60 research outputs found

    Recovery from alcohol dependence: do smoking indicators predict abstinence?

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    Background and Objectives: There is inconsistent evidence about the potential influence of smoking on recovery from alcohol dependence. Our study aimed at assessing the impact of smoking-behavior on relapse during a 12 months follow-up period following a detoxification in patients with Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD). Methods: Three hundred Patients with AUD (74.9% smoking) were recruited from two inpatient detoxification units in psychiatric hospitals in Germany and their alcohol consumption was prospectively followed for 1 year. Data on different indicators of smoking behavior was gathered. Cox regression model was used to evaluate potential risk factors on time to relapse of alcohol consumption. Two hundred seventy-nine participants (n = 279) were included in the final analysis. Results: Smoking increased the risk for alcohol relapse (hazard ratio = 3.962, 95% CI 1.582–9.921). However, this increased risk is slightly reduced with higher numbers of daily consumed cigarettes (hazard ratio per cigarette = .986, 95% CI .976–.995). Conclusion: Smoking reduced the probability of maintaining alcohol abstinence significantly, whereas higher number of cigarettes smoked daily diminished the increased risk of alcohol relapse in alcoholdependent patients. Scientific Significance: Coordinated psychiatric and substance abuse interventions for different subgroups of patients with AUD in the post-acute treatment phase are necessary. Individualized treatment planning is especially important in smoking patients with AUD who are vulnerable for a relapse to alcohol drinking and for somatic complications. Our findings might support individualized treatment plans. (Am J Addict 2017;26:366–373

    An ex vivo system to study cellular dynamics underlying mouse peri-implantation development

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    マウスの着床期の胚発生を三次元で再現することに成功. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2022-02-09.Upon implantation, mammalian embryos undergo major morphogenesis and key developmental processes such as body axis specification and gastrulation. However, limited accessibility obscures the study of these crucial processes. Here, we develop an ex vivo Matrigel-collagen-based culture to recapitulate mouse development from E4.5 to E6.0. Our system not only recapitulates embryonic growth, axis initiation, and overall 3D architecture in 49% of the cases, but its compatibility with light-sheet microscopy also enables the study of cellular dynamics through automatic cell segmentation. We find that, upon implantation, release of the increasing tension in the polar trophectoderm is necessary for its constriction and invagination. The resulting extra-embryonic ectoderm plays a key role in growth, morphogenesis, and patterning of the neighboring epiblast, which subsequently gives rise to all embryonic tissues. This 3D ex vivo system thus offers unprecedented access to peri-implantation development for in toto monitoring, measurement, and spatiotemporally controlled perturbation, revealing a mechano-chemical interplay between extra-embryonic and embryonic tissues

    Embryo-uterine interaction coordinates mouse embryogenesis during implantation

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    Embryo implantation into the uterus marks a key transition in mammalian development. In mice, implantation is mediated by the trophoblast and is accompanied by a morphological transition from the blastocyst to the egg cylinder. However, the roles of trophoblast‐uterine interactions in embryo morphogenesis during implantation are poorly understood due to inaccessibility in utero and the remaining challenges to recapitulate it ex vivo from the blastocyst. Here, we engineer a uterus‐like microenvironment to recapitulate peri‐implantation development of the whole mouse embryo ex vivo and reveal essential roles of the physical embryo‐uterine interaction. We demonstrate that adhesion between the trophoblast and the uterine matrix is required for in utero‐like transition of the blastocyst to the egg cylinder. Modeling the implanting embryo as a wetting droplet links embryo shape dynamics to the underlying changes in trophoblast adhesion and suggests that the adhesion‐mediated tension release facilitates egg cylinder formation. Light‐sheet live imaging and the experimental control of the engineered uterine geometry and trophoblast velocity uncovers the coordination between trophoblast motility and embryo growth, where the trophoblast delineates space for embryo morphogenesis

    Narrative Delikatessen : kulturelle Dimensionen von Ernährung

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    Die im ersten Band der neuen "Schriftenreihe für Kulturökologie und Literaturdidaktik" versammelten "Narrativen Delikatessen" eröffnen ein breites Spektrum kultureller Dimensionen von Ernährung und stecken damit ein neues Forschungsgebiet ab, das im Zuge globaler Ernährungskrisen von immer größerer Relevanz ist. Die Beiträge untersuchen literarische, mediale und künstlerische Darstellungen von Ernährung in diachroner und synchroner Perspektive und legen komplexe Wechselwirkungen zwischen gesellschaftlichen und ästhetisch transformierten Diskursen offen. Dezidierte Mikroanalysen einzelner Texte stehen dabei neben überblicksartigen Untersuchungen zu spezifischen Motiven oder kulturellen Konstanten in der Inszenierung von Essen. Durch interdisziplinäre Verschränkungen gehen die Betrachtungen über den literaturwissenschaftlichen Tellerrand hinaus und erweitern die Forschungsperspektiven zum Themenkomplex Ernährung auf vielfältige Weise

    Cross-sectional seroprevalence surveys of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in children in Germany, June 2020 to May 2021

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    The rate of SARS-CoV-2 infections in children remains unclear due to many asymptomatic cases. We present a study of cross-sectional seroprevalence surveys of anti-SARS-CoV-2 IgG in 10,358 children recruited in paediatric hospitals across Germany from June 2020 to May 2021. Seropositivity increased from 2.0% (95% CI 1.6, 2.5) to 10.8% (95% CI 8.7, 12.9) in March 2021 with little change up to May 2021. Rates increased by migrant background (2.8%, 4.4% and 7.8% for no, one and two parents born outside Germany). Children under three were initially 3.6 (95% CI 2.3, 5.7) times more likely to be seropositive with levels equalising later. The ratio of seropositive cases per recalled infection decreased from 8.6 to 2.8. Since seropositivity exceeds the rate of recalled infections considerably, serologic testing may provide a more valid estimate of infections, which is required to assess both the spread and the risk for severe outcomes of SARS-CoV-2 infections

    Embryo-uterine interaction coordinates mouse embryogenesis during implantation

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    Embryo implantation into the uterus marks a key transition in mammalian development. In mice, implantation is mediated by the trophoblast and is accompanied by a morphological transition from the blastocyst to the egg cylinder. However, the roles of trophoblast-uterine interactions in embryo morphogenesis during implantation are poorly understood due to inaccessibility in utero and the remaining challenges to recapitulate it ex vivo from the blastocyst. Here, we engineer a uterus-like microenvironment to recapitulate peri-implantation development of the whole mouse embryo ex vivo and reveal essential roles of the physical embryo-uterine interaction. We demonstrate that adhesion between the trophoblast and the uterine matrix is required for in utero-like transition of the blastocyst to the egg cylinder. Modeling the implanting embryo as a wetting droplet links embryo shape dynamics to the underlying changes in trophoblast adhesion and suggests that the adhesion-mediated tension release facilitates egg cylinder formation. Light-sheet live imaging and the experimental control of the engineered uterine geometry and trophoblast velocity uncovers the coordination between trophoblast motility and embryo growth, where the trophoblast delineates space for embryo morphogenesis

    Helden in der Schule. Akten der Tagung Kloster Banz 2014

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    Ausgehend von der Feststellung, dass die Integration mittelalterlicher Texte im Deutschunterricht in der Schulpraxis weitgehend ein Desiderat darstellt, präsentierten Beitragende aus Schule und Wissenschaft bei der Tagung „Helden in der Schule“ im Oktober 2014 ihre Projekte und Ideen zu und Erfahrungen mit der Implementation germanistisch-mediävistischer Inhalte im Deutschunterricht. Dabei reichen die Beiträge von allgemeinen Überlegungen zum Nutzen mittelalterlicher Literatur in der Schule über konkrete Unterrichtsentwürfe bis hin zur Umsetzung in der Waldorfschule und der Integration schulbezogener Lehrveranstaltungen in der Universität. Bei aller Verschiedenheit in den Herangehensweisen wird in allen Beiträgen eindrucksvoll deutlich gemacht, dass mittelalterliche Literatur auch im 21. Jahrhundert überaus lohnend in die Unterrichtspraxis einbezogen werden kann.Since medieval texts are not treated enough in school, lecturers working in school and university presented their projects, ideas and experiences concerning the implementation of German-mediavistic contents in German school lessons during the conference “Heroes in School” in October 2014. The topics concern general reflection about the profitability of medieval literature in school, concrete lesson plans, the implementation in Rudolf Steiner schools, the integration of seminars in university that deal with the work in school etc. All articles demonstrate that the integration of medieval literature in school worth the effort – also in the 21st century

    Impact of Single Links in Competitive Percolation -- How complex networks grow under competition

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    How a complex network is connected crucially impacts its dynamics and function. Percolation, the transition to extensive connectedness upon gradual addition of links, was long believed to be continuous but recent numerical evidence on "explosive percolation" suggests that it might as well be discontinuous if links compete for addition. Here we analyze the microscopic mechanisms underlying discontinuous percolation processes and reveal a strong impact of single link additions. We show that in generic competitive percolation processes, including those displaying explosive percolation, single links do not induce a discontinuous gap in the largest cluster size in the thermodynamic limit. Nevertheless, our results highlight that for large finite systems single links may still induce observable gaps because gap sizes scale weakly algebraically with system size. Several essentially macroscopic clusters coexist immediately before the transition, thus announcing discontinuous percolation. These results explain how single links may drastically change macroscopic connectivity in networks where links add competitively.Comment: non-final version, for final see Nature Physics homepag

    Streptococcus agalactiae clones infecting humans were selected and fixed through the extensive use of tetracycline

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    Streptococcus agalactiae (Group B Streptococcus, GBS) is a commensal of the digestive and genitourinary tracts of humans that emerged as the leading cause of bacterial neonatal infections in Europe and North America during the 1960s. Due to the lack of epidemiological and genomic data, the reasons for this emergence are unknown. Here we show by comparative genome analysis and phylogenetic reconstruction of 229 isolates that the rise of human GBS infections corresponds to the selection and worldwide dissemination of only a few clones. The parallel expansion of the clones is preceded by the insertion of integrative and conjugative elements conferring tetracycline resistance (TcR). Thus, we propose that the use of tetracycline from 1948 onwards led in humans to the complete replacement of a diverse GBS population by only few TcR clones particularly well adapted to their host, causing the observed emergence of GBS diseases in neonates. \ua9 2014 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved

    Blockbuster Middle Ages. Proceedings of the Postgraduate Conference Bamberg 2015

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    Im Mittelpunkt des aus einer im Jahr 2015 in Bamberg abgehaltenen Nachwuchstagung hervorgegangenen Bandes steht die Mittelalterrezeption in filmischen und seriellen Großproduktionen. Der Blockbuster-Begriff spielt dabei insofern eine wichtige Rolle, als er die mediale Ware ‚Mittelalter‘ sowohl von Produktions- als auch Publikumsseite in den Blick nimmt, die beide an der Erzeugung des Phänomens ‚Blockbuster‘ beteiligt sind. Dass seit dem Aufkommen solcher finanziell hochaufwändigen, auf spektakuläre Schauwerte setzenden Produktionen in den 50er- und 60er Jahren kaum ein Jahr vergangen ist, in denen die Major-Studios nicht einen Mittelalterfilm ‚Marke Hollywood‘ veröffentlicht haben, lässt auf ein anhaltendes ökonomisches Potential mittelalterbezogener Produktionen und damit auf eine stabile Beliebtheit auf Seiten der Rezipienten schließen. Den Gesetzen von Angebot und Nachfrage folgend, beeinflusst das globale Kinopublikum damit zwar einerseits den Filmmarkt mit, gleichzeitig prägen, transportieren und perpetuieren die dadurch entstehenden, international mit großer Reichweite verbreiteten Filme das Mittelalterbild ihrer ZuschauerInnen stark. Die 21 Beiträge des Tagungsbandes widmen sich dem Phänomen ‚Mittelalter im Blockbusterkino‘ inhaltlich, beschäftigen sich aber auch mit der Notwendigkeit seiner Reflexion und den Bedingungen seines gewinnbringenden Einsatzes in Lehre und Unterricht