwikkeling in Vlaanderen

    Note commission sustainable higher education

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    Sustainability assessment and indicators: tools in a decision-making strategy for sustainable development

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    Recognizing the urgent need for sustainability, we argue that to move beyond the rhetoric and to actually realize sustainable development, it must be considered as a decision-making strategy. We demonstrate that sustainability assessment and sustainability indicators can be powerful decision-supporting tools that foster sustainable development by addressing three sustainability decision-making challenges: interpretation, information-structuring, and influence. Particularly, since the 1990s many substantial and often promising sustainability assessment and sustainability indicators efforts are made. However, better practices and a broader shared understanding are still required. We aim to contribute to that objective by adopting a theoretical perspective that frames SA and SI in the context of sustainable development as a decision-making strategy and that introduces both fields along several essential aspects in a structured and comparable manner
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